Kaukauna Times
29 Sep 1905

Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, September 29, 1905

(n.b. - much of this paper is taken with the story of the murder of Michael
MCCARTY/MCCARTHY. He disappeared on September 13. His body was never really found. Wenzel KABAT was convicted of the murder and sentenced to life in prison. I'd love to hear from anyone who has information about the families connected with this murder.Other names involved in the investigation are KRUGMEIER (the District Attorney); RYAN (an attorney), CONLON the Marshall); KOCH (the sheriff) Michael MCCARTHY was one of my relatives--thanks!!)<FLAG14@aol.com>

The case of John POWERS versus Lorenz HASS, both residents of Hollandtown, which was decided in favor of POWERS two years ago before Justice E. A. BAKER and later appealed tot he circuit court, was settled out of court Monday, the case having been called for the present session of the circuit court, POWERS with drawing and agreeing to the payment of all costs. The case originally grew out of the taking up of a bull owned by POWERS, by HAAS who demanded a small amount of damages. Payment was refused and a justice court suit followed. The parties to the case have now sensibly settled their
difficulties which they should have done two years ago and thus avoided the paying out of sufficient money to have purchased several bovines of the gentleman variety.

Sylvester BERENS was a Depere visitor Friday.

J. L. NORTH of Baltimore is visitng his cousin, Miss Harriet CARSTENS.

B. W. MCCAREY and wife of Antigo called on Kaukauna relatives Monday.

Will HURTENBACH of Milwaukee spent Sunday with his parents in this city.

Walter and Henry SAUBERT left for Madison Monday to attend the state university.

Misses A. C. MALONEY and Mayme DOUGHTERY were visitors with Appleton friends Saturday.

Mesdames L. LANGE and ECHARDT of Sheboygan are guests this week of Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. HIPP.

Mr. and Mrs. P. F. GALLAGHER were Green Bay visitors Friday, making the trip via the trolley line.

Mrs. P. J. MCNERNY and Mrs. M. EGAN of Sniderville spent Sunday last with
Kaukauna friends.

Roland MOQUIN and Miss Nellie HOOD of Fond du Lac spent Sunday with Miss

Jacob KLINE and Harold CORNELL have returned to Madison to resume their
studies at the university.

Mr. and Mrs. Thos. MELODY and family of Rhinelander spent Sunday with his
brother Will MELODY.

Miss Margaret NEWHOUSE, assistant at the north side post office, is spending
a week with her sisters at Milwaukee.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph BERENDSEN of Green Bay spent Sunday with Mrs. BERENDSEN's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nic. FAUST.

Mrs. Wm. GREVES of Potter is in the city called here by the serious illness of her daughter, Mrs. Otto ENGLEMANN.

The Misses Dora POLAND; Elizabeth HOLLENSWORTH and Alice HACKWORTHY of Appleton visited Kaukauna friends Monday.

Miss Bertha SCHUBRING returned Tuesday from a several week's visit with her
brother Reinhold SCHUBRING at Wausau.

Miss Kate BECK has accepted a position in the department store of Wm. KONRAD,
commencing her new duties Monday morning.

Al. SORUM of Moose Lake, Minn., who has been visiting Henry SAUBERT the past
week, left for Madison Monday to attend the state university.

William TUYL and family left Thursday to visit relatives at Depere.

Mrs. Henry KLEE and children spent Sunday with relatives a Fond du Lac.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred KONRAD spent Sunday with their relatives in Oshkosh.

Mrs. J. S. VILAS and Mrs. F. C. BABCOCK called on friends in Appleton Tuesday.

Mrs. Henry SHAFER spent Sunday in Appleton the guest of her son Frank SHAFER.

Mr. and Mrs. M. A. WERTHEIMER returned Saturday from a week's visit in Chicago.

Mrs. Adolph BOHM of Waupaca was the guest of her sister Mrs. A. A. NUGENT

Mrs. J. A. STRATHEARN and Mrs. J. B. TANNER called on friends in Milwaukee

John KLEE of Fond du Lac was in the city Monday to visit his son Henry KLEE and family.

Miss Jessie BROWN of Ashland who was here visiting Miss Augusta HEDKE left for Oshkosh Saturday.

Mrs. A. W. MCLEAN departed Wednesday for Fond du Lac to visit her sister Miss

Mrs. L. L. PARKS and children of Oconto arrived Wednesday to spend a week with Mrs. Ella NELSON.

Mr. and Mrs. August SCHEFFLER of Appleton were in the city Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry SCHOLL.

The new fall stock of fifty cent dress goods has arrived and is ready for your inspection at O. H. RUNTE's

Mr. and Mrs. Edward HOGAN spent Sunday in Neenah with Mr. HOGAN's brother,
John HOGAN and family.

Mr. and Mrs. John HYDE were called to Milton Junction Wednesday to attend the funeral of a nephew.

Mrs. Bailey GROVER of Berlin who spent a week with the family of John BANKER,
returned to her home Friday.

Isaac ACKER has been down from the Veterans Home at Waupaca this week for a visit with Kaukauna friends.

Mrs. C. V. AXEN left for Chicago Thursday morning, where she will be the guest of her parents until Sunday.

Miss Sadie VOECKS returned Saturday from Stevens Point where she spent a week with her sister, Mrs. Charles HASS.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles LEVERANCE who came here from Port Edwards a few months
ago removed Saturday to Depere.

Mr. and Mrs. John SHAUNHAN of Cedar Bluff, Iowa, arrived here Wednesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. John TAUGHER.

Mr. and Mrs. Franklin O. SMITH left Wednesday to spend three days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank SMITH of Depere.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DERUS Tuesday morning.

The W.C.T.U. will meet with Mrs. S. I. MILLER, south side, Friday, October 6, at 3 pm.

Capt. J, M, BAER of Appleton received a letter from his son, e. S. BAER of Glendive, Mont., Tuesday, announcing the arrival of a son.

Thomas MCCARTY an employee of the Union Bag and Paper Co., got his had caught in a gearing Wednesday which caused him the loss of a forefinger by amputation.

Miss Mollie KROMER spent several days this week with friends at Brillion.

Miss Ida NAGEL of Mayville was a guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. HUSTING.

Mrs. F. D. DONALDSON went to fond du Lac Wednesday to attend the wedding of a

conductor F. M. SCHMIDT spent a part of the week with relatives at Chilton and Hayton.

Mrs. Lewis KEPPEN of Waukesha, formerly Miss Frances KUNERT, is visiting this week with Mrs. F. M. SCHMIDT.

The relief society will met with Mrs. Phillip GAUDETTE, north side, next Thursday afternoon.

The case of John POWERS versus Lorenz HAAS, both residents of Hollandtown, which was decided in favor of POWERS two years ago before Justice E. A. BAKER and later appealed to the circuit court, was settled out of court Monday, the case having been called for the present session of the circuit court, POWERS withdrawing and agreeing to the payment of all costs. The case originally grew out of the taking up of a bull owned by POWERS, by HAAS who demanded a small amount of damages. Payment was refused and a justice court suit followed. The parties to the case have now sensibly settled their difficulties which they should have done two years ago and thus avoided the paying out of sufficient money to have purchased several bovines of the gentleman variety.