1860 Mortality Schedule
Marquette County, Wisconsin

Copied from the State's (second) copy of the census, original manuscript
held by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin Library at Madison WI,
June 2001, and is also available at the end of the State's (second) copy of 
the 1860 Federal Census of Marquette County. The handwriting was very hard 
to read and was in faded brown ink, and names are spelled as well as I could 
decipher them. 

Persons Who Died Within the Year Ending 1st June, 1860, in Marquette County WI
Name Age Sex Marital Status POB Month Died Occupation Cause Time Ill Township
BALDWIN Hester 57 M Md. NH May Liver Complaint 5 Weeks Shields
BARTON Lucy 2 Mo. F WI January Smothered Accidentally in Bed Sudden Westfield
BELL Henry D. 74 M Md. Scotland September Gardener Inflammation of Bowels 4 Days Oxford
BUCHHOUSE Anna C. 70 F Md. Prussia October Consumption 3 Months Shields
BUCHHOUSE Godfrey 38 M Prussia April Farmer Bilious Colic 7 Days Shields
BUCKLINS John 2 Mo. M WI April Croup 1 Day Crystal Lake
BUNDY Eliz. 55 F Md. Prussia March Consumption 3 Weeks Mecan
BUNDY Sidney 1 Mo. M WI November Cold 7 Days Packwaukee
BURHART Caroline 55 F Md. Prussia December Consumption 2 years Shields
CALLER Lawrence 1 M WI January Teething 3 Weeks Harris
CANFIELD Jonathon 60 M Md. NY February Farmer Neuralgia 5 Days Newton
CHAFFEE Julius 11 M VT April Lung Fever 1 Week Newton
CHAPEL Alice 1 F WI October Chill-Fever 14 Days Packwaukee
CHAPIN Johanna 39 F Md. NY January Milliner Consumption 2 Years Buffalo
COMPTON Laurena 9 Mo. F WI November Diarrhea 4 Weeks Buffalo
CRAWFORD Elizabeth 6 F WI April Scarlet Fever 4 Days Springfield
CROCKER Joanna (?) 80 F Md. MA December Old Age 1 Day Buffalo
CROGAN James 11 M NY October Inflammation of Bowels 2 Weeks Shields
CUMMINGS Robert 50 M Wd. NY February Farmer Liver Complaint 2 Months Westfield
DAKIN Ebenezer H. 80 M Wd. NY October Farmer Rh. Dropsy 8 Days Neshkoro
DARKET Julius 1 Mo. M WI March Croup 1 Day Crystal Lake
DARLING Joshua 68 M Md. RI October Carpenter Ague-Fever & Chill 2 Weeks Packwaukee
DARLING Roby 69 M Wd. RI February Consumption 5 Weeks Packwaukee
DECKER Harriette 4 Mo. F WI December Unknown 3 Days Westfield
ELLIS Louisa 18 F England January Typhoid Fever 14 Days Moundville
EVANS Lewis C. 39 M Wales March Merchant Inflammation of Bowels 4 Days Montello
FALLOW Catherine 32 F Md. Ireland May Consumption 6 Weeks Shields
FALLOW Juliana 1 Mo. F WI March Croup 1 Day Shields
FERKE Caroline 37 M Md. Prussia January Heart Disease 3 Weeks Newton
FERKE Gustav 12 M Prussia January Lung Fever 2 Weeks Newton
FOLEY Robert 10 Mo. M WI July Brain Fever 7 Weeks Montello
GEUDO (?) Godfrey 41 M Md. Prussia May Laborer Consumption 8 Months Shields
GRAVES Ellen 6 F NY October Dysentery 2 Weeks Newton
HAMILTON Samuel 23 M Ireland August Farmer Fall From Horse Sudden Westfield
HAMMOND Mary 64 F Md. CT January Cong. of Bowels 3 Days Newton
HANKE Mary 1 Mo. F WI September Croup 3 Days Neshkoro
HARRIS Marvin 10 Mo. M WI September Brain Fever 14 Days Douglas
HART Fredrick 8 Mo. M WI January Diarrhea 2 Days Oxford
HAYE John 2 M WI February Scalded 1 Day Montello
HAYE Mary 6 Mo. F WI July Croup 1 Day Montello
HERRICK Samuel? or Lemuel D. 7 Days M WI October Weakness 3 Days Montello
HILE (?) John 64 M Md. NY December Farmer Rheumatism 2 Years Crystal Lake
JONES Emma J. 1 F WI March Consumption 7 Weeks Packwaukee
KENNEDY Ellen 1 Mo. F WI March Croup 5 Days Neshkoro
KRINCE Juliana 2 F WI December Croup 1 Day Mecan
KRINCE Martin 39 M Md. Prussia December Farmer Consumption 2 Months Mecan
LETELLE (?) Jane 13 F England April Scarlet Fever 2 Days Moundville
LETELLE (?) Martha 4 F WI May Scarlet Fever 3 Days Moundville
LOCKE (?) Arthur W 1 M WI November Dysentery 14 Days Douglas
LUICK (?) Henry 84 M Md. NY December Farmer Apoplexy 1 Hour Douglas
MAHAR Julia 26 F Md. NY May Flowing 7 Weeks Buffalo
MARVIN (?) Stephen 7 Days M WI October Weakness 1 Day Packwaukee
MARVIN Mary 7 Days F WI October Weakness 1 Day Packwaukee
MCDOYLE Joseph 40 M Md. Ireland April Weaver Typhoid Fever 7 Days Packwaukee
MCFARLANE Malisse 19 F PA March Scarlet Fever 3 Days Newton
MCFARLANE Thomas 24 M Md. Ireland March Farmer Scarlet Fever 6 Days Springfield
MCGLOVER Homer 21 M Canada January Farmer Lung Fever 6 Weeks Buffalo
MCGUNNOP Margaret 2 F WI December Scarlet Fever 3 Weeks Douglas
MCGUNNOP Mary 8 F WI December Scarlet Fever 4 Days Douglas
MCGUNNOP Patrick 4 M WI December Scarlet Fever 6 Days Douglas
MILLER Martha 54 F Md. NY May Consumption 5 Weeks Harris
MURPHY Daniel 22 M Ireland April Laborer Cholera 3 Days Buffalo
PRESTON Geo. 6 Mo. M WI August Fits 14 Days Montello
PROPER Phebe 21 F NY October Typhoid Fever 4 Weeks Mecan
QUEEN Annie 8 Mo. F WI December Erisipelas 2 Weeks Buffalo
QUIN Joseph E. 9 M WI March Abscess 3 Weeks Harris
RAINE (?) Ann 34 F Md. Ireland September Unknown 18 Months Neshkoro
REGAN John 44 M Md. Ireland June Farmer Lung Fever 4 Months Neshkoro
RUPELL Betsy 1 Mo. F WI February Weakness 5 Days Packwaukee
RUPELL Silvenus 1 Mo. M WI February Weakness 5 Days Packwaukee
SHULTZ Gustaf 8 M Prussia July Croup 3 Days Mecan
SHULTZ Herman 4 Mo. M WI September Croup 2 Days Mecan
SHULTZ Julius 5 M WI March Croup 3 Days Mecan
SHULTZ Theodore 3 M WI April Croup 3 Days Mecan
SMITH Augustus 10 M PA May Unknown 3 Weeks Newton
SMITH James D. 11 M PA February Accidentally Drowned Sudden Oxford
SMITH John 20 M England March Farmer Apoplexy 1 Day Moundville
SMITH Louisa C. 23 F Md. NY October Lung Complaint 4 Months Oxford
STANER Annie 3 F WI December Burnt 1 Day Montello
SULLIVAN Patrick 88 M Md. Ireland January Laborer Old Age 5 Months Shields
SWANSEY Michael 59 M Prussia April Farmer Consumption 2 Years Mecan
SWISLEY Charles W. 3 M WI November Dysentery 2 Weeks Newton
TEUCHKEY Wilhelmine 32 F Md. Prussia September Child-Bed 4 Days Shields
TUTTLE Darius 39 M Md. NY April Farmer Apoplexy Sudden Westfield
VAUGHN Bridget 1 Mo. F WI September Croup 2 Days Montello
WADSWORTH Wm. 1 M WI April Scarlet Fever 5 Days Newton
WEEKS Louisa 32 F Md. NY October Consumption 6 Months Harris
WOODS Jonathon 65 M Wd. NY February Millwright Unknown 1 Year Neshkoro
YOUKEY Adolph 13 M Prussia February Consumption 1 Year Mecan

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