Trinity Lutheran (Little Mecan) Cemetery

Section 8, Mecan Township, Marquette Co. WI

Transcribed by Brian Podoll

Marquette County, Wisconsin

� Copyright 2004, Brian A. Podoll 

The cemetery is located on the north side of Fern Drive, just west of 20th Court. 
The rows runs north and south and this updated record also begins from the northeast corner.
� Copyright 2004, Brian A. Podoll 

Row 1- N/S (all read east)

1/1	KLINGBEIL, Edwin D., 1909-1984
			Violet M., 1915-1986

1/2	KLINGBEIL, Donna Jean, Dec. 27, 1944 - Apr. 27, 1948 

1/3	STUKOFSKE, Peter P., June 26, 1873 - Aug. 5, 1939
			 Bertha M., Mar. 13, 1878 - Feb. 13, 1951
Row 2- N/S (all read east)

2/1	STUKOFSKE, Linda, 1915-1917
			 Adaline, 1911-1911

2/2	STIBB, William F., 1854-1943
		 Augusta W., 1860-1942

2/3	ZUEHLS, Father William F., 1882-1967
		     Mother Emma P., 1888-1942

2/4	STELTER (main stone)
2/5		      Vater William, 1860-1943
2/6		      Mutter Emma, 1869-1939

2/7	KUCK, Wilhelmine, Geb. 16? M�rz 1822 - Gest. 18, Juli 1901 
				(fine German inscription into ground)

2/8	KRAUSE, Ervin, 1916-1916

2/9	KRAUSE, Gilbert, 1921-1922

2/10	PRILL, Sohn von A & E, b. Sept. 9, 1917 - d. Sept. 12, 1917
				Sein Leben war ein Augenblick
				Ein Fr�hlings traum sein Erdengl�ck

Little Mecan Cemetery/2

2/11	KRAUSE (small main stone)
2/12		      Ottilie, 1857-1928
2/13		      August, 1851-1945
Row 3- S/N
(reads west, small plot outline s.w. of stone))
3/1	WENDT, Aug.  Geb. 29, Dec. 1841 - Gest. 12, Mai 1913
				Das stille Grab
				erschreckt den
   				frommen nicht,
				Er hofft auf Gott
				und f�rchtet
				kein gericht

(reads west)
3/2	BLOCH, Johann  Geb. 15 M�rz, 1816 - Gest. 22, Sept. 1895

3/3	JAEK, Heinrich A., Sohn von G. & E.  geb. 12, Apr. 1892 - gest. 27, Sept. 1892
JAEN(?), Marie A., Tochter von G. & E. 
geb. 27, Juli 1883 - gest. 21 "Junie" 1885 (fine inscriptions into ground)

(reads east)
3/4	SAGER, Emilie O., Tochter von W. & W. Sager
				Geb. 16, Dec. 1877 - Gest. 1, Juni 1881
		   Herman C., Sohn von W. & W. Sager
				Geb. 12, Dec. 1866 - Gest. 4, M�rz 1875
	(south side)		Engel die an Gottes
				Thron erkoren, sind
				f�r fromme Eltern
				nie verloren		(SAGER on base)
(reads east, book pointed upward)
3/5	BLOCH, Carlotte Frau von Johan  Geb. Oct. 1826 - Gest. 12 May, 1881
				(faint inscription)

3/6	KRAUSE, Ella T. geb. den 8 Feb. 1885 - gest.den 18 Juli 1890
		      August R. geb. den 13 Mai 1887 - gest. 25 Juli 1890
(reads east)
3/7	KRAUSE, Alma J. Tochter von A. & O. Geb. 27, Juli 1898 - Gest. 14, Sept. 1899

(reads east)
3/8	Hier ruhet in Frieden
	KUCK, Dorathea A. geb. Modrow, Ehefrau von Wm.
				Geb. 6 Sept. 1822 - Gest. 18 Oct. 1884

Little Mecan Cemetery/3

3/9	STELTER, (west) Hermann E., Sohn von E. & W. Stelter
			Geb. 24, Nov. 1891 - Gest. 25, Nov. 1891 (faint inscription)
		      (east) Edward A., Sohn von E. & W. Stelter
			Geb. 15, Juni 1890 - Gest. 29, Juni 1890
					Sein Leben war Augenblick
					wa?? un?s traum sein

3/10	Z�HLS, Ernestiene, Frau von G. Z�hls  Geb. 27, Juni 1859 - Gest. 6, Juni 1905
		   Gustave, Geb. 25 Dec. 1857 - Gest. 6 Apr. 1924

(reads west)
3/11	WENDT, Caroline PUFAHL, 1835-1921

3/12	ZAGER, (west) William, Geb. 6, Juni 1830 - Gest. 29, Oct. 1903
		   (south) Wilhelmine, Geb. 25, Juli 1836 - Gest. 31. Dec. 1919

(crumbling base)
3/13	WERNER, Pauline A. Frau von E.  Geb. 19 Aug 1854 - Gest. 19 Oct 1901
	(soth side)			ich noch zu fruh
					bist Ihn geschieden
					O Mutterherz aus
					unser in Kreis
					Welch groszer
					Schmerz ist uns
					Den kein von
					uns zu Stillen weis

3/14	WERNER, Ernest 1848-1932

3/15	SCHRAM, Ewald E. Geb. 19 Juli 1826 - Gest. 15 Dec 1903

(reads east)
3/16	KIECK, William 1884-1971

3/17	KIECK, Minnie 1874-1960

Row 4- N/S
(reads east)
4/1	SCHMUDLACH, Father Emil b- 1867  d- 1951
			      Mother Amelia b- 1875 d- 1949

Little Mecan Cemetery/4
(reads east)
4/2	SCHMUDLACH, Daniel Ludwig 7-24-1813   9-8-1897
			     Augusta nee ZUELKE born in Prussia 1840  4-8-1880

4/3	(plaque at foot end with "World War US 1917-1918" badge and flag)
	SCHMUDLACH, Father Adolph J. 1895-1979
			(plaque) Pvt US Army World War I Oct 9 1895 + Mar 25 1979
			      Mother Edna V. 1903-1958

4/4	SCHMUDLACH, Walter  Sept. 13, 1933

4/5	REDETZKE, Crist (sic, Christoph) Geb. d. 12. Jan. 1814 - Gest. d. 12 June 1901
			Wilhelmine  Geb. d. 12. Aug. 1821 - Gest. d. 26, Mar. 1893
				Sie haben getragen Christi Joch,
				Sie sind gestorben und leben doch.

4/6	ZUEHLS, John  Geb. 12 Jan 1808 - Gest. 30 Aug 1890 (faint inscription)

4/7	Z�HLS, Herman G., Sohn von J. & B.  Geb. 5 Sep 1881 - Gest. 20 Feb 1888

4/8	BUCHHOLZ, Eduart, Sohn von W. & A.  Geb. 21 Juni 1875 - Gest. 28 Juni 1881

(now propped up against 4/11)
4/9	KUCK, Ida E. Tochter von J. & W.  Geb. 18 Aug 1895 - Gest. 12 Mai 1896

(outlined plot)
4/10	KUCK, Anna Wilhelmine Frau von F.W. Julius  Gest. Marz 15, 1881(?)
								Alter 25 Jahre, 1 Tag
(outlined plot)
4/11	KUCK, August G. Sohn von J. & W. 
Geb. den 12 Sep. 1877- Gest. den 15 Apr(?) 1878

4/12	KLUTH, Maria B. Tochter J. & J.  Geb. den 31 Jan 1876 - Gest. den 2 M�rz 1887
						(faint inscription below)

Row 5- S/N
(reads east)
5/1	BUCHHOLZ, Henriette Ehefrau [??] Wilhelm  
Geb. 10 Nov 1832 - Gest. 25 Jan 1872
		Todtgeboren Zwilling (stillborn twins) Geb. den 20 und 22 Jan. 1872
				(faint inscription below)

(reads west)
5/2	LUEBKE, Laura L. Tochter von A. & A.  Geb 23 Juni 1900 - Gest 12 Juli 1900

Little Mecan Cemetery/5
(on verge of tipping over)
5/3	SEIDLITZ, Ernst L.  Geb. 4 Ma. 1843 - Gest. 14 Dec. 1893 
Alter 60 Jr. 7 mo. 9 da. (faint inscription below)

Row 6- N/S

6/1	BOHN, Otto 1879-1959

6/2	BOHN, August  Geb. Feb 10, 1819 - Gest. Oct 31, 1890
		(Vater A. on side stone, with same dates)
		Mutter Gattin von A. (wife of, also on side stone) 
Dec 23, 1845 - Nov 24, 1922 (faint inscription, south side main stone)

(reads opposite of 6/4)
6/3	SCHMUDLACH, Herman O.  Oct 10, 1875 - Mar 3, 1940

("GAR 1861-1865" badge with flag on north side)
6/4	KUNERT, (north side) Robert		Kinder
				  Wilhelm		      von		
				   Alvine		     K. & E.
				   Bertha		        Kunert
	         			   Robert  Bruder zu K. Kunert
 	(faint Hier Ruhet, west side) Ernestine W.  Geb. 10 Dec 1841 - Gest. 1 Okt 1893
					Ruhe sanft du Ihn halb [?] Lebens
					In des Grab (faint)
(reads opposite of 6/6)
6/5	SUMMERFELDT, Erenstiene (sic) 1836-1919

(reads opposite of  6/9-6/11)
6/6	ZABEL, Henriette  Geb. 11 Nov 1828 - Gest. 31 Dec 1909

6/7	ZABEL, Hier ruhet in Frieden Christopher  
Geb. 21 Jan 1821 - Gest. 2 Dec 1889

6/8	ZABEL, Hier ruhet in Gott der Junggesell (Here rests in God the bachelor)
		  Fred. Aug.  Geb. 12 Juli 1859 - Gest. 17 Jan 1887

6/9	SIEG, Jule J., B. 1890 - D. 1892

6/10	SIEG, Gustave A., B. 1895 - D. 1913

6/11	SIEG, Albert E., B. 1882 - D. 1920

Little Mecan Cemetery/6
Row 7- N/S
7/1	GEHRKE, Eduard R.  Geb. 1 Sep 1893 - Gest. 24 Maerz 1903
				Die Blume [in ewigt?]
				So  bluht der Mensch
				und sind ins Grab

(tilting off base)
7/2	KLAWITTER, (north) Ed.  Geb. 4 Feb 1841 - Gest. 10 Dec 1925
			 (south) Karoline Frau von E.  
Geb. 11 Oct 1836 - Gest. 16 Feb 1902

7/3	GALO (on base), (south) Friedrich  Geb. 18 Juli 1815 - Gest. 11 Dez 1898
	"GARLO", (north) Auguste  Jan 17, 1836 - May 5, 1919
				(faint German inscription on west side)

7/4	STIBB, Otto K. Sohn von G. & H. Geb. 12 Sep 1879 - Gest. 8 Mai 1904
					(faint inscription below)
(reads opposite)
7/5	STIBBE, Vater Gottlieb  Geb. 25 M�rz 1820 - Gest. 15 Mai 1897

(tilting off base)
7/6	STIBB, Auguste Frau von K.L. Stibb  Geb. 28 Sep 1829 - Gest. 20 Okt 1895
					(faint inscription on side)

7/7	STIBB, Marvin L. 1923-1924

Row 8- N/S
8/1	SEIDLITZ, Arthur A.  July 14, 1908 - May 17, 1985

8/2	SEIDLITZ, Emilie M. b. Mar 25, 1881 - d. Feb 29, 1940
		        Emil C.  Apr. 30, 1868 - d. June 28, 1948

8/3	ZACHARIAS, Lao H. (sic) 1898-1898
			 Leona 1896-1897

(reads opposite)
8/4	OEHLKE, Infant Dau of W. & A. 1904

8/5	OEHLKE, Herman 1902-1903

8/6	OEHLKE, Paul 1898-1900

Little Mecan Cemetery/7
(reads opposite)
8/7	KLAWITTER, E.R. (no dates)
			  William 1911
			   Hazel 1910
			   Ervin	 1909
			   Mabel 1907
(reads opposite)
8/8	KUCK, Julius A. Sohn von J. & W.  Geb. 9 Juli 1902 - Gest. 11 Juli 1902
						(faint inscription into ground)

8/9	KUCK, Mother Wilhelmine 1863-1941
		  Father Julius F. 1852-1932
Row 9- S/N

9/1	EGGLESTON, Bertha T. 1879-1954

9/2	GEHRKE, Robert  Geb. 5, Mai 1867 - Gest. 17 Maerz 1911
	GEHRKE, Emilie 1853-1940
				Nach �berstandnen schweren Leiden
				bin ich versetzt in h�hen Freuden.

9/3	STELTER, (main stone between)
9/4	STELTER, Justine  Geb. 19, Okt. 1836 - Gest. 15, Mai 1916
				Ist Gott fuer uns.
 Wer mag wieder uns sein
9/5	STELTER, G.[ustav, Sr.] Geb. 20, Jan 1834 - Gest. 7, Nov 1910
				F�rchte dich nicht.
 Denn ich habe dich erl�set
(next three in back)
9/6	LANGE, Leslile L. b. Dec 19, 1919 - d. Mar 12, 1921

9/7	LANGE, Hilmuth E. b. Aug 10, 1918 - d. Mar 16, 1920

9/8	LANGE, Alma G. b. May 7, 1898 - d. Dec 27, 1898

(next four in front, in line with rest of row)
9/9	LANGE, Theodore R. b. Mar 11, 1896 - d. Apr 7, 1924

9/10	LANGE, Frau Eva b. Apr 10, 1824 - d. May 15, 1904

9/11	LANGE, Herman H. b. May 25, 1887 - d. Jan 17, 1920

9/12	LANGE, Fred W. b. Aug 2, 1884 - d. Aug 6, 1913

Little Mecan Cemetery/8

9/13	SCHULTZ, Mother Minnie 1821-1913

(to back)
9/14	PRILL, Minnie C.E. 1830-1913
(in front)
9/15	PRILL,  Infant Son Norbert Norman  Nov, 1925

(both names re-engraved)
9/16	ZACHARIAS, (north) Johann 1837-1909
			(south) Rosalia 1839-1904

9/17	BLIEFNICK, Father Willhelm (sic) b. May 27, 1837 - d. June 23, 1931
		          Mother Julianna b. Jan 6, 1834 - d. May 11, 1911

9/18	BLIEFNICK, Infant (no dates)

9/19	BLIEFNICK, Julie wife of H. b. Mar 26, 1873 - d. Mar 10, 1923

9/20	BLIEFNICK, Herman W. b. Feb 10, 1870 - d. Dec 31, 1947

9/21	BLIEFNICK, Margaret b. 1920 - d. 1934

9/22	BLIEFNICK, Mabel b. 1915 - d. 1936

Row 10- N/S

10/1	BLIEFNICK, William F. 1874-1940
			Alberttena (sic) 1886-1962

(vases on each side)
10/2	BLIEFNICK, William (Leo) 1912-1929
 			Rudolph 1877-1940 (wooden cross in front of stone with names)
			Bertha Sawyer 1894-1984
						She never stopped giving.

10/3	ZACHARIAS, Bertha b. Mar 25, 1872 - d. Dec 15, 1946
			 Herman b. July 5, 1872 - d. Mar 24, 1940

10/4	WEGNER (main stone)
10/5	WEGNER, E.  Geb. 6, Dec. 1855 - Gest. 19, Feb. 1920
10/6	WEGNER, Rosa  Geb. 3, May 1857 - Gest. 15, Dec. 1929
10/7	ROST, Augusta 1859-1935

Little Mecan Cemetery/9

10/8	SCHULTZ, Sophia Wife of C. BECKMAN 1889-1917
					(sinking into ground, dates disappearing)

10/9	SCHULTZ, Herman 1862-1930

10/10	SCHULTZ, Anna 1869-1948

10/11	STIBB, Norbert b. Sept. 1915 - d. May 1917

10/12	STIBB, Arnold b. June 1910 - d. July 1937

10/13	LANGE, Augusta A. b. Mar 27, 1860 -  d. July 16, 1953
		   Julius J. b. Jan 9, 1849 - d. Aug 8, 1927

10/14	STIBB, Theodor 1884-1950
		 Emila 1885-1936

10/15	TONN (main stone, with IHS cross inscribed)
10/16	TONN, Father Louis J. 1875-1927
10/17	TONN, Mother Clara E. 1886-1975

10/18	ZEMKE, Karl A. 1875-1973

Row 11- S/N

11/1	WENDT, Mother Emma P. 1893-1965
		    Father Albert P. 1881-1952

(reads opposite)
11/2	PRILL, Carl, Sr. 1858-1940
		 Paulina 1861-1937

11/3	PRILL, Leona 1893-1929
		 Carl 1891-1953

11/4	SCHULTZ, Pearl 1885-1951
		        Edward W. 1895-1968
		(separate military stone with flag and World War II badge)
	SCHULTZ, Edward W. Wis Pvt 166 Depot Brigade World War I
				   July 30 1895 + Aug 1 1968

(surname faintly illegible on top)
11/5	STIBB, Ludwig  Geb. 13 Mar 1828 - Gest. 7 Sept 1920

Little Mecan Cemetery/10
(reads opposite on end of row by brush)
11/6	COOK, Mary Jane  June 25, 1954 - Oct. 3, 1954

Row 12- N/S
(reads opposite at edge of brush)
12/1	RAU, Mother Alvina 1869-1952
	          Father Herman J. 1861-1918

12/2	MITTLESTEADT, Henry H. 1867-1937
			        Ida E. 1878-1958

12/3	SCHULTZ, Father Emil b. Sept 8, 1873 - d. Aug 14, 1960
		        Mother Bertha b. Feb 27, 1875 - d. June 2, 1954

12/4	STELTER, Edward F. b. May 23, 1898 - d. July 2, 1961
		       Amanda I. b. Apr 2, 1900 - d. Sept. 2, 1992

(reads opposite)
12/5	STELTER, Father Gustav E. b. Oct 21, 1870 - d. Feb. 16, 1953
		       Mother Mathilda M. b. Nov 5, 1874 - d. June 4 , 1957
				My Jesus, as Thou wilt. Oh, may Thy will be mine.

12/6	STELTER, Paul R. b. Oct 25, 1896 - d. Apr 27, 1984
		       Onie E. b. Jan 10, 1905 - d. Sept. 22, 1994

12/7	KLINGBEIL, Father Edward 1871-1959
			Mother Emma 1876-1954
					Rest in peace

Row 13- S/N

13/1	WEGENKE, Father Harvey E. 1917-
		         Mother Louise E. 1919-1960
		         Son Ronald L. 1945-1960
					Forever with the Lord

13/2	STELTER, Alfreada G. 1923-
		      Norbert E. 1918-1957
					In loving memory

13/3	MUELLER, Mother Martha E. 1889-1963
		         Father Rev. August G. 1887-1958
					Forever with the Lord

Little Mecan Cemetery/11

13/4	STIBB, Mother Mathilda O. 1887-1959
		 Father Edward H. 1886-1979
					The Lord is my shepherd

13/5	PERLBERG, Pauline 1876-1959

13/6	COOK, Father Edward H. 1883-1960
		 Mother Lydia M. 1890-1972
					Rest in peace

13/7	KRAUSE, Hulda T. 1885-1967
		      Albert E. 1878-1962
					Rest in peace

13/8	KRAUSE, Linda 1892-1969
		      Henry 1889-1981

13/9	BORNICK, Marie A. 1891-1972
		        Emil A. 1885-1971

13/10	STELTER, William G. 1893-1974

13/11	STELTER, Ella E. 1897-1987

13/12	STELTER, Fred E. 1898-1980

13/13	STELTER, Theodore J. 1906-1992

Row 14- N/S

14/1	STELTER, Herman E. 1899-1982
		       Lillian E. 1912-1994

14/2	REUSCH, Roger H. Dec.13, 1943 -
		     Trudene A. Jan. 23, 1945 - 

(American flag, with no military plaque)
14/3	DOEPKE, Henry D.  Dec. 22, 1936 - Mar. 21, 1999
		     Marlene E. May 22, 1941 - 

Little Mecan Cemetery/12
(vase behind stone)
14/4	ZACHARIAS, John E. 1916-1999
			Adeline A. 1921- 

(vase behind stone)
14/5	TETZLAFF, Herman G. 1901-1997
		         Mabel E. 1903-1998

14/6	DOEPKE, Henry F. 1906-1971
		      Clara H. 1905-1997

(military plaque in front has wrong "World War U.S. 1917-1918" badge with flag!)
14/7	BREHM, Nick (stone)1906-1974
			(plaque) Wis Tec 4 US Army World War II
				  Sep 4 1906 + Jan 3 1974
		   Mabel A. (same stone) 1915-2002

14/8	BOHN, Emil John b. Apr 13, 1881 - d. Apr 7, 1973
		 Minnie Mary b. Nov 10, 1888 - d. July 18, 1967

14/9	LANGE, Father Julius E. 1894-1985
		   Mother Alma A. 1897-1966
				Asleep in Jesus

14/10	KLAWITTER, Father Rhynold A. 1900-1970
			 Mother Minnie L. 1904-1986

14/11	SCHULTZ, Father Edward W. 1891-1978
		        Mother Lena E. 1896-1986
				Married Nov. 21, 1916

14/12	SIEG, Father Rudolph T. 1895-1971
	          Mother Clara L. 1901-1996
	SIEG,(military plaque at foot end) Rudolph T
		Wis Pvt Co G 37 Infantry 
		 World War I
		  Nov 17 1895 + Aug 23 1971

14/13	RATAYCZAK, Mildred L. LANGE 1928-1971
				Rest in peace

Row 15- S/N
(deer in pines scene)
15/1	SCHULTZ, Lloyd E. 1921-
                 Little Mecan Cemetery/13
(deer in pines scene on husband's corner, musical notes on wife's corner, color cameo photo insert of couple on stone, between names)
15/2	SCHULTZ, Lyle H.  Sept. 25, 1924 - May 8, 1994
		       Alice M.  Mar. 29, 1925 -

(military plaque with broken flag and World War II badge)
15/3	BOHN, (plaque) Ervin E
			   Cpl US Army Air Forces
			   World War II
			   Apr 3 1909 + Jul 22 1999
	BOHN, (stone) Ervin E. Apr. 3, 1909 - July 22, 1999
		           	 Cora I nee INGRAM  Apr. 9, 1923 -

(deer in pines scene on stone, military plaque on back of stone)
15/4	STEEGER, Alfred A.  Jan. 13, 1917 - May 22, 2000
		       Alvina G.  Jan. 3, 1918 - Nov. 16, 1993
	(plaque on back of stone, with World War II badge and flag)
	STEEGER, Alfred A. 
Tec 4 US Army
				World War II
				Jan 13 1917 + May 22 2000

15/5	ZUEHLS, Marion L. b. Sep 16, 1922 -
	   (three books piled above date corner, underneath: Teacher, 1942-1984, Science)
		     Edmund F. b. Nov 16, 1919 - d. July 11, 1990
				(cattails and duck scene above his date corner)

15/6	KLAWITTER, Lillian A. 1903-1991
			 Walter W. 1898-1993
					Married Apr 24, 1921

15/7	BENZ, Marion C. 1924-1993
		 Arno G. 1906-1989

(color picture cameo insert)
15/8	SPARBY, Jean M. Aug 16 1975 (camera engraved in between) Sept 25 1993
				A lifetime is but a moment in eternity

(church engraved over wife's side)
15/9	SPARBY, Don R. Jul. 14, 1938 -
		      Arlene E. Nov. 1, 1940 -
				He makes me lie down in green pastures

Little Mecan Cemetery/14
(double heart-shaped stone)
15/10	MUELLER, Walter H. May 1, 1925 - March 22, 2002
		         Joann M. DUHIG  January 10, 1931 -
					Married April 11, 1953
					"Come Good Home"
Row 16- N/S

16/1	GLOVER, Sandy  Oct. 8, 1946 - Oct. 3 , 1998

16/2	GLOVER, Gerald Lee  October 18, 1945 -
16/3	STELTER, Randall N. 1948-
		       Jean Carol 1949-2001
					Married (rings) Dec. 7, 1968
(large gap between these stones)
16/4	STIBB, Leonard L. 1916-1998	
Asleep in Jesus

16/5	LANGE, Arden E. 1935-1997	
Asleep in Jesus

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