Biographical Sketch of

Chauncey Griffith

Transcribed by Barbara Voss

Source: Portrait and Biographical Album of Green Lake, Marquette and Waushara Counties, Wisconsin, published 1890 by Acme Publishing Co., Chicago, Pages 439 - 440 Chauncey Griffith, deceased, was born in Columbia County, N. Y. Dec, 24 1809, and died at his home in Marquette, Green Lake County, on the 17th of February, 1886. Probably the loss of no man of the community has been more deeply deplored by his friends than that of our subject, who was a valued citizen and one of the most prominent men of the village. He was reared to manhood in Columbia and Rensselaer Counties, N. Y., and in the public schools received a liberal education. He first came to the West in 1844, being accompanied by Mr. Van Valkenburg. The six succeeding years of his life were passed amid the pioneer scenes of Wisconsin, but in 1850 he returned to the East, and on the 9th of January, 1851 was united in marriage with Miss Gertrude Sharp of Columbia County. With his young bride Mr. Griffith again came to Green Lake County, where he entered land and branched out as a real estate speculator. He removed to Marquette in 1856, purchasing a house and lot, and continued operations as a real estate dealer. He was very successful in his business enterprises, and at the time of his death owned 400 acres of fine farming land, besides town property in Marquette. Sagacious and far sighted, his judgment of business principles was generally correct, and his knowledge of men and their characters formed an important factor in his prosperity. He possessed more than ordinary ability, and was a man of scholarly tastes and studious habits. He always kept himself well informed on the leading issues of the day, and as every true American citizen should do, felt a deep interest in political affairs. He cast his ballot with the Republican Party. His death occurred Feb, 17, 1886 and his wife, a most estimable lady, departed this life on the 4th of August, 1882. The only child born to that worthy couple is Chauncey S. Griffith, a prominent lumber dealer of Marquette. He was born in Green Lake County, Jan, 6, 1853, and has here passed almost his entire life. He received his primary education in the common schools of Marquette and continued his studies by a partial course at Ripon College. When his school life was ended, he looked about for some trade or profession, by which he might earn a livelihood, and chose teaching, in which capacity he served for about eight years, two years of which time were spent in Appleton. He was very successful in that vocation, but at length determined to devote his attention to some other pursuit, and embarked as a lumber dealer in Marquette, where he is still doing business. Like his father, he possesses good business principles and is accounted one of the enterprising and progressive merchants of the village. Mr. Griffith was married in Marquette, on the 20th of February, 1884, the lady of his choice being Miss Jennie Paterick, who was born April 2, 1853. Their union has been blessed with one child a little son, Freddie, born March 20, 1886. Mr. and Mrs. Griffith are people of refinement and intelligence, and hold a high position in the social world. He has supported the Republican Party since attaining his majority, and has held several local offices, including that of Township Clerk, Notary Public and Chairman of the Town Board, of which latter position he is the present incumbent.

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