Biographical Sketch of
William Hughs
Transcribed by Sandra Boudrou for the Marquette Co WI Pages
Source: Portrait and Biographical Album of Green Lake, Marquette and Waushara Counties, Wisconsin, published 1890 by Acme Publishing Co., Chicago, Pages 788 - 789 William Hughes, one of the extensive land-owners of Aurora Township, Waushara County, and Chairman of the Town Board, his home being on section 21, was born in Radnorshire, South Wales, Aug. 11, 1841, and is a son of John and Margaret (Price) Hughes, the former a native of Montgomeryshire, North Wales, the latter of Radnorshire. In the last-named county they were married and resided for seventeen years, when they became residents of Breconshire, where both passed to their final rest, the father dying in 1885 and the mother in 1884. He was a farmer by occupation, and followed that business during the greater part of his life. For several years he was Parish Guardian, and held a number of minor offices. Their family numbered twelve children but only four came to this country: Stephen, who died in Minnesota; Elizabeth, who died in Madison, Wis.; Thomas, a resident of Michigan, and William. The subject of this sketch was reared to farm life, and in his youth received a common-school education. He remained at home until twenty-eight years of age, when he bade good-bye to his parents, friends and native land and sailed for America with the hope of bettering his financial condition in the New World. His first location was in the town where he now makes his home. Soon after his arrival in Waushara County, Wis., he purchased eighty acres of land in the town of Aurora, and began farming. Afterward, however, he bought 360 acres, constituting his present farm, disposing of his other purchase. He also owns a two-third interest in a 80-acre tract in Green Lake County. He is one of the prosperous and successful farmers of the county, and all the more so when we take into consideration the fact that his possessions have been acquired by his efforts and the assistance of his estimable wife. He is on e of the most extensive landowners in the township, and in connection with the cultivation of his land raises a good grade of stock, and is extensively engaged in dairying. He is a stockholder in and Treasurer of the Waushara Dairyman's Association. His farm is furnished with splendid buildings, and his home is supplied with all the comforts of life. On the 23d of November, 1869, Mr. Hughes was united in marriage with Catherine Davies, who was born in Breconshire, South Wales, Aug. 16, 1836 and is a daughter of John and Catherine (Jenkins) Davies who were also natives of the same county and there resided until 1852, when they came to America and took up their residence in Aurora Township, Waushara County. The husband and father was killed in 1865 by a falling tree. He followed the occupation of farming throughout his entire business career, and in political sentiment was a Republican. He held the office of Assessor of his town for a term. His wife died in 1870. In their family were five children: John and Charles J. died in the town of Aurora; William J. is living in Iowa, and Margaret resides with her sister Catherine. To Mr. and Mrs. Hughes have been born four children: John P., who is a graduate of the Berlin High School; Myrtie C., Fred D. and Minnie G. The children have all received good educational advantages, and are therefore fitted to become useful and honorable members of society. Mr. Hughes casts his ballot with the Republican party, and in the spring of 1889 was elected Chairman of his town, the duties of which office he is now ably discharging. He is a leading farmer, and one of the representative citizens of the community, and wherever he goes wins friends.
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