Biographical Sketch of
W. J. Durham
Transcribed by Barbara Voss
Source: Portrait and Biographical Album of Green Lake, Marquette and Waushara Counties, Wisconsin, published 1890 by Acme Publishing Co., Chicago, Pages 507 - 508 W. J. Durham, the leading lumber dealer of Plainfield, has been a resident of that place since January 1881, at which time he purchased the lumber yard of Sherman Bardwell. Prominent in business circles he is recognized as one of the most enterprising and progressive citizens of the county, and as such is held in high esteem by all. He is a native of the Keystone State, having been born in Girard Township, Erie County, in 1850. His father, Benjamin Durham, is a native of New York and with his family moved from Pennsylvania to Maumee, Lucas Co., Ohio, where he held the position as Superintendent of an ore factory for a considerable time. When our subject was a lad of fifteen years the family removed to Tomah, Wisconsin and thence went to La Crosse, where Mr. Durham Sr., became proprietor of the Eperson House, of which he still has charge. In Tomah, W. J. Durham attended school for about two years, and then served an apprenticeship in the flouring mill of George Runkle. When twenty years of age he went to Ft. Scott, Kansas where he was engaged in the capacity of a miller until March 1879, when after eight month�s absence he returned to Tomah to visit his friends. While at home an opportunity presented itself which promised better than his work in Kansas. D. J. Spaulding was at that time erecting a mill in Black River Falls and desired to engage Mr. Durham as book-keeping while a student in Tomah, and believing himself competent to occupy the proffered position, he accepted and entered the employ of Mr. Spaulding with whom he remained for two years; at the end of that time his employer having established a sawmill in Unity, Wisconsin Mr. Durham was placed in charge and since that time has been constantly engaged in lumbering. His business in Northern Wisconsin was quite prosperous and lucrative and it was only to afford his children better social and educational advantages, that he relinquished his labors in that section and came to Plainfield. Mr. Durham was married in 1873 to Miss Lorraine Spaulding a sister of D. J. Spaulding. She was born in Black River Falls Her father Jacob Spaulding was a well known pioneer of that place. They have three children a son and two daughters, Frank, Jennie, and Minnie. They lost their eldest child, Roland, who died at the age of four and one half years. Mr. Durham is a public spirited and enterprising citizen who takes a commendable interest in every enterprise which tends to promote the general welfare of the community in which he makes his home. As a business man, he is energetic and successful. In political sentiment he is a Republican and in his social relations is a Mason and a charter member of the Modern woodmen, Taber Camp No.1, 223.
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