Biographical Sketch of

Charles Kimball

Transcribed by Sandra Boudrou for the Marquette Co WI Pages

Source: Portrait and Biographical Album of Green Lake, Marquette and Waushara Counties, Wisconsin, published 1890 by Acme Publishing Co., Chicago, Page 692 Charles A. Kimball, one of the most extensive merchants and prominent business men of Waushara County, was born in Pine River, May 20, 1857. His father, a man of national reputation and one who has been especially active in the interests of his adopted State, was born in Buxton, York Co., Me., in 1827, and during his younger days was a farmer and clerk in the village of Kimball's Corners. He settled in Wisconsin during the early days of its history, becoming a resident of Berlin, when that city was a small hamlet on the Fox River, known as Strong's Landing. Entering the employ of Perley Chase, who was engaged in the merchandise business, he continued to act as salesman for two years, when he removed to Centerville and established business for himself in the same line. In 1857 he removed his store to Pine River, where he has since made his home. He has not only been prominently connected with business circles but has been an important figure in the political arena. A stanch advocate of Republican principles, he was elected by that party in 1862 to the State Senate and in 1875 was a Representative from Wisconsin to the Forty-fourth Congress. In June, 1884, he served as a delegate to the Republican National Convention in Chicago, which nominated for the Presidency James G. Blaine, of whom he is an ardent admirer. Mr. Kimball was united in marriage with Miss Frances Waterman of Maine, with whom he had attended school in early life. Their union was blessed with three children: Ella, became the wife of Charles Clark, junior member of the firm of Kimball & Clark, lumber manufacturers of Kimball, Wis. Charles Sr., died in infancy and on the birth of our subject to him was given the same name. The early education of the subject of this sketch was obtained in the district schools of the town of Leon and supplemented by a two years' course in the Berlin High School, which he entered in 1874. In 1877 he became an equal partner with his father in the merchandise business in Pine River and has since continued operations in that line. They carry one of the largest stocks of general merchandise in Waushara County, and have a constantly increasing trade owing to their large and well assorted lines of goods, their fair dealing and uniform politeness to all. On the 25th of January, 1886, Mr. Kimball was united in marriage with Miss Mary Monroe, daughter of William W. and Nancy (Barr) Monroe. Two children have been born unto them: William D., born Nov. 9, 1886; and Howard, born Aug. 16, 1888. Mr. Kimball is the owner of 600 acres of land in the town of Saxeville, 300 of which are suitable for farming purposes, while the remainder is adapted to grazing. He is a member of Berlin Lodge. No. 7, K. of P., and in politics is a Republican, having affiliated with that party since attaining his majority. He is one of the rising young men of Waushara County, displays excellent ability in the management of his business affairs and is held in high regard by all who know him.

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