Histories Township History - 1880 Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin | |
(From the "History of Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin" published by the Western Historical Company, Chicago, IL. - 1880) |
OSCEOLA The name of the famous chief of the Florida Indians is perpetuated in the name ofthis town - Township 14 north, of Range 19 east. It is rich in timber, small lakes,fish and wild waterfowl. The town was named by W. R. Longstreet. It was firstsettled, probably, in 1845, by Washington Noble, James Farr, and Peter Radliff, atwhat is now Waucousta. About eight months later, W. R. Longstreet, JohnBeeson, William Mitchell and Silas Allen settled at the same place, and JohnGraham, William Oliver, John Airhart, Joseph Cavanagh and others soon aftersettled in other parts of the town. The first birth was in William Olivers family in 1847; Byron, son of John andLouisa Graham, was born March 14, 1849. The first marriage was that of Washington Noble to Helen Airhart. In February, 1849, the infant daughter of Michael and Ellen Scannell died, andlater the same year, Mrs. Noble died - the first death in Osceola. The first election was held in April, 1851, when the town was set off from Eden. Rev. J. W. Whitney was elected Chairman; W. R. Longstreet, Superintendent ofSchools; William Mitchell, Clerk; Leander Mayhew, Treasurer. In 1850, Sarah J. Walters taught the first school, at the house of N. Carey. In thewinter of that year a schoolhouse was erected on Section 8. The town nowcontains seven good schoolhouses. The first sermon was preached in WilliamMitchells house, by Rev. John W. Whitney, in 1847; probably the first churchedifice was built in 1855 or 1856, on Section 2, by the Catholics. The first post office was called Osceola, as it is still. C. W. Prescott was the firstPostmaster. Post offices are now open at Dundee, Waucousta and Armstrongs Corners - thelatter named after Asher Armstrong. The first saw-mill and first grist-mill were built at Waucousta, by John Beeson -the former probably in 1848; the latter two or three years later. Both were onMiddle Branch of the Milwaukee River. C. W. Prescott entered the first land - northeast quarter of Section 9 - in 1846. William Crosby built the first cheese factory in 1877, at Waucousta. The first Irish settler was Michael Scannell, 1848; first German, John Airhart; first Scotchman, William Mitchell; first Americans, William Oliver and JohnGraham. The highest point of land in the town is on Section 34. T. W. Purcell opened the first store in Osceola, at Waucousta, not earlier than thefall of 1859. J. H. Trentledge now has a large store at this place, and there are alsoblacksmith, shoe and wagon shops, cheese factories, and the store kept by Mr.Tompkins, in which is the post office. At Dundee, which was platted, recorded and named by E. M. McIntosh, inFebruary, 1864, is a good water-power. The first dam and saw-mill were built byStephen Palmer and Mr. McIntosh, in 1855. Soon after, the property fell into thehands of William and Leroy Palmer, who built the flouring-mill in 1858. It is nowowned by F. Hollensteiner. The first Postmaster at Dundee was I. S. Sheldon. Theoffice is now kept by Jacob Arimond, though F. Hollensteiner is Postmaster. Dundee Hotel is kept by Mr. Brokmeyer, who started the cattle fair for Dundee in1870. There are three churches at this village - a Catholic mission, supplied byFather Michels, of New Cassel; a Reformed church, built in 1876, of which F.Hollensteiner is Treasurer and Rev. F. Maurer, Pastor, and a Lutheran church,built in 1878. Thanks to Ron Friedel for preparing these pages in html format. |
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If you have corrections or additions to share, please contact Tracy Reinhardt by email at fondygenie@charter.net or at (920) 929-8538. Disclaimer | Privacy Statement These electronic pages may not be reproduced in this format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons without the permission of Tracy Reinhardt Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 by Tracy Reinhardt ** Ruth Shaw Worthing, The History of Fond du Lac County, as told by its Place-Names, 1976. ** The History of Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, Chicago: Western Historical Company, 1880. ** Portrait and Biographical Album of Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, Chicago: Acme Publishing Company, 1889. ** A. T. Glaze, Incidents and Anecdotes of Early Days and History of Business in the City and County of Fond du Lac from Early Times to the Present, Fond du Lac: P. B. Haber Printing Company, 1905. ** Maurice McKenna, ed., History of Fond du Lac County, Chicago: S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1912. ** Wisconsin Volunteers: War of the Rebellion 1861-1865 ** Plat Book of Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, C. M. Foote & Co. 1893 |