Kenosha County Biographical Sketches N


OCTAVIUS S. NEWELL, real estate agent and Secretary and Superintendent of the Kenosha Milk-Pan Co. Mr. Newell's father, Hon. Theodore Newell was a native of Bristol, Ct.; he located the first town site of Muskegon, Mich., in 1836; he brought his family to Detroit first, then in the fall of 1837, removed to Muskegon; he erected the first steam saw-mill at that point, and retained an interest in the lumber business there until 1860, although he removed to Kenosha in 1841, and resided here until 1857, when he removed with his family to New Haven, Conn., and remained until 1863, then came to Chicago and died there Oct. 30, 1869. His widow survives him, and is now a resident of Kenosha; she was born at Stockbridge, Mass. Octavius was born in Detroit, Mich., May 24, 1837; he was educated at Yale College. Previous to the war, he was engaged in the produce commission business, in Chicago; when the war broke out, he entered the service as clerk in the Quartermaster's Department, with Baxter, Chief Quartermaster of Gen. Grant's staff; was with him about two years, when Baxter resigned. Then returned to Chicago and was engaged in lumber business with his father until his death in 1869; came to Kenosha in November, 1871. Married Mary O. Jones, daughter of Daniel A. Jones, of Chicago; date of marriage Nov. 6, 1866.

JOHN NICOLL, Secretary and Treasurer Whitaker Engine and Skein Co. came to Kenosha in 1847 ; engaged in cabinet-making business here until he sold out in 1866, and engaged in present business. He has been Alderman several times, and was member of the School Board in 1876 and 1877. Mr. Nicoll is a native of Scotland; came to America in 1845. He married Helen Nelson, also a native of Scotland; they have four children - Mary, Robert, David and George, all born in Kenosha. Mr. and Mrs. Nicoll are members of the Congregational Church.

MICHAEL NEIDERPRIM, blacksmith; born in Germany in 1815; came to Wisconsin in 1856, locating at Kenosha, where he worked in the foundry of Holt, Leonard & Co. for two years; in 1859, went to farming, and continued till 1862, when he commenced work in the railroad roundhouse, where he remained for nine years. Married in 1849, Miss Helena Eisen, a native of Germany; they have had nine children, three boys and six girls - one boy died. Member of the Catholic Church; Democrat.


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HENRY A. NEWBURY, farmer, Sec. 35; P.O. Kenosha; born in Connecticut in 1811; came West in 1838, and located in what is now Paris, Kenosha Co.; engaged in farming, and in his business as carpenter and builder. In 1839, he left Wisconsin for Michigan; remained about a year; returned to Kenosha Co. in 1841; since has resided on his farm, working also at his trade, until 1849; since has been farming exclusively. He married, at New Haven, Conn., in 1835, Miss Catherine McCoy, a native of Connecticut, who died Sept. 1845, leaving four children ; three are now living - John C., born in 1837; Henry F., in 1842; and Francis E., in 1844; two died - Henry, born November, 1838, died in 1839; Catherine C., born September, 1845, died March, 1848. Mr. Newbury married, March 4, 1846, Miss Abby P. Caldwell, a native of Massachusetts, who died March 29, 1875. He married again, in Kenosha, Nov. 3, 1876, Minnie C. Randolph. Mr. Newbury is owner of 160 acres.


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F. NEWBURRY, farmer, Sec. 28; P.O. Burlington; was born in Erie Co., N.Y., in 1819; learned the trade of carpenter and joiner, which he followed until 1841, when he came to Wisconsin and located where he is now living. Married, in 1845, Miss Mary B. Runkel; she was born in Germany; they have six children. Mrs. N. is a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. N. owns 152 acres of land.