Biographical Sketch of
Christian Umbreit
Transcribed by Suzanne Folk for the Marquette Co WI Pages
Source: Portrait and Biographical Album of Green Lake, Marquette and Waushara Counties, Wisconsin, published 1890 by Acme Publishing Co., Chicago, Page 378 CHRISTIAN UMBREIT, who is engaged in general farming and stock raising on section 32, Manchester township, is a representative of one of the pioneer families of Green Lake County, where he has made his home since 1853. He was born in Germany, April 26, 1842, and is one of a family of seven children, who accompanied their father, John Umbreit, to America in the year above mentioned. Mr. Umbreit located on a farm which is now the home of our subject and is still here living, at the ripe old age of seventy-eight years. He is one of the prominent and respected citizens of the place who has many friends but no enemies. He is one of the leading members of the Evangelical Methodist Church, and aided in the organization of the first society of that kind in the county. From the beginning he has served as Class Leader and to the support of the ministry be has given liberally and freely, increasing his donations as success attended his efforts. He was in limited circumstances on his arrival, but by industry and perseverance became one of the wealthy citizens of the community. Of the children of the family, Traugott is a minister of Waukesha, Wis.; Henrietta is the wife of William Soure, a farmer of Columbia County, Wis.; Henry is engaged in farming in the town of Manchester; Christian is the next younger; William is an extensive farmer and stock-raiser of Wright County, Iowa; Caroline is the wife of Andrew Bates, a butcher of Pipestone, Minn.: Philip, the youngest, is a druggist of Liberty, Missouri. The mother of this family, a noble Christian woman, died in 1881, aged 72 years. Our subject was reared to farm life and his manhood days have been spent in like manner. On the 6th of February, 1865, he was united in marriage with Eliza Blochwitz, who was born in New York in 1846. Their union has been blessed with four children-Katie, Frank, Edward and Lydia. Since coming to Wisconsin, Mr. Umbreit has spent fourteen years in Columbia County and the remainder of the time in this county. In 1878, he purchased 136 acres of the old homestead farm, to which he has since added 80 acres, the entire amount consisting of 216 acres which pay tribute to his care and cultivation. It is one of the finest farms in the community, being furnished with good buildings and all the necessary improvements. A fine stone fence has been built, forty feet long and four feet high, the width of the base being four feet and at the top eighteen inches. The home and its entire surroundings indicate thrift and industry, taste and refinement. Mr. Umbreit is engaged extensively in the raising of fine stock, giving special attention to the breeding of Durham cattle, Clydesdale horses and Poland-China hogs. He has done much to advance the grade of stock in the county and is accounted one of the leading farmers. As a citizen, he is public spirited and progressive and does all in his power to promote the best interests of the community. Socially, he a member of the United Workmen, and politically he is a Republican. He cast his first ballot for Abraham Lincoln and from that time to the present has been an inflexible adherent of the party. He and his wife belong to the Evangelical Church and no better citizens can be found in the community than that worthy couple.
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