SAMUEL R. McCLELLAN, M. D. was born in Colerain, Mass., March 19, 1806; at the age of 9 years, he went to Livingston, near Hudson, and, after he was 21, went to Claverick. N. Y., where he established the Public Library. In 1836, he went to Hudson, N. Y., where he lived until 1845, when he came to Wheatland Township, now Randall, where he located on Sec. 28, and occupied himself with agricultural pursuits and the practice of his profession. In 1862, he removed to Wilmot, and, in 1864, came to Kenosha. The Doctor has been engaged in medical practice fifty-two years. In 1847-48, he was a member of the Second Constitutionial Convention. As President of the Agricultural Society, in 1851, he delivered the first printed address before agricultural societies in the State. He was President of that society three years. He was Superintendent of Schools before the county system was established. While living in Hudson, he was President of that county Medical Society. On the 27th of October, 1830, he married Catherine M. Garner, who is a native of Kinderhook, N. Y.; she was born Oct. 26, 1809. They have six children - Robert W., John J., Samuel, Edward Garner, Mary Belle, and Cynthia Maud. the Doctor and his wife are members of the Congregational church.
HUGH McDERMOTT, born in Ireland in 1820; came to Wisconsin in 1849, locating at Kenosha, where he went to work in the foundries of Campbell, Head & Co., and Leonard & Tierney for seven years; then went to Kansas and located a farm, remaining for three years; returning to Kenosha in 1862; organized Co. B. 17th Wis. V.I., and went to Madison, serving for three years; was with Sherman on his march to the sea; in 1865, was promoted to Major of the 50th Wisconsin; served eighteen months; was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, and received an honorable discharge at the end of the war. Oct. 3, 1863, was wounded at Corinth, for which he receives a pension o $10 per month. Mr. McDermott has held every office that the citizens of Kenosha Co. could bestow upon him. He was City Marshal three years, City Treasurer six years, Alderman one term, Assessor two years, Chief of Police one year, and Sheriff for two years. Married, in 1847, Miss Emma Cox, a native of England. They have had three sons - Charles, engaged in the newspaper business in Chicago; William, Deputy Sheriff, and John, who was drowned while skating February, 1864. The Colonel has settled down to farming, having a beautiful farm of eighty acres at Pleasant Prairie.
DR. HAYS McKINLEY, was born in the town of Berne, Albany Co., N. Y., Sept. 20, 1809; came to Kenosha in the fall of 1845, where he has pursued a general medical practice up to 1877, since which time he has confined himself chiefly to office practice. In the spring of 1868, he purchased a half-interest in the Kenosha Telegraph, and the other half in October, of the same year. Doctor McKinley has been actively interested in educational movements and has held various educational positions.
JOHN R. MARSH, of the firm of Marsh & Stevens, flour and feed; born in New York in 1834; came to Wisconsin in 1847, locating at Paris, Kenosha Co., where he worked on his father's farm till 1859, when he purchased a farm for himself and worked it until 1871; in 1877, formed a partnership with John L. Stevens, in the flour and feed business. Married, in the fall of 1863, Miss Mary J. Upson, a native of Connecticut; they have had three children, one boy, and two girls. Mr. Marsh was Assessor in Paris for one year. Family are members of the Congregational Church; Republican.
JAMES MATHEWS, retired; born in 1826, in Ireland; came to Wisconsin in 1849, locating at Kenosha, where he engaged in the manufacture of boots and shoes for James Reilly, for eight months, then bought out Mr. Reilly and continued the business alone for five years; in 1854, opened a confectionery store, afterward adding groceries and dry goods; June, 1878, sold out to his son Frank and William O'Brien. Married, in 1849, Miss Bridget Gibbens, a native of Ireland; they have had seven children, three boys and four girls. Members of the Catholic Church; Democrat.
LEONARD MAURER, soda-water manufacturer,; was born in Bavaria, Germany, in 1825; was in the army in Europe three years; came to America in 1851. Married Carolina Matthas; have no children. Came to Wisconsin in September, 1855, and first located at Kossuth; settled afterward in Kenosha in 1869, and was marker in the ship-yard for a time.
JOHN MEYER, foreman of E. Bain's machine shops; born in Germany in 1834 - came to Wisconsin in 1852, locating at Kenosha, where he worked for E. Bain at wagon-making; in 1870, he took charge of the machine-shop, which position he still holds. Married, in 1854, Miss Anna Weltee, a native of Germany, who died at Kenosha Feb. 16, 1879; they have had ten children, five boys and five girls; one boy and one girl dead. In 1873, was elected Alderman for the Second Ward; was also School Commissioner six years, and member of Hook and Ladder Company thirteen years. Member Catholic Church; Democrat.
THEODORE MILLER, Engineer Kenosha City Mills; born in Germany in 1843; came to Wisconsin in 1847, locating at Kenosha, where the early part of his life was devoted to his father's business; in 1871, commenced work as a miller, continuing for seven years; in 1878, took charge of the engine, which position he now holds. Married, in 1871, Miss Eliza Saps, a native of Germany; they have had three girls; one died at Kenosha, July, 1878. Members of the Catholic Church; Democrat.
FRANK B. MOREHOUSE, engineer; born in New York in October, 1845; came to Wisconsin in 1850, locating at Pleasant Prairie, where the early part of his life was spent on his father's farm; at the age of 14, he commenced sailing; continued for thirteen years; in 1864, passed his examination and received his certificate as engineer; was on a passenger boat on the Upper Wolf River for three years; at present is engineer of the steam pump in connection with the N. W. R. R. tank at Kenosha; in 1862, enlisted on the boat Carondelet; he held the commission of Quartermaster; was wounded, in 1863, by the dismounting of a gun. Married, in 1862, Miss Mary Spades, a native of Wisconsin; they have one daughter- Jennie. Members of the Methodist Church; Republican.
ADOLPH MUNTZENBERGER, brewer; born in 1847, at Milwaukee, Wis., where he received his early education; at the age of 16 years, he went to Chicago and worked in John L. Huyck's brewery for five years; he then returned to Kenosha and took charge of his father's brewery; May, 1875, his father having retired, Adolph formed a partnership with William Engle, which was afterward dissolved, Adolph continuing the business alone. In 1871, he married Miss Louisa Walker, a native of New York ; they have had four children, one son and three daughters; one daughter dead. Members of the Lutheran Church.
WALLACE MYGATT, one of the pioneers of Kenosha, yet surviving, who has in a commercial, professional and personal capacity been identified with the foundation, growth and progress of the city for nearly fifty years, was born in Oneida County, N. Y., midway between Clinton and Paris Hill, on the 18th of September, 1818. Sylvester, the father of Wallace, as the latter says, was an extensive farmer who educated his sons to hard work. He believed that whatever was done at all, either agriculturally or otherwise, should be well done, and that exacting labor was always attended by the harvest that invariably waits upon industry. In all the work constantly recurring upon an extensive farm, he always "pulled" the heaviest oar himself, and was often afield before the rising sun gave promise of the advent of another day. Mr. Mygatt's father and mother were both born and reared at Berlin, Conn., and previous to their settling in Oneida County, the head of the family followed merchandising near Newbern, N. C. at which place he boarded in the family of a skipper named Wallace, after whom the subject of this sketch was christened with appropriate ceremony. His mother's maiden name was Abi Booth. In harmony with the views that appear to have been mutually entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Mygatt, Sr., all books, except the Bible and an elaborate commentary upon the same, were excluded from the household in Oneida County; this exception also included school-books and one solitary volume on agriculture. To these alone were the ambitious minds of the hero and his sisters' and brothers wedded; with the patience of Job and the greatness of Mordecai, the psalms of David, the acts of the Apostles, the conservation and co-relation and adaptation of soils and seeds and plants as treated by the Department of Agriculture through its officials, were the growing members of his family more familiar than with experiences of Japhet, the eccentricities of Gulliver and Sinbad the Sailor. Indeed, Mr. Mygatt don't remember to have read any other works than those cited previous to attaining the age of 18 years. The future editor of the Southport American also experienced no inconsiderable trouble in securing a supply of paper whereon to perpetuate his reflections and conclusions. His father was in the habit of purchasing one quire of paper per annum to meet the requirements of the family correspondence. Upon one occasion, Wallace appropriated the entire outfit to stories, reflections and conclusions on various themes, and there was none left to answer the purposes for which it had been provided. At this crisis, a letter of friendship was received by Mr. Mygatt's father demanding an immediate reply. Search was instituted for the " foolscap," that the demand might be complied with, and no little consternation followed the announcement that the complement supplied for epistolary purposes had been exhausted while yet the year was young. There is no record of the punishment that may have been inflicted upon the despoiler of the letter-paper, but thereafter, when prompted by an irrepressible desire to indulge the fancy, and reduce to writing, the creations of his mind, Wallace utilized the wrapping paper with which the grocery merchant was accustomed to envelop the family supplies of Young Hyson, Java and edibles, for that ideal purpose. Surrounded by such influences, and educated in the school of economy, self-denial, patience and indomitable perseverance, the subject of this sketch was thoroughly qualified and peculiarly fitted to cope with the difficulties, endure the burthens and accomplish the development of a new country. It was the possession of these invaluable qualities, coupled with the enterprise and character to which they gave birth, that induced the fathers of Western civilization to tear themselves from pleasant associations and home comforts east of the mountains, and venture into the wilderness and dangers and trials which encompassed them whithersoever they might wander or settle at the West. In no man were these qualities more pronounced than in Wallace Mygatt, and to these qualities is he indebted for the success which has attended his residence in Kenosha, now upward of forty years. In the month of October, 1838, he left the homestead in Oneida County, while yet a boy, for the purpose, as he says "of journeying to the then new and sparsely-populated country bordering upon the western shores of Lake Michigan." It was late in the fall before he reached what has since proved itself to be his domicil, and business center from that day to this, Kenosha, which was then in its infancy, without the promise of future greatness, or the encouragement of present prosperity, to persuade emigrants to tarry. Notwithstanding the absence of any cheering prospective, Mr. Mygatt pitched his tent in Kenosha, where he remained during the winter. With the dawn of spring, he went into the occupation of a tract of Government land about three miles west of Racine, the title to which had been vested in his family by purchase. The property is now known as " Mygatt's Corners." On this place he remained during the spring the sole occupant of the "Corners" save a good-natured and genial laborer named Gillespie, who assisted him in "breaking up" the fields and felling the forests, preparatory to the coming of his parents who were expected with the first days of summer, and who arrived on the 20th day of June, 1839, accompanied by, their daughters all of whom were delighted with their new home, which, though solitary, was made cheerful by the inmates and the beauty of its surroundings. The home was the center of a landscape, said to have been exquisitely beautiful and fascinating during the summer months, but exceedingly unattractive when the winds whistled through the dead foliage of the trees, and the snowflakes drifted before the unfettered and restless storm. In 1842, Mr. Mygatt returned to Kenosha and engaged in the publication and editorial management of the Southport American. Though but scarcely of age, he discharged his duties with such rare fidelity and general satisfaction to his readers and the public, that he attracted an unusual subscription for those days, and contributed in no small degree to the establishment of a line of polic, the influence of which was deferred to in the Northwest for years. But other interests demanded his attention, and, in the year 1843, he abandoned journalism, leased the establishment and pursued a line of life cast in other places for five years, when he resumed the editorial chair, conscious that the pen was mightier than the persuasions of the money changer, or the per cent of commercial profits. In 1850, he finally disposed of the American to C. I. Hutchinson, who had been recently appointed United States Marshal, and esteemed "an organ" an indispensable appendage to the office, since which date Mr. Mygatt has been connected with the fourth estate at intervals, and to satisfy a longing desire to criticise passing events, which always predominates in the editorial or reportorial composition. Since the sale, he has been engaged as a dealer in produce, and from profits accruing during years of industry, frugality and attention to business, he is provided for against a rainy day, and is in the enjoyment of a happy old age. Mr. Mygatt was married February 24, 1846, to Mary Jane, daughter of Jedediah Gibson, of the town of Somers, who still lives to enjoy the respect of numberless friends, and whose four sons, grown to man's estate, rise up to call their parents blessed. In 1850, Mr. Mygatt was appointed a Deputy United States Marshal, and, with the exception of a brief interim, has discharged the duties incident to that position continuously up to the present time. He has also served as foreman of the harbor work under the direction of the Government, and is at present employed as Superintendent of Repairs, made under Federal auspices on that improvement. In all positions of trust and confidence, and they have been many, filled by the subject of this brief sketch, he has attracted the respect and applause of superior and subordinate, and justly earned the fullest meed of praise which has ever attended his journey down the hill of life.
None with the letter "M"
ELDRIDGE MANNING, farmer; P.O. Kenosha; born Massachusetts in 1816; brought up in the State of New York; in 1855; he came West and located in Chicago; remained there until 1870, when he came to Kenosha Co. and settled on the farm he now occupies. He married, in 1837, Miss Sarah Williams, a native of the State of New York; they have one child. He is owner of ninety acres of land.
WALTER S. MAXWELL, farmer, Sec. 34; P.O. Kenosha; born in Washington Co., N.Y., in 1835; came to Kenosha Co., in 1860, and engaged in farming, continuing that to the present time. He was a member of the State Legislature from 1876 to 1878, and has been Town Supervisor since 1873. He is also a member of the Knoghts of Honor, and member of the Congregational Church. He married, in 1861, Miss Anna Robinson, who died Dec. 15, 1875; he maried again, in 1877, Mrs. Annie Greenebaum, who died October, 1878. Each wife left one child; the first a son - Elmer A., the second a daughter - Annie J.
JOHN E. MEYER, farmer, Sec. 32; P.O. Kenosha; born in Prussia in 1838; came to America in 1844; he located in Kenosha Co., and engaged in farming, in which occupation he has remained since his arrival; he settled on his present farm in 1864; is Treasurer of the school district, having held that position for the past five years. Member of the St. George's Catholic Church, of Kenosha. Married, in Kenosha, in 1859, Miss Margaret Terry, a native of Cook Co., Ill. who died Feb. 7, 1862, leaving one child. Mr. Meyer married a second time at Paris, Kenosha Co., Sept. 22, 1863, Miss Caroline Meyers, a native of Prussia; have had four children - Joseph, born April 22, 1866; Geo. J., March 20, 1868; Charles, Feb. 17, 1875; John, born Aug. 19, 1876, died Oct. 11, 1877. His son by his first wife, Theodore G., was born Dec. 31 1859. Mr. Meyer is owner of 117 and one half acres.
EDWARD MEAD, farmer, Secs. 28 and 29; P.O. Bristol; born April 31, 1828, in Putnam Co., N.Y.; moved to Columbia Co., N.Y., in 1838, and owned a farm there which he sold in 1854, and came to Wisconsin; located in Bristol Township, and bought his farm; he worked out for one year, and moved onto his farm April 1, 1855; he owns 169 acres of land, and raises oats, corn, flax, potatoes, sheep, cows, horses and hogs. Married Miss Jannette Downing, of Columbia Co., N.Y., Jan. 31, 1847; she died Oct. 21, 1878, leaving one child - Josephine, born Feb. 5, 1854, who married Mr. William Walker, of Bristol Township, in November, 1872. Mr. Mead was Postmaster of Cyprus, Bristol Township, from 1856 to 1863; he is now Side Supervisor for third year; was CLerk and Director of school district several years, and serves as Pathmaster in turn; member of Washburn Lodge, No. 145, Bristol, and Chapter 3, Kenosha, Masons; is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he is Steward, and Sabbath-school Superintendent.
DANIEL MARSH, farmer, Sec. 34 and 35; P.O. Kenosha; born in Onondaga Co., N.Y., in 1830; came to Kenosha Co., Wis., in 1846, his father, Lyman Marsh, locating on the farm now managed by Daniel. Mr. Lyman Marsh died in March, 1861, since which time Daniel Marsh has conducted the farm. Mr. Marsh held the office of Treasurer of Paris in the years 1854 and 1855, and has been Town Clerk for several years; also was Chairman of the Board of Supervisors in 1865 and 1866, and elected Justice of the Peace in 1854. He married in New York, Oct. 26, 1853, Miss Emily J. Wood, a native of the State of New York. He has two children - Charles L., born May 2, 1856; Henry W., born June 2, 1866. Mr. Marsh is owner of 150 acres.
ELLEN MARTIN, farmer, Sec. 11; P.O. Sylvania, Racine Co; born in County Dublin, Ireland, in 1815. She came to America in 1848, stopping in Milwaukee until 1850. While in Milwaukee, she married Mr. Thomas Martin, a shoemaker, who died in 1863 on the farm he had been cultivating since 1850, and where his widow, Ellen, now resides. She is the owner of forty acres, and has considerable money loaned, on which she is receiving interest.
CHARLES MEREDITH, farmer, Sec. 28; P.O. Paris; born in Paris Township in 1856. His father, Mr. Evan Meredith, who was a native of England, came to Kenosha Co. in 1842 or 1843, purchased land and engaged in farming, which he followed until his death, May 21, 1861. Charles, when 10 years of age, went to Union Grove, Racine Co., where he remained some years; also in Kenosha he spent some years, and in Racine Co remained two years; returned, in the fall of 1876, to the farm, where he is at present. He is the owner of 269 and one half acres of land.
MRS. MARGARET McCORMICK, Sec. 4; P.O. Kansasville; born in Cork, Ireland; she came to Brighton Township, Kenosha, Co., in 1845. Her maiden name was Margaret Gleason; married, in 1846, Michael McCormick, a native of County Roscommon, Ireland; he was born in 1823. She has one son - Michael, born March 15, 1856. Mr. McCormick died July 5, 1856. Mrs. McCormick owns eighty-six acres of land, improved, in Brighton Township. Her son is working the farm and caring kindly for his mother. She is a member of the Catholic Church.
PATRICK McCORMICK, Sec. 3; P.O. Kansasville; born in County Roscommon, Ireland, in March, 1826; he came to Brighton Township, Kenosha, Co., in 1843. His father bought land near where the son now lives. Patrick assisted his father in working the farm up to the time of his death. Patrick married, May 15, 1853, Miss Anna Cunningham, a native County Longford, Ireland. They have had five children - Mary, born in March, 1855; Daniel, October, 1851; Catherine, April, 1860; Anna, September, 1862; Elizabeth, November, 1863; she died at the age of 11 years, in 1874. Mr. McCormick has been a member of the School Board in District No. 6, for eleven years, which office he has filled in a very satisfactory manner. He owns 232 acres of land, most of it under cultivation, situated in Brighton Township; the farm is well improved; has a large, substantial barn, which cost him $2,000, and a good house; members of the Catholic Church.
JOSEPH McDONALD, farmer, Sec. 18; P.O. Burlington; born in County Tyrone, Ireland, May 11, 1812; came to America in 1832; went to Boston, Mass., where he worked at his trade of a mason; lived there till 1842, then came to Wisconsin, located in Brighton Township and engaged at farming. He married, in 1838, Miss Anna Chava, a native of Maine; they had four children - David, born Dec. 29, 1839; Mary, Nov. 29, 1841; Agnes, March 28, 1844; Ann, May 1, 1847. His wife died May 1, 1849. He married again, in 1867, Mrs. May Ann Norris, a native of England; they have four children - Oliver, born Sept. 12, 1868; William, March 25, 1870; Johnny, Aug. 23, 1871; Emily, Sept. 29, 1873. Mr. McDonald was elected Clerk of the District School Board several times, and filled that office efficiently. He owns 205 acres of land on Section 18, and has fifty acres of land under cultivation.
WALTER E. McVICAR, farmer, Sec. 36; P.O. Salem; born in Livingston Co., N.Y., in January, 1829; came to Wisconsin in 1846, and located in the southeast part of Brighton Township, where he engaged at farming, which he has followed since; he has accumulated a valuable property. He married in Salem Township, Kenosha, Co., in 1858, Miss Angeline Vanaltine, a native of Cayuga Co., N.Y.; they have five children - William, born in June, 1861; Adella, in October, 1863; Hubert, in October, 1865; Mary, in October 1867; Edwin, in January, 1870 (he died in March, 1872); James, born in July, 1873. Mr. McVicar was elected Justice of the Peace in 1874, served till 1878, and re-elected in 1879; was elected Chairman of the Board of Supervisors in 1873, and re-elected every consecutive year till 1877; he was elected a member of the School Board in 1869, and re-elected every consecutive year up to the present time, and he now holds that office; in all of these offices he has given entire satisfaction. He owns 160 acres of productive land, well improved, commodious barns, a comfortable house and pleasant home.
H. MEYER, farmer; P.O. Brighton; born in Germany in September, 1823; came to Wisconsin in 1845; settled in Kenosha Co.; lived in different sections of the county; is at present situated in Brighton Township, engaged at farming; owns eighty acres of land, well improved; the soil is very productive, and has been well cultivated. Mr. Meyer married, in 1840, Miss Anna Raitz, a native of Germany; they have had eleven children, six living - Mathias, Jacob, Christopher, Nelly, Katy and Maggie. Mr. Meyer was elected and served as Supervisor in 1874, which office he filled with universal satisfaction to the entire community. He and his family are members of the Catholic Church.
CLAPP MINER, farmer, Sec. 34; P.O. Salem; was born in Putnam Co., N.Y., Feb. 20, 1810; he came to Wisconsin in August, 1841, located in Brighton Township, commenced farming, and has industriously followed that occupation since; has accumulated a valuable property. He married, in 1845, Miss Sophia Wineman, a native of Madison Co., N.Y.; they had five children, one living - Mary, the wife of Harvey Knapp. Mr. Miner was elected Chairman of the township, and served for a number of years; also, was elected a member of the School Board, which office he filled at divers times. He is a member in good standing of the Masonic and Odd Fellow fraternities. He owns 410 acres of fertile, productive land; it is well improved, with commodious barns and a comfortable home.
ALLEN H. MOORE, farmer, Sec. 34; P.O. Wilmot; born on Prince Edward Island, British America, in 1849; came to Wisconsin in 1860, and settled in Wilmot, working there about two years; then removed to Kenosha, March 29, 1870, remaining one year; returned to Wilmot, thence to Genoa, where he started a wagon shop, continuing for three years; March, 1878, moved to Randall and purchased his present farm of forty acres. Married, in 1871, Miss Mary Reynolds, a native of Wisconsin; had two children - Luella Maude, born August 1872; James Harold, March, 1877. Republican.
HUGH McINTYRE; Sec. 30; P.O. Wilmot; age 74; was born in Montgomery (now Fulton) Co., N.Y., in 1805; came to WIsconsin in 1836, and located in Milwaukee (now Waukesha) Co.; removed to Wilmot in 1845; was formerly a blacksmith; has managed a saw-mill and farmed. He owned a farm, but has sold all but two and a half acres, on which his residence now stands. Married Margaret Gibson; born in Schenectady Co., N.Y., in 1810; married in Livingston Co. in 1828; celebrated their golden wedding March 6, 1878; never had any children. Are members of the First Congregational Church, of which Mr. McIntyre is Deacon.
MARY K. McINTYRE; Sec. 10; P.O. Wilmot; age 59; born in the town of Hopewell, Ontario Co., N.Y., in 1820. Married Mr. John D. McIntyre in Livingston Co., N.Y., February 5, 1840, by Rev., Alexander Blakie, and lived there five years; then moved West, ad came directly to Wilmot. Mr. McIntrye was a farmer by occupation. Mrs. McIntyre's maiden name was Mary K. McCleary. Never had any children. Members of the Congregational Church.
JOSEPH MERTEN, farmer, Sec. 28; P.O. Burlington; was born in Germany in 1824;
came to Wisconsin in 1854. Married in 1857. His wife was born in Germany; they
have seven children. Mr. and Mrs. Merten are members of the Catholic Church. He
owns 120 acres of land.