Kaukauna Times
15 Sep 1905

Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, Sept. 15, 1905

Mrs. W. C. WENDT and sister Miss Rose FIRNSTAHL are at Greenleaf to spend a
week with Mr. WENDT's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles WENDT.

Mrs. Sol KINNEY of Marinette on her return home from visiting friends in
Milwaukee and Fond du Lac stopped off Saturday for a week's visit with Mrs.

The formal opening of Tony HENDRICKS new saloon on the Island occurs next
Thursday evening, September 21. Chicken lunch will be served. Everybody

Mrs. J. I. TONER attended the wedding Wednesday morning at Little Chute, of
Mr. and Mrs. John VERSTEGEN's daughter, Miss Anna VERSTEGEN, to Mr. Henry

Mr. Albert KUCHLER and Mr. and Mrs. August KUMEROW who were here to attend
the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. M. KUCHLER, returned to
Chicago Tuesday.

Joseph MCCARTHY is just finishing up laying 340 feet of five foot cement walk
in front of the new M. E. parsonage, the Epworth League Home and in front and
along the side of Brokaw Memorial Church.

The northside livery stables of SNYDER and GNATZIG have recently changed
hands again and are owned now by T. G. MERTEN of Waupum. Clark MALONE, the
efficient manager, yet remains in charge.

At a meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society Wednesday, Mrs. W. S. MULFORD was
elected president to succeed Mrs. C. H. HARTLEY. The meeting was held at the
home of the Rev. and Mrs. A. J. BUXTON.

Miss Martha BRENNER departed Thursday for Milwaukee where she will learn the
millinery trade in one of the city shops. While there Miss BRENNER will make
her home with her brother the Rec. John BRENNER of Cudahy.

"Scotty" MCDONALD, who has been with a North-Western surveying crew in the
northern part of the state for several weeks, came home sick the first of the
week. His case has developed into an attack of appendicitis. His condition is
not critical, however.

"Among Neighbors" - Holland and Dundas:

Mrs. Math. SPRANGERS visited with her mother at Chilton for a few days.

Miss Mayme DUFFY is home from an extended visit with relatives at Askeaton.

School in district No. 1 opened Monday with Miss Katherine COX as a teacher.

Miss Kittie MILTON is engaged to teach school at Kaukauna the coming term.

Adam HOLZSCUH and wife visited Sunday with Casper HOLZSCHUH and family at

Miss Mollie SHERING of Chilton visited here a few days the guest of friends.

Cards are out announcing the marriage of Martin DEBRUIN to Miss Kittie HAMER
of Kaukauna,

Mrs. J. VANHULST and Mrs. Joseph WOLFINGER are home from a visit at DePere.

Miss Anna NYTES of Sheboygan is at present visiting with her sister, Mrs.

The Misses Cora VAN LEISHOUT and Nellie VAN VREEDE visited with Wrightstown
friends Sunday.

Barney ROLF and Peter RADAMACHER were callers at Kaukauna Monday evening.

Miss Kittie HAMER of Kaukauna visited with Mary DE BRUIN for a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank BECKER and Mr. and Mrs. James I. TONER of Kaukauna were
very pleasant callers here Sunday.

Miss Kittie Moody of Appleton visited with her sister, Mrs. William BIESE the
past week.

Mrs. HAFFNER and daughters the Misses Mae and Millie of Escanaba visited at
the home of Mrs. HAFFNER's sister, Miss Julia DUGGAN.

The MIsses Mayme HOOLIHAN and Efie KINNEY of Kaukauna visited with friends
here Friday last.


Miss Lizzie HERMANS of Brillion visited with Miss Agnes RADAMACHER over

Miss Josephine L A PIERRE of Marinette is a pleasant visitor here the guest
of her friend, Miss Christina NELSON.

Miss Mayme GOLDEN has been engaged to teach school in Distrcit No. 3.


James JENKINS has gone to Fond du Lac where he will be employed.

Mr. and Mrs. John LAMBIE are attending the Exposition at Portland, Oregon.
They will also visit relatives in the west before returning.

Miss Birdie MCDANIELS attended the Grant-Coatway wedding at Greenleaf Tuesday.

Jas. MCABEE of Priest River, Idaho [sic], is visiting relatives here. It is
rumored James will take on of our fair maids as his bride to share his home
in the west.

Miss RUPIPER has returned to Depere after a sojourn here with J. VAN
INKENVOORT and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Pat MCCABE are rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter.

James MCDANIELS and wife are spending the week at Milwaukee and Chicago.

Arthur and Lizbeth KEELAN Sundayed in De Pere, guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R.

Miss Helen KERRIGAN has returned from a visit at Holland and Dundas.

Mrs. GARRITY returned from Antigo, after a fortnight's visit with relatives.

Louis VANGEHM spent several days at DePere last week making arrangements for
removing his family to that place.

George JACOBSON and son William of the city were pleasant callers here

Mrs. Chas. SIMS of Little Rapids visited her parents here Tuesday.

While part of us are harvesting an abundant thistle crop the other half is
trying to bribe the thresher man to come to his place next.

Mr. and Mrs. Mich. KEELAN of the city were pleasant callers here on Labor Day.

A number of our up-to-date young men attended the PETERS-KEMPEN wedding at
Freedom and report an enjoyable time.

Dennis MCCARTHY of Kansas City was a pleasant caller here last week.


Miss Mary MERGET and John KAMKAS were married Tuesday at 9 o'clock at the St.
Mary's church, Menasha, Rev. SCHMITZ performing the ceremony. The bride wore
a beautiful costume of white silk with lace. She was attended by Miss Minnie
KAMKAS and Miss Anna KUREY. They were gowned alike in pure white and carried
carnations. John MILLITZ and Joe KAMKAS attended the groom. After the
ceremony about three hundred friends and relatives drove tot eh home of the
bride, where a reception was held all the afternoon and evening. Prof.
MAEDER's orchestra furnished the music.

Harry WIRTZ spent a few hours in our burg Saturday calling on friends.

Mrs. LAMBIE, Mrs. Phillip WELTER, and her grand-daughter, Miss Amy EARLING,
were at the Northern Hospital for the insane at Oshkosh Sunday to visit Mrs.
WELTER's daughter, whom they found much improved and who will soon be able to
come home.

For Sale or Rent: 160 acre farm, five and one-half miles north of the city of
Kaukauna and three miles west of Wrightstown. 130 acres under cultivation: 30
acres fine timber and pasture land. All modern buildings and improvements.
For further particulars apply to Michael KEELAN, Kaukauna, Wisconsin.

A new cement sidewalk twelve feet wide is being laid in front of the REUTHER
and FECHTER blocks, four stores in width, on Wisconsin Avenue.

Kent MORGAN, professor of natural science at the Kaukauna High school,
purchased a gasoline power launch at Fond du Lac during his vacation, which
he has brought here for use during his leisure hours.

The Appleton common council has made a loan of $34,000 to tide over city
expenses until the next tax levy. And still Kaukauna property holders think
they know what high taxes are. Why $34,000 is enough to run our city for a
whole year.

Robert LUCHT has a new advertisement in this issue of THE TIMES calling
attention to his new wood and coal yard on the east end of Second Street. Mr.
LUCHT has recently fitted up a new office, scales, warehouse, etc. on his lot
adjoining the Northwestern tracks and is now better equipped than ever to
handle his business.

Barney CORCORAN's little son Gilbert is one of the successful agents for the
Saturday Evening Post which periodical presented him with a fine boy's watch
as a premium for selling 260 copies of their paper in a certain time. He
received the watch Tuesday. Young CORCORAN is full of enthusiasm over his
work and is going in to try and win other premiums. (n.b. - If you are
related to Barney or Gilbert CORCORAN - please contact me - Flag)

Brillion News: Matt KETTENHOVEN will attend the Kaukauna High School this
year in order to take the latin course it offers. he is planning to become a

The Marinette County training school for teachers, of which Prof. A. M.
OLSON, formerly of this city, has charge, opened Monday with an enrollment of
forty-eight students.

Chilton has adopted a curfew ordinance which provides that all children under
16 years of age must be off the streets by 9 o'clock. Curfew ordinances are
great things - we found it so in Kaukauna.