Biographical Sketch of

Rev. William Rickell

Transcribed by Sandra Boudrou for the Marquette Co WI Pages

Source: Portrait and Biographical Album of Green Lake, Marquette and Waushara Counties, Wisconsin, published 1890 by Acme Publishing Co., Chicago, Pages 668 - 669 Rev. William Rickell, of Marquette, was born in Lincolnshire, England, on the 3rd of September, 1814, and is one of a family of nine children, whose parents John and Mary Ann (Spencer) Rickell, were also natives of the same country. The father died in the prime of life, and upon the mother then devolved the care and responsibility of rearing her children. She faithfully discharged the duty, and with watchful tenderness provided for them until they were able to fight the battle of life for themselves. Of the family only two are now living Sarah and our subject. The Rev. Mr. Rickell acquired a very limited education in the schools of his native land, and in early life was converted, joining the Wesleyan Methodist Church. He resolved to devote his energies to the ministry, and for forty years was a local preacher. In 1838 he was joined in wedlock with Miss Ann Chapman, after which they settled in England, where they made their home until 1854, when, with a family of seven children, they crossed the broad Atlantic to America. Their first home was in Penfield, Monroe Co., N. Y., but after five years they came to Green Lake County, Wis., locating in Dartford. Having acquired some capital, in 1873 Mr. Rickell purchased 320 acres of land in the town of Marquette, and for eleven years engaged in farming, but in 1884 he laid aside all business cares and removed to the village of Marquette, where he is now living a retired life. When Mr. Rickell and his wife came to this country they were in limited circumstances, but by their united efforts, their perseverance, industry and economy they have secured a handsome competency. They have now lived together as man and wife for more than fifty years, have shared with each other the joys and sorrows of life, its pleasures and its pain, and in their declining years they spend their days in the enjoyment of each other's society and in the companionship of their children. Their lives of usefulness, in egrity and righteousness are examples well worthy of emulation, for it is their daily endeavor to live in harmony with their Christian professions. To Mr. and Mrs. Rickell have been born nine children" Mary A., the eldest, died in New York at the age of seventeen years; George died when fourteen years of age, and Charles when thirteen years; Sarah is the wife of Francis Shepherd, of Augusta, Eau Claire Co., Wis.; Maria wedded Charles Rounds, of Green Lake County; John is living in Cedar Rapids, Boone Co., Neb; Isaac makes his home in Nebraska; William is a resident of Boone County Nebraska; and Helen E. is the wife of William Braytron of Nebraska.

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