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Dunn County, Wisconsin was created out of a portion of Chippewa County in 1854, with the first county seat at Dunnville (earlier called Colburn's Landing). The county was named for Charles Dunn, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin Territory. Dunn had been appointed by Pres. Andrew Jackson in 1835. Dunn County's county seat is Menomonie.

This web site is here to assist you in researching your Dunn County ancestors. If you would like to contribute your information to this web site, or have books, cemetery surveys, vital records, census records or any other genealogical information for Dunn County, WI, please e-mail the coordinator. We can also use volunteers who are willing to look up information in Dunn County or Dunn County resources.

Census Resources
Cemetery Resources
Family Resources
Interactive Resources for Dunn County
Archives, Libraries, and Newspapers of Dunn County
Vital Records
USGenWeb Project and WIGenWeb Project Special Project Resources

DunnCoWI Coordinator:  MAKtranscriber       WIGenWeb State Coordinator:  Tina Vickery       WIGenWeb Assistant State Coordinator:  Marcia Ann Kuehl


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