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John HuberSource: Rhinelander Daily New, June 7, 1937John Huber, 81, pioneer resident of Rhinelander, was found dead in the home of his daughter, Mrs. John G. Rose, 17 Randall Avenue, late yesterday afternoon. Coroner Rudolph Carlson today said Mr. Huber had shot and killed himself, and declared the death as suicide. The body of the aged man was found by Mrs. Rose when she returned home at 6:30 p.m. The coroner said Mr. Huber had shot himself through the head at 3:30 p.m., from indications found in the bedroom. The body was on the bed fully clad. No notes were found. Relatives were unable to give any reason for Mr. Huber’s action, explaining that he had not been despondent or depressed. His health had been failing for some time, and he had expressed concern about that fact, they added. His death occurred on his eighty-first birthday. Coroner Carlson said an inquest would not be necessary. Born in Bavaria [claimed; not proven; other documents indicate Austria] on June 6, 1856, Mr. Huber had been a resident of this city for about half of his lifetime. He was well known throughout the county. He leaves three daughters, Mrs. Rose, Mrs. Ernest Smith and Mrs. John Johnson, all of Rhinelander; and two sons, Louis of Rhinelander, and John of Milwaukee. Mrs. Huber died about two years ago. Funeral arrangements were incomplete today. Source: New North, June 10, 1937 The body of John Huber, 81, was found on the floor [other obituary said the bed] at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John G. Rose, 17 Randall Avenue, Sunday evening. Coroner Rudolph Carlson reported the aged man had shot himself in the head with a single barrel shotgun. Mr. Huber was born in Bavaria [claimed; not proven; other documents indicate Austria] on June 6, 1856 and had lived in Rhinelander for about 40 years. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Rose, Mrs. Ernest Smith, and Mrs. John Johnson, all of Rhinelander; and two sons, Louis of Rhinelander and John, Jr. of Milwaukee. Funeral services were held Wednesday morning from the home at Randall Avenue. submitted by Rick Thomas |
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