Biographical Sketch of Joseph Yates

Transcribed by Barbara Voss for the Marquette Co WI Pages

Source: Portrait and Biographical Album of Green Lake, Marquette and Waushara Counties, Wisconsin, published 1890 by Acme Publishing Co., Chicago, Pages 469 - 470

Joseph Yates, a pioneer business man of Berlin and the present secretary of the Berlin Machine Shops of Beloit, is a native of New York, having been born in Schenectady, on the 13th of October 1821. His parents, Isaac I, and Rachael (Barhydt) Yates, were also natives of that city, and were descended from the Mohawk Dutch, the original Holland settlers of that section of New York. Their ancestors for several generations were born in Schenectady and were among the most highly respected residents of that city.

The subject of this sketch was the second of a family of seven children and was educated in Union College, from which he was graduated in the class of 1844. Having fitted himself for the legal profession, he was admitted to practice in the courts of New York in 1847, but not finding it agreeable to him, he never engaged in practice for any great length of time. Having attained to man�s estate, in Greenfield, Saratoga Co., N. Y. on the 23rd of October 1848, he led to the marriage altar Miss Jane E. Porter, Daughter of Thomas J. and Fannie (Barney) Porter. She was born in the county where her marriage occurred and belongs to one of the old and prominent families of Saratoga County. The family circle of Mr. and Mrs. Yates was completed by the birth of two children. A son and daughter; Ella F. who is now the wife of L. D. Forbes of the Berlin Machine Works of Beloit; and Porter B. who is president of that company and resides in Beloit. Both children were born in Schenectady, N. Y., where the parents began their domestic life.

From 1847 until 1850, inclusive, Mr. Yates served as a clerk in the office of the clerk of the court of appeals of New York, after which he engaged in the hardware business for a short time in Schenectady. His next venture was as a dealer in wood and coal in which line he carried on operations until the spring of 1855 when he decided to try his fortune in the West and came to Berlin, Wis., where in company with his brother in law, John D. Porter, he opened the first hardware store in that village. He met with marked success in his enterprise and continued owner of the establishment until the winter of 1883-4, when he sold out to H. S. Sacket. He also owned and operated a gristmill in Berlin for several years and when selling out bought an interest in the Berlin Machine Works which was afterward removed to Beloit. As before stated he is secretary of the company and proves an able officer and one who is untiring in his labors for its interest and welfare. He is a great admirer of horses and always keeps a few which he generally raises from colts and with which he amuses himself in breaking and driving. He is never without a well matched and spirited team, the exercising of which contributes greatly to his enjoyment in life.

Mr. Yates is a Democrat in politics and has served for fourteen years as a member of the School Board and two years, 1887 and 1888, as Mayor of Berlin. The ability and fidelity with which he discharged the duties of that office would have led to his re-election had he not declined the honor. He is a Mason, belonging to Berlin Lodge, No. 38, A. F. & A. M.; Berlin Chapter, No. 18, R. A. M,; and Berlin Commandery, No. 10, K. T. Of the two higher bodies, he is a charter member and has served as chief officer in each. He has also served as G. H. P. of the State body. As a business man and citizen, Mr. Yates stands deservedly high in the community, where he has so long made his home. The writer of this sketch, while in conversation with a well known and prominent citizen of Berlin, in answer to a point blank question as to the standing of Mr. Yates, was answered in this wise; �You can say of Joe Yates that he is am honorable, high minded gentleman, whose integrity and superior ability is unquestioned; that he is one who has been prominent in the commercial history of Berlin and is of high social standing.� Adding �and I assure you he is no friend of mine, but quite the contrary, But I have given you a candid opinion unbiased by any personal feeling.�

Mr. Yates is a man, who having been gifted with superior mental force, has availed himself of good advantages and has attained to a high degree of intellectual culture. In conversation he is entertaining and instructive, while a courteous and affable manner always marks his intercourse with stranger or friend.

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