Directory of Public Officials of Kenosha County 1860


County Officers

Senator Samuel R. McClellan
Member of the General Assembly Michael Frank
Marcus Linsley
Clerk of Circuit Court Lansing B. Nichols
Sheriff James M. Stebbins
Treasurer Henry Johnson
Clerk of Board of Supervisors Ira Pierce
Register of Deeds Gurdin Gillett
District Attorney Franklin H. Head
Coroner Levi Grant
Surveyor John M. Jones
County Judge J. B. Jilsun

City of Kenosha

Mayor Isaac T. Webster
City Clerk Cyrus B. Lewis
Treasurer Jared Brockett
City Marshal Hugh McDermott
Justice of the Peace Hiram Tuttle
Superintendent of Schools Michael Frank
Assessor John Erickson
Railroad Commissioner E. G. Runels
City Physician Dr. Thompson
Chief of Police E. F. Morris
Poormaster A. White


First Ward John Nicoll
Levi Grant
J. B. Starkweather
Second Ward Freeman Rose
Andrew Schoffen
Mathias Huck
Third Ward Daniel Head
Peter H. Wood
G. T. Vanarsdale
Fourth Ward J. Lothrop Jr.
W. S. Vercelius
Alonzo White


First Ward John Treston
Second Ward John Williams
Third Ward Joseph Merrill
Fourth Ward Hiram Holbrook

School Commissioners

First Ward J. B. Jilsun
Second Ward Conrad Muntzenberger
Third Ward Lansing B. Nichols
Fourth Ward H. H. Tarbell