Directory of Public Officials of Kenosha County 1855

County Officers

Senator C. Latham Sholes
Member of the General Assembly Henry Johnson
Franklin Newell
Clerk of Circuit Court Lansing B. Nichols
Sheriff Joseph I. Ehle
Treasurer Michael Frank
Clerk of Board of Supervisors Reuben H. Deming
Register of Deeds Samuel Y. Brande
District Attorney Isaac W. Webster
Coroner Peter H. Woods
Surveyor Jason Lothrop, Jr.
County Judge J. B. Jilsun

City of Kenosha

Mayor C. C. Sholes
City Clerk Joseph Murray
Treasurer Abraham Hanson
City Marshal J. E. Henry
Justice of the Peace Silas Ames
Superintendent of Schools J. B. Jilsun
Assessor J. L. V. Yates


First Ward David Crosit
S. F. Comstock
Second Ward S. Fish
Reuben Sniffen
Third Ward R. H. Deming
Anson Stebbins


First Ward E. L. Smith
Second Ward E. F. Morris
Third Ward S. E. McCarthy