Biographical Sketch of
Hugh McClelland
Transcribed by Sandra Boudrou for the Marquette Co WI Pages
Source: Portrait and Biographical Album of Green Lake, Marquette and Waushara Counties, Wisconsin, published 1890 by Acme Publishing Co., Chicago, Pages 682 - 683 Hugh McClelland is a representative of one of the pioneer families of Green Lake County, and it is with pleasure that we present his sketch to the readers of the Portrait and Biographical Album. His home is on section 35 in the town of Berlin, where he has resided for more than a quarter of a century. He was born in Knox Co., Ohio, May 2, 1828, and is a son of James and Mary (Wilson) McClelland. On his marriage with Miss Wilson, he settled in Knox County, Ohio, where he made his home until his death, which occurred in 1830, when our subject was about two years old. The widow then became the wife of Thomas McClelland a brother of her former husband. Our subject was the second of three children: John, the eldest, is engaged in farming in the town of Berlin, Green Lake County, and Hannah J. is deceased. He was early inured to hard labor and has been an industrious man throughout his entire life. He was only twelve years of age when the family removed to Northern Indiana and he bore no inconsiderable part in the arduous task of developing the land in the midst of a deep forest. He received but little education and that little was obtained in a log school house. He remained under the parental roof until twenty-one years of age, assisting in the cultivation of the home farm, but on attaining his majority started out in life for himself. He first rented land and in that way acquired a sum sufficient to purchase eighty acres. In 1853 he went to Minnesota, where he pre-empted a quarter section, transforming it into a good farm. On the 30th of November, 1857, Mr. McClelland wedded Margaret Cromwell, who was born in Montgomery County, N. Y., April 12, 1838, and is a daughter of Stephen A. and Sylvia A. (Worth) Cromwell. The father was of German descent, the mother of New England birth and parentage. The grandfather, Aaron S. Cromwell, was born in Germany and married a lady of the same nationality. They then came to America and settled in Montgomery County, N. Y., where Stephen A. was born, reared and married. In 1843, accompanied by his family, he emigrated to St. Joseph's County, Mich., where he died in 1844, at the age of fifty-two years. His wife died in 1845 in the forty-third year of her age. In their family were five children, three of whom are living--Mrs. C. E. Chapman, Mrs. Lucy J. Streeter and Margaret, honored wife of our subject. At the time of his marriage, Mr. McClelland located upon his farm in Minnesota and continued its cultivation until the breaking out of the late war, when fearing Indian depredations, he removed his family that they might be away from danger. Soon afterwards, he purchased a part of his present farm, which he has since increased until it now comprises 355 acres, 240 of which is arable land. The family numbered three children, but Willie, the second child, died at the age of two years; Truman H., the eldest, assists in the cultivation of the home farm; and Ella is the wife of Seth A. Janes. Mr. McClelland is the owner of one of the best farms in the township, it being furnished with a commodious residence, good barns and outbuildings and all necessary improvements. He also raises a fine grade of sheep, hogs, cattle and horses, and has been very successful in that line of business. He is a Republican in politics and is held in high esteem by the people of the community.
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