Histories Township History - 1880 Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin | |
(From the "History of Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin" published by the Western Historical Company, Chicago, IL. - 1880) |
FOND DU LAC COUNTY TOWNS AND VILLAGES Fond du Lac County, when town organization was first consummated, was all onetown, that of Fond du Lac, as the following imperfect act, passed January 2, 1838,will show: Section 34. That the country included within the limits of Fond du Lac County beand the same is hereby set off into a separate town, by the name of Fond du Lac;and the polls of election shall he open at the house of - Pyer [Edward Pier]. Then, March 8, 1839, another act was passed, making three towns of the county,as follows: Section 41. Fractional Townships sixteen and seventeen, in Range eighteen, andTownships sixteen and seventeen, in Range nineteen, shall be a separate town bythe name of Calumet and the elections in said town shall be holden at GeorgeWhites store. (Later this area was split into Calumet, Marshfield and TaycheedahTownships.) Section 42. All that district of country within the limits of Fond du Lac County,not included within the towns of Calumet and Butte des Morts,* shall be aseparate town by the name of Fond du Lac; and the elections in said town shall beholden at the dwelling of M. C. Darling. (* Townships eighteen and nineteen, inRanges fifteen and sixteen, and fractional Townships eighteen and nineteen, inRange seventeen, in Butte des Morts. First election at the house of WebsterStanley.) (These Townships are around Oshkosh and Lake Butte des Morts inmodern day Winnebago County.) Then, again, by an act approved February 18, 1842, the county was divided asexplained by this act: Section 1. That Townships fourteen, fifteen and sixteen, of Range sixteen;Townships fourteen and fifteen, and fractional Township sixteen, of Rangeseventeen, and Townships thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, and the south half of Township sixteen, of Range eighteen, and Townships thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, and thesouth half of Township sixteen, of Range nineteen, be and the same are herebyorganized into a separate town, by the name of Fond du Lac; and the first electionin said town shall be held at the house of M. C. Darling. (This large Townshipcalled Fond du Lac consists of the modern day Townships of Oakfield, Lamartine,Eldorado, Bryon, Fond du Lac, Friendship, Ashford, Eden. Empire, and part ofTaycheedah.) Section 2. That fractional Township seventeen and the north half of Townshipsixteen, of Range eighteen, and fractional Township seventeen and the north halfof Town [ship] sixteen, of Range nineteen, be and the same are hereby organizedinto a separate town by the name of Calumet and the first election in said townshall he held at the house of George White. Section 3. That Townships fourteen, fifteen and sixteen, of Range fourteen, andTownships fourteen, fifteen and sixteen, of Range fifteen, be and the same arehereby organized into a separate town by the name of Waupun ; and the firstelection in said town shall be held at the house of Seymour Wilcox. (This largeTownship, called Waupun, was later split into the Towns of Alto, Metomen,Ripon, Waupun, Springvale, and Rosendale.) Thanks to Ron Friedel for preparing these pages in html format. |
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If you have corrections or additions to share, please contact Tracy Reinhardt by email at fondygenie@charter.net or at (920) 929-8538. Disclaimer | Privacy Statement These electronic pages may not be reproduced in this format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons without the permission of Tracy Reinhardt Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 by Tracy Reinhardt ** Ruth Shaw Worthing, The History of Fond du Lac County, as told by its Place-Names, 1976. ** The History of Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, Chicago: Western Historical Company, 1880. ** Portrait and Biographical Album of Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, Chicago: Acme Publishing Company, 1889. ** A. T. Glaze, Incidents and Anecdotes of Early Days and History of Business in the City and County of Fond du Lac from Early Times to the Present, Fond du Lac: P. B. Haber Printing Company, 1905. ** Maurice McKenna, ed., History of Fond du Lac County, Chicago: S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1912. ** Wisconsin Volunteers: War of the Rebellion 1861-1865 ** Plat Book of Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, C. M. Foote & Co. 1893 |