Biographical Sketch of
Melvin J. Farrington
Transcribed by Char Eckman
Source: Portrait and Biographical Album of Green Lake, Marquette and Waushara Counties, Wisconsin, published 1890 by Acme Publishing Co., Chicago, Pages 484 - 485 Melvin J. Farrington, who is engaged in general merchandising in the village of Harrisville, Marquette County, has passed his entire life in Wisconsin. He was born in Columbia County, on the 19th of July, 1849, and was one of a family of five children, whose parents were Joseph and Cornelia (Smith) Farrington: Mary the eldest, became the wife of J. P. Luther, and died in 1885; William S. died in Columbia County, Wis.; Melvin is the third in order of birth; Willard died in childhood; and Frances L. is the wife of J. W. Johnson, a resident of Marquette County. The early life of our subject was passed in the usual manner of farmer lads. For some time he pursued his studies in the common schools of this county, but completed his education in the High School of Berlin. On arriving at years of maturity, he was united in marriage with Miss Jeannie A. Williams, daughter of Myron C. and Amanda B. (Mead) Williams, the marriage being celebrated in Westfield, on the 25th of October, 1874. The parents of Mrs. Farrington are residents of Westfield, Wis., and natives of Vermont. Their union has been blessed with two interesting children, both sons: Sidney D., born Aug. 29, 1876; Perry F., Feb 6, 1880. Both were born in this county, and are now attending school. Mr. Farrington embarked upon his business career as a farmer, and still follows that occupation, and at length engaged in mercantile business, which he has followed since 1881, covering a period of eight years. He has been quite successful in that undertaking, and as he has become familiar with the wants and desires of his customers, and selected his stock with a view to pleasing them, he has secured a liberal patronage which is increasing from year to year. He possesses good business ability, and is numbered among the enterprising citizens of Harrisville. He has served in various official positions, for a period of twelve years was Clerk of the Town, and since establishing mercantile business in Harrisville, has been Postmaster, which position he still occupies. He has an extensive acquaintance and by all with whom business or pleasure have brought him in contact, is regarded as an honorable and prominent citizen. Mr. Farrington has always been engaged in farming.
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