Mrs. Louise Best, one of the oldtime residents of the town of
Schleswig, passed to her reward on Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock,
at her home in this city, after several weeks’ illness with
lagrippe. Decedent, nee Meyer, was born in Mardorf, Hannover,
Germany, April 13, 1852. She came to America in 1875 with her
sister, and made her home with her brother, who lived at Millhome.
She was united in marriage to Carl Best in 1876, and the couple
made their home on a farm in Schleswig, near Kiel. For the past
three years she has resided in Kiel, where she lived with her son
Mr. Best died about a year ago. The survivors are two sons and two
daughters; one sister and one brother in Germany and one sister in
Millhome; also nine grandchildren.
The funeral services took place Monday morning at 8 o’clock, at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Voss. Rev. W. Rech officiated. The
remains were shipped to Thorp, the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dora
Mathes, for burial. - 1923