Kaukauna Times
April 1905

Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, April 14, 1905

Mrs. Joseph JUNCK left Monday for Manitowoc to visit relative for a week.

Gus MILLER and wife of Brillion were in the city Monday and called on friends.

Miss Emma KONRAD spent Sunday with relatives at Oshkosh.

Mrs. W. H. RUSSELL visited last week with friends at Shawano.

Mrs. Michael BRAHAN was at Tigerton to spend Sunday with relatives.

John MULLEN spent several days this week with his parents at Seymour.

County Sheriff A. G. KOCH of Appleton was in the city Tuesday on business.

Mrs. S. MCADAMS and son Frank visited Antigo friends the first of the week.

Mrs. James GOLDEN spent a part of the week with Mrs. Thomas DALEY at Gillett.

Miss Erna KOWALKE and Miss Helen RENECKE spent Sunday with Appleton friends.

William BRENZEL who spent the winter at Goldonna, Louisiana, has returned to

Thomas DILLON, chairman of the Town of Rockland, transacted business here Tuesday.

Henry KIRCHER was down from Antigo to spend Sunday last with Kaukauna friends.

Will DOHERTY, car accountant at Antigo, was down to spend Sunday with his family.

E. BURKER of Milwaukee arrived Monday for a two weeks visit with his sister
Mrs. Mary PRATT.

Otto MILL of Fond du Lac was in the city Saturday to visit his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. August MILL.

Mrs. Joseph HARTZHEIM returned Monday from a two weeks absence at Algoma
visiting her sister.

L. N. COSTLEY, assistant superintendent from the north end, was a Kaukauna
visitor Saturday.

Mrs. Henry KAISER and daughter Miss Millie of Wrightstown were guests with
Kaukauna friends Friday.

Mrs. J. H. MCCARTHY of Gladstone came down Saturday for a visit with 
Kaukauna friends and relatives.

Mr. & Mrs. Charles ROBLEE of Milwaukee are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. 
Frank KRAHN and family.

Mrs. Rudolph ZITTLOW and son Elmer of Wrightstown were guests with Mrs. and 
Mrs. Gus RISTAU last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed HOGAN and Chalres MORAN attended the funeral of James MCKENNA at Antigo Monday.

Mrs. A. R. COATES and daughter Miss Carol spent several days within the week 
past with relatives in Milwaukee.

Leo P. FOX just re-elected as superintendent of schools of Calumet county was 
here on business Tuesday.

Miss Genevieve DONAHUE and brother Raymond were Sunday guests with their 
sister, Mrs. M. C.RYAN at Marion.

Mr. and Mrs. August SCHEFFLER and daughter Gladys of Appleton were Sunday 
guests with Mr. and Mrs.Harry SCHOLL

Charles BLAIR of Milwaukee Sundayed in the city.

Miss Francis RALPH went to Manitowoc Wednesday to visit friends.

Miss Blance ST. ANDREWS left Wednesday for a week's visit with Green Bay  friends.

Dr. E. MILLS and wife of Appleton were guests of Mrs. J. W. JEWELL Wednesday.

John T. NEARY was called to Oshkosh last Monday to attend the funeral of a  relative.

Rev. F. X. STEINBRECHER took a run over to Cooperstown Wednesday to call on 
his mother.

Mr. and Mrs.Rudolph KILGAS rejoice over the arrival of a baby boy born last  Friday.

Miss Kittie CARNEY of Green Bay spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. 

James BARRETT of Stockbridge arrived Tuesday for a visit with his brother, 

Miss Ida and Willie HEUP of Sherwood were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Jos. HEUP 
and family.

Albert LACASS made a short busines trip to Milwaukee last Friday, returning 
the following day.

Al. SCHUBRING who has been absent at Wausau the past year at millwright work 
returned Wednesday.

Frank LAPPEN and Harry MODER of Appleton were down Sunday to spend the day 
with Kaukauna friends.

Miss Grace GORDON returned to her home at Marinett Saturday after a week's 
visit with Miss Blanche ST. ANDREWS.

Harry SCHOLL, manager for Connor and Ward's toilet paper factory, was at 
Appleton Thursday on business for the company.

Aurel ROBEDEAU and sister Miss Victorine returned Saturday last from a 
several days visit with relatives at Fond du Lac.

Arthur MCCAREY of Antigo, a student at the Marquette College, Milwaukee, 
spent Saturday last with the family of J. W. DOUGHERTY.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter JONES, Mr. and Mrs. Fred JONES, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. SORRENSON  of Green Bay, were guests of Henry JONES and wife Sunday.

Mrs. John BODMAR arrived Tuesday from Waupaca to attend the funeral of her 
son's wife, Mrs. Anton BODMAR, who died at Appleton Monday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. A. HILGENBERG and daughters, Miss Orpha and Mrs. R. P. OLIN were at Appleton Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Anton BODMAR.

Mr. and Mrs. W. O. KITTELL of Iron Mountain arrived Monday for a visit with 
south side relatives, and have been guests with Mrs. and Mrs. C. B. KREBS.

Will J. KOWALKE, assistant cashier at the First National Bank, was at Oshkosh 
Monday evening to attend a meeting of the bank clerks of the Fox River Valley.

John BODMAR of the Wisconsin Veterans Home at Waupaca was in the city 
Wednesday and Thursday to visit his daughter Mrs.G. HILGENBERG. He was at 
Appleton Wednesday and attended the funeral of a relative.

Mrs. William HAWLEY of Sterling, Ill(inois)., and Mrs. J. BARLOW of Chicago, 
arrived the latter part of the week to visit their cousin Mrs. J. T. NEARY 
who has been quite ill for the past seven weeks.

Miss Belle WARNECKE arrived home from Milwaukee Monday to accept a position 
with the Kaukauna Lumber & Manufacturing Co. as stenographer, succeeding Miss 
Edna MOORE recently resigned.

Paul MILLER of Plainfield, Ill(inois). the uncle of the BAUER family of  children who recently lost their father by death, and their mother becoming insane, arrived here last week to care for his sister's family.

Peter LUCAS of Lena, W. M. LUCAS and wife of Valders, Mrs. Peter LUCAS and 
son Frank of Greenleaf were called here this week by the continued and severe 
illness of Mrs. L. E. VANDENBERG.