His familiarity with lumbering and with the pine regions made him a good judge of pine lands, and, in 1848, he accompanied Daniel Wells, Jr., to the Sault Ste. Marie land office and assisted in purchasing large tracts of valuable timber land. The enterprises and activities of this man from that time on are too numerous, varied and extensive to be adequately enumerated here; suffice it to say that his business rapidly advanced and extended until he became one of the leading lumbermen of that region. He acquired a quarter interest in the property of N. Ludington & Co., including the great mill, and when, in 1868, that firm gave place to the N. Ludington Stock company. Mr. Stephenson owned a controlling interest in the property, and since 1883 he has been president of the company. He was one of the large stockholders in the Peshtigo company, whose factory, together with the village of Peshtigo, was destroyed by the great fire of 1871, involving a loss of nearly $2,000,000; but the mills and village were immediately rebuilt. In 1892 he bought the Peshtigo company, and reorganized it under the name of the Peshtigo Lumber company, with Daniel Wells, Jr., and Chas. Ray of Milwaukee, equal owners with himself. He is the president and was the organizer and promoter of the Menominee River Boom company, which handles more logs than any company in the world, and which is capitalized for $1,250,000. He is president of the Stephenson National bank at Marinette, and is interested in a half dozen companies relating to the lumber industry, which represent millions of capital. He is owner or part owner of thousands of acres of timber in Michigan, Wisconsin and Louisiana. In addition to these vast interests be owns a farm of nine hundred acres in Kenosha county, which is fully stocked and equipped. In connection with this farm is a creamery that makes three hundred pounds of butter daily. He also owns another farm at Marinette, which is principally devoted to the raising of trotting horses. Mr. Stephenson may be properly termed the industrial pioneer of northeaster. Wisconsin and northern Michigan, because of his promotion of so many enterprises that have proved of vital importance to that region.
Mr. Stephenson has been a Republican since the organization of that party; and notwithstanding his vast business interests he has always found time to labor for the promotion of the party principles and interests, because he fully believes in them. He was twice a member of the state legislature; and, in 1882, he was elected to congress, and twice re-elected. He declined further re-election for business reasons. He was a popular and influential influential member, and did his country good service, as might have been expected from one of so much energy and such wide and varied experience in business affairs. He was on terms of intimacy with many of the political leaders, and his retiring from public life was generally regretted.
Mr. Stephenson has been thrice married--first to Margaret Stephenson, in 1852. From this union there are four children living. In 1873 he married Augusta Anderson, who bore him three children, who survive their mother. His third marriage was to Elizabeth Burns, in 1884, and one son is the issue of this marriage.
Though a man of regret wealth he is free from ostentation, and is justly
proud of what he has accomplished, because it came to him as the result of
unremitting industry, enterprise and the sagacity born of a study of his
opportunities and their possibilities.