RESIDENTS OF Kenosha County GIVING ACREAGE, SECTION, TOWNSHIP AND POST-OFFICE. [Figures without the sign "a," for acres, denote the section. Where no section is given, the residence is in the immediate neighborhood of the post-office. Where no occupation is named, farming is understood. Where only one location is given, name of town and post-offlce are identical. Star (*) denotes renter.] ACHEN Frank, farmer, 26 Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1. BABE Catherine Miss, 70a 5, Brighton, Dover. |
CABLE Geo. 7a 7, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Capron Leroy, 35a 26, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Carlson Charles, 80a 14, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
*Carlson John & Bro. 400a 26, Randall, Wilmot.
Carman Oscar, 147a 29, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
CARPENTER THOMAS L. town clk. postmaster, sta. agt. 1/2a 16, Pleasant Prairie,
Carroll Edward, 180a 22, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Carter Henry S. 1/4a 16, Salem.
Cass Kimball K. 160a 24, Salem.
Castello Frank, 15a 14, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Castle Erastus S. 190a 4, Bristol.
Chook Charles, 186a 2, Brighton, Kansasville.
Christensen E. blksmith, 1 1/2a 6, R. 22, Somers, Sylvania.
Christenson Daniel, 2a 7, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie Kenosha.
*Christianson Andrew, 160a 21, Pleasant Prairie, Erly.
*Christianson James, 164a 15, Somers.
Christman Peter A. 23a 2, Somers, Racine.
Clark Adaline Mrs. 60a 25, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Clausen John, postmaster, 202a 16, Pleasant Prairie, Erly.
Cole Wm. B. 65a 18, R. 22, Pleasant Prairie.
Coleman Leonard, 80a 31, Randall, Richmond.
Condon John, 367a 32, Pleasant Prairie, Russell, Ill.
Conrad Dietrich, 80a 31, Paris, Bristol.
*Conrad John D. 80a 31, Paris, Bristol.
Cook Elliott, lab. 1a 9, Somers.
Cooper, James, powdermkr. R. 22, Pleasant Prairie.
Corbett Thomas, 65a 2, Somers, Racine.
Corbett Thomas Jr. farmer, 2, Somers, Racine.
Cornwall Adelbert R. chairman, 160a 28, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Cornwell Clarence, farmer, 28 Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Cornwell Ina Miss, 28, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Coughlin Wm. 79a 1, Paris, Somers.
Cowell Walter 7a 7. R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Coyne James 100a 30, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Coyne John, 100a 31, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
*Cramer Jacob, 36a 6, R. 23, Somers, Berryville.
Crane B. W. 94a 4, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
*Crane Charles, 240a 17, Paris.
Crane Frank, farmer, 4, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
*Craney Wm. 81a 1, Salem.
Crawford John J. 320a 35, Bristol, Russell, Ills.
Crawford Spencer, farmer, 35,, Bristol, Russell, Ills.
Creuziger Charles, 46a 3, Somers, Racine.
Cropley Samuel B. 159a 34, Pleasant Prairie, Russell, Ills.
Crow Harding, supt. 863a 5, Pleasant Prairie.
Crow Joseph, 99a 27, Pleasant Prairie, Russell, Ill.
Crowley A. 162a 36, Salem, Antioch, Ills.
Cubbing Fred 1/2a 15, Salem.
Cull J. Spence, 239a 10, Salem.
Cull Wm. V. 468a 33, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
CULL WM. V. town clk. 33 Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Culver Grif, 163a 35, Salem, Trevor.
Cummings Nicholas, 40a 27, Bristol.
*Cupping Otto, 140a 20, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
*Curtis Cyrus, 320a 30, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Curtis George, 120a 5, Bristol.
Curtis Philo, 321a 3o, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Curtis Walker M. 557a 22, Salem, Camp Lake.
*Curtis Wm. L. 155a 7 R. 23, Somers, Berryville.
DABBS G. Wm. 144a, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Dabbs James H. 189a 15, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Dalton Joseph Mrs. 13a 17, Salem, Silver Lake.
*Daniels Anton, 200a 16, Brighton, Kansasville.
Daniels Jacob, 160a 26, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Daniels Nicholas, 237a 14, Brighton.
Davis Albert, farmer, 26, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Davis George, 40a 26, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Davis Lewis, 274a 29, Paris.
Dearsley Wm. 46a R. 23, Somers, Berryville.
*De Bell John & Peter, 410a 34, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
*De Bell Marine, 120a 33, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Deberge Wm .38a 19, R. 23, Somers, Kenosha.
Decker A. T. 6a 2, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
*De Groot Chas. 120a 6, Paris, Union Grove.
*De Groot John, 151a 5, Paris, Union Grove.
De Kook John, 260a 4, Paris, Union Grove.
Delaney John, 70a 25, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Deline Frank, 111a 17, Somers.
De Long J. E. 155a 6, R. 22, Somers, Sylvania.
Dennig John, well driller, 15a 14, Somers.
*Devlin Lawrence P. 274a 15, Bristol, Woodworth.
*Dexter Maynard, 304a 8, Salem, Fox River.
Dexter Walter L. 170a 34, Pleasant Prairie, Russell, Ill.
*Dippe Chas. 80 1/2a 15, Salem.
*Dixon Harvey, 90a 18, Paris.
Dixon Joshua, 80a 10, Brighton, Kansasville.
Dixon Thomas H. 120a 11, Brighton, Kansasville.
Doerflinger Charles, 80a 19, R. 22, Somers.
Doerflinger Godfried, 97a 19, R. 22, Somers.
Donsing Fred, 255a 14, Somers.
Dorey Charles, farmer, 24, Somers, Kenosha.
Dorey John, farmer, 24, Somers, Kenosha.
Dorey Margaret Mrs. 15a 24, Somers, Kenosha.
Dorey Wm. farmer, 24, Somers, Kenosha.
Dowell Charles, 22a 30, Salem, Wilmot.
Dowse Byron C. 80a 33, Pleasant Prairie! Russell, Ills.
Dowse James C. 180a 34, Pleasant Prairie, Russell, Ills.
Dowse Wm. C. 65a 33, Pleasant Prairie Kenosha.
Draper Willis, 40a 36, Pleasant Prairie Winthrop Harbor, Ills.
Dressall Philip, 151a 18, R. 22, Somers.
Drinkwater Charles, 230a 3, Paris, Union Grove.
Drissell Jacob, 80a 25, Paris, Chapin.
*Drumm Frank, 229a 27, Salem, Trevor.
Duffy John, 3a 30, Salem, Wilmot.
Dugan Michael, 141a 17, Salem, Silver Lake.
Dunnebacke J. J. and F. 136a. 25, Somers, Kenosha.
Dunnebeck Mary, 4a 19, R. 23, Somers, Kenosha.
Dupons Abraham, 15a 7, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Durich John, 68a 18, R. 23, Somers, Berryville.
Dyson Charles, 120a 28, Wheatland, Burlington.
*EDDY Clarence, 247a. 30, Randall, Genoa Junct.
Eddy Ozro W. 40a 25, Wheatland.
Edgerton Benjamin G. 400a 28, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Edquist John, 80a 27, Somers, Kenosha.
Edwards Elbert L. 46a 22, Bristol, Woodworth.
Edwards Jay, 4a 10, Bristol, Woodworth.
Edwards Nelson D. 141a 10, Bristol, Woodworth.
*Edwards Richard, 201a 1, Wheatland, Fox River.
*Edwards Thomas, 80a 31, R. 22, Pleasant Prairie, Russell, Ills.
Ehlen Gertrude Mrs. 113a 24, Brighton.
Eich John, 40a 28, Somers, Kenosha.
Eichelman Margaret Mrs. 1/4a 7, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
*Elfers Bernard, 61a 3, Wheatland, New Munster.
Elfers Herman, 61a 3, Wheatland, New Munster.
Elfers Wm. 160a 26, Randall, Wilmot.
Ellis Florence Mrs. 8, Bristol.
Elverman Benjamin & John, 160a 13, Randall, Bassetts.
Emsley Mary Mrs. 6a 33, Salem Trevor.
Engberg Gust, lab. 9 Salem, Silver Lake.
Engel Maggie, 120a 14, Brighton.
Englehard John, 160a 22, Brighton.
Eppers John, 120a 26, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Eppers Mathias, 100a 1, Brighton, Union Grove.
Eppers Nicholas, 105a 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Eppers Valentine, 200a 24, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
*Eppers WM. 200a 24, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
*Epping Bernard, 129a 1 Wheatland, New Munster.
Epping Henry, 72a 6, Salem, Silver Lake.
*Epping Herman, 235a 7, Salem, Silver Lake.
Epping Joseph, 92a 10 Wheatland, New Munster.
Erbe Wm. & Henry, 160a 6, Paris, Union Grove.
*Erickson Paul, 389a 19, Randall, Genoa Junct.
Essling Henry, 10a 34, Wheatland, New Munster.
Evans Christ, 200a 19, Brighton, Wheatland.
Evans Wm. 82 1/2a 34, Salem, Trevor.
*Everett Lynn W. 80a 26 Paris, Chapin.
Everett S. J. 50a 26, Paris, Chapin.
FADEN James, 4a 33, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Fagan Jennie Miss, 120a 31, R. 22, Pleasant Prairie, Russell, Ills.
Fagan John, 80a 15, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Falk Albert, farmer, 26, Somers, Kenosha.
Falk Emil, 40a 26, Somers, Kenosha.
Farr A. T. 18a 19, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Fay Lyman, 148a 32, Wheatland, Burlington.
Fay Ulysses S. 40a 33, Wheatland, Burlington.
Fechtner John Mrs. 33a 5, Pleasant Prairie, Truesdell.
Feigel Wm. 110a 24, Randall, Bassetts.
Felch Frank, 88a 2, Somers, Racine.
Feldcamp Gerhard, 28a 3, Wheatland, New Munster.
Feldcamp Rudolph, farmer, 3, Wheatland, New Munster.
Feldkamp Geo. 15a. 16, Salem.
*Fernald Ralph, 160a 23, Randall, Bassetts.
Fettis Nicholas, 87a 25, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
*Fiddler Christian, 143a. 10, Bristol, Woodworth.
Fiddler John, 143a, 10, Bristol.
Fiest John, 81a 12, Somers, Berryville.
Fiest Joseph, 45a 1, Somers, Berryville.
Fiest Mat, farmer, 12, Somers, Berryville.
Findley Charles, 80a 15, Salem.
Fink Edmund, 107a 11, Somers.
Fink James, farmer, 11, Somers.
Fink John W. 62a 10, Somers.
Finke Frank, 80a 31, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
Firchow Edward, 2a 9, Bristol.
*Firchow Wm. 165a 3, Bristol, Woodworth.
Fleisz Joseph, 90a 36, Somers, Kenosha.
Fleming James, 205a 35, Randall, Wilmot.
Flemming Thos. & James, 280a 22, Salem, Trevor.
Fonk Frank, 80a 25, Paris, Chapin.
Fonk John, 192a 23, Paris, Chapin.
Fonk Margaret Mrs. 90a. 16, Paris.
Fonk Matthew, 290a 9, Paris, Union Grove.
Fonk Mat, J. 184a. 16, Paris.
Fonk Michael, 140a 27, Somers, Kenosha.
Fonk Nicholas J. 160a 21, Paris.
Fonk Philip, 280a 25, Paris, Chapin.
Fonk Theodore, 97a 7, R. 22, Somers.
Fosdick E. Charles, 80a 9, Wheatland, Bassetts.
Foulk Evan, 95a 17, Bristol.
*Foulke Wm. 130a 20, Bristol.
*Fowler Louis S. 170a 2, Bristol, Woodworth.
Fox Edward, 48a 32, Bristol, Antioch, Ills.
Fox Frank, 51a 33, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Fox John, 120a 25, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Fox Orson O. 216a 17, Pleasant Prairie.
*Frahn F. W. 40a 30, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
Frahn Wm. Mrs. 40a 30, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
Frank Carl, 14a 31, Salem, Wilmot.
*Franke August, 140a 28, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
*Frederick Jacob, 98a 19, R. 22, Somers.
Frederick Michael, 120a 10, Paris, Somers.
*Frederick Nicholas, 80a 24, Paris, Chapin.
Frederick Theodore Sr., 327a 24, Paris, Chapin.
Frederick Theodore Jr., 120a 11, Paris, Somers.
Frederickson Peter, 8a 15, Pleasant Prairie, Ranney.
French Loretta Miss, 311a 3, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Frisbie May teacher 5 Bristol.
Frisbie Wm. Mrs. 50a 5, Bristol.
Funk Charles, 150a 4, Wheatland, New Munster.
Funke Fred, 168a 6, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
Furlong Henry, 77a 12, Salem.
GALLAGHER John, 135a 7, Salem, Silver Lake.
*Gallagher Martin, 135a 7, Salem, Silver Lake.
*Gantz Henry, 160a 29, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Gantzer Charles, 20a 13, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Ganzolin William, 30a 17, Salem, Silver Lake.
Gardenier Ellsworth J. 15a 14, Somers, Kenosha.
Gardenier James, 9a 14, Somers.
Garland Frank, 170a 23, Salem.
Garland Thomas, 200a 18, Bristol.
Garland Wm, 1a 26, Salem, Trevor.
Garrett Andrew M. 258a 20, Randall, Genoa Junct.
Gascoigne Fred, 12a 14, Somers.
Gascoigne Samuel, farmer, 14 Somers.
*Gascoigne Thomas, 10a 11, Somers.
Gascoigne Wm. Mrs. 15a 14, Somers.
Gastnouer Mat, 20a 14, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Gauger Charles Mrs. 117a 32, Salem, Wilmot.
*Gauger.Henry, 156a 10, Bristol, Woodworth.
Gauger John, 176a. 31, Salem, Wilmot.
Gehring Henry, 100a 14, Randall, Bassetts.
Gehring John, 138a 7, R. 23, Somers, Berryville.
Gehring John H. 138a 7 R. 23, Somers, Berryville.
Genenz Christ, 3a 20, Randall, Twin Lakes.
*Genenz Wm. 123a 17, Randall, Powers Lake.
Gentz August, 154a 28, Somers.
Gentz Chas. 209a 17, Somers.
Gentz Fred, farmer, 18, Somers.
*Gethen E. R. & E. J. 126a 13, Bristol, Pleasant Prairie.
Gethen Frank, carp. 27, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Gethen Stephen D. 127a 27, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Gherkey Edward, 77a 28, Somers.
*Gherkey Martin, 77a 28, Somers.
Ghorst Richard, 39a 12, Brighton, Union Grove.
Gibbons Owen, 60a 11, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Gibbons Thomas, 9 1/2a 2, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Gibbs Albert, 124a 31, Randall, Richmond.
Gillett S. J. farmer, 10 Pleasant Prairie, Ranney.
Gitzlaff August, 78a 16, Somers.
*Gitzlaff John, 277a. 33, Paris, Woodworth.
Giver Henry, 1a 26, Salem, Trevor.
Gleason Patrick, 40a 25, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Gleason Wm. 97a 30, R. 22, Pleasant Prairie, Russell, Ills.
Gleichmann Christian, 180a 10, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Gleichmann Fred, 112a 12, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Goergen John, 96a 18, R. 23, Somers, Kenosha.
Goike Ferdinand, foreman, 19a 16, Salem, Silver Lake.
Goodman Edward D. 16a 7, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
*Gore Charles, 80a 18, Paris.
Gore George, 60a 12, Brighton, Union Grove.
Gouker Oscar, farmer, 32, Somers, Truesdell.
Graham Alex, buttermkr. 23, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Gratz Michael, 160a 24, Paris, Chapin.
Gray John, 120a 16, Somers.
Greely John, 80a 21, Pleasant Prairie, Erly.
Gregory Abe, 1a, 10, Salem.
Grevenow Julius, 64a 33 Paris, Woodworth.
Griffin John, 220a 35, Pleasant Prairie, Winthrop Harbor, Ills.
Griffith J. Richard, poultry raiser, 6, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
*Griffiths James, 60a 7, Paris.
Gross Wm. F. 30a 7, R. 23, Somers, Berryville.
*Gulbranson John, 132a 17, Brighton, Dover.
Gulick Abe, 32oa 34, Paris, Woodworth.
Gulick Gilbert H. 80a 36, Paris, Woodworth.
Gunderson Hans, 53a 33, Pleasant Prairie, Russell, Ills.
Gunter Charles & Edward, 305a 17, Paris.
Gunter Harvey, farmer, 9, Paris, Union Grove.
Gunter Herbert, 157a, 8, Paris.
Gunter Wm. 300a 9, Paris, Union Grove.
Gunter Wm. Jr. farmer, 9, Paris, Union Grove.
Gursky Fred, 41a 12, Brighton, Union Grove.
*HAASE Ernest Jr. 80a 9, Salem.
Haase Ernest, 108 1/2a 10, Salem.
*Hackbart Julius, 200a 1, Brighton, Union Grove.
Hackbert Albert, 46a 4 Bristol.
*Haddican Thomas, 100a 32, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Haegle John & Wm. ice dlrs. 29, Randall, Genoa junct.
Hahn Frank, 111a 34, Salem, Trevor.
Hahn John, 220a 29, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Hahn Mathias Mrs. 140a 30, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
*Hahn Nicholas, 143a 30, Salem, Wilmot.
Haigh Enoch, 160a 8, Somers.
*Haigh John, 80a 8, Somers.
*Hainan Theodore, 90a 4, Brighton, Kansasville.
Hainan Thomas, 55a, Somers, Berryville.
*Hanel John 58a 25, Somers, Kenosha.
Haney Jacob, 140a 2, Paris, Somers.
Haney John, 100a 1, Paris, Somers.
Hanke Wm. 98a 4, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
Hanks Wm. 140a 32, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Winthrop Harbor, Ills.
Hannemann G. 9a 23, Salem.
Hannon John, 107a 35, Somers, Kenosha.
Hansche E. 15a 6, R. 23, Somers, Berryville.
Hansche Jacob R. 25a 6, R. 23, Somers, Berryville.
Hansche John W. 54a 6, R. 23, Somers, Berryville.
Hansche Wm. F. 68a 5 R. 23, Somers, Berryville.
Hansel Edward, 39a 8, Bristol.
Hansis Charles, 9a 7, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie,, Kenosha.
Hansis Conrad, 1/4a 7, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
*Hanson Andrew, 200a 18, Bristol.
*Hanson Geo. 158a 29, Somers.
Hanson Knud, 36a 5, Somers.
*Hanson Lawrence P. 66a 36, Somers, Kenosha.
Hanson Nels, 5a 9 Pleasant Prairie, Ranney.
*Hanson Peter, 150a 22, Somers.
Hanson Peter, 137a, 12 Bristol, Pleasant Prairie.
Hanson Rasmus, 78a 33, Somers, Truesdell.
*Harcus John, 54a 10, Somers.
Harms Charles, 74a 24, Randall, Bassetts.
*Harms Wm. 160a 13, Randall, Fox River.
Harrison Wm. 106a 30, Randall, Genoa Junct.
*Hartnell Arthur, 80a 8, Salem, Silver Lake.
Hartnell Frank G. 480a 34, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Hartnell John F. 202a 28, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
*Hartung John, 137a 3o, R. 23, Somers, Kenosha.
Hastings Charles, 53a 30, R. 23, Somers, Kenosha.
Hastings Henry J. lawyer, 30, R. 23, Somers, Kenosha.
Hathaway James, 63a 7, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Hausner Catharine Miss, 31, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Hausner Christ, 80a 26, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Hausner Christian J. Rev. pastor St. Mary's Cath. Church. 31 Bristol, Bristol R.
D. 1.
Hausner Mary Miss, 31, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Haven Wm. S. 200a 14, Brighton, Kansasville.
Hawes George, 8a 7, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Hazelman Fred, 111a 31, Salem, Wilmot.
*Heck John, 160a 11, Brighton.
Heckbart Caroline Mrs. 52a 36, Paris, Woodworth.
*Heckbart Reinhardt, 160a 35, Paris, Woodworth.
Heiderman Celia Miss, 2, Wheatland, New Munster.
Heiderman Henry, 40a 2, Wheatland, New Munster.
Heidersdorf Frank, thresher, 6, R. 22, Somers, Sylvania.
*Heidersdorf John & Henry, 118a 6, R. 22, Somers, Sylvania.
Heidersdorf Margaret Mrs. 118a 6, R. 22, Somers, Sylvania.
Hein Wm. F. 80a 36, Paris, Woodworth.
Helcher John, lab. 17, Salem, Silver Lake.
Helding Nels, 18a 11, Somers.
Hemling Benj. 95a 10, Wheatland, New Munster.
Henchen Rudolph, 40a 25, Somers, Kenosha.
Henkle Ernest, 151a 32, R. 22, Pleasant Prairie, Russell, Ills.
Henn Philip, 158a 11, Paris, Somers.
Henny Gottlieb, lab. 2a 29, Randall, Genoa Junct.
*Henrath John, 108a 9, Bristol, Woodworth.
Hensgen John, 170a 9, Paris, Union Grove.
Hensgen John Jr. 156a, 10, Paris, Union Grove.
Hensgen Mat, 90a 9, Paris, Union Grove.
Herrick Alvin, 140a 33, Randall, Wilmot.
Herrmann Chas. 92a 30, Somers, Chapin.
*Herrmann Chas. Jr. 160a 20, Somers.
Herzog John, town treas. 120a 3, Somers.
Higgins Charles, 320a 30, R. 22, Pleasant Prairie.
Higgins Fred F. 215a 2, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
*Higgins W. Chas. 38a 17, Salem, Silver Lake.
*Hill Alonzo, 60a 27, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Hill Sylvester J. 100a 27, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
*Hillier Charles, 117a 10, Salem.
Hillier George Mrs. 117a 10, Salem.
Hillier Thos. 76 1/2a 5, Salem Silver Lake.
Hillman Fred, 80a 5, Brighton, Dover.
*Himes Joseph, 80a 23, Somers, Kenosha.
*Hitler Clinton, 51a 10, Somers.
Hitler H. Mrs. 51a io, Somers.
Hockney Geo. H. 107 1/2a 35, Salem, Antioch, Ills.
*Hockney Harvey, 191a 28, Salem, Trevor.
Hodge Edson, 110a 34, Randall, Wilmot.
Hodge John, 120a 33, Randall, Wilmot.
Hoefner Henry, 40a 34, Wheatland, New Munster.
Hoefner Wm. 100a 11, Wheatland, New Munster.
Hoefs Benj. 37a 19, Randall, Powers Lake.
Hoffman Martin, 51a 23, Randall, Bassetts.
Hoffner Benjamin, 30a 7, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Hogsted Ne1s, 60a 11, Paris, Somers.
Holbrook H. H. 80a 23, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Hollenbeck Onie, farmer, 24, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Hollenbeck Harmon D. 80a 24, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Hollenbeck Wm. 80a 17, Pleasant Prairie.
Hollencamp Benjamin, 120a 9, Wheatland, New Munster.
Hollenkamp Theo. 80a 16, Randall, Bassetts.
Hollidy Annie Mrs. 160a 32, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
*Hollidy Leslie, 160a 32, Brighton, Salem, R. D. 1.
Hollister Homer, 166a 20, Bristol.
Holloway M. W. 200a 22, Paris, Chapin.
Holmes Henry, 14a 19, R. 23, Somers, Kenosha.
Holmes J. C. Mrs. 14a 1, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Holmes J. F. M. 7a 1, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Holt Christopher, 398a 28, Pleasant Prairie, Erly.
Holtzheimer Lawrence, 45a 17, Randall, Bassetts.
*Horn Hubbard, 160a 2, Paris, Somers.
Horning Jacob, farmer, 23, Paris, Chapin.
Horning Phillip, 85a 23, Paris, Chapin.
*Horton Alfred, 111a 33, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Horton Wm. pensioner, 15, Bristol, Woodworth.
Hotz Mathias, 200a 33, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Hotz Peter, 100a 33, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Howarth Henry, 8a 15, Somers.
Hoye Michael, 160a 36, Salem, Trevor.
Hoye Patrick, 160a 31, Bristol, Antioch, Ill.
Hoye Simon Mrs. 80a 31, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Huck August, 134a 24, Somers, Kenosha.
Huck Joseph, 50a 12, Somers.
Huff Charles, 3a 4, Wheatland, New Munster.
Hughes J. Albert, 120a 17, Somers.
Hughes Marvin, farmer, 18, R. 22, Somers.
Hunsbuscher John, 162a 3, Wheatland, New Munster.
Hunt Ambrose & Ignatius, 25a 16, Salem.
Hunt Clark, farmer, 26, Bristol, Bristol, R. D. 1.
Hunt Daniel, 160a 9, Bristol.
Hunt James, 200a 23, Bristol, Pleasant Prairie.
Hunt John, 642a 19, Bristol.
Hunt Thomas, 80a 25, Salem, Trevor.
Huxhold John, 23a 1, Pleasant Prairie Kenosha.
INGROUILLE Peter, 17a 2, Somers, Racine.
Ingrouille Peter T. blksmith, 3a 2, Somers, Racine.
Irving Thomas, 160a 24, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Irving Thomas, 89a. 18, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha
JACKLEY Charles, 85a 14, Brighton.
Jackley Peter, 82a 14, Brighton.
Jackman John, 19a 19, R. 22, Somers.
Jackson David, 15a 9, Bristol.
Jackson Ernest, 60a 34, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Jahns Charles, 100a 15, Randall, Bassetts.
Jahns Ferd. 79a 15, Randall, Bassetts.
Jansen Anthony, 73a 3, Brighton, Kansasville.
Jensen A. 6a 14, Somers.
*Jensen Andrew 160a 23, Paris, Chapin.
Jensen Benjamin, 100a 5, Pleasant Prairie, Truesdell.
Jensen Chas. C. 40a 10, Paris, Somers.
Jensen L. A. Mrs. 72a 31, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Winthrop Harbor, Ills.
Jensen P. J. 40a 35, Somers, Kenosha.
*Jenson C. 2a 5, Somers.
*Jenson Carl, 110a 16, Somers.
Jenson Carl C. 5a. 13, Somers, Kenosha.
*Jenson Christ Sr. 160a 4, Somers.
Jenson Christ Jr. farmer, 4, Somers.
*Jenson James, 160a 22, Somers.
Jenson Jorgan, 20a 10, Paris, Somers.
Jenson Peter, farmer, 36, Somers, Kenosha.
Jepson Andrew, 40a 32, Pleasant Prairie, Russell, Ills.
Jepson Joel, 17a 13, Brighton.
*Johnson Charles, 50a 34, Somers, Kenosha.
Johnson Christ, 45a 35, Pleasant Prairie, Winthrop Harbor, Ills.
*Johnson James, 750a 7, R. 22, Pleasant Prairie.
Johnson Moses, 400a 12, Bristol, Pleasant Prairie.
*Johnson W. C. 158a 24, Randall, Bassetts.
Jones Henry H. farmer, 17, Pleasant Prairie, Ranney.
Jones John, 25a 17, Paris.
Jones John E. 40a 13, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
*Jones Richard, 330a 18, Bristol.
Jones Richard B. 173a, 21, Paris.
*JONES RUSSELL H. town clk. 207a 7, Paris, Union Grove.
Jones Sidney, 16a 7, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Jones Sidney M. carp. contr. 6, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Jordan Geo. F. 80a 23, Somers, Kenosha.
Jorgensen Andrew, 38a 6, Brighton, Dover.
Jorgenson Fred, 120a 35 Randall, Wilmot.
Jorgenson Hans, 121a 1, Paris, Somers.
Joslyn C. Mrs. 80a 10, Bristol, Woodworth.
KADDATZ Charles, 155a 31, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
Kaiser Anton, 82a 6, Salem, Wheatland.
Kaiser Kate, 48a 12, Bristol, Pleasant Prairie.
Kanis Charles, 5a 30, Salem, Wilmot.
Karnes James H. 100a 23, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Karpen Jacob, 80a 15, Brighton.
Karrow Christian Mrs. 80a 20, Paris.
Karrow Frank, farmer, 20, Paris.
Karrow Fred, farmer, 20, Paris.
*Kearney Henry, 80a 25, Bristol, Pleasant Prairie.
Kearns Frank & Ralph, teachers, 23 Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Kearns James Jr. farmer, 23, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Kearns Patrick, 2a 25, Paris, Chapin.
Kelley Hannah Miss, 25, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Kelley James, 200a 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Kelley James E. 118a 31, R. 22, Pleasant Prairie, Russell, Ills.
Kelley John, farmer, 25, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Kelley Michael C. 240a 24, Bristol, Bristol R. D 1.
Kelley Michael H. 77a 31, R. 22, Pleasant Prairie Russell, Ills.
Kelley Thomas, 152a, 30, R. 22, Pleasant Prairie, Russell, Ills.
Kelley Timothy, 91a 32, Pleasant Prairie, Russell, Ills.
Kelley Wm. farmer, 25, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Kellogg Henry B. 401a 17, Pleasant Prairie, Ranney.
*Keman Anton, 123a, 35, Somers, Kenosha.
*Kemen Matthew, 160a 24, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Kemen Wm. Mrs. 160a 24, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Keneas John, 50a 34, Randall, Wilmot.
Kennedy Albert, 134a, 28, Salem, Trevor.
Kerckman John, Sr. 116a 3, Wheatland, New Munster.
Kerckman Joseph, 70a 34, Wheatland, New Munster.
Kerkhoff Gerhard, 181a 14, Randall, Bassetts.
*Kerkhoff Henry, 257a 34, Wheatland, New Munster.
Kerkhoff John, 100a 23, Randall, Bassetts.
*Kersting Frank, 195a, 11, Wheatland, New Munster.
Kersting Henry, 1 1/4a 2, Wheatland, New Munster.
*Kerwin Charles, 90a. 20, Salem, Silver Lake.
Kesken Wm. 100a 28, Wheatland, Burlington.
*Kessler Herman, 130a 31, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
Kester & Elfers, 185 1/2a 9, Salem.
Keuck Herman, 101a 22, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Khunke John, 44a 27, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
King A. J. Mrs. 100a 27, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
King Catherine (wid. Jacob) 30a 21, Randall, Twin Lakes.
King Herman, farmer, 21, Randall, Twin Lakes.
King John, farmer, 21, Randall, Twin Lakes.
King Wm. H. farmer, 17, Somers.
Kingman Frank, 160a 24, Salem, Bristol.
Kirchner Richard, 45a 7, R. 23 Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Kirchner Wm. 32a 7, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Kline Charles, 142a 30, Randall, Genoa Junct.
Kline Fred, 156a, 21, Randall, Twin Lakes.
Kline L. Mrs. 22a 1, Somers, Berryville.
KLINE WM. town clk. 56a 20, Randall, Twin Lakes.
Knapp Samuel, 1a 9, Bristol.
Knetzger John, 160a 5, Paris, Union Grove.
Knight Archibald, 120a 31, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Winthrop Harbor, Ills.
Knowles Louis, farmer, 8, Somers.
Knowles Louisa, 160a 8, Somers.
Knowles Sheridan, farmer, 8, Somers.
Knutson Fred, foreman Jefferson Ice Co. 9, Salem, Silver Lake.
Koch Chris H. 40a 12, Somers, Berryville.
Koeplehoff Herman, 80a 19, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
*Kohler Wm. 188a 19, Brighton, Burlington.
Kohlman Gustav 78a 21, Somers.
Kohls Herman, 13a 25, Somers, Kenosha.
Kohls Wm. 76a 6, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
Kohls Wm. Mrs. 39a 29, Wheatland, Burlington.
*Koppish Gottlieb, 320a 34, Randall, Wilmot.
Kortz Fred, 5a 16, Randall, Bassetts.
Koster Setphen, 2a 25, Somers, Kenosha.
*Krahn Albert, 200a 22, Bristol, Woodworth.
Krahn August, 68a 26, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
*Krahn Wm. 80a 14, Bristol, Pleasant Prairie.
*Kramer Jacob, 62a 2, Wheatland, New Munster.
Krause O. E. 80a 5, Somers.
*Kresken Frank, 160a 31, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Kreuscher George, 120a 14, Paris, Somers.
Kreuscher Jacob Jr. 320a 13, Paris, Somers.
Krift Frank, 96a 26, Wheatland.
Krueder Herman H. Mrs. 130a 14, Somers.
*Krueger Albert, 80a 27, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Krueger Albert, lab. 6, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Krueger Amelia Miss, 3, Bristol, Woodworth.
Krueger August, 2a 3, Bristol, Woodworth.
Krueger Carl F. 6oa 7, R. 23, Somers, Berryville.
*Krueger Frank, 160a 23, Paris, Chapin.
Krueger Herman, 120a 14, Salem.
Krueger Wm. 114a 1, Bristol, Woodworth.
Kutzke Carl, 146a 32, Paris.
LACY John, 159a 17, Bristol.
Ladewig Max, 80a 35, Paris, Woodworth.
*Lais Bernard Jr. 150a 3, Wheatland, New Munster.
Lais Henry Sr. 160a 9, Wheatland, New Munster.
Lais Henry, 150a 3, Wheatland, New Munster.
Lais Henry Jr. 151a 33, Wheatland, New Munster.
Lais Herman, 80a 4, Wheatland, New Munster.
Lambertz Joseph, 1a 36, Randall, Wheatland.
Lambertz Peter, 8a, 10, Wheatland, New Munster.
Lambricht Albert, 5a. 7, R. 22, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Lambricht WM. 2a 7, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Lamier Joseph T. 1a 11, Salem.
Lane Frank, 40a 19, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Lane John, 42a 34, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Larrabee Alby, farmer, 24, Bristol, Pleasant Prairie.
Larrabee Bert, 1/4a 7 R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Larrabee Gilbert, 25a 18, R. 22, Pleasant Prairie.
Larrabee Lyman, 80a 24, Bristol, Pleasant Prairie.
Larrabee Susan Mrs. 38a 18, R. 22, Pleasant Prairie.
Larson Charles, 20a 11, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Larson Anton, farmer, 25, Somers, Kenosha.
*Larson James P. 60a 8, Somers.
*Larson Peter, 160a 6, R. 22, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Lauer Frank, 146a. 16, Somers.
Lauer Wm. 17a 11, Somers.
Lavin Michael, 79a. 22, Somers, Kenosha.
Lawson Frank, 83a 30, Randall, Genoa Junct.
*Leach Benjamin, 135a. 25, Wheatland.
Leach John, 340a 7, Brighton, Dover.
Leach Michael, 200a 8, Brighton, Dover.
Leach Wm. T. 80a 16, Brighton.
*Learman Wm. 8a 16, Salem, Silver Lake.
*Learned Sumner, 87a 12, Somers, Kenosha.
Leet George F. 195a 11, Somers.
Leichter George, 173a, 21, Somers.
Leichter Nicholas, 40a 14, Somers, Kenosha.
*Leichter Peter, 295a 13, Somers, Kenosha.
Lemerhard Charles, 120a 7, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
Lemerhard Fred, farmer, 7, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
*Lemerhard Theodore, 136a 5, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
*Lentz ---, 72a 9, Pleasant Prairie, Truesdell.
Lenz Benjamin, 282a 15, Randall, Bassetts.
Lenz Joseph, 120a 36, Wheatland.
Lenz Mathias, 160a 1, Wheatland, New Munster.
Leonard Ellen Miss, 40a 24, Paris, Chapin.
*Leopold Herman, 90a 30, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
*Liedtke Otto, 120a 35, Randall, Wilmot.
Liester John, farmer, 13, Somers, Kenosha.
Lindblom Chas. 20a 33, Pleasant Prairie, Russell, Ills.
Lindquist Albert, farmer, 4, Bristol, Woodworth.
Lindquist Victor, 31a 5, Bristol.
Linstroth Frank, farmer, 6, R. 23, Somers, Berryville.
Linstroth Henry, 47a 6, R. 23, Somers, Berryville.
Lippert Peter, 80a 28, Somers, Kenosha.
Litzenberg Charles, 83a 15, Brighton, Kansasville.
Litzenberger Chas. 120a 5, Paris, Union Grove.
*Litzenberger Henry, 120a 5, Paris, Union Grove.
Loftus Thomas, 80a 27, Randall, Wilmot.
Lohaus Christina Miss, 2, Wheatland, New Munster.
Lohaus Frank, farmer, 2, Wheatland, New Munster.
Lohaus George, farmer, 2, Wheatland, New Munster.
Lohaus Henry, 102a 2, Wheatland, New Munster.
Lohaus Henry Jr. 1177a 11, Wheatland, New Munster.
Lohaus J. B. 120a 10, Wheatland, New Munster.
Lohaus Wm. 31a 35, Wheatlahd.
Lohaus Wm. farmer, 2, Wheatland, New Munster.
*Lois Anton, 200a 8, Salem, Silver Lake.
Lois Herman, 76a 20, Salem, Camp Lake.
Longman Edward, 40a 33, Salem, Trevor.
Longman John 57 1/2a 33, Salem, Trevor.
Longmore Geo. 60a 17, Somers.
*Longmore Wm. E. 40a 16, Somers.
Lotz Jacob, 20a 13, Somers, Kenosha.
Lucas Floyd G. 80a 17, Bristol.
Ludwig John P. 80a 26, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Ludwig Mat & Christ, 90a 15, Brighton, Kansasville.
*Ludwig Nicholas & Peter, 313a 36, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Ludwig Peter, 92a 25, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
*Ludwig Peter, 60a 30, Paris.
Luke Wm. 43a 36, Wheatland.
*Luxem Henry, 78a 21, Somers.
Lyman Frank, 400a 18, R. 22, Pleasant Prairie.
Lynch Con, 81a 1, Salem.
Lynglip Otto, 20a 12, Brighton, Union Grove.
MAASKE Wm. 190a 21, Bristol.
Macey Thomas Mrs. 1/2a 11, Salem.
*Madden John, 120a 12, Salem.
Madouse Fred, 120a 8, Brighton, Dover.
*Madsen Charles, 120a 3, Somers.
Maguire Agnes & Jane, 159a 21, Salem, Camp Lake.
Maguire David D. 39a 17,Salem, Silver Lake.
Mahoney Jane Mrs. 136a. 14, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Mahoney George, 40a 18, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
*Mahoney John J. 136a 14, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
*Mainland James, 90a 16, Somers.
Mainland Leslie, 90a 16, Somers.
Major James, 6a 18, R. 23, Somers, Kenosha.
*Maleski Jacob, 120a 35, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Maloney Wm. L. 95a 8, Pleasant Prairie.
Mandernack Elizabeth Mrs. 31a. 1, Somers, Berryville.
Manke Albert, lab. 6, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Manning Thomas E. 100a 3, Salem. Somers.
*Maroney John & Thos. 13a, 15, Somers,
Marooney Michael & Thomas, 170a 11, Paris, Somers.
Marsh Alvin, student, 2, Bristol Woodworth.
Marsh Chas. L. 240a 2, Bristol, Woodworth.
Marsh Wm. L. 246a 6, Bristol.
Martin James, 100a 29, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Martin Thomas, 193a 19, Brighton, Burlington.
Mattern Fred, 40a 32, Salem, Wilmot.
Mau Charles, 2a 16, Randall, Bassetts.
Mau Charles, gardener, 6, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Maurer John, 100a 22, Somers.
Maurice J. V. Mrs. 160a 34, Paris, Woodworth.
Maxwell E. A. 310a 34, Somers, Kenosha.
May Henry, 82a 6, Salem, Wheatland.
May John, 92a 25, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
*May Peter, 135a 15, Randall, Bassetts.
Mayer Nicholas J. 134a 31, Paris.
Mayers Jacob, 120a 27, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
MAYERS JOSEPH A. dairyman, 350a 23, Pleasant Prairie, P.O. Box 10, Kenosha.
Mayland Gunder, barkpr. 1, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
*McCarthy Garrett, 160a 23, Brighton.
McCormick Daniel, 80a 3, Brighton, Kansasville.
McCormick John, 97a 4, Brighton, Kansasville.
McCormick Patrick, 271a 3, Brighton, Kansasville.
McDermott Hugh, 43a 14, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
McDermott Joseph & Wm. 119a 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
McDonald M. F. 200a 26, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
McGill George, 160a 26, Paris, Chapin.
McGivern Susan Mrs. 19a. 23, Paris, Chapin.
McGrath John, 160a 36, Pleasant Prairie, Winthrop Harbor, Ills.
McGreal Thomas, 160a 31, Bristol, Antioch, Ills.
McGreal Thomas Jr. farmer, 31 Bristol, Antioch, Ills.
McKenney John, 60a 18, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
McKenney Maggie Miss, 61a 18, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
McKeon James, 220a 24, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
McKesson George, 37a 20, Randall, Genoa Junct.
*McKesson J. F. 17a 18, Randall, Powers Lake.
McKesson Wm. 15a 18, Randall, Pawers Lake.
McNamara Hannah Mrs. 300a 29, Pleasant Prairie, Russell, Ills.
McNamara John, 80a 36, Bristol.
McNamara Michael, 200a 5, Brighton, Dover.
*McNeil A. Frank, 40a 25, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
McNeil Addie Miss, 25, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
*McNeil Chauncey, 40a 2, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
McNeil George, 23a 9, Pleasant Prairie, Ranney.
McVicker Angeline Mrs. 200a 36, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
McVicker Herbert, 200a 7, Bristol.
*McVicker James, 200a 36, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Mecklenburg Charles, 246a 36, Randall, Wilmot.
Meisel Charles, lab. 29, Randall, Genoa. Junct.
*Mellen John, 80a 25, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
*Memler John, 128a. 19, Salem, Wilmot.
*Menhaar Adrianna, 100a 25, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
*Meredith Edward, 160a 33, Paris, Woodworth.
*Meredith John, 132a 30, Paris.
Merten Joseph, 120a 28, Wheatland, Burlington.
Merrick Leander, 60a 31, Randall, Richmond.
*Merville Joseph, 117a a, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Meurer Paul, 81a 7, Wheatland, Powers Lake.
Meyers Jacob Sr. 200a 1, Paris, Somers.
Meyers Jacob Jr. 220a 12, Paris, Somers.
Meyers Joseph E. 37a 4, Pleasant Prairie, Truesdell.
Mich John, 100a 15, Paris, Chapin.
Mich John Jr. 80a 23, Paris, Chapin.
Michaels Michael, 40a 25, Somers, Kenosha.
Mickelson Gustav, farmer 36, Somers, Kenosha.
Middlecamp Henry, 160a 12, Paris, Somers.
*Middlecamp WM. 200a 12, Paris, Somers.
Miller Albert, 160a 34, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Miller Chas. W. 80a 7, Brighton, Dover.
Miller Cornelius, 20a 3o, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Miller David, 50a 29, Wheatland, Burlington.
Miller Frank, 110a 3, Paris, Union Grove.
Miller John Jr. 1a 7, Salem, Fox River.
Miller Louis, 50a 27, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
*Miller Peter, 133a 1, Somers, Racine.
*Miller Peter, 50a 7, Brighton, Dover.
*Miller Peter, 140a 28, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
*Miller Wm. 99a 16, Somers.
Minnis Hugh, 240a 10, Salem.
Minnis Joseph, 1a 10, Salem.
Minnis Leslie, 1a 10, Salem.
*Molitor Thomas, 134a. 24, Brighton.
Monteen August, 42a 29, Somers, Kenosha.
Mooney Hugh, 240a 32, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Moran Edward, 40a 18, R. 22, Pleasant Prairie, Bristol R. D. 1.
Moran James, 197 36, Somers, Kenosha.
Moran John, 10a 12, Somers, Kenosha.
Moran John & James, 92a 12, Somers, Kenosha.
Moran Thomas & Patrick, 120a 25, Salem, Trevor.
*Moulding Benj. 69a 20, Brighton.
Moulding Ellis, 69a 20, Brighton.
Mueller Michael, 30a 1, Somers, Berryville.
*Mueller Theodore, 30a 1, Somers, Berryville.
*Mullenbeck Ferdinand, 160a 33, Paris, Woodworth.
Mullenhour Henry, 57a 19, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Mulligan Wm. 114a 33, Pleasant Prairie, Russell, Ills.
Mungen Mat S. 130a 6, R. 22, Pleasant Prairie, Truesdell.
Mungen Theodore, 73a 5, Pleasant Prairie, Truesdell.
Munion Matthew, 128a 4, Pleasant Prairie, Truesdell.
*Munson Samuel, 240a 9, Salem.
*Murdock Albert, 80a 1, Brighton, Union Grove.
*Murgatroyd Albert, 84a 24, Somers, Kenosha.
Murgatroyd Wm. 142a 7, Paris, Union Grove.
Murphy Dennis, 80a 35, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Murphy W. H. 95a 3o, Brighton, Wheatland.
Murray James H. 295a 30, R. 22, Somers, Kenosha.
Mutter Henry, 143a, 12, Salem, Bristol.
Mutter Peter, 80a 13, Salem.
Mutter Wm. 80a 13, Salem.
Mutters Frank, 117a 2, Paris, Somers.
Myers Joseph, 123a 6, R. 22, Pleasant Prairie, Truesdell.
Myrick Mead O. 310a 35, Paris, Woodworth.
NATTERFORD Benj. 80a 33, Wheatland, New Munster.
Nelson Andrew, 60a 10, Paris, Somers.
*Nelson Christ, 320a 19, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Nelson Christ, 45a 31, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Winthrop Harbor, Ills.
Nelson John, 18a 8, Pleasant Prairie.
*Nelson M. C. 120a 7, R. 22, Somers.
*Nelson Ole, 205a 13, Bristol, Pleasant Prairie.
*Nelson Otto, 80a 23, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Neu George, 160a 27, Somers, Kenosha.
*Neu George, 145a 22, Paris, Chapin.
Neu Mathias, 162a 12, Paris, Somers.
Neuman August, 161a 33, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
Neuman Gustav, 80a 11, Wheatland, Bassetts.
Neuman Frank, 80a 26, Somers, Kenosha.
Neuman Wm. 84a 31, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
*Newberry Oliver, 80a 23, Randall, Bessetts.
Newbury Frank, 152a 29, Wheatland, Burlington.
Newbury Irwin H. 80a 29, Wheatland, Burlington.
Newell Douglas K. 67a 25, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Newell Jeanette (wid. Russell S.) 60a 27, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Newell Raymond, farmer, 27, Pleasant Prairie Kenosha.
*Newman Chas. & Louis, 200a 23, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Newman Mary A. 200a 23, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
*Nichols C. E. 200a 16, Randall, Bassetts.
Nickel Barbara (wid. Wm.) 16, Paris.
Nickel Fred, 16, Paris.
Nickel Rudolph W. Rev. pastor St. John The Baptist Catholic Church, 16 Paris.
Nielson Chris, 80a 16, Somers.
Niesen Christ, 33a 3, Pleasant Prairie, Truesdell.
Nieuhaus George, 80a 14, Randall, Bassetts.
Nolan James Mrs. 80a 26, Paris, Chapin.
*Nolan Thomas, 80a 26, Paris, Chapin.
*Northway Edgar A. 55a 25, Somers, Kenosha.
*Nuthern Wm.111 1/2a 18, Salem, Silver Lake.
OBERST Frank, 36a 18, R. 23, Somers, Berryville.
O'Brien Bridget Mrs. 168a 17, Brighton, Dover.
O'Brien Charles, farmer, 17, Brighton, Dover.
O'Brien James, farmer, 17, Brighton, Dover.
O'Brien Lynn, farmer, 17, Brighton, Dover.
O'Brien Thomas, farmer, 17, Brighton, Dover.
O'Brien Thomas, 158a 31, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
*O'Brien Wm. 138a 13, Brighton.
O'Hare Abbie Mrs. 113a 33, Pleasant Prairie, Russell, Ills.
O'Hare Eugene, farmer 34, Bristol.
O'Hare George & Bro. 120a 36, Bristol.
O'Hare James, 120a 34, Bristol.
O'Hare Thomas, 120a 28, Pleasant Prairie, Russell, Ills.
O'Hare Wm. 140a 36, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Oldenberg Wm. saloon, 1a 18, Randall, Powers Lake.
Oldenburg Otto, farmer, 6, Wheatland, Slades Corner.
Oldenburg Wm. 8a 6, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
Olk Bernard, 30a 25, Somers, Kenosha.
*O'Malley Edward, 13a 30, Salem, Wilmot.
O'Neil Catherine Mrs. 100a 33, Salem, Trevor.
Orth Jacob, 27a 25, Somers, Kenosha.
Orth John, 80a 29, Somers, Kenosha.
Orvis Betsey Mrs. 95a 16, Salem.
Orvis Harry, 12a 16, Salem.
*Orvis Levi, 95a 16, Salem.
Osweiler Belle Miss, 40a 21 Brighton.
Ott August, 166a 28, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Ott Frank, farmer, 28, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Ott Helmut, farmer, 28, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Ott Lena Miss, 28, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
*Ott Reinhard, 51a 6, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
Otto Ferdinand, 77a 25, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Otto Wm. 140a 14, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Owens Henry, 40a 18, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Ozanne Edward G. 110a 10, Somers.
Ozanne Lawrence, farmer, 10, Somers.
Ozanne Louisa Miss, 80a 20, Somers.
Ozanne Peter, 87a 10, Somers.
Ozanne Pierre, farmer, 10, Somers.
*Ozengar Wm. 193a 2, Brighton, Kansasville.
PAASCH August, 190a 29, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Packman Martin, student, 12, Bristol, Pleasant Prairie.
Paddock Alva, 427a 2, Salem.
Pagel Christian, 178a 6, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
*Pagel Christian Jr. 178a. 6, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
Pagel Fred, 117a 36, Randall, Wilmot.
*Pallatz Charles, 80a 35, Randall, Wilmot.
*Park Wm. 80a 16, Bristol.
Parker Frank, 54a 8, Bristol.
Parks Alpheus, 10a 3 Bristol, Woodworth.
Patrick Emily Mrs. 110a 27, Salem, Trevor.
*Patrick John & George, 110a 27, Salem, Trevor.
Pedley John, 240a 27, Somers, Kenosha.
Pedley David, carp. 1a 11, Somers.
Pedley John, farmer, 3, Pleasant Prairie.
Pedley Ralph, farmer, 27, Somers, Kenosha.
*Pedley Wm. 100a 26, Somers, Kenosha.
Pelle Fred, 40a 34, Randall, Wilmot.
Pennefeather Thos. 200a 25, Wheatland.
Pesch August, 56a 25, Salem, Trevor.
*Peterson Andrew, 168a 3, Bristol Woodworth.
*Peterson Charles 230a 22, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Peterson Chris 191a 4, Somers.
Peterson Henry, 160a 27, Randall, Bassetts.
*Peterson James, 118a 29, Bristol.
*Peterson Nels, 12a 5, Salem, Silver Lake.
*Peterson O. 303a 13, Bristol, Pleasant Prairie.
Pfeiffer Hubert, farmer, 15, Paris, Chapin.
Pfeiffer John P. 216a 15, Paris, Chapin.
Phillips Charles, 193a 20, Salem, Camp Lake.
Pieper Frank, 8a 27, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Pierce A. B. 205a 13, Bristol, Pleasant Prairie.
Pierce Adelina Mrs. 40a 28, Wheatland, Burlington.
Pierce David E. 80a 26, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Pierce Edward, farmer, 26, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Pierce George, 50a 6, Salem, Silver Lake.
Pierce John, teacher, 26, Bristol, Bristol, R. D. 1.
Pinkham John, 50a 36, Pleasant Prairie, Winthrop Harbor, Ills.
Piper A. J. 73a 5, R. 23, Somers, Berryville.
Piper Frank, 70a 6, R. 23, Somers, Berryville.
Piper Thomas, 110a 6, R. 23, Somers, Berryville.
Pittelkow Henry, farmer, 17, Somers.
Pocknick John, 200a 27, Randall, Bassetts.
Pofahl Carl, 160a 24, Bristol, Pleasant Prairie.
Pofahl John, farmer, 24, Bristol, Pleasant Praire.
Pofahl Louis H. 80a 25, Salem, Antioch, Ills.
Pomeranke August, 40a 28, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Pomeranke Herman, farmer, 28, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
*Powell E. E. 80a 23, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Powell Evan, 200a 30, R. 22, Pleasant Prairie.
Powell Hattie Mrs. 1a 10, Salem.
Powell Raymond, 80a 25, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
*Powell Wm. 25a 31, Paris.
*Prang Louis, 153a 31, Somers, Pleasant Prairie.
*Prange Louis, 200a 14, Paris, Chapin.
Price Cuthbert, farmer, 6, Paris, Union Grove.
Price George, 240a 27, Paris.
Price John Mrs. 14a 26, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Price Richard, 404a 27, Paris.
Price Thomas, 280a 28, Paris.
Price Winnifred Mrs. 100a 6, Paris, Union Grove.
Pritzman Charles, 59a 18, Randall, Powers Lake.
Prott Joseph, 77a. 30, Paris, Brighton.
Puss John, 70a 29, Paris, Brighton.
QUIGLEY Alice & Mary, 10 1/2a 2, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Quigley Sarah Miss, 11a 19, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Quinn Michael, 166a 19, R. 22, Pleasant Prairie.
RADDUNZ John, 148a 30, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
Raddunz Wm. Mrs. 40a 30, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
Radeeg August, 80a 16, Randall, Bassetts.
Radeeg John, 80a 17, Randall, Bassetts.
*Radeeg Wm. 80a 16, Randall, Bassetts.
Rafferty Hugh, 200a 31, Brighton, Wheatland.
Rafferty James, 120a 32, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Rafferty James H. 178a 31, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Ramsden John, 160a 1, Brighton, Union Grove.
Ramthun Ferdinand, 121a 25, Paris, Chapin.
Rasch August, 141a 33, Randall, Wilmot.
Rasch Charles, 160a 25, Randall, Wilmot.
Rasch Charles, 190a 32, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
*Rasmussen Christ, 120a 11, Somers.
*Rasmussen Christ J. 103a 15, Bristol, Woodworth.
Rasmussen James (Brown & Rasmussen) 320a 20, Pleasant Prairie, Erly.
Rasmussen Martin, 40a 11, Somers.
Rasmussen Mat, 55a 9, Somers.
Rasmussen Nels, 40a 11, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Ratigan Annie G. Miss, 19a 2, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Ratigan John, lab. 1, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Ratigan Mary Miss, 13a 1, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Raymond James, gen. supt. 982a 4, Pleasant Prairie, Truesdell.
Redline Wm. 41a 15, Randall, Bassetts.
Reich Florentine, prop. Twin Lakes Club, 28, Randall, Twin Lakes.
Reidenbach Adam, 160a 20, Somers.
Reidenbach George, 80a 13, Paris, Somers.
Reidenbach John, 82a 19, R. 22, Somers, Chapin.
Reider Jacob, 81a 1, Salem.
Reider John, 50a 12, Somers, Berryville.
*Reider Mathias, 81a 1, Salem.
*Reihl Frank, 150a 28, Wheatland, Burlington.
Reihl Rudolph, 150a 28, Wheatland, Burlington.
*Reiman Fred, 200a 28, Randall, Twin Lakes.
Reiman John, 200a 28, Randall, Twin Lakes.
Reiter Peter, 80a 35, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Remer C. F. farmer, 14, Somers.
*Remus Julius, 127a 2, Bristol, Pleasant Prairie.
Remus L. 126a 2, Bristol, Woodworth.
Reynolds Court, 160a 13, Randall, Bassetts.
Reynolds Frank, 120a 27, Randall, Bassetts.
Reynolds John F 388a 30, Randall, Genoa Junct.
*Reynolds John, 148a 19, Randall, Bassetts.
Reynolds John S. 600a 17, Randall, Bassetts.
Reynolds Richard & Maggie, 80a 20, Pleasant Prairie, Ranney.
Rhode Peter, 39a 7, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Rhodes Edward, 120a 2, Salem.
Rhodes Caroline (wid. Jonas W.) 40a 8, Somers.
Rhodes Frances Mrs. 40a 10, Brighton, Kansasville.
*Rhodes Henry, 350a 16, Brighton, Kansasville.
Rhodes J. W. farmer, 5, Somers.
Rhodes James, 140a 10, Brighton, Kansasville.
Rhodes Louis, 150a 10, Brighton, Kansasville.
Rhodes Wm. J. 216a 5, Somers.
Rice Adam, 20a 15, Somers.
Rice Samuel T. 77a 31, R. 23, Somers, Kenosha.
*Richards John, 47a 32, Bristol, Woodworth.
Richter Alfred, 161a 26, Wheatland.
Richter Rosa Miss, 26, Wheatland.
Richter Theodore, 137a 30, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Richtmyer Eliza Mrs. 4a 16, Pleasant Prairie, Ranney.
*Riege August, 115a 31, Salem, Wilmot.
Riemer Henry, 5a 31, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Winthrop Harbor.
Riggs Andrew, 40a 21, Brighton.
Riggs George, 80a 36, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Riggs James, 65a 11, Salem.
Riley Charles, 80a 31, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Winthrop Harbor, Ills.
Riley Henry, 123a 35, Pleasant Prairie, Winthrop Harbor, Ills.
Riley John A. 80a 36, Pleasant Prairie, Winthrop Harbor, Ills.
Riley Joseph, 135a 35, Pleasant Prairie, Winthrop Harbor, Ills.
Riley Thomas W. 130a 25, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Ripley Elizabeth Mrs. 79a 14, Salem.
*Ripley Everett, 79a 14, Salem.
Risch Carl, 80a 21, Bristol.
Robbins, Herbert E. 175a 26, Salem, Trevor.
Roberts Frank W. 163a 10, Bristol, Woodworth.
Roberts Gomer, 208a 7, Paris, Union Grove.
Roberts John, 100a 28, Wheatland, Burlington.
Roberts Louis, 175a 11, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Roberts Robert F. postmaster, 176a 10, Bristol, Woodworth.
Robertson Robert, 10a 32, Paris, Woodworth.
Robinson Francis, 95a 33, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Robinson George, 20a 29, Pleasant Prairie, Russell, Ills.
Robinson Lafayette, 250a 30, R. 23. Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Rockwell Morris E. 2a 17, Pleasant Prairie, Ranney.
Rogers Daniel G. 453 10, Pleasant Prairie, Ranney.
Rogers Thomas, 57a 34, Somers, Kenosha.
Rogers Wm. 160a 26, Somers, Kenosha.
Rohlfing Henry, 120a 30, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Rohlfing Wm. 40a 30, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Romie Charles, 106a 14, Salem.
Rompesky Geo. 3a 33, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Rompesky John, 140a 34, Bristol.
Rosenhauer Christ, 92a 32, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
Rosenhauer Edward P. 322a 4, Wheatland, New Munster.
*Rossmiller Gottfried, 421a 36, Wheatland.
Ruff Catherine, 40a 29, Pleasant Prairie, Russell, Ills.
Runals Frank A. 134a 25, Somers, Kenosha.
Runkel Anthony, 160a 25, Somers, Kenosha.
*Runkel Henry, 220a 13, Randall, Fox River.
*Runkel Henry A. 365 1, Wheatland, Fox River.
Runkel Theresa Miss, 13, Randall, Fox River.
Runyard Ambrose, 80a 34, Salem, Trevor.
Runyard Charles, 24a 32, Salem, Trevor.
Runyard James, 59a 32, Salem, Wilmot.
Runyard Robert, 40a 33, Salem, Trevor.
Runyard Walter J. 80a 32, Salem, Wilmot.
Rush Wm. 480a 23, Randall, Bassetts.
Rustmen Jacob, 127a 17, Randall, Powers Lake.
*SACH Herman, 84a 7, Bristol.
Salentine John N. 140a 22, Somers.
Sandberg Louis, 79a 12, Wheatland, Fox River.
Sandberg Louis Jr. 1a 12, Wheatland, Fox River.
Schaeffer Peter, 80a 18, R. 22,,Somers.
Schaeffer Peter Jr. farmer, 18, Somers.
Schaffer Jacob, 160a 7, R. 22, Somers.
Scharding John, 3a 7, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Schaufel John, 97a 26, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Scheckler Carl, 32a 6, R. 23, Somers, Berryville.
Scheckler John 120a 1, Somers, Berryville.
*Scheckler Wm. F. 120a 1, Somers, Berryville.
Scheirman Frank, 107a 26, Wheatland.
Schenk Fred, 2a 20, Randall, Twin Lakes.
Schenning Fred H. 40a 17, Salem, Silver Lake.
Schenning Wm. 155a 18, Salem, Silver Lake.
Scherf Anton, 144 1/2a 19, Salem, Wilmot.
Scherf Ernest, 144 1/2a 19, Salem, Wilmot.
Schiefen John H. Rev. (Cath.) New Munster.
Schilz Bernard M. 150a 2, Wheatland, New Munster.
Schilz Frank, farmer, 2, Wheatland, New Munster.
Schilz Maggie Miss, 2, Wheatland, New Munster.
Schlax Anton, 237a 24, Randall, Bassetts.
Schlax Peter, 80 1/2a 3, Salem.
Schlax Rosa A. dressmkr. 10, Salem.
Schlitz Adam, 198a 15, Paris, Chapin.
Schlitz Agnes Mrs. 548a 21, Paris, Chapin.
Schlitz Jacob, 230a 24, Paris, Chapin.
Schlitz Joseph, 120a 21, Paris.
Schmalfeldt Fred, foreman Haegle Bros. 29, Randall, Genoa Junct.
Schmalfeldt John, 99a 19, Salem, Wilmot.
Schmelling Wm. 10a 35, Pleasant Prairie, Winthrop Harbor, Ills.
Schmitt Nicholas, 80a 26, Paris, Chapin.
Schnell Henry, 42a 12, Paris, Somers.
*Schnell Jacob, 42a 12, Paris, Somers.
Schnuckel Albert, 67a 10, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Schnuckel August, 48a 1, Bristol, Pleasant Prairie.
Schnuckel Charles, 160a. 10, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Schnuckel Fred, 118a 15, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
*Schnuckel George, 100a 15, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
*Schonshek Adolph, 117a 8, Bristol.
Schreiber Wm. 160a 19, Paris.
Schuerman Frank J. 181a 26, Wheatland, New Munster.
Schultz Benj. 97a 20, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Schultz Carl, 110a 23, Randall, Bassetts.
*Schultz Frank, 113a 19, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Schultz Frank F. painter, 6, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Schultz Herman, 215a 10, Salem.
Schultz Herman, 55a 6, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
Schultz John, 50a 26, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
*Schultz Wm. 79a 20, Salem, Camp Lake.
Schultz Wm. 117a 10, Salem.
Schulz Frank, 157a 7, Wheatland, Powers Lake.
Schulz Otto, 77a 4, Paris, Union Grove.
Schusted Fred, 15a 18, R. 22, Pleasant Prairie.
Schwanz August, 40a 31, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
Schwanz Carl, 197a, 30, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
Schwartz Edward, farmer, 12, Somers, Kenosha.
Schwartz Frank, 207a 18, Salem, Fox River.
Schwartz Jacob J. 64a 12, Somers, Kenosha.
Schwartz John F. 21a 12, Somers, Kenosha.
*Scott Frank, 209a 29, Salem, Wilmot.
Sears Luther K. 54a 2, Somers, Racine.
Sears Wm. J. 130a 9, Brighton, Dover.
Seitz Charles, 157a 19, Paris, Brighton.
Seitz Ferdinand, 88a 24, Brighton.
*Sell Herman, 80a 1, Salem.
Shackelman H. farmer, 24, Kenosha.
Shackmuth Nicholas, 45a 24, Somers, Kenosha.
Shackmuth Peter, 15a 24, Somers, Kenosha.
Shanley George, 120a 8, Brighton, Dover.
Shanley Geo. F. 240a 8, Brighton, Dover.
Shean Wm. 131a 13, Brighton, Union Grove.
Shearer Conrad, farmer, 34, Somers, Kenosha.
Shearer Peter, 60a 34, Somers, Kenosha.
*Shedden Geo. & Bro. 363a 22, Randall, Twin Lakes.
Sheen John, 120a 22, Salem, Trevor.
Shepherd C. C. 36a 12, Bristol, Woodworth.
Shepherd George, 96a 10, Bristol, Woodworth.
Shepstone Henry, 113a 40, Brighton, Salem, R. D. 1.
*Sherman James, 200a 34, Randall, Wilmot.
Sherman Louis, 215a 34, Brighton, Salem, R. D. 1.
Sheve Wm. 51a 31, Paris.
*Shields Emmett M. 200a 2, Bristol, Woodworth.
Shields G. A. 340a 20, Bristol.
Shields Martin, 38a 31 R. 22, Pleasant Prairie, Russell, Ill.
Shuart Charles, 98a 19 R. 22, Pleasant Prairie, Bristol, R. D. 1.
Shuart Frank, 129a 25, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Sibley Robert, 1a 10, Salem.
*Silsdorf August, 176a 10, Bristol, Woodworth.
Silvernail Ward M. 235a 36, Paris, Chapin.
Simmons Robert E. 32, Somers, Truesdell.
Simpson Robert, 100a 36, Pleasant Prairie, Winthrop Harbor, Ill.
*Singleton John, 106a 30, Randall, Genoa Junct.
*Sinnen Mat, 160a 17, Somers.
Sippech Gottlieb, 6a 26, Salem, Trevor.
Slade S. Dwight, 316a 6, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
Smith Andrew, 20a 32, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Smith Benjamin, 70a 7, Paris, Union Grove.
Smith Chas. 4a 7 R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Smith Charles, mason, 12a 2, Somers, Berryville.
Smith Christ, 200a 5, Brighton, Kansasville.
Smith Frank, farmer, 13, Somers.
*Smith Frank F. 240a 5, Salem, Silver Lake.
Smith Frank J. 60a 11, Salem.
Smith Geo. Mrs. 90a 7, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Smith Henry T. 139a, 26, Salem.
Smith J. Robert, 80a 26, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Smith James, farmer, 26, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Smith Julia (wid. Rufus) 240a 5, Salem, Silver Lake.
Smith Nicholas H. farmer, 17, Pleasant Prairie, Ranney.
*Smith Ray, 80a 3, Salem.
Smith Sarah J. Mrs. 45a 13, Somers, Kenosha.
Smith Wm. 80a 9, Brighton, Dover.
Smith Wm. F. 80a 17, Brighton, Dover.
Smithson Joseph, 160a 29, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Smitz Joseph, 168a 5, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
Snyder Edith, teacher, 12, Bristol, Woodworth.
Snyder F. R. 274a 12, Bristol, Woodworth.
Snyder Gordon, farmer, 12, Bristol, Woodworth.
Somer Frank, 20a 31, Brighton, Wheatland.
Soens Michael, farmer, 14, Somers.
*Soens Wm. farmer, 14, Somers.
Somerfield Wm. 80a 3, Wheatland, New Munster.
Sorenson Andrew, 40a 35, Somers, Kenosha.
Sorenson Peter A. 66a 6 R. 22, Somers, Sylvania.
Sorg Ferdinand, 60a 34, Wheatland, New Munster.
Spafford John, 30a 32, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Spartz John P. 160a. 28, Paris.
Spartz Nicholas, 220a 4, Paris, Union Grove.
*Spartz Peter, 85a 36, Paris, Kenosha.
Spence James A. 157a 9, Somers.
Spencer James C. farmer, 8, Somers.
SPENCER JAMES E. town clk. 79 1/2a 8, Somers.
Spetzman Herman, 140a 35 Wheatland, New Munster.
*Spiegelhoff Erwin, 220a 26, Wheatland, New Munster.
Springborn Chas. 40a 27, Paris, Paris.
Stahl Jacob, 201a 21, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
*Stahl John, 80a 21, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Stahl Mat. 80a 25, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Stahl Peter, 240a 21, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Stanley Wm. 507a 22, Pleasant Prairie, Erly.
Stanley Wm. Jr. 160a 13, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Steffen Carl, 204a 4, Bristol.
Steffen Charlese, 80a 5, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
Steffen Henry, 40a 17, Randall, Powers Lake.
Steinbach Peter, saloon 7R. 23, Somers, Berryville.
Steinbach Peter Jr. barkpr. 7 R. 23, Somers, Berryville.
Stephens Wm. 127a 6, Bristol.
Stetson Grosvenor A. 30a 13, Somers, Kenosha.
Stetson Wm. 154a 13, Somers, Kenosha.
Stevens F. Mrs. 10a 31, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Winthrop Harbor, Ill.
*Stewart David, 84 1/2a 26, Salem, Trevor.
Stocker Bradley H. 537a 33, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Stockwell George, 250a 9, Salem.
Stoffels Frank, 52a 16, Paris.
Stohr Andrew, 104a 33, Wheatland, New Munster.
Stollenwerk Hubert, 69a 15, Paris, Chapin.
Stollenwerk John, 174a 21, Paris.
Stollenwerk Joseph, 140a 22, Paris, Chapin.
Stollenwerk Michael, 120a 15, Paris Somers.
*Stonebreaker E. L. 470a 17, Bristol.
Stonebreaker G. R. 198a 9, Bristol.
Stonebreaker Orrin C. 470a 17, Bristol.
Storey Jerome, 46a 32, Bristol, Antioch, Ill.
Strong Lyman J. 210a 9, Somers.
*Sumpter Chas. 140a 7, Paris, Union Grove.
Swanson Andrew, 1a 20, Randall, Twin Lakes.
Swants Henry, 106a 1, Brighton, Union Grove.
Swantz Herman, 178a 6, Paris, Union Grove.
Swantz Wm. 58a 5, Paris, Union Grove.
Swantz Peter, 40a 28, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Symmonds Sarah, 25a 35, Somers, Kenosha.
TABBERT Herman, 55a 14, Somers.
Talcott Wallace H. ret. farmer, 25, Somers, Kenosha.
Tanck F. 40a 18 R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Tank Carl, 74a 20, Paris.
Tanking John B. 130a 9, Wheatland, New Munster.
Taylor Oscar W. 120a 18 R. 22, Pleasant Prairie.
Techert August, 120a 34, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Techert Fred, 4a 19, Bristol.
Tennesson H. J. 27a 18, R. 23, Somers, Berryville.
Tennesson Henry, 35a 18, R. 23, Somers, Berryville.
Tennesson Herman P. 41a 18, R. 23, Somers, Berryville.
Tennesson Wm. 456a 7, R. 23, Somers, Berryville.
Terry Jacob, 51a 27, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Terry John, 180a 22, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Terry John Jr. 240a 3, Paris, Union Grove.
Terry Michael, 121a 9, Paris, Union Grove.
Terry Nicholas 170a 3, Paris, Union Grove.
*Tetzloff Frank, 60a 27, Paris, Chapin.
Tetzloff Lewis, 60a 27, Paris, Chapin.
Thelan George, farmer, 23, Somers, Kenosha.
Thelan M. Mrs. 63a 23, Somers, Kenosha.
Thelan Leonard, 170a 23, Somers, Kenosha.
Thiers Elizabeth Mrs. 80a 7, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Thom Matthew, 240a 19, Paris.
Thom Peter J. J. 120a 19, Paris.
Thomas Nicholas, 245a 1, Somers, Berryville.
*Thomey Charles, 120a 14, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Thomey John L. 160a 14, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Thomey John P. 80a 15, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Thomey Mary Mrs. 100a 25, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Thomey Mattie, farmer, 25, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Thomey Nicholas C. 150a 22, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Thomey Peter A. 213a 22, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Tigh Bridget Mrs. 40a 8, Brighton, Kansasville.
Tigh Henry and John, 220a 8, Brighton, Kansasville.
*Tillottson Geo. 30a 33., Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
*Tittle Ernest, 164a 4, Wheatland Slades Corners.
Tobin James, 320a 24, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Tobin Patrick H. 140a 36, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Toelle Joseph, 173a 2, Wheatland, New Munster.
Toner Charles, 193a 11, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Torrey James P. foreman, 880a 32, Somers, Truesdell.
Torrey Roscoe, mngr. 880a 32, Somers, Truesdell.
Tourtelotte Bayard 1a 17, Pleasant Prairie.
Tourtelotte Frank, 80a 24, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Tourtelotte George, 40a 19, R. 22, Pleasant Prairie.
Truesdell A. B. farmer, 19 R. 23, Somers, Kenosha.
*Truesdell Henry C. 61a 19 R. 23, Somers, Kenosha.
Tures Nicholas, 120a 21, Paris.
Turner Ashley, 160a 13, Bristol, Pleasant Prairie.
Turner Louis, 55a 11, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Turnock C. Albert, 180a 23, Salem.
Turnock James E. 278a 23, Salem, Trevor.
Turnock John H. 149a 24, Salem.
Tymeson Henry, 35, Paris, Woodworth.
UDELL Loth A. 348a 32, Salem, Wilmot.
Uebele Fred, 120a 29, Wheatland, Burlington.
Uhen Bernard, 39a 16, Brighton.
Umland Jane Mrs. 80a 5, Pleasant Prairie, Truesdell.
Umland Joseph, 66a 4, Pleasant Prairie, Truesdell.
Upson Solomon E. 240a 1, Bristol, Pleasant Prairie.
Urban Ludwig, 40a 36, Randall, Wheatland.
Valkering Henry, 78a 16, Brighton, Kansasville.
VAN ALSTINE August, 100a 26, Salem, Trevor.
Van Alstine James J. 78a 12, Salem.
*Vanderboom John, 108a 4, Brighton, Kansasville.
Vanderboom Mary A. Mrs. 108a 4, Brighton, Kansasville.
Vandermoon Albert, 100a 12, Paris, Somers.
Van Deusen Harry, saloon, 1 Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Van Duzen Wm. J. 100a 35, Salem, Antioch, Ill.
Van Lier John, farmer, 4, Bristol, Woodworth.
*Van Lier Martin, 130a 4, Bristol, Woodworth.
*Van Wie Guernsey, 397a 32, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Van Wormer C. Mrs. 1a 26, Salem, Trevor.
Verhalen Gerhard Mrs. 98a 13, Brighton.
*Verhalen John, 98a 13, Brighton.
Vincent Dow J. 230a 31, Salem, Wilmot.
Vincent Gilbert O. 79a 10, Bristol, Woodworth.
Vogel Wm. 110a 12, Wheatland, Fox River.
Voltz Gustav 181a 14, Salem.
*Voltz Gustav A. 164a 25, Salem, Trevor.
Vosburg John, farmer, 31, Randall, Genoa Junct.
*Vosburg Howard G. 237a 31, Randall, Genoa Junct.
Voss August, 120a 14, Randall, Bassetts.
Voss Benjamin, 300a 27, Wheatland, New Munster.
Voss Henry, 80a 34, Wheatland, New Munster.
Voss Joseph, 25a 27, Wheatland, New Munster.
WAGNER Henry, 120a 20, Paris.
Waldo Charles, 338a 19 R. 222 , Pleasant Prairie, Bristol R. D. 1.
*Waldo Frank 169a 11, Bristol, Woodwbrth.
Waldo R. N. Mrs. 168a 11, Bristol, Woodworth.
Walker Aaron, 258a 23, Bristol, Pleasant Prairie.
Walker Grace Miss, 14, Bristol, Pleasant Prairie.
Walker Joseph, farmer, 23, Bristol, Pleasant Prairie.
*Walker WM. 258a 23, Bristol, Pleasant Prairie.
Walker Wm. Jr. farmer, 23, Bristol, Pleasant Prairie.
Walkington John, 132a 33, Randall, Wilmot.
Wallis Thomas, 25a 7 R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
*Walton H. R. 194a 31, Randall, Richmond.
Ward Francis W. 400a 8, Brighton, Dover.
*Ward Frank, 200a 20, Randall, Genoa Junct.
Ward James, 80a 18, Brighton, Dover.
Warren Ed. S. 5a. 18, Randall, Powers Lake.
Warren John, 150a 18, Brighton, Burlington.
Watkins Thomas, 1a 14, Salem.
*Watson Carr, 157a 15, Brighton, Kansasville.
Watson Henry, 180a 33, Salem, Trevor.
Watts Rebecca Mrs. 350a 32, R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Winthrop Harbor, Ill.
*Weaver George, 80a 4, Salem, Silver Lake.
Webber Peter, 160a 3, Brighton, Kansasville.
Weber Emil, 7a 35, Pleasant Prairie, Winthrop Harbor, Ill.
Weber Nicholas, 200a 11, Brighton, Kansasville.
Wehmhoff Henry, 159a 27, Wheatland, Burlington.
Weinholz Herman, 50a 5, Bristol.
Weirauch Fred, 7a 7, Wheatland, Powers Lake.
Weis Mat, 80a 12, Brighton, Union Grove.
Weis Nicholas, 120a 12, Brighton, Union Grove.
Weisman Henry, 118a 18, Brighton.
Weisman John H. 100a 14, Brighton.
Welker Cornelius, 150a 13, Brighton.
Wellerton Charles H, 81a 27, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Welsh James, 35a 20, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
*Welton John, 150a 27, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Welton Mary Mrs. 150a 27, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Wensing John, 60a 7 R. 23, Somers, Berryville.
Werve Theodore, 93a 2, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Westby Christ, 80a 6, Brighton, Dover.
Meyers Valentine, 60a 2, Somers, Berryville.
Wheeler Irving, 165a 18, Brighton, Burlington.
Wheeler Wm. 320a 18, Brighton, Burlington.
Whitcher Chas. H. 80a 7, Bristol.
Whitcomb V. 30a 25, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
*White Clarence and Ward, 156a 3, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
White Frank, 60a 27, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
White George, foreman, 982a 4, Pleasant Prairie, Truesdell.
White J. B. 62a 32, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
White James, 240a 34, Randall, Wilmot.
White Jay, 20a 13, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
White John, 80a 34, Bristol.
*Whitley Thomas, 320a 12, Brighton, Kansasville.
Wicks Frank B. 157 1/2a 5, Salem, Silver Lake.
Wicks Monroe M. 150a 5, Salem, Silver Lake.
Wienke Albert, 80a 5, Bristol.
Wienke August, 96a 26, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Wienke Frank, 60a 23, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Wienke Fred, 13a 10, Bristol, Woodworth.
Wienke Louis, 126a 16, Bristol.
Wiesman Henry, 160a 14, Brighton.
Wiesmann John H. 160a 14, Brighton.
Wilford John, 10a 13, Brighton.
William Brosia, student, 18, Bristol, Bristol R. D. 1.
Williams Clarence E. 471a 19, Bristol.
Williams Daniel, 380a 27, Paris.
Williams James, farmer, 7, Paris, Union Grove.
Williams Lewis, 1300a 29, Paris.
*Williams Lewis C. town chairman, 220a 17, Paris.
Williams Wm. 360a 28, Paris.
Williams Wm. farmer, 32, Somers, Truesdell.
Williamson John, 147a, 4, Pleasant Prairie, Truesdell.
Wilson E. Robert, 60a 2 Brighton, Kansasville.
Wilson Horatio, 60a 2, Brighton, Kansasville.
Wilton Charles, 106a 26, Salem, Trevor.
*Winchell George, 160a 26, Randall, Bassetts.
Winchell Wm. W. 160a 26, Randall, Bassetts.
Windish Adam, farmer, 26, Paris, Chapin.
Windish Philip, 200a 26, Paris Chapin.
*Winke Chas. 160a 31, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Winke Fred, 160a 32, Brighton, Salem R. D. 1.
Wisnesky John, 120a 8, Salem, Silver Lake.
Witscheber Chris, 40a 13, Somers, Kenosha.
Witscheber Edward, 40a 13, Somers, Kenosha.
Witscheber Louis, farmer, 13, Somers, Kenosha.
Wolf Wm. 90a 6, Bristol.
Wolf Willoughby Mrs. 2a 30 R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Woodard Morris, lab. 1a, 33 Randall, Wilmot.
Woodward Betsy Mrs. 50a 6 R. 22, Somers, Sylvania.
YAW Henry, 123a 21, Salem, Camp Lake.
Yaw Noah, 123a 21, Salem, Camp Lake.
Yerk Wm. 17a 8, Bristol.
*Yonk Clarence, 200a 15, Bristol, Woodworth.
*Yunk John, 160a 10, Somers.
ZEHREN Nicholas Mrs. 114a, 19 R. 23, Pleasant Prairie, Kenosha.
Zeisen John, 107a 14, Brighton.
Zeisen Margaret Mrs. 107a, 14, Brighton.
Ziebelle Gustav, farmer, 4, Wheatland, Slades Corners. coo
Ziebelle WM. 273a 4, Wheatland, Slades Corners.
Zielenski Michael, 80a 4, Brighton, Kansasville.
Zingler John, 17a 16, Randall, Bassetts.