Biographical Sketch of

Chesley B. Tuller

Transcribed by Joan Benner for the Marquette Co WI Pages

Source: Portrait and Biographical Album of Green Lake, Marquette and Waushara Counties, Wisconsin, published 1890 by Acme Publishing Co., Chicago, Pages 539 - 540 Chesley B. Tuller, deceased, was born in the Empire State but is numbered among the pioneer settlers of Wisconsin. He was but a lad when his parents became residents of Walworth County, and in that community he was reared to manhood and obtained a common-school education. When he had attained to years of maturity, he led to the marriage altar Miss Charlotte Kees, the wedding taking place Feb. 2, 1861. The lady was born in Oneida County, N. Y., and with her parents became a resident of Watertown, Jefferson Co., Wis. Her mother departed this life in June, 1879, but her father is still living and resides in Choppewa Falls, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Tuller began their domestic life in Walworth County, whence they removed to Fond du Lac County and subsequently took up their residence in Wautoma, where the husband spent his last days. He died at his home near that village on the 5th of September, 1883, respected and esteemed by all who knew him. After five years of widowhood Mrs. Tuller was again married, becoming the wife of Roswell Owen, whose sketch appears elsewhere. Ten children were born of their union, seven of whom are now living: Addie, wife of Edward Stillman, a resident of Berlin; Lillian, wife of Albert Vincent of Chippewa Falls, Wis.; Frank S., who resides in the same place; Mary; Adelbert W.; Charles M. and Minnie E.

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