Bayfield County WIGenWeb1895 census of Iron River WI |
Head of household only is named; also given are number of persons of each gender and race in the household and the number from each of nine countries of nativity. Spelling is creative and it’s open to interpretation. Taken June 20, 1895; state census. Total in town: 2,624. Extracted from Family History Library microfilm # 1,032,705, which contains the entire census for both Bayfield and Ashland counties. | ||
Abrahamson, Gus Abramson, ? Abramson, Charley Abramson, Gust Abramson, Oscar Adalf, John Ahnstad, W.A. Ajala, Jonas Ajala, Thos Aker, A. Alcott, C. Alin, Peter Allister, Wm Anderson, Adolf Anderson, Andrew Anderson, Andrew Anderson, Axel Anderson, Chas Anderson, Erick Anderson, John Anderson, Matt Anderson, Nels Anderson, P. Anderson, S. Anderson, W.P. Andre, Joe Andrews, L.M. Andrews, Mrs. G.L. Antonson, Chas Antonson, Fred Aranger, Oliver Arcaneau, Joe Armbrengter, John Arnson, J. Arsenau, Alfred Arseneau, Geo Auger, Jerry Augusta, Ella B. Augusta, H.H. Auronson, Chas Baker, Fred Ballie or Battie, J.A. Barber, Mrs. Bard, S.P. Bard, Wm Barin, Sophia Bark, Lily A. Barker, W.W. Barker, Wm Barnes, Geo S. Barney, Sam Barry, John Basell, Eric Bassed, Frank Bateman, E. Browe, Henery Bateman, John Battie or Ballie, J.A. Battle, J.C. Battle, Jas Beams, Geo Beams, Iasac Bean or Beau, William Bearean, Lawrence Beaton, Dan Beau or Bean, William Beedau, W.E. Bell, E. Bell, Richard Bell, T.A. Bellemore, Joe Belmoee, Joe Benson, David Bergeom, Moses Bergstran, Chas Bergstrom, Chas Bernard, Amel Berry, K.J. Berry, Katie Berry, Kimble Birgen, Archie Birke (?), Ole J. Bishop, Frank Bishop, Paul Black, Wm Bohn, W.G. Boland, W.A. Bonfill, L.S. Borton, John Bousley, ? Bouyneau, Alice Bowen, Geo Bowman, Jno Boyd, Chas Boyed, Robt Boyes, C.O. Bracke, Gilmar Brady, John B. Brandis, Henry Brarlet, Theo Brevig, Peter Briggs, Chas Broadbent, Jas. Brodrick, R.J. Brooking, S.P. Brooks, C.C. Brooman, Chas Brooman, Gust Brosseau, Harry Brown, Fred Brown, Jacob Brown, John Brown, W.H. Brushey, Harry Buck, R.E. Buff, Samuel Burdur, L.W. Burgeon, Geo Burgess, Geo Burrows, WB. Busall, Eric Bush, J. Butters, David Buttlers, Jas Cahill, Patrick Calkin, Ira Cameron, Eugene Camon, F.M. Campbell, ?H. Campbell, Chas Campbell, H.R. Campbell, James Campbell, M.J. Campbell, O.H. Campbell, S.D. Caran or Coran, Geo Carcy, ?E. Cardinal, M. Cardon, Frank Carfield or Curfield, Geo Carkan, Andrew Carlson, August Carlson, Chas Carlson, Claus Carlson, Nels Carlson, V. Carr, W.S. Casey, Hanna Chabinau, Mrs. Chapman, Jas Chase, D.B. Cherland, Ed Christenson, Hans Chrovre, John Church, A. Church, Wm Chuson (?), Henry Clark, C.V. Clark, D.S. Clark, Wm Clark, Wm Clumba, Grace Cochran, Geo W. Cochrane, Ambrose Cochrane, Miles Cochren, Thos Codman, Albert Cody, Jas Coffey, Pat (?) Coleman, Wm Comroe or Cornroe, John Conley, Wm Connall, Jno A. Connell, Archie Conners, Chas Conners, James Connors, John Connors, John Connors, John Conway, John Coran or Caran, Geo Cornelia, Dan Cornroe or Comroe, John Corsette, Proffesor Cox, Ira Cripps, Jas Crisp, C.S. Cross, Thos C. Cultarch, William Curfield or Carfield, Geo Curry, Archie Cushing, C.E. Cyphers, John Cyre, Jno Dabel, Louis Dach, John Dadachand, Geo Dahl, Andrew Dahl, Fred Dahl, Frithiof Dahl, H Dahl, Harry Daly, A. Daly, A.J. Danniels, Ed Danssic, Frank Darwin, David Darwin, J.S. David, Dan David, Dan Day, Jerry Day, Jno. Day, L.H. Day, L.P. Deering, Wm Dehate, Geo Delage, Henry Delany, John Demming, Mike Demoe, Jas Denio, Geo Denio, Geo Denney, Henry Denney, James Denney, Wm Deschany, Henry Desmond, Geo Deutsch, John Dexton, Peter Dicker, John Diomie, Albert Disantel, Amose Ditrick, Fred Dittman, Fred V. Dixon, Fred Dixon, J. Dixon, Robt Dnaniels (Daniels?) Geo Docherty, Dan Dockersdorff, E.H. Dodge, ? Dodge, C.J. Doherty, James Dorie, Frank Dotts, A.C. Doucette, Joseph Dow, H. Dow, How Doyle, P Drew, Hambrose Driscoll, Ed Drummond, J.H. Drummond, Miss Lula M. Dubois, August Ducette, Joe Dunlap, Alfred Dunn, James R. Dunn, Louie Dunn, Pete Dunphy, Ed Dupont, Ed Dura, John Dutchos, Chas Ebingreim (?), Andrew Edward Egan, Mike Egan, Mike Eggleston, Frank Egliston, Frank Egliston, George Eichert, Joseph Ellerman, Harry Ellingson, Ed . . Ellis, Edward Ellis, Jno Ellstane, Axel Eltrick, E? Emerson, Sam England, Ed Engstrom, John Enraus or Enrans, Jacob Erdman, Herman Erickson, Andrew Erickson, Earl Erickson, Eric Erickson, Ernest Erickson, John Erickson, John Erickson, Lew or Len Erickson, Nels Erickson, Nels Erickson, Oscar Erickson, Otto Erwin, John Everson, O. Everson, Wm Faby, J.E. Fair, John Fairbanks, Wm Fay, John Feiola, Henry Ferguson, Andrew Ferguson, C.A. Ferguson, N. Field, Andrew Field, Christ Field, J.M. Field, J.N. Fieldsmith, Joseph Fieola, Joe Fifield, Paul Finney, Ed Fiola, Thomas Fisher, Edwin Fisher, Fred Fisher, Louis Flannigan Flatin, Robt. Flauss, Chas Flynn, Mike Flynn, Nicholas Folk, John Fornew, Joe Fornie, Frank Fox, Martin Fox, Wensel Frank, Joe Fraxel, Charles Frederick, Robt Freeman, Chas Frew (?), Alwyn Fuller, Elsworth Fuller, Harry Furger, P.A Fuzzy, Ander Gabrial, Joe Gaganer, Joe Gagnare, Jno Gagner, Joe Gagner, John Gait, Wm Galagher, John B. Gallagher, Jerome Galloway, Neil Galloway, Wm Ganion, John Gargner or Garguer, Joe . . Garguer or Gargner, Joe Gate, Wm Gates, G.G. Gauiou, John Gavin, Jno Gaylor,W.H. Gendler or Hendler, Geo Gimmond, Isaac Ginaux, Eli Glaiser, J.N. Glass, C.W. Glover, Wm Goff, Raymond Good, ? Goodbody, W.E. Goodrich, Louis Goodrich, Nelson Gorge, Ed Gorman, Harry (?) Gorman, Wm Gorno, Alfons Gouch, John Goulet, Ed Grace, Sam Graley, Dan Granse, Wm Grant, J.O. Grant, Thos Grant, Wm Grasit, Jas Gratts, Alex Gray, Sandy Greack, A.E. Green Green, James W. Green, Toney (?) Greenwood, E. Gregg, E.L. Greggar, James Grien, A. Grimpo, A.H. Guberg, Arant or Araut, Guberg, August Guberg, Julius Guequne, Louis Gugy, Joe Gummer or Gunner, Wm Gumotts, Fred Gunner or Gummer, Wm Gustafson, G.A. |
Hackey, Alex Hacking, John Hagan, George Hagblom, Caburet Hagbloom G. Hagen, Bob Hagerson, Fred Hahnstrom or Halmstrom, M Haineerkarpe, Jacob Hall, Harry Halmstrom or Hahnstrom, M Halverson, Andrew Halverson, Ed Halverson, Ed Halvorson Halve Hamil, Peter Hamlet, E. Hammar, Charley Hammond, John Hampel, Phil Hanson, Albert Hanson, Alfred Hanson, Elias Hanson, Knute Hanson, Ole Hanson, Otto Hanson, Thos Hantala or Hautala, John Happa, Joe Happel, Max Happell, Henry Haremsa, Fred Harper, Chas Harper, Chas. Harrick, Geo Harrington, Daniel Harrington, John Harrington, Mrs. A. Harris, Martin Hart, Fred Hart, Henery Hart, Henry Hart, Jennie . Hartness, O.F. Harvey, J.C. Hathaway, Lyman B. Haustrauser, Walter Hautala or Hantala, John Havard, George Hawley, Wm Hawley, Wm Hawtary, Henry He(illegible), Martin Heath, Edwin Heath, Edwin Heiburg, Gust Heikkila, Andrew Hellman, Ed Helmer, Charley Hendler or Gendler, Geo Hendrickson, Martin Heppner, John Hermanson, John Hessey, Mark Heughens, James Heymel, E. Hickey, Robert Highlands, Chas Hilden, Ben Hill, Henry Hill, John Hill, Matt Hill, Selma Hilli, John Hiltuff, Mike Hinit, William Hitchie, Frank Hobbs, Chas Hodge, William C. Hoffs, A.A. Hohnquist, J.G. Holmes, Arthur M. Hood, Ole Horseler, Joseph Houghton, C.(?)F. Houlton, Jas Hover, W.R. Howard, Miss Jennie Howe, Mrs. H.L. Hubbard, Alex Hubbard, Iasac Hughes, Henry Humphrey, Geo Hunt, Wm Hunter, Ed Hursh, Orlo Hynes, John Hynes, Pat Jackson, Lew Jackson, Wm H. Jacobus, P.W. Jacque, Louis Jake, Louis Janshan or Janshaw, Jacob Janshaw or Janshan, Jacob Janson, Fred Jenkins, Joe Jewen, Wm Johnson, Alfred Johnson, Charles Johnson, Emil Johnson, Erick Johnson, Frank Johnson, Geo Johnson, Henry Johnson, Herman Johnson, Herman Johnson, Lewis Johnson, N. Johnson, Nels Johnson, Ole R. Johnston, Archie Johnston, Wm Jones, Henry Jones, M.L. Jordan, Joe Jorgenson, Tom Judd, Rooney Kain, Samuel Kallia, Henry Kane, Daniel Kane, Samuel Kangas, John Kelly, Jno Kemdell, Frank Kemo, Paul Kemp, John Keney, Thos Kennedy, Hugh Kennedy, James Kenney, John Kensella or Kinsilla, Thos Kerrick, John Kerry, Nellie Kerwin, Martin Ketcherson, Wm King, Chas Kinsilla or Kensella, Thos Kinsman, Herberd Kita, Henry Kitz, Henry Klarovitter, William Knoeptic, Gus Konstead, Ole Kraff, John Krause, Carolina Krause, Varder Krause, Wm Kreger, Emil Kreiger, Emil Kurkinen, John Labell, Joe Labelle, ?N. LaBelle, Joe LaBlain, Napoleon Lacberg or Lackery, Robt Lachpelle, John Lackery or Lacberg, Robt Lacosse, Michael Lacrasele (?), G., Laers, Henry Lahn, John Laitala, Marm Lakso, Jacob Lalande, Frank LaLonde, A. LaLonde, Wm Lamb, Sam Lambert, Salomon Lamere, Joe Lamppi, Matt Lane, A.E. Laneville, Louey Larde, ? Larson, Chas Larson, Christ Larson, E. Larson, Paul Laughy, David Lauri, Andrew Lavell, Frank Lavin, John Lawler, Martin Lawlis, Jno Lea, W.W. Leageault, Joe Leary, Jas LeBlenar, Moses Lebowf, Stephen Lee, Christ Lee, Geo Lee, John Leibkie, F.C. Leigby or Leighy, Jas Leighy or Leigby, Jas Lejeour, Julius Lepeure, G.A. Levim, Martin Lewis, Chas Liechfield, ?F. Lindberg, Otto Linquist, Alex Linquist, Axel Linstrom, John Linstrom, John Lipke, John Litter, W.D. Little, Jas Little, William Longly or Lougly, Mrs. Longust, August Loran, Chas Lore, Francis Lougly or Longly, Mrs. Louville, ? Love, Martha Love, Thos Lowe, Albert Lowe, Geo W. Lucas, Geo Lund, A. Lund, Arne Lynch, John Lynn, William Lyons, Frank Macdonell, Dan Machon or Machou, Mrs. E.J. Mackley, John Mackmiller, T.F. Madden, Denny Maher, Ed Maiynard or Marynard, M Maki, Jacob Maki, Matt Malloy, John Malone, John Mardine, A.P. Marjalumd, Henry Marlett, Alex Marlette, S.P. Marr, Ella L. Marr, William Martelle, Joel Martin, Dan Martin, Hank Martin, Michael B. Martinson, Jacob Martinson, Matt Marynard or Maiynard, M Mascott, Legin Mathews, E. Mathews, Joseph Mathews, Mrs. R. Matolle, Joseph Matson, Birger Matson, Jacob Matson, Miss Maxamematlion May, John E. Mayhew, Alex McAleer, John McAllister, Neil McCarthy, Mrs. Anna McClain, Jno McClements, H.J. McClintock, Geo. F. McCreach, P.H. McCurne, P.J. McCutchon, Thos McDonald, ?llen McDonald, Angus McDonald, D.J. McDonald, Dan McDonald, Hugh McDonald, Hugh McDonald, J.B. McDonald, Jas McDonald, Jno McDonald, Jno A. McDonough, Thos McDougal, Archie McGrade, H.J. McGregor, Jas McGuire, Mike McGuire, Mike McHaldy, R.W. McKenny, Jas McKinzie, Hugh McLeod, Jas or Jos McMahon, James McMahon, Jno McMann, Dan McNaughton, John McNeil, ? H. McPhail, D. McPhearson, James McPherson, David McWeill, W.J. Meade, Edward Meany or Neany, John Merrian, E.H. Merrick, Thomas Meshaw, Alex Middlebrook, S. Miles, Ed Miller, Andrew Miller, Columbus Miller, Columbus Miller, Fred Miller, G. Miller, I.O. Miller, Isidor Miller, John Millon, Knute Mills, Chas Mills, Thos Minns, Alice Mirra, ? Mitchel, Joseph Mitchell, Bradford Mitchell, Chas Mitchell, Chas. H. Mollenhoff, John H. Moon, Ole Moore, Alex Moore, Chas Moore, Ed Moore, Frank, Moore, J.S. Moore, Martin Moorland, J.D. Moorland, W.C. Moors, Erick Morency, ? Morris, John Morris, Pat Morrison, John Morrison, Thos Moss, Peter Muck or Murk, Al Muck, Chas Mullen, Wm Munhall, Dan Murk or Muck, Al Murphy, John Myers, Henery |
Neany or Meany, John Neill, John Nelson, Andrew Nelson, Ed Nelson, Fred Nelson, Fred Nelson, Fred Nelson, J. Nelson, Nels O. Nering, Mrs. Nichalls, Geo Nicholson, Keneth Nigro, Michall Nilson, H.G. Niska, Nils Nixon, R.N. Nolan, John Norden, Eric Norton, Wm Nusimaa, Isaac Nutting, Madge Nygord, Chas O’Brien, Frank O’Brien, Frank O’Brien, H. O’Brien, James O’Brien, Martin O’Brien, Pat O’Brien, Pat O’Malley, Martin O’Malley, Mike O’Malley, Mike O’Neil, Joe O’Neil, John L. O’Shaughnessey, Wm Okstrom, Ed Oldale, J. Oleson, John Oleson, Knute Oleson, Olof Olson, Andrew Olson, Antone Olson, B. Olson, Ed Olson, Julius Olson, Swan Onara, Jas Ongan or Ougan, Joseph Oudry or Oudrg, Joe Ougan or Ongan, Joseph Pabcock, Archie Page, Martin Page, Sophia Palidore, James Pallado, James Palmer, Frank Paris, Lewis Patineau, J. Pattengill, Claude Patterson, Dr. J.A. Patterson, Frank Paul, Ed Paul, Nels Pecore or Recore, Chas Peirn(?), Fred Pelka, Mike Pendegrass, Peter Perkins, Wm Pero, Fred Perry, Geo Perry, George Perry, Vak Peryreior, Wm Peterson, Andrew Peterson, Chas Peterson, Chas Peterson, John Peterson, John Pettingill, G.L. Phillips, Geo B. Pollack, Thomas Porter, Henry Price, Sam Provencail, L. Prue, Ed Pugmire, Howard Pummerfield, Fred Pusey, Elias Quigley, Jas Rabieleau, Isaac Raina, John Ramsdall, Louis P. Ramsdell, C.D. Randall, Timothy Rankin, Jas Rankinson, Jacob Rawlins, O.V. Ray, George Ray, Joe Ray, Mat Recore or Pecore, Chas Reed, Fred Reedy or Rudy, W.J. Reel, Jos Rene, Arthur O. Reno, Paul Rey, Matt Reyling, John Rhodes, Steve Ribe, Wm Rice, Wm Riche, W. Ripley, Byron Roach, Dan Roan, Mrs. T. Robert, Phillip Roberts, John Rodgers, C.D. Roe, Adam Roe, Ben Rogan, Chas Rogers, John Rohrer, Claihaires Rooney, John Rooney, Paul Roos, Gordon Ross, C.J. Ross, E.A. Rossman, Paul Rouse, L.R. Rowlands, Fred E. Roy, Felix Rubey, ? Rudy or Reedy, W.J. Rudy, John Runkle, B.? Rush, J. Rushi or Ruski, John Rusk, Wm Russell, Louis Russell, Miss Anna Ry, Felix Ryan, Wm Sahlberg, Dan Sala, Jacob Sanberg, F. Sandbergs, F.A. Sanders, F.B. Sausaney, Ed Sauve, E. Sbruth, Frank Schachte, Joseph Schmitz, Christina Schneider, John Schrader, Wm Schumann, H.T. Schutlaw, Joe Scott, Redmond Serby or Serley, Christ Serley or Serby, Christ Severson, Gunder Shaw, Albert Shea, Ed (?) Shear, Frank Shelmandy, William Shepard, B.W. Sherman, Joe Shinoe, John Shirley, Willard Shrue, Ephram Shubill, Oliver Shumner (?), Charles Simmon, Isaac Simpson, Geo Simpson, John Simpson, Wm Sinri, Jacob Siviles, Geo Skelton, Henry Smiley, Ella Smith, Albert Smith, Ed Smith, Henry Smith, Jas C. Smith, John Smith, John Smith, Jos Smith, Lewis Smith, Murry Smith, W. Smith, W.W. Sneider, Ben Snon or Snow, Arthur Snow or Snon, Arthur Snow, E.S. Snyder, C.C. (?) Snyder, Sam Sophia, Paul Spooner, Robt Springsteen, John St. John, ? H. St. Lawrence, Arthur St. Lawrence, Peter Stafford, Chas Stafford, Geo Stainwick, Oscar Stambaugh, S.H. Staples, Ed Staples, K.G. Staples. S.T. or S.F. Steele, J.L. Stenbrula, Henry Sterling, Henry Stockbann, R.A. Ston or Stow, Wesely Storan, Ike Stow or Ston, Wesely Strachan, Allan Strachan, Jas Strong, E. Sukala, Elias Sullivan, Henry Sullivan, Jas Sullivan, Jas Sullivan, Mr. J. Sullivan, Thos Sullivan, Thos Sullivan, Thos Swanson, Chas Swanson, Nels Swanson, Swan Sweet, Henry Taipale, Gustaf Tait, Robt Talawen, Nathan Tangle or Trangle, E. Taylor, Harry or Harvey Taylor, Mrs. M.S. Theariault, Jennie Theise Thesie, C.C. Thomas, illegible first name Thompson, C.P. Thompson, Martin Thompson, Thos Thomson, John Tibbets, Ezra Tibbits, Esra Tobin, Richard Toliver, Ernest Tomlinson, Jas Toole, Thos Tootechand, ? Tracy, Mat Trambly, Chas Trambly, Chas Trangle or Tangle, E. Travers, F.J. Treod, Ephram A. Tripps, W.E. Trombly, Joe Trudell, Louis Tuba, Joe Tubbs, William Tufpfrupi (?), High Tunea, Jacob Upson, Geo Urquhart, Geo Van Valkenburg, F. Vananelte or Vananette, Godfrey Vashaw, Victor Veasar, Jsar (?) Veitch, Frank Vernon, Gus Vinall, H. Waber or Wober, Louis Walker, Geo Walshe, John Warblare, G.F. Warblow, C.F. Watson, Miss Lizzie Watt, Wm Webb, Jas Webster, Mrs. Lucy Weick, John Weiner, L.W. Welch, M.S. Welch, Thos Wemer or Werner, Joe Werner or Wemer, Joe West, John Wester, George Wester, Peter Westland, J.A. Westlund, Lars White, Wm Wiberg, Amel Wiberg, Emil Williams, Chas Williams, Clement Williams, Geo Williams, Hugh Williams, P. Williams, R.L. Williams, Robt Williams, W.H. Williams, Wills or Nills Wilson, Ed Wilson, John Wilson, Thos Wober or Waber, Louis Wood, F.C, MD Wood, John Wright, James Wright, Joshia Wright, May E. Wright, R.E. Wright, Silas Wyman, A.D. Wyman, H.V. Wyman, O.D. Young Joe Young, Fred Young, Geo Young, Joe Zant, Joseph Zenkie, Julian |