Kaukauna Times
April 1906

Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, April 1906

Asa RICE, the town of Kaukauna pioneer settler since 1854, has made up his mind to retire from hard labor after 52 years of farming just outside of this city. Mr. RICE has recently had an attack of pneumonia which has left him not as rugged as formerly, and he has concluded to sell his farm, stock and tools and try to take life easier. Mrs. RICE came to Kaukauna when it was mostly a wild forest peopled with Indians and was for many years one of three Republicans of this sections who dared to vote their principles at the polls. Those pioneer days Mr. RICE says, although filled with hardships were none the less times to which he will always look back with pleasure on account of the many pleasant associations with which he was surrounded while carving out a home for himself and family in the primeval forests. The people of those days although not close neighbors as at present, were knit much closer in ties of friendship than is these days of steam and electricity when everything goes with the rush of commercial competition to see which one gets the greatest number of dollars in the shortest space of time.

Asa RICE, Michael HUNT and A. C. BLACK composed that famous trio of pioneer voters composing the first Republican party in Kaukauna, and they were in such a small minority that it was almost as good a declaring for an open knock down fight as to own that they were "black republicans." They would instantly be insulted and Asa RICE carries to this day a crippled hand he got smashing the nasal organ of one of the opposite party.

Mrs. H. d. WING returned from a several days' visit with Fond du Lac friends Saturday.

Undertaker R. J. COAD of Green Bay, formerly of Kaukauna, had charge of the funeral of Mrs. Michael BRAHAN Monday.

Herman DOLVEN, Harold DONAHUE and Henry VERFUERTH visited Leo JARVIS at St. Elizabeth's hospital Sunday.

W. J. QUIGLEY left for Chicago Tuesday on an extended visit.

Abraham JOHNSON spent Monday at Ashland, returning Tuesday morning in time to cast his ballot and hold up the record of the Fifth ward.

Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, April 6, 1906

Mrs. A. PANABAKER spent Friday last with Mrs. S. MCADAMS at Clintonville.

The Misses Lizzie and Susan BLUM have been guests this week of Henry SCHLICHTING and family at Eland.

Kenneth and Melvin MACE of Menasha were Saturday guests with their aunt, Mrs. John LUTTMANN.

John WENDT and sister Isabelle visited last week with Misses Ella STAEBEN and Katie MERTES at Little Rapids.

Mrs. and Mrs. George EVANS of Oshkosh were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. T. W. ARMSTRONG.

Miss Blanch WALL of Antigo was a guest of Miss Marie VANHECKE part of last week.

Dr. J. L. BARBER removed Monday to Greenwood, Clark county, where he will locate. He was previously located in the village which is one of the growing little towns of the north, and owns one of the largest business blocks there. His household goods left here Monday.

Miss Emma KONRAD returned from a several days' visit with relatives at Oshkosh Tuesday.

Mrs. Henry KIRCHER of Antigo arrived Monday to visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. TOWSLEY.

Bert KRESS, assistant engineer on the Rib River bridge, and James GARVEY were down to Kaukauna Sunday. Mr. KRESS to consult Engineer D. ROUNSVILLE and Mr. GARVEY to visit his family.

Buy your sees at H. SCHOLL's. He has a big stock in bulk.

Wenzel BROCHEK, stone cutter at Duck Creek on bridge work for the Northwestern railroad company, was here Sunday to visit his family.

Mrs. Samuel SCHWARTZ of North Fond du Lac arrived Monday to visit Mrs. James SHEAN.

Yardmaster F. ST. ANDREWS and wife departed Monday to spend several days in Chicago.

All kinds of farm and garden seeds in bulk at H. School's Telephone, No. 180.

Miss Vivian TAYLOR of Appleton was a guest Saturday and Sunday of Miss Iva KREBS.

Mr. and Mrs. O. H. RUNTE were called to Hilbert Monday by the death of the widow of Mr. RUNTE's brother, Mrs. Theodore RUNTE. The funeral was held Tuesday and was attended also by Mrs. H. T. RUNTE and Dr. and Mrs. C. A. WHITENACK.

Thomas MALONE returned Saturday from a week's trip to Roscoe, South Dakota.

Attorney J. A. KITTELL of Green Bay was in the city Tuesday to visit his brother, L. E. KITTELL.

Pat CORCORAN came home from Chicago Monday to visit his family and cast his ballot in the spring election. Pat says it isn't every man who would travel that far to vote when there was no more excitement on than there was in Kaukauna this spring

Master Mechanic S. C. GRAHAM removed Tuesday from the south side to the BECKER residence on Catherine street, north side.

T. W. BROWN, sheriff of Manitowoc county, was in Kaukauna a short time Saturday.

O. H. RUNTE cordially invites you to call and see the finest assortment of rich portiers, beautiful rugs, and handsome Richardson carpets ever shown here.

P. MCCORMICK, proprietor of one of the large coal and wood yards at Green Bay, was here Saturday and called on his cousin, Mrs. Martin MORRIS. Mr. MCCORMICK has been engaged two weeks buying hay at Little Chute.

Miss Alice MCCARTY of Kaukauna visited relatives and friends in this city Sunday.

Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, April 13, 1906

The co-partnership heretofore existing between Charles H. RISTAU and Gus W. RISTAU, under the firm name of RISTAU Bros. has been dissolved, Gus RISTAU retiring from the firm and Charles RISTAU assuming all the property interests. The property involved and which has been owned by the Messr. RISTAU includes Hotel RISTAU, Columbia Park, Columbia hall, and various other real estate interests in the First ward, also the house-moving business. Charles RISTAU will continue the hotel business at the old stand and also manage the park and other interests. Gus RISTAU has not as yet decided upon what line of business he will establish himself in but contemplates remaining in Kaukauna and after the full adjustment of the matters pertaining to the dissolution and transfer will decide upon future plans.

George KRAHN came near losing one of his eyes Monday while doing up a small parcel at the Kaukauna Drug company's store by the breaking of a rubber band which struck the pupil with considerable force. The injury is yielding to treatment.


W. S. MULFORD, the hustling clothier, established a new record Saturday by
the sale of twenty-eight suits. This is going some even for MULFORD.

At a meeting of the county jail committee Monday the iron work of the county jail was sold to Undersheriff T. H. MITCHELL, the highest bidder, for $325. Following are the figures of other bidders: Fox River Iron and Metal Company, $300; ROSENTHAL & GREENBERG, $285; Appleton Iron and Metal company, $275; J. ROSENBLOOM, $250.

R. W. HAYES came near losing his buggy Monday by running it into the tail race near his office for the purpose of washing it. He was cautious about getting it in deep water but notwithstanding it dropped into a depression and the swift current caught the box and in an instant the vehicle started down stream. it had gone only a few feet when it came in contact with a rock which held it until it was drawn out. The force of the current was so great that it required two men to get it to dry land.

John FREDENDALL, inspector of road engines for the Ashland division, was made the recipient of a beautiful solid gold Masonic charm at the regular Sunday meeting of the Third Year class of whom he has been the instructor since its organization. Twelve of the members forming the class of firemen joined in presenting Mr. FREDENDALL with his splendid memento of their esteem towards him. George DEGUIRE made the presentation a few well chosen words which were feelingly responded to by Mr. FREDENDALL.

Will MCCARTY engaged on the slitter at the Thilmany Pulp and Paper company's mill got his wrist badly cut Saturday afternoon. It just escaped severing the main artery and took seven stitches to close the wound. MCCARTY is nineteen years old and is a son of Mrs. Elizabeth MCCARTY on Lawe street.

John KROEGER, E. T. WEISSENBERG, John DIETZ, Theodore KORTZ, Daniel HOH, James BAILEY, Jacob MEYER, Charles GRIMM and Lawrence WEBER, all prominent farmers of Outagamie county, were defendants in an action brought before Justice H. J. MULHOLLAND Saturday by the Wisconsin Farmers' Mutual Hail and Cyclone Insurance company of Juneau. The company brought the action for the purpose of securing assessments on policies issued to the defendants, covering their crops for the years 1903, 1904, and 1905, ranging in amounts from $2 to $25 each. Four of the defendants settled by paying the following amounts: john KROEGER $24.34; E. F. WEISSENBERG, $12.45; Jacob DIETZ, $10; Daniel HOH, $6.70. Judgements were rendered against the following by default;....didn't get the rest.