Mt Pleasant Cemetery
Township of Oakfield
Fond du Lac Co. WI
section row Surname first name birth date birth year death date death year age note
east 1 Simmons Almeda Aug 23 1866 d o S & S
east 1 Simmons Stephen Jan 17 1881 80y
east 1 Simmons Susan 1820 1883
east 1 Price Maurice
east 1 Price Emeret
east 1 Price M A
east 1 Price T P
east 1 Worthing Margaret May 1 1885 88y 1m 14d w/o William
east 1 Worthing Mary
east 1 Worthing T
east 1 Hulbut Nora R Oct 20 1862 Sept 1863 d/o Oscar & Rachel S
east 1 Cowles Mary E Jan 18 1829 June 16 1892
east 1 Cowles C A 1828 1908
east 2 Bishop Abram June 21 1809 May 29 1849
east 2 Bishop Eliza Draper Nov 14 1811 May 6 1895
east 2 Draper see Bishop
east 2 Cowles Cyrus Jun 29 1801 Nov 10 1876 75y 4m 11d b. Pompey NY, erected 1878
east 2 Worthing Thomas Apr 9 1879 51y
east 2 Worthing Mary Aug 11 1901 67y
east 2 Arnold John R Apr 2 1794 Aug 11 1884 90y 4m 9d
east 2 Arnold Lydia Mar 15 1803 June 27 1887 84y 3m 12d w/o J R
east 2 Price Thomas Dec 3 1821 May 4 1915
east 2 Price Margaret A Sept 6 1823 Jul 23 1910
east 2 Price Emeret E Feb 15 1854 Apr 4 1862
east 2 Price Morris E Sept 30 1850 June 8 1851
east 2 Simmons Susan Fish Sept 20 1883 63y 20d w/o Stephen
east 2 Fish see Simmons
east 2 Simmons Stephen Jan 17 1891 80y 8m 9d
east 2 Simmons Ammaca baby
east 2 Allen Mary Ann Oct 12 1884 67y w/o Jediah
east 3 Parratt Libbie Aug 4 1870 Aug 15 1870
east 3 Parratt Jessie 1871 1971 moth
east 3 Cowles Carrie Price 1856 1941
east 3 Price see Cowles
east 3 Parratt James F 1833 1922
east 3 Parratt Adeline 1833 1913 w/o J F
east 3 Parratt Aurelia 1844 1885 w/o J F
east 3 Parratt baby
east 3 Worthing A J 1855 1934 father
east 3 Worthing Loella 1857 1919 mother
east 3 Worthing Guy E 1877 1923
east 3 Parratt John B Jan 31 1853 24y 18d
east 3 Parratt James 1794 1874
east 3 Parratt Jane 1801 1898 w/o J
east 4 Billings John Jan 24 1852 23y 4m 14d
east 4 Billings Ann July 10 1852 20y 8m 21d wife
east 4 Billings Matilda E Nov 7 1851 1y 3m 3d dau of John
east 4 Billings Frances Mar 19 1852 3m 18d
east 4 Worthing Florence L 1901 1902
east 4 Worthing Arthur H 1900 1964
east 4 Worthing Flora L 1887 1907
east 4 Worthing Lillian M 1883 1885
east 4 Worthing baby 1890 1890
east 4 Parratt Aurelia D June 16 1885 40y 10m 11d w/o J F
east 4 Parratt Nellie Feb 12 1867 6m 1d ch of J F & A D
east 4 Parratt infant dau Apr 22 1865 ch of J F & A D
east 4 Price Albert C Dec 25 1878 25y 6m 22d
east 4 Cowles Charles H 1850 1940
east 4 Parratt Evander W 1848 1928
east 4 Parratt Mary A 1849 1898
east 5 Copp Frederick H 1879 1905
east 5 Price Elizabeth W 1913 1941
east 5 Sampson Amos E 1890 1969
east 5 Sampson Vida S 1891
east 5 McLean Pearl M 1880 1941 RNA
east 5 McLean Lewis F 1867 1941
east 5 McLean Carrie J 1870 1917
east 5 Parratt Elizabeth 1854 1854
east 5 Parratt Elizabeth May 9 1869 14d inf d/o C B & S M
east 5 Parratt Franklin C 1858 1866
east 5 Parratt Sopronia 1842 1889
east 5 Parratt Ann 1820 1860
east 5 Parratt Charles B 1821 1910
east 5 Paddock John Feb 4 1865 79y 10m 24d
east 5 Boller Blanchard M 1908 1971
east 5 Boller Dolores M 1926
east 6 Billings C W July 19 1890 71y 10m 15d
east 6 Billings Susan 1824 1910 wife
west 1 Lurvey Emma E Feb 1 1867 Oct 15 1890
west 1 Lurvey Selushia F July 7 1877 Feb 16 1898
west 1 Lurvey Fannie Ball Wood 1868 1927
west 1 Wood see Lurvey
west 1 Ball see Lurvey
west 1 Lurvey Catherine H Dec 24 1836 June 18 1913 2nd w/o Frank
west 1 Lurvey Jacob Aug 20 1887 81y 4m
west 1 Lurvey Susan Jan 24 1880 74y 4m w/o J
west 1 Lurvey Jane A D Aug 15 1855 12y 7m
west 1 Lurvey Mary C Mar 12 1864 16y 3m
west 1 Lurvey Elizabeth M Feb 12 1859 25y 10m
west 1 Lurvey Polly McKnight Aug 21 1876 76y
west 1 McKnight see Lurvey
west 1 Worthing Fila June 7 1875 20y 9m w/o F M and d/o E G & T A Lewis
west 1 Lewis see Worthing
west 1 Worthing David 1830 1911
west 1 Worthing Sarah A 1835 1855 wife
west 1 Worthing Jane 1835 1910 wife
west 1 Worthing Irvin 1875 1947 father
west 1 Worthing Hattie E 1874 1856 mother
west 1 Kleinert Alice E 1904 1964 dau
west 1 Kleinert Eduard V 1905 1975
west 1 Kleinert Mariette 1860 1947
west 2 Lurvey Frank Aug 10 1831 Nov 20 1908
west 2 Lurvey Margaret Apr 19 1837 June 19 1858 1st w/o Frank
west 2 Lurvey Luttie F Aug 8 1875 Mar 18 1876
west 2 Lurvey Andrew May 20 1860 July 26 1860
west 2 Worthing Ada M 1867 1912 w/o C A; mother
west 2 Worthing Charles A 1866 1935 father
west 3 Lurvey J J 1846 1904
west 3 Lurvey Jane E 1849 1974
west 3 Lurvey Julia 1855 1932
west 3 Lurvey Edward J 1883 1956
west 3 Worthing William 1825 1907
west 3 Worthing Emeret E 1831 1908 wife
west 3 Worthing F A 1856 1917
west 3 Worthing W R 1849 1914
west 3 Worthing Mary 1858 1944
west 4 Newton John I Jan 6 1854 Feb 11 1933 father
west 4 Newton Jane S Aug 4 1857 Sept 24 1918 mother
west 4 Howard Vivian M Sept 14 1907 Oct 16 1908
west 4 Howard Bertie M 1877 1948
west 4 Howard Frank E 1871 1961
west 4 McKnight G W 1828 1906
west 4 McKnight Emeline 1837 1930 wife
west 4 Atkins John 1832 1907
west 4 Atkins Jay D 1867 1939
west 4 Atkins Cora E 1874 1962
west 4 Atkins Eva L 1876 1965
west 4 McKnight W F Nov 28 1868 68y 4m 15d Co F 21st WI Inf
west 4 McKnight Margaret B Sept 21 1858 60y 11m
west 4 ? Mary Mar 10 1869 June 10 1869
west 5 Lurvey Frank B 1868 1937 father
west 5 Lurvey Florence 1872 1948 mother
west 5 Huberty Leone Lurvey 1895 1923
west 5 Lurvey see Huberty
west 5 Lurvey baby
west 5 Lurvey Harold F 1899 1919 Co D, 2 Reg Aero Div WI Vol
west 5 McClean Louisa E 1898
west 5 McClean Walter C 1894 1867
west 5 McClean Louisa 1849 1924
west 5 McClean Chas E 1847 1917