
Aberdeen, Scotland visited, 485.
Abolitionists in Wisconsin, 113.
Adams, Dr. Ammon, early town superintendent, 85-88; professional services, 55; supervision of schools, 77.
Adams, Pres. Charles Kendalt, dedicatory address at Stevens Point, 942.
Adams, Sir John, article on Teacher Training, cited, 275.
Adamson, Sarah, Kenosha, H. S. graduate, 135.
Adams, Jane, of Hull House, Chicago, 494.
Administration building in Kenosha provided, 448.
A difficult landing, 8.
Administrative Women in Education, National Council of, (N. C. A. W. E.), when started, 429; service for, 400; eligibility to, 431; present status, 481; active branches of, 482.
A Great Adventure--World Cruise, 475.
A Great Convention attended, Edinburgh, 497.
Air War time, in England, 496.
Albec, George S., principal of Kenosha, High School, referred to, 116, 177; President of Normal School, 177, 193; prejudices 195; quoted, 182, 195; letter referred to, 725;
photograph, 176.
Afford, Mrs. W. H., benefactress of Giel Scouts, 423.
Allen, Miss Elizabeth. Menomonie teacher, 908.
Allen, Mrs. Ella F. gifts to Kenosha schools, 892.
Allen, Nation H., Kenosha tanner, member of School Board, 163.
Allen, William H., New York, acknowledgement of School Report, 442.
Allerston, Mary G. of Steven Point Normal, 277.
Alma, Wisconsin, referred to, 266.
American, Brazz Co. gift of printing outfit, 466.
American College for Women, Cairo, Egypt, 473.
"American's Creed," suggested me of, 480.
American English, criticized, 505.
American Lagion, referred to, 146,
American University in Cairo, Egypt, 477, 461.
American University Women's Paris Club, 508.
Ames, Jesse, H. Stevens Point Normal graduate, 268.
Anderson C. A., Kenosha School man, 213.
Anderson, George W., school committee member, 455.
Another Trip Abroad, 616.
Annuity Teachers', a little trouble about, 470.
Appointment to a City School Survey, 461.
"Apron Strings," disapproval of, 272. Arithmetic in district school, 86, 151-153.
Arthur's Magazine, in Davison home, 91.
Associated Charities, given a start in Kenosha, 360-361.
Ashman Margaret, authoress, Stevens Fotat Graduate, 266; letter, 290.
"Athena," travel yacht, 822-823.
Atlantic Monthly, in Davison homes, 91.
Attendance at summer school, Columbia, 997.
Attorney-General of State, consulted, 417.
Audohon Society station, 812.
Awatif and Amal, Children of friend, 460; photograph, 480.
A woman is elected to Kenosha School Board, 388.
Baboock, Dr. C. L., travel leader, 321.
Baboock, Dr. Stephen M., occasion of receiving doctor's degree, 420.
Bacot, Maria, Kenosha teacher, 126.
Bailey, Alexander, Sr., station agent, Salem, 153; illness, 160.
Bailey, Alexander D., of La Grange, Ill, 281.
Bailey, Eugene M., young man of Salem Village, 153; married, 153,
Balley, Mr. Eugene M., visit to sister referred to, 801; death, 261.
Cavanagh, Mrs. Edith Brown, girl scout leader, 422.
Cavanagh, James, first acquaintance with, 158; graduate of Oshkosh Normal School, 188.
Chamberlain, Dr. T. C., 222.
Charles, John, of Denver, Colo., architect of Stout Manual Training buildings, 836.
Chester, John I., Kenosha, interest of, 434; on teachers committee, 453.
Chesterton, G. K., England, witnessed honors conferred upon, 503.
Cheesemaking, description of, 22-23.
Cheever, W. H., quoted, 339.
Chicago, on lake route, 1, 4, 8; road to, 2; R. R. Connections, 40; medical school at, 9; schools and teachers, 66; Civil War, 66-69; convention nominates Lincoln, 49; better wages for teachers, 218; Columbian Exposition of 1893, 228; school troubles in, 381; loyalty of teachers in, 456, one effect of Thompson fiasco in, 489.
Chicago and Northwestern R. R., 40.
Children's Community Fair, 427.
Christmas Seal sale, 362.
Chubb, John D., chosen Architect, Kenosha, 440.
Citizenship stressed in curriculum, 391-394.
City Council, opposition of, 355, 395-406; cited as business precedent, 417; causes trouble about playground fund, 405, 461.
Civil War times, 56-57.
Clark, Lewis H., acknowledgment, 401.
Clark, Prof. E. W., travel leader, 320.
Clark, Frank C., travel company, 475.
Clark, Harriet E., Oshkosh Normal graduate, 187.
Clark University, student, 255.
Claxton, P. P., in Edinburgh, 498; quoted, 445-446.
Cleary, Francis L., Kenosha H. S. principal, 226; resigns, 233.
Clement, Mrs. Alice C., of Stevens Point Normal, 264.
Coe, John M., principal of Kenosha High School, 120.
Composition, Kenosha school, incident, 100-105.
"College of Hard Knocks," referred to, 219.
Collins, Joseph V., of Stevens Point Normal, 237, 274; sketch, 240.
Columbia University, N. Y. City., summer school attended, 387.
Committee meetings, 852, 853.
Comparison of teacher's salaries, 1910 and 1920, 350, 455.
Constitutions, study of, in schools, 149-151.
Conatti, Thos. J., principal, Kenosha High School, 114; enlists, 115.
Converse, Supt. F. E., on J. H. S. state committee, 395.
Cooley, Edwin, Paris district teacher, 46; soldier, 50.
Cooper, Robt. S., assists school publicity, 434.
Cottrell, Louise, social worker, Kenosha, 361.
Coulter, John M., University of Wisconsin, 220.
Country school house, described, 27-28.
Crabtree, J. W., of Peru, Neb., Normal, travels, 320; called by, 326, 327; expresses sympathy, 375.
Crawford, Caroline E., teacher, Stevens Point Normal, 237; sketch, 240; work, 258, 277; moves to introduce dancing, 361; mentioned, 281.
Cromwellian Army, mention of, 490.
Cubberly, Ellwood P., summer school, Columbia, quoted, 352, 387-388.
Culver, Garry E., teacher, Stevens Point Normal, 237, 274-275; mentioned, 280, 281; sketch, 289.
Curriculum, Kenosha public schools, first draft, 348; printed 388-390; revised, 465.
Curtis, Alfred, Kenosha resident, 125.
Curtis, G. H., president of Kenosha School Board, 834, 345; before City council, 855.
Customs, U.S., experience with, 509-510.
Cutter, R. B., principal of a Chicago school, 66-69.
"Cymric," White Star liner, 319.
Dame Henrietta O. Barnett, (see Barnett).
Darwinism, lectures on, 154, 155; Scopes trial, Dayton, Tenn., 156, 157.
Davison, Andrew Jackson, Kenosha County pioneer, 1-7; neighbors, 18, 29-35, 56; marriage, 5; children, 7, 9, 15, 20; accident to, 52-55; family physician, 54, 77-78; at Kenosha, 96, 112; gift to daughter, 137; death, 231.
Davison, Mrs. Andrew J., dowry, 5; arrives as a bride, 5-7; children, 7, 18, 20; neighborliness, 24, 25; sympathy for daughter, 186-187; continued helpfulness to others, 285; death, 284-285.
Davison, Benjamin Franklin, lake captain, 1, 45; niece lives with, 45, 66, 68; learns of Lincoln's death, 70.
Davison, Caroline G., birth, 15; childhood, 58; duties, 58; Kenosha pupil, 97; "passes," 106; teaches country school, 146, 153; married, 158; death, 281. (see Mrs. Eugene M. Bailey).
Davison, Sr., Cordillo, 1.
Davison, Jr., Cordillo, birth, 7; attends school, 26-27; punished, 42-44; accident to father, 53-54; farm duties, 60; death, 74.
Davison, George W. (grandfather), children of, 1; in Wisconsin, 10.
Davison, Hannah Camp, birth, 15; attends school, 40; acts, 42; in Kenosha school, 97, 105; teacher's examination, 122; illness, 124.
Davison, Ida A., birth, 7; illness, 8; recollections, 16-18, 26, 37, 47, 90; attends school, 26-27; aids brother, 43; in Chicago, 66-73; home duties, 42, 45-55; teaches school, 73; death, 518.
Davison, John, lake captain, 1; wife of, 5.
Davison, Dr. John T., son of Capt. John of California, childhood, 66.
Davison, Mary Wagoner, wife of Captain John, 5.
Davison, Mary Carter, grandmother, with Geo. W., 1.
Davison, Mary Lemyra (see Mary D. Bradford).
Davison, Sarah Isabel, birth, 20; in Kenosha school, 97.
Davison, Captain William, 1; transports infantry, 14.
Davison, Dr. William M. W., birth, 9; sketch, 9; attends school, 87; punished, 40; struggles for education, 9; a Chicago physician, 284; death, 284.
Day, Abbie Louise, duties in N.C.A.W.E., 429.
Dayton, Tenn., Scopes trial at, 156-158.
Decker, Mrs. Jas. A., of Menomonie, 327.
Dell, F. B., Jackson County superintendent, 267.
DeLong, Charles, Kenosha County pioneer, 54.
Deming, Elder Reuben H., of Kenosha, preacher, 78; "Station on Underground Railroad," 119; friend of public schools, 119-120.
Denamore, Ida M., of Stevens Point Normal, 283.
Denver (Colo.), N.E.A., 1909, 827.
Departments of Superintendents, first one attended, 364; help received, 365.
De Riemer, Alicia, death, 278.
Devlin, Jas., student of Oshkosh Normal School, 189.
Dewey, C. Ernest, Assemblyman from Kenosha, 96.
Dewey, Courtland A., marriage, 30; in Kenosha, 96; church affiliations, 113; photograph, 80.
Dewey, Delina Hale, birth, 80; friendship, 96.
Dewey, Dr. John, from Chicago to Columbia University, N.Y., 277; quoted on Citizenship, 393.
Dickinson, Dr. Eveline, 483, 509.
Difficulty of Superintendent in having continuity of policies, 882.
District school library, 90.
Dodge, Benoni L., first Superintendent Kenosha County, 78; later service, 79.
Dodge, Morris B., quoted, 76, 88.
Dodge, Medora (see Gammon).
Dorsey, Susan M., referred to, 379.
Downey family, Kenosha County pioneers, 30; moves north, 31; visited, 31.
Downey, John, named, 30; teacher district No. 5, 64-65; treasured gift from, 65.
Dryburgh Abbey, visited, 504, photograph, 504.
Dudgeon, R. B., school superintendent, 305.
Duggen, Dr. Stephen P., 482-483.
Dunn County Training School, 307-308.
Dunning, Mrs. Frank, kindergartner, Kenosha, 35.
Durham Cathedral, visited, 504.
Durkee, Hon. Charles, of Kenosha, 201; bequest, 202.
Durkee, H. O., principal, Kenosha High School, 116, 126.
Edgerton Bible Case, referred to, 180.
Edinburgh, Scotland, visited, 496.
Editorials, "Chicago Daily News," uses of, 489.
Educational Conference, International, 472.
Educational Conventions, reviewed, 497.
Effects of World War on schools, 425-428.
Ehrhard, Mary N., Menomonie teacher, 317.
Elkhorn, Institute at, 317.
Elsom, Dr. J. C., assists in Kenosha, 422.
Emergency in education, 448.
Emerson School of Oratory, Boston, 255.
Emery, J. Q. quoted, 270.
Emmet, William, Paris district teacher, 64.
English Bunker Hill, 489.
English Channel, comment about, 509.
Engelhart, John, School Board, Kenosha, 205.
Enlightened Patriotism, manifestation of, 483.
Evidence of School Board's lack of vision, 886.
Evolution, lectures on, 154-155; opposition to theory, 155.
Faddis, Jennie R., of the Stevens Point Normal faculty, 238, 251-252; sketch, 241; removal to the East, 284; in N.C.A.W.E., 429; death, 284; photograph, 252.
Fairchild, Milton, authority, moral education, in Edinburgh, 498.
Fairfield, Prof. O.P., director of travel in Greece, 820.
Farnsworth, Nellie W., Menomonie teacher, 809.
Farrill, Rev. Edwin F., Kenosha minister, 861.
Farr, Dr. A., on Kenosha school board, 205.
Ferris, Jas. C., assists school publicity, 434.
Fink, Ella, of the Stevens Point Normal School, 264.
Finney, Miss, missionary in Cairo, Egypt, 477.
First printed report of schools, Kenosha, 865-866.
First ride in automobile, 319.
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, mother of, traveler, 320.
Fisk Institute, Nashville, referred to, 51.
Fitzgerald, Josephine, of Steven Point Normal, 254, 284.
"Five Sisters" window, York, England, described, 493; restored as a memorial, 494; ceremonial described, 495-496; picture of, 494.
Flick, Prof. A. C., of Syracuse University, travel leader, 820.
Flug, Edward, Kenosha school board committee member, 455.
Fogwell, David O, Kenosha Boy Scout leader, 423; director of public recreation, 424; called to war, 424; duties as director summarized, 424-425; help to superintendent of school, 426; children's community fair, 427; photograph, 425.
Fourth of July 1860, 47-50.
Frank, Col. Michael, editor, II; mayor of Southport, 12; quiets mob, 13; diary quoted, 12, 14; superintendent of schools, 115, 120; attends celebration in old age, 227; dedication of report to him, 898; photograph, 227.
Freeman, Prof. J. C., University of Wisconsin, 220.
Frederick, Theodore, purchaser of Davison farm, 21.
Frederick, Elf, family, resident old birth place in Paris, picture of home, 27.
French, Volney, of Kenosha School Board, 163.
Frequently changing school board, 882.
Furman, Josephine, at Kenosha, 104-105.
Gaggin family, in Kenosha County, 148.
Gammon, Mrs. Medora Dodge, Kenosha pupil, 106; leaves Kenosha, 213.
Gans, Mrs. Howard, New York, 498.
Gardening, part of school was work, 427.
Garden Suburb, London, visited, 486-489; purpose given, 486.
Garfield, Pres. Harry A., and institute of politics, 518; letter quoted, 514.
Geary, Joseph, of Ripon College, sketch, 44; wins prize, 49.
Geography, teaching of, in district school, 87-88.
Gerrish, Charlotte, of the Stevens Point Normal, 277.
Gesell, Dr. Arnold L., letter, 279-280; Stevens Point graduate, 286; work referred to, 286-287.
Gilbert, Edward M., Stevens Point Normal graduate, 287.
Gillan, S. Y., letter quoted, 413-414.
Gillett, Anna E., Kenosha teacher, 98, 99, 199; promoted, 106-107; characterized, 107-108; death, 316-317.
Gillett, Gurdin, Kenosha resident, 107; on school board, 163.
Girl Scouts, beginning, 421-422; development of, 422-428; service, 426,427.
Glasgow, Scotland, visited, 496.
Glerum, Edward, first purchasing agent of school board, 458.
Glerum, Jay B., president of school board, 446; committee member, 455.
Goffe, James R., Kenosha High School principal, 214.
Goffe, William, student at Oshkosh Normal, 188.
German, James, official acknowledgment from, 436.
German, Michael, on Kenosha school board, 203-204.
Gould, Frederick J., of England, teacher of ethics, visits Kenosha, 391-392.
Gould, Margaret, Paris district teacher, 26-27.
Grafton, Robt. W., artist, 511.
Graham, Robert, of Oshkosh Normal School, 177; teaching, 182, 189-190; son of, 187.
Grammar in the district school, 85-87.
Grant, Emory L., Kenosha citizen, 163; president Kenosha school board, 198; president at celebration, 227; alumni officer, 228.
Gray, John, in Civil war, 50, 70.
Gray, Nannie R., of Stevens Point Normal, 276.
Gregory family, Kenosha county pioneers, 24, 29, 89.
Hahn, H. H., school architect, takes suggestions from a woman, 359; plans 20-room building, 387.
Hahn, Laura E., vocational school teacher, 370.
Hale, Delina (see Dewey), photograph, 30.
Hale, George, enlists, 30; soldier, 50; photograph, 80.
Hale, O. P., Kenosha county pioneer, 18; sketch, 29-30; activity, 43; in Kenosha, 95; church affiliation, family group, 80.
Hale, Mrs. O. P., owns spinning wheel, 64; loans magazines, 91.
Hall, G. Stanley, of Clark University, 255.
Halsey, R. H., president of Oshkosh Normal School, mentioned, 193.
Hammond, Ellen C., county superintendent, 267; interview, 282-283.
Hampstead Heath Garden Suburb, 485; objectives, 486; described, 487-488.
Haney, Emma, of the Stevens Point Normal School, 237, 241, 250.
Hannahs, Etta, Kenosha teacher, 213.
Hannahs, Mr. Lynn, president of H. S. P. T. A., 428.
Harper, Chas. L., quoted, 178; "Service Honors" awarded, 419.
Harris, Ada Van Stone, 430-431.
Harris, Asa, of Kenosha Co., enlists, 50.
Harris, Mary, Kenosha county school teacher, 46.
Harrison, Carter H., mayor of Chicago, and school troubles, 381.
Hart, Hastings, of Sage Foundation, assistance from, 478-479.
Harvey, L. D., Normal School president, 282; state superintendent, 257; issued manual of Institutes, 269-271; president of Stout Institute, 283, 298, 309-311; letter quoted, 295-296; death, 330; help from, 440; photograph, 293.
Hazard, Martha E., on Oshkosh Normal faculty, 182.
Head, Dan O., member of school board, 349; mayor of Kenosha, 379.
Head, Eugene, Kenosha editor, 168-169.
Head, Franklin H., executor of Durkee estate, 202.
Head, George D., on Kenosha school board, 168, 205; school patron, 168.
Heidersdorf family, Kenosha county pioneers, 35.
Hermann, Raphael, Peace Plan award made by, 499.
Henderson family, emigrate to America, 131.
Henn, Edward, family of, resident in old Davison house, Paris, picture, 76.
Herfurth, Elizabeth M., worker for Teacher Retirement law, 367.
Herrick, Alfred J., of Stevens Point Normal, 287.
High school, room described, 114-115; practices, 117-119; picture of, 115. Hicks, W. D., principal of Kenosha high school, 116.
"His Honor"--saloon, political activity of, 354-355; attacks schools, 356; superintendent repells attack, 356-357; results, 357-358; again in office, 378; again opposes, 395-396.
Hocking, W. J., Kenosha high school principal, 336.
Hoffman, Peter, of Kenosha county, enlists, 50.
Holbrook, Miss Florence, Chicago principal, in Edinburgh, 498,504.
Hollister, Homer, early pupil mentioned, 160.
Hood, Edna E., kindergartner, Kenosha, 347; secretary of N.C.A.W.E., 431; help in time of epidemic, 436; record with sister for W.F.E.A. attendance, 474.
"Hood girls," fellow travelers, 496; in Oxford, England, 504.
Hooker Lake, in Kenosha county, 153.
Howe, Grace T., of Kenosha, 206.
Hose, Col. J. H., of Kenosha, 206; manufacturer, 210.
Howe, senator Timothy O., Kenosha relatives, 206.
Hoyt, Mrs. Edith E., quoted, 305, 306; as teacher, 306.
Hoyt, Judson E., school superintendent, 290, 294, 305-307.
Hubbard, Thomas W., Kenosha school man, 214.
Huck, Joseph, Kenosha county pioneer, 35:
Hull House, Open Air School visited, 363; its English model, 484.
"Husking Bee," at Davison farm, 56.
Hutchinson, Champion I., Kenosha warehouse man, 11-12.
Hyman, Julius, Chicago school pianist in 1865, 67.
Hyer, Frank S., positions held, 277.
Illinois, land in 1839, 2.
Illustrations, see list.
Indians, incident, 7.
International Education Conference, 471-474.
Institute of Politics, Williamstown, Mass., 513.
Institute work, 232, 265; conductors of, characterized, 266-267.
Inverness, Scotland, visited, 496.
Irish pioneers, 80, 85.
Irvine, Sir James, of St. Andrews College, Scotland, 513; quoted, 514.
Ives' Grove, in Racine county, 2.
Jacks, Dr. L.P., of Oxford, 506; visited Kenosha, 506.
Jackson County, institutes in, 267.
James, Sarah, friend, loans pamphlet, 180.
Jean, Sally Lucas, at Edinburgh meeting, 498.
Jeffery, Thos, B., Kenosha manufacturer, gift of, 346.
Jilson, J. B., early school board connections, 118.
Johnson, Norman, enlists, 50.
Johnson, S. C., on Kenosha school board, 205.
Jones, Olive M., at Edinburgh meeting, 498.
Jordan, Ann, district teacher, 41.
Jordan, David Starr, peace prize, 499.
Jordan, Ella Blair, quoted, 474.
Jordan, Lottie Hannahs, assists play grounds cause, 405.
Junior high schools, 6-3-3 plan first advocated, 394; importance shown, 408; preparation for, 410-412; first graduates, 412; war work of, 427; special building for, advocated, 459.
Kane, Kate, Oshkosh student, lawyer, 179.
Karnes, Frank M., manual training supervisor, Kenosha, 846.
Kay, Miss, Whitewater Normal teacher, 832.
Keating, Mrs. Irene, first Open Air School teacher, Kenosha, 868.
Kellerman, William A., on Oshkosh Normal faculty, 181, 191-192.
Kellogg Corners, tavern at, 4; distance from Davison home, 7; celebration at, 47; accident to father near, 53.
Kellogg, Mrs. Eva D., at Madison N.E. A. meeting, 215.
Kelly, Peter, Stevens Point janitor, 288.
Kenosha, Davison land patent recorded, 3 (foot note); farm transfer record, 18 (foot note); market place, 34; residents, 11; named, 11; warehouse incident, 12-14; early repute of schools, 20, 94; historic H. S. building, 97; first public library, 144; school board of, in '76, 203; business firm in, 209-210; alumni, '84 to '94, 229-281, population, 216, 226, 465; college club of, 511; educational rank in 1920, 457.
Kenosha county, wheat yield in 1849, 10-11; formed from Racine county, 11; early school superintendents of, 78-79; superintendent in '65, 177.
Kenosha "Daily Gazette," report of founding of K. H. S. A., 1891, 227; "Telegraph" cited, 868.
Kenosha Woman's City club, 883; helps bond issue, 896; support public recreation cause, 405.
Kerr, Dr., of London, quoted, 502.
Kindergarten training school (see Stout Institute).
Kingman, Michael, Kenosha county farmer, 148; daughters of, 148.
Kirn, Harry W., manual training, 427.
Knapp-Stout lumbering business, 298.
Knight, Dr. Lucius L., traveler, 476.
Knisely, Mary, Oshkosh Normal graduate, 187.
Kohler village, Wisconsin, 507, 508.
Kreuscher, Carl, in Kenosha county, 18; buys Davison farm, 18; house pictured, 16; child's death, 24; descendents, 31; loss of son in war, 31, 49; nephew of, 35.
Ladd, Mary H., on Oshkosh Normal faculty, 181; teaching method, 191.
Lamont, John F., Marathon county superintendent, 268.
Lance, Mrs A. H., 436-437.
Larson, W. E., acknowledgment from, 400.
Leach, Cephas H., student at Oshkosh Normal, 189; principal, Kenosha high school, 215; marriage, 125.
Lease family, Kenosha county pioneers, 9; Martha attends school, 39.
Lee, Robert E., surrender of, mentioned, 68-69.
Liberty Corners school, 146; photograph, 147.
Light, in Davison home, 92-94.
Lincoln, Abraham, nomination mentioned, 49; enters Richmond, 68; news of death, 70; funeral route, 71; Chicago school children at funeral pageant, 72-73.
Lincoln, England, visited, 490-491; "The Imp" of Lincoln, 492.
Lincoln, Neb., visited, 318, 349.
Linton, Sophia, of Stevens Point Normal, 237,241; work mentioned, 276.
Livingston, John W., of Stevens Point Normal School, 277.
Logsdon--Coull, Mrs. Martha, in Stout kindergarten training school, 299.
Loomis, Guy F., becomes superintendent of Kenosha schools, 463-465.
Lucas family, Kenosha county pioneers, 35.
Luther, Mrs. Jessie Nelson, early Kenosha pupil, quoted, 114.
Lyman, F.W., Kenosha merchant, 9-10; friendly help, 96.
Lyman, Frank H., leads movement for Kenosha H.S. association, 227.
Lyman, Rosalie, member of office force, 402.
McCaskill, Virgil E., at Stevens Point, 277; at Superior, 278.
McClenahan, Dr. Robert, (Princeton), Am. University of Cairo, mentioned, 478.
McCracken, Dr. Henry N., of Vassar College, at Edinburgh meeting, 502.
McDermott, Billy, telegraph operator, Kenosha, 232.
McDill, G. E., transfers money, 286.
McDonald, Ramsey, M. P., receives honorary degree, 503.
McFarland, C. D., regent, Stevens Point Normal, 282-283, 296.
McHuron family, Kenosha county pioneers, 82.
McIver, Supt. M. N., Oshkosh, quoted, 840.
McKenny, Chas., president, Milwaukee Normal School, sends greetings, 339.
McLean, Mrs. J. E. (Caroline E. Crawford), 277.
McLoughlin, Edward, Oshkosh Normal graduate, 187.
McMurray, Prof. Frank, Columbia University lecture course, 387-388.
McMynn, John G., principal, Kenosha high school, 120; state superintendent, 149; letter, 227-228.
McNeil, Katherine, niece of Downeys, 30; teacher, 46.
Madison, N.E.A. meeting at, 215; orders from, 232; Wisconsin Academy in, 240; action of board of regents at, 282; summer schools, 318.
Maine, trip to, 207
Mansur, Lulu M., librarian, Stevens Point Normal, 273.
Manual training shops, Kenosha, 346, 427.
Marathon county, institutes, 267.
Markham Academy, Milwaukee, mentioned, 301.
Mariatt, Walter T., editor, "Kenosha Evening News," obligations to, 348; reports city council proceedings, 355; ready cooperation, 373-374, 361, 378, 426; headlines, 348, 461-462; more helpful publicity, 888; hurt, 421; editorial comment on teachers' salary schedule, 450-451; photograph, 451; death, 451.
Marsafi, F. M., of Cairo, Egypt, teacher and reformer, 478-483.
Martha's Vineyard summer school, 255.
Martin family, Kenosha county pioneers, 35.
Martin, Peter, Kenosha county taverner, 2.
Maryatt, Thomas P., Kenosha high school principal, 197, 200; friendship with H. M. Simmons, 198, 201; resigns, 203; manages commencement, 204; later history, 205.
Maxon, Rev. Henry D., of Menomonie, sketch of, 301; institute conductor, 301-303; enters Unitarian ministry, 303; influence in Menomonie, 303-304; "Sermons of Religion and Life" cited, 303; death, 303.
Maynard, Daniel, of Salem, Wis., 158.
Mears, Louis M., paper read by, at W.F.E.A., 315.
Melville, Ruth, art supervisor, Kenosha, assistance from, 434.
Menomonie, Wis., my first visit to, 288-293; Mr. Harvey's work begins, 293; position offered there, 295; as an educational center, 297.
Meyers, Gerry, in gold rush, 83.
Meyers, Jacob, Kenosha county pioneer, 18.
Meyers, John, member of school board, in 1874, 163.
Meyers, Julia, pupil in my first school, 134.
Meyers, Philip, Kenosha county pioneer, father of Julia, 184.
Middlecamp, Henry, neighbor, 27, 82; family, 32; in gold rush, 32-33.
Middlecamp, William, student, Oshkosh Normal School, 32, 189.
Milk lunches in schools, 426; picture, 428.
Milligan, Geo., medical student, teacher,38.
Miller, David W., on Kenosha school board, 205.
Miller, Prof. H. L., member of committee on junior high schools, 395; congratulations from, 421.
Milwaukee breweries, influence in Kenosha, 354-355.
Milwaukee, road from Chicago, 2; land office in, 2.
Milwaukee "Democrat," in Davison home, 91.
Milwaukee Normal School, board of visitors, 232; established, 235; Miss Alma Binzel, a teacher in, 295; my short service in, 470-471.
Mississippi River, path of bird migration, 312.
Model Department, Stevens Point Normal School, faculty, 238; pupils, 244; operation of, 252-254; practice teachers, 285.
Moody, Ann W., on Oshkosh Normal faculty, 181.
Morgan, Angela, quoted, 520-521.
Morrison, W. L., Menomonie county training school, 308.
Moyle, Mary A., 465.
Muentzenberger, Conrad, Kenosha citizen, 163.
Munson family in Kenosha county, 147.
Murphy, Hugh B., assists school publicity, 434.
Murphy, Kate, in Menomonie schools, 291, 300, 307; criticised, 328.
Murray, Gilbert, Gilbert, Oxford, lectures referred to, 137, 504-505.
Musselman, Frances, of Stevens Point Normal, 277.
Mygatt, Wallace, early Kenosha settler, 5.
Nash, Mrs. Chas. W., benefactor of Girl Scouts, 422.
Nature study in schools advocated early, 172-173; in institute, 267; in Menomonie, 312-313.
National Education Association meetings mentioned, (1884), 215; (1917), 429; (1919), 442-446; (1920), 447-448; (1921), 471-472; (1922), 472; (1923), 471.
N. C. A. W. E., brief history of, 429; at Atlantic City, 429-430; regular time of meeting, 431; eligibility to membership, 431; size of organization, 432.
New England visited, 207; speech peculiarities of, 208; teacher, Stevens Point, from, 241.
"New England Journal of Education," editorial comment from, 434.
Newell, O. S., on Kenosha school board, 205.
Newman, Samuel C., member of Kenosha school board, 395.
New Orleans, La., visited, 364.
New schedule of teachers' salaries, 451-453.
Nicoll, John, on School board of Kenosha, 205.
Nicolay and Hay, co-authors of "Life of Lincoln," cited, 70.
Niles, Mrs. Charles F., Menomonie, aids bird study, 813.
Normal School board of regents and Pres. Albee, 181-182, 183-184; proceedings quoted, 188.
North Menomonie schools, 317.
Northwestern Wisconsin Teachers' Association, 228.
Norton, Millie S., teacher, Kenosha, 109; school activities, 109-111; token 111-112.
Noyes, Lucy A., on Oshkosh Normal faculty 185.
Oberlin College, teacher attends, 44.
Office of Kenosha school board, first location, 343; second, 361; third, 443.
O'Hare, Frances, teacher, Kenosha, 426.
Open Air School started, 362-363; sketch of history, 364; a helpful demonstration, 363-364; interest in, 400.
Opposition encountered, 276-277.
O'Shea, Dr. M. V., interest manifested by, 401.
Oshkosh Normal, referred to, 31; one of its teachers, 79; attracted by, 174; attendance, 177; Normal faculty institute at, 269-271; picture, 180.
Otto, Francesca L., of Menomonie, 315.
Oxford, England, visit referred to, 157; visited, 504-506; mannerisms of lecturers observed, 504-505.
Pageant at Plymouth, Mass., 468.
Parent - Teachers Association,commended, 148; need of, 325; organized in Kenosha, 370, evolution of, 443-444; council of P.T.A., 444; support of public measures, 445.
Park, Anna, of Stevens Point, 237.
Park, Byron B., regent, Normal School, 235; quoted, 282.
Park, Jr., Gilbert, brother of B. B. Park, mentioned, 287.
Park, Judge Gilbert L., of Stevens Point, father, mentioned, 287.
Park, Mortimer T., of Oshkosh Normal faculty, 181.
Parker, Col. Francis, of Chicago Normal School, mentioned, 339.
Parker, W. N., edits "Wisconsin Journal of Education," 318.
Parls Township, settlers, 1, 3, 18, 27, 29, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85; schools; 20, 26, 27, 29, 49; Whigs in, 84; town superintendent, 76, 77, 161; celebrates, 48; soldiers from, 50.
Paris, France, visited, 821, 509.
Pasha class in University of Cairo, 481.
Patterson, Isabelle, of Stevens Point Normal, 238.
Patzer, Conrad E., "Public Education in Wisconsin," cited, 64, 75, 149, 270.
Peak's Island (Me.), visited, 207.
Pearse, Carroll G., 471.
Pennoyer, Edgar, opens sanitarium, 55.
Pennoyer, Dr. Nelson A., of Kenosha, mentioned. 9.
Pennoyer Water Cure, father taken to, 55; home of Bradfords, 210.
Pennsylvania Hotel, N. Y., courtesy of, 510-511.
Perkins, A. Walker, with Byrd Expedition. 52.
Perkins, Ephriam, Paris resident, 50.
Perkins, Fred M., of Kenosha, 52.
Perkins, Helen, Paris district teacher, 50-51; Fisk institute teacher, 51-52.
Perkins, Pliny M., Burlington, Racine county, 50; use of his grist mill, 61.
Pershing, Gen. John J., "Experiences" cited, 169-170.
Pettit, Henry, Paris district teacher, 36-37.
Pettit, Judge J. J., Kenosha pioneer, 36.
Pfennig, Chas. H., mayor of Kenosha, referred to, 379-380.
Phelan, John, acknowledgment of report, 400.
Philadelphia Centennial Exposition, 195.
Picture study in Menomonie, 325-326.
Pike's Peak, gold rush, 32-33; wagon purchased, 33; service of, 34, 48.
Pilgrim Tercentenary, visited, 468.
Pitman, Bertha, S., of Stevens Point Normal, 237, 276; sketch, 240; resignation, 276.
Playground cause of Kenosha, history, 403-405; again menaced, 461-463.
Platteville Normal School, presidents of, 277, 339.
Pleasant Lake, Girl Scout camp, 422.
Pleasant Prairie, teachers from, 43, 66, 73.
Plover, Portage county, visited, 245-246.
Political "Boss," first encounter with, 356-357.
Pollock, W. J., principal Kenosha high school, 223.
Pope, Eliphalet, Paris district teacher, 41-44; punishes pupil, 42-43.
Portable school buildings introduced, 387.
Portage county, raises building fund, 236; old county seat, 245; students from 256.
Potter, Grace, of Whitewater Normal, 332.
powers E,lla F., office assistant, 344, 352; her many duties, 447; visits superintendent in hospital, 464.
Powers, H. H., art critic, 320, 321, 322.
Pray, Katherine, of Stevens Point Normal, 276.
Pray, Kenneth L. M. composes song, 273; letter, 279.
Pray, Theron B., institute conductor, 232, Stevens Point Normal School president, 288, 237; sketch, 238; reference to his work, 242, 243, 277; victim of political plot, 281; quoted, 311; photograph, 238.
Pray, Mrs. Theron B. (Ellen Moffitt) as hostess, 280; death, 342.
Preamble of Constitution, W.F.E.A., 500.
Pringle, George C., secretary of W.F.E.A. conference, 499.
Publicity, belief in, 396-397; results from, 399-402, 443.
Public libraries in Kenosha, brief history, 517.
Public opinion, stimulation of, 396-397
Public recreation, first Kenosha director of, 404; referendum, 404.
Pyrtle, Ruth, at Edinburgh conference,498.
Quarles, Deacon, Abolitionist, 119.
Quarles, Mrs. Emma Thiers, graduate of Kenosha high school, 125.
Quarles, Joseph V.,Kenosha pupil, 114; superintendent and clerk, Kenosha school, 121; president of school board, 202.
Quigley, A. H., assists school publicity, 434.
Quinn, M. Frances, of Stevens Point Normal, 238, 241; removes to Chicago, 284.
Racine County, Ive's Grove in, 2; wheat yield, 10 (foot note); Kenosha County created from, 11; joint celebration, 48.
Racine, favored, why, 15; Davison grain market and accident, 53; brother employed there, 74.
Randall, E. F., Kenosha principal, 412.
Rank in Education of Kenosha, 1920, 457.
Reaction of teachers, to appreciation, 407.
Reading, in district school, 81-82; in Davison home, 90-92.
Rector, Carrie, Paris district teacher, 39.
Reinsch, Paul E., given University degree, 420.
Reitler, Jeanette, of the Stevens Point Normal, 264.
Reorganization of school system, 394, 410-412.
Reports, Kenosha schools first pamphlet, 365-366; second, 371-372; third, 398-399; fourth, 432-435; in newspaper, 457-458; historical features of, 371, 402-403; benefit to Kenosha, 399; favorable comments on, 399-401, 433-434.
Rice, Samuel T., Kenosha neighbor, work for, earned first money, 112.
Ribgy, Mrs. Cora L., fellow traveler, 477.
Ripon College, faculty member of, 44.
Robbins, Mrs. boarder with, in Salem, 147, 151-153.
Robinson, Frederick, Kenosha resident, 111; on school board, 163.
Robinson, Mrs. Gertrude S., fellow traveler, 483.
Rogers, Henry M., Kenosha school board member, 163.
Rowell, Dr. E. F., school board member, 849; petitions council, 355.
Royce, Asa M., president of Platteville, quoted, 339; associations with, 326.
Ruediger, Wm. C., graduate of Stevens Point Normal, 287.
Russell, Dean James e., quoted, 448.
Russell, Sage Foundation, gives help, 478-479.
Ryder, Sarah West, visiting nurse, Kenosha, 362, 363.
"Ryndam," steamship, mentioned, 321.
Sabin, Ellen C., president of Milwaukee Downer College, quoted, 339-340.
Sager, George H., on Kenosha school board, 205.
St. Louis, Mr. Stout's relations with, 297, 299; educational prestige of, 298.
Sale of Christmas Seals, Kenosha, and results, 862.
Salem Center, sister teaching at, 146; my third school at, 158; institute at, 301-303.
Salisbury, Pres. Albert, of Whitewater Normal, offers position, 328; characterized, 331-338; offers advice, 334; death, 336; prophecy referred to, 341; photograph, 831. Salisbury, Mrs. Albert, of Whitewater, 382.
Salisbury, Margaret, social worker, acknowledgement from, 400.
Salisbury, Rollin D., of Chicago University, takes course under, 222.
Sayles, Nettle, of Whitewater Normal, 332.
Sandburg, Carl, quoted, 6-7.
Sanford, Albert E., of Stevens Point Normal, 237, 274-275; sketch, 240; to La Crosse, 275.
Schofield, Harvey A., Stevens Point graduate, 287.
Scholey, Joseph M., head janitor, 344; attendance officer, 360; friendly warning from, 376; long service of, 447.
Scholey, Matt J., mayor of Kenosha (see "His Honor"), 354.
School attendance, Kenosha, 1910, 351; in high school, 1921, 464; in 1932, 464 (footnote).
School board of Kenosha, membership in 1910, 345; business office, 343; better quarters, 361; administration building, 443; opposed by city council, 355, 395-396; typical membership, 345; changing membership, 382; a woman elected to, 383; picture, 883; expanding public functions, 404, 424; acts on teachers' salary schedule, 452-454; number lessened, 854; personnel improved, 446; number individuals in ten years, 465.
School expansion, Kenosha, 201, 228-225, 359, 412, 439-440, 441, 512.
School janitors, pay of, in 1910, 350-351; work made easier, 360.
School publicity, (see reports).
School sanitation, in district No. 5, 79-80; in district No. 2, 132-34.
Scopes trial, in Tennessee, referred to, 156.
Scott, Dr. Colin A., of Stevens Point Normal, 278-279.
Scott family, early Kenosha county pioneers, 7.
Scouting, and its friends, 421-424.
Scrooby, England, visited, 491.
"Scotsman," Edinburgh Daily, quoted, 501.
Sewell, May Wright, at Madison N.E.A., 1884, 215.
Sharp, Dallas Lore, cited, 168.
Sherman, Dr. L. A., influence of, 319.
Shove, Helen B., Minneapolis principal, cited, 74.
Shutts, Geo., Whitewater Normal School, 326.
Sigel, Frantz, in Civil War, mentioned, 50.
Simmons, Gilbert M., memorial library founded, referred to, 144.
Simmons, Rev. Henry M., superintendent of Kenosha schools, 124, 163, 171-173, 198; signs my credentials, 176; lectures, 145, 154-155; assists in founding library, 144; goes to Madison, 144; officiates at marriage, 206; officiates at burial, 213; church memorial, 517; photograph, 144.
Simmons, Ichabod, Kenosha school board member, 205.
Simmons, Zalmon G., Sr., philanthropist, 144; manufacturer, 210.
Simmons, Zalmon G., Jr., congratulations from, 401.
Sims, John F., president at Stevens Point N. S., 284; quoted, 339.
Sinclair, A. C., on Kenosha school board, 204.
Sinsinawa College, a teacher in, 125.
Sizer, Helen, student at Oshkosh Normal, 178.
Slater, Sarah, district school pupil, 134.
Smith, Dr. H. L., of Indiana, in W.F.E.A., 515.
Smith, Clarence M., home of, 148; student at Oshkosh Normal, 188; goes west, 148.
Smith sisters, early pupils, in Salem, 148.
Smith family, colored Kenosha citizens, 167.
Smith, Martin L., of Racine, student in Oshkosh Normal School, 188.
Snell family, Kenosha county pioneers, 35.
Sniffen, Mary, Paris district teacher, 66.
Social survey by Kenosha teachers, 437-438.
Soldiers' Aid Society, work of, 56-57.
Somers, district school No. 2, referred to, 49.
Southport, tavern near, 2; Mrs. Davison's arrival, 5-7; difficult landing at, 8; warehouse incident, 11-14; name changed (see Kenosha), 11; picture of, 5.
"Southport Telegraph," excerpt from (1838), 6; editor, 11.
Spades, Miss Sarah, teacher, district No. 5, 37-38.
Spanish Influenza, epidemic in Kenosha, 435; service of teachers, 435-438.
Spelling, in district school, 62-65.
Spence, Hattie M., student at Oshkosh Normal, 188.
Spence, George, Paris district teacher, 66; Kenosha teacher, 123.
Spindler, Frank N., of Stevens Point Normal, 278.
Statistics, pertaining to school year, 1910-1911, 349-351.
Starkweather, J. B., a Kenosha school board member, 205.
Stearns, Prof. J. W., of University of Wisconsin, 221.
Stebbins, J. M., a Kenosha school board member, 205.
Stevens Point, residents, 237, 248-249; forests near, 247; Wisconsin river, 246-248; railroad centre, 248; natural attractions, 249; mistake, 250.
"Stevens Point Gazette," cited, 282.
Stevens Point Normal School, early history, 235-237; faculty, 237-238, 273-279, 280-281; building, 243; students, 255-256; gymnasium, 257-258; discipline, 258-259; recreation, 259-261; cultural influences, 261-265; school song, 273; growth of school, 272; of faculty, 273-279; graduates, 347-349; political interference, 281-283; picture of, in 1900, 272.
Stewart, Mrs. Cora Wilson, of Kentucky, 473; in Edinburgh, 498.
Stewart, Flora E., of the Stevens Point Normal, 276.
Stewart, Mrs. Addie Winslow, early Kenosha pupil, 114.
Stewart, Mary, in Downey family, 30.
Stewart children in district school, Salem, 148.
Stimson, Dr. Cyrus N., playground cause, 404.
Stout, James H., of Menomonie, 288, 290-292, 297; schools developed by, 300; church affiliations, 293; other services of, 307-309, 317-318, 324-325; death, 329.
Stout Institute, incorporated, 809-810; bulletin, 294; since 1929, 330; picture of, 290.
Stover family, Kenosha county pioneers, 29; Clark, in Civil War, 50; Albert, constable, 43.
Stratford, visited, 506.
Strong, Mary Martin, cited, 119.
Subordination, of self, 372-378.
Survey, U. S. Bureau of Education, part in, 461.
Supervision of schools, early, 75.
Suzzelo, Dr. Henry, speaker on W.T.A. program, 870.
Swart, Rose C., teacher at Oshkosh Normal, 181, 185; photograph, 186; quoted, 340.
Swart, Mrs. Abram H., in Washington, 186.
Swift, Edgar J., of Stevens Point Normal, 278.
Sylvester, C. H., of the Stevens Point Normal, 237; sketch, 239; work, 259-260, 275-276; mentioned, 280, 281; influence, 286.
Symmonds, Frank S., Kenosha lawyer, 171; Elizabeth, sister, 171.
Symmonds, Capt. Robert, on Great Lakes, mentioned, 169.
Symmonds, Col. Charles J., career, 169-171.
Tainter, Capt. Andrew, Menomonie philanthropist, 292-293; builds memorial, 303-304; property sold, death, 803; picture, 292.
Tainter, Mrs. Bertha Lucas, 303; death, 303; dormitory named for, 309.
Tanner, Mary E., of Stevens Point Normal, 237; sketch, 240-241; work, 262, 276.
Tarbell, Jennie, Kenosha school mate, 125.
Tarbell, R. W. first principal, vocational school, 370.
Teachers, help in public emergency, 435-438; shortage of, 445-447; organize, 448-449.
Teachers' salaries, in 1910, 350; progress, 405-406; comparisons made, 407; relations to training, 457; turnover in 10 years, 465.
Teachers' Retirement Fund Law (see Wis. Teachers Retirement Fund).
Tercentenary at Plymouth, Mass., 468.
The American Brass Co., Kenosha, printing outfit from, 465.
The "Factory in a Garden," visited, 506-507.
The house moving, 16-17.
The "Milwaukee School Board Journal," 386-387.
The S. S. "Acquitania," for return trip, 509.
Thiers, Edward C., Kenosha pupil, 106.
Thiers, Emma (see Quarles).
Thiers, Louis M., referred to, 243.
Thirty-third Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, members of, 50.
Thomas, Augustus O., 471, 472, 474, 498; quoted, 500.
Thompson, Oliver S., high school principal, 346.
Thompson, Mayor Wm. Hale, of Chicago, referred to, 489.
Threinen, Wm. J., school board record of, 453.
Timothy of Biblical fame, picture of, 91.
Tinkham, Henry, Paris district teacher, 66.
Tobey, S. B. superintendent of schools, message from, 340; introduced by, 518-519.
"Today", poem by Angela Morgan, quoted, 520-521.
Tomahawk, Wis., Bradley Park at, 250.
Toronto, Canada, meeting of W. F. E. A., 514.
Towle, Ralph E., on European trip, 320.
Toynbee Hall, London, 484, 485.
Tremper, Geo. N., principal, Kenosha high school, 437; service commended, 464.
Tremper, Mrs. Geo. N., leader in P. T. A. work, 370-371, 444-445; service flag, 248.
Twelve payment plan put in operation, 454.
Twenty-sixth Wisconsin Regiment, members of, 50.
Two profitable summers, 513-514.
Tyler, Pres. John, signs land patent, 8.
Ultimatum to school board, 408-409.
Unexpected experiences after travel trip, 309-310.
Union Grove, mentioned, 36, 54.
Unitarians in Kenosha, 113, 144-145, 154-155; memorial church, new uses for; 516; picture of, 517.
Unitarians, in Menomonie, organized, 303-304; minister, 808; church facilities provided, 293; in Oxford, England, 506.
University of Chicago, take Saturday course in, 222.
University of Nebraska, summer school attended, 318-319.
University of Wisconsin, summer school at, 291-222; son graduated from, 283; honorary degree from, 419-420.
University settlements, 484.
Vandewalker, Nina C., Milwaukee Teacher's College, 347.
Vandermoon, William, family, pioneer Paris settlers, 32.
Van Hise, Pres. Charles D., commends school report, 401; notice from; 419; confers degree, 420.
Van Wyke, Anthony, superintendent of school, Kenosha, 105, 106, 109.
Van Wyke, Mrs. Louise Wood., Kenosha pupil, 106; graduate, 125.
Vaughan, Mary, attends country school, 38-39.
Vaughan family, Kenosha county pioneers, 29; son in school fight, 38-39.
Vincent, Geo. E., quoted, 374.
Vincent, Mrs. W. W., service flag for K. H. S., 428.
Vision, in school affairs, lack shown of, 386.
Wagoner, Caroline G. (see Mrs. Andrew Davison).
Walker, Clarence, Kenosha pupil, 106.
Wallis, George, member of Kenosha school board, 417; cautions board, 418; committee member, 455.
War propaganda, effects of, 426; aftermath, 438-439.
Warvelle, George, Kenosha high school pupil, 114.
Washburn, Woolsey, Paris district teacher, 86.
Washington, Booker T., at N. E. A., 1884, 215.
Washington University of St. Louis, faculty member of, 278.
Washington School, Chicago, attended by Ida, 66; war news, 67-70; Lincoln funeral, 71-73.
Watson, Pres. Charles, of American University of Cairo, Egypt, 478.
Wansau, competes for normal school, 235.
Webster, Emily F., Oshkosh Normal, 181, 188.
Week, Andrew, on financial errand for Stevens Point, 236.
Welles, Beatrice Ives, on Kenosha school board, 383-385; reelected, 408; support from, 415, 418.
Wells, Bessie E., teacher, high school, 218.
Wells, Oliver E., state superintendent, 223.
Wheeler, Mrs. Kate Deming, Kenosha teacher, 119; sketch, 120; her teaching,120-121; suggests reading, 145.
Wheeler, Jerome, of Kenosha, 120.
Wheeler, Arthur D., of Chicago, 122.
Wheeler, Jerome Winthrop, of St. Paul, 122.
Whitaker, Mrs. Clara, Kenosha, first matron of open air school, 363.
Whitaker, Fannie, Kenosha high school pupil, 125; married, 126.
Whitewater Normal School, graduate from, 239; three year course at, 58; Mr. Pray in, 232, 238; Mr. Maxson in, 301; Mrs. Bradford in, 331-334.
White, Una Slater, on Kenosha school board, 408.
Whitechaple, London, social settlement, 484.
"Wider Use" of school buildings, mentioned, 397; begun, 404.
Willard, Frances E., at educational meeting, 215.
Wilmington, Del., school survey, 461; becomes a resident of, 466; delegate from, 472; return to, from travel, 511; leave to go west, 511-512.
Williamstown, Mass., institute of politics, 513.
Willis family, Kenosha county pioneers, 29.
Willis place, farm, 20; house on, 20; picture of, 20.
Wilson, Mrs. Emmet, Oshkosh, reference to childhood, 169.
Wilson, Thomas B., family, of Menomonie, 288.
Windersheim, Dr. G. A., in health department, Kenosha, 862.
Winship, Dr. A. E., comments on school report, 434.
Wisconsin, abolishes capital punishment, 165; winter climate, referred to, 19.
Wisconsin, State Teachers' Association, depleted, 64; president of, 368; honors from, 518.
Wisconsin Teachers' Retirement Fund, first committee, 268; law passed, 367; personal benefit, 471.
Woman's point of view, as superintendent, illustrated, 359-360, 416-417.
Wood, L. W., quoted, 838.
Wood, Louise (see Van Wyke).
Woodward, Anna, of Massachusetts, at Edinburgh meeting, 498.
Works, George A., principal, Menomonie H. S., 313, 314; advancement, 315.
World Federation of Education Association, meetings referred to, 474; brief history of, 471-474; first biennial attended, 497; second biennial attended, 514-515; fourth biennial attended, 417.
World War, excitement in New York, witnessed, 390.
Wright, Theodore Lyman, travel leader, 320.
Writing, in district school, 65.
Young, Mrs. Ella Flag, superintendent of Chicago school, referred to, 335; interview with, 379; troubles referred to, 380-381; death, 381.
Yule, La Maude, principal of junior high school, 412.
Yule, John T., of Kenosha, served on school board, 205.
York, England, visited, 492; special celebration witnessed, 494-496.
Yorkville, joint school district, teaching experience in, 127.
Zimmers, P. J., Kenosha retiring school superintendent, 336.