Biographical Sketch of
Elias Grout
Transcribed by Sandra Boudrou for the Marquette Co WI Pages
Source: Portrait and Biographical Album of Green Lake, Marquette and Waushara Counties, Wisconsin, published 1890 by Acme Publishing Co., Chicago, Page 672 Elias Grout, a well-to-do farmer of Mackford township, Green Lake County, residing on section 19, was born in Byron, Genesee Co., N. Y., Jan. 11, 1826, and is a son of Cyrus and Dency (Nettleton) Grout, the former a native of Vermont, the latter of Connecticut. When children, they were taken by their parents to Genesee County, where they became acquainted, were married and reared a large family of children: Leonard P., who married Adelaide Cahill, located first in Watertown, Wis., and from thence came to Mackford township, where he died in March, 1887; Salmon departed this life in New York; Elias is the third in order of birth; Cyrus died in California; Ellen became the wife of Jerome Currier and died in the Empire State; Horace is living on the old homestead in Genesee County, N. Y.; Lydia married Edwin Darrow, who died in Colorado. Mr. Grout, father of this family, was a prominent citizen of Genesee County, and was highly respected by all who knew him. Both he and his wife there passed away. In early life, he was a Democrat, later became a Free-soiler, and at its organization joined the Republican party, which he supported until his death. He was always well informed on the leading issues of the day and was a man of much ability. The early life of our subject was spent in much the same manner as that of many a farmer lad has been and like thousands of others all over the country, he acquired his education in a log school house. He entered upon his business career when fourteen years of age, at which time he began learning the carpenter's and joiner's trade, which he followed for some time. The year 1855, witnessed his arrival in Green Lake County, where for a number of years he engaged in carpentering and was also employed in the old McCracken mill. With but $300 in his pocket which he had obtained by hard labor in the East and a chest of tools, he started out to make his fortune in the West, with no other capital save a young man's bright hope of the future. His determined will and indefatigable energy have crowned his efforts with success, and his fair and honest dealings in all his business relations have won him the confidence and high regard of those with whom he has come in contact. He is now the owner of a valuable farm of 140 acres, all under a high state of cultivation and furnished with the necessary improvements. The respect which is tendered him and his family is well merited and they hold a high position in the social world. He takes a deep interest in public affairs and is an inflexible adherent of the Republican party, but has never aspired to political honors. The estimable wife of Mr. Grout was Miss Emily Hackney, daughter of Benjamin and Ann Hackney, who came to Green Lake County in 1856, and settled in the town of Mackford. She was born in England, and in 1868 became the wife of our subject. Their union has been blessed with three children, two sons and a daughter: Benjamin, born Nov. 1, 1869; Densie A., Dec. 8, 1871; Carl, Nov. 19, 1875. The children still remain under the parental roof.
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