Biographical Sketch of

Russell Nichols

Transcribed by Barbara Voss for the Marquette Co WI Pages

Source: Portrait and Biographical Album of Green Lake, Marquette and Waushara Counties, Wisconsin, published 1890 by Acme Publishing Co., Chicago, Pages 653 - 654 Russell Nichols, a retired farmer, now residing in Markesan, Green Lake County, and one of the leading citizens of the county was born in Fairfield, Herkimer Co., N.Y., Feb. 13, 1812 and is one of a family of ten children. His parents were Wanton and Fannie (Dorman) Nichols, the former a native of Rhode Island, the latter of Connecticut, but both were born of New England parentage. The record of their family of eight sons and three daughters is as follows: Lavine settled in the south; Herman married Nancy Norton and died in Booneville, N.Y., leaving two children; Mial was married in Herkimer County and settled in Buffalo, N.Y., where his death occurred; Ebenezer was married in the same county and died in the Empire State; Wanton became a resident of Wisconsin and departed this life in Oconomowoc; Ranson died of consumption at his home in Herkimer County, N.Y.; Russell of this sketch, is the next in order of birth, Sarah was drowned in West Canada Creek at the age of twenty five years; Eliza became the wife of William Doyle, who died at their home in Ohio, leaving two children, one of whom afterward died but the other daughter, Sarah, lived to maturity and married a Mr. Beckwith, an attorney at law at Pottsdam, N.Y.; Hon. Archibald is now a resident of Kansas and Celestia, the youngest, died with consumption. For a number of years, however, Archibald was a resident of Green Lake County, and was one of its prominent citizens. He was five times elected to represent his district in the State Legislature, for a number of years was Chairman of the Town Board of Supervisors and for several terms was Justice of the Peace. He was not only widely known throughout the community but his reputation extended all over the State and he numbered among his friends some of Wisconsin�s most prominent legislators. He wedded Mary Dormand and unto them were born five children � Seth, Fannie, Emma, Sarah and Alice. Mr. and Mrs. Nichols, parents of our subject, passed their entire lives in Herkimer County, N.Y., where they were highly respected citizens. They held membership in the Episcopal Church. Russell Nichols, whose name heads this notice, received his education in the district schools and when a young man became an engineer. For eight years he made his home at Fall River, Mass., and then returned to his native county at the call of father to talk charge of the property. In 1842 he was united in marriage with Miss Eliza Finch, who was born in Ireland, and two years later they came to Green Lake County. Mr. Nichols has now been a resident of this community for more than forty five years and is classed among the noble band of pioneers. In 1882 he was called upon to mourn the loss of his wife, who died on the 24th of September of that year, after forty years of happy wedded life. She was held in high regard by all for her many excellencies of character. On his arrival in this county, Mr. Nichols settled upon the farm now owned by Clark Walker. He purchased the same of Judge Willard, it consisting of three 80 acre tracts of undeveloped land. As he possesses an energetic and industrious nature, it was not long before the entire amount was placed under a high state of cultivation and yielded a ready return for the care and labor which he bestowed upon it. In addition to the many improvements which he made he built a good residence together with many barns and outbuildings and the entire surroundings indicated his thrifty and progressive spirit. Wishing to retire from active life, he removed to Markesan, where he now makes his home. Mr. Nichols was present at the organization of the first court, when Judges Larabee and Aikens were appointed State Attorneys.

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