Kaukauna Times
February 1906

Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, Feb. 9, 1906

Frederick BLOOMBERG of Pekin, Ill., is in the city visiting his brother William BLOOMBERG and wife.

Mr. and Mrs. G. W. MOCKLEY of Menasha visited in the family of Chas. O'BRIEN and family on Sunday.

Miss Leone KRAHN of the Milwaukee Normal was home Saturday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. KRAHN,

Green Bay Advocate: - Miss Cora FILLER spent a few days in Kaukauna last week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George SMITH.

Miss Minerva NEWHOUSE of Milwaukee arrived Saturday for a month's visit with relatives in Kaukauna, Appleton and Freedom.

One hundred and fifty new dress ginghams at MARTENS. Buy them now while the assortment is complete. Price 11 cents per yard.

Antigo Republican: - Miss Winnie SULLIVAN entertained on Monday evening in honor of her guest, Miss Barbara KRAMER of Kaukauna.

Miss Lilly SULLIVAN of Milwaukee arrived Saturday to spend Sunday with her brother, Dr. W. C. SULLIVAN, and sister, Mrs. W. N. NOLAN.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph VILAS left Monday for a six weeks sojourn in the sunny south. They were destined for the Islands of Cuba and Jamaica.

Mrs. Geo. BOMBARD and daughter left yesterday for New York where they will reside in the future. Mr. BOMBARD having secured employment there.

Appleton Post: - Miss Margaret NEWHOUSE of Kaukauna and Miss Minerva NEWHOUSE of Milwaukee are in the city to spend a few days with N. H. ADRIANS and family.

Brown County Democrat: - The Misses Jean and Julia HEALY and Stella SEMPIER visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. DOHERTY at Kaukauna recently.

Charles MCCARTHY of Duluth spent last week with his mother, Mrs. Abbie MCCARTHY. Mr. MCCARTHY is an engineer on the Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic railroad. [Amy - any ideas???]

Thomas MALONE returned Monday night from an extended visit in the northern part of the state where he had been inspecting certain lands in which he is interested.

Mrs. J. A. STRATHEARN was at Milwaukee Friday and Saturday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph WALTERLIN. Mr. WALTERLIN remains about the same in health. Mrs. STRATHEARN presented him with a bouquet of carnations from the Woman's Relief corps in Kaukauna.

Mrs. William HINNENTHAL and her daughter Miss Martha called on friends at Appleton Monday.

Mrs. William LANG is spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Herman REMPTER of Freedom.

Mrs. W. A. KELSO returned Wednesday from Neenah where she had been to visit her mother, Mrs. DONAHUE.

Mrs. Robert MITCHELL has had a very severe attack of pneumonia but it is now thought she is past the danger point.

Miss Bertha LAMBIE departed Friday for Milwaukee where she will make her home with her sister, Mrs. E. NELSON.

Arthur ULRICH is at Hawkins on the Sault Ste. Marie Road, engaged in loading cars. He left for that point Saturday.

Miss Martha HINNENTHAL departed Tuesday for Black Creek to spend a week with her brother, Rev. Gerhard HINNENTHAL.

Miss Annie WARD was at St. Elizabeth's hospital at Appleton Friday to visit Miss Grace HAMILTON who is having her eyes treated.

Miss Nettie LOWERY and Miss Cora LAMBIE returned Monday from a two weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Frank POSER at Little Rapids.

Miss Margaret RAUBER of Ft. Atkinson who was in the city the guest of her aunt Mrs. A. A. KERN since Wednesday, returned Monday.

Miss Julia FRITZ, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas FRITZ, was married last week to a thrifty young farmer at Chiocton, Mr. James FLOY.

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. LYNCH, who spent several weeks in Kaukauna and vicinity visiting relatives, departed Sunday for LaCrosse where they will visit a few days before leaving for their home at Larimore, N. Dakota.

Capt. C. E. MOODY and wife of Milwaukee are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. GARY, the ladies being sisters. Mr. MOODY is captain of the excursion steamer Christopher Columbus which plies between Milwaukee and Chicago.

The funeral of Mich. CHOPIN, who was killed at Combined Locks paper mill by getting caught in a shaft, was held from Holy Cross Church Saturday morning at 9 o'clock, the Rev. Father RHODE conducting the services. The pallbearers consisted of three papermakers, M. BURKHART, F. GARLICH, M. GERHARZ, and three members of the Modern Woodmen, John WEST, John BUKOWSKY and Frank HOBERG. The decedent carried life insurance to the extent of $5,500.

In county court last Tuesday, Nellie BOMBARD of Kaukauna filed a claim against the estate of Eva SINGLER for $100 for services rendered for care and nursing. The claim was compromised out of court.

County Judge Henry KREISS will be called upon to determine the disposition of $5,000 left by Perry WINTERS of Seymour, who died twenty-four hours after he had been appointed administrator of his mother's estate. Mr. WINTERS died intestate and left no relatives.

Hulda PETERSON entertained about a dozen young friends, Monday afternoon at the home of her father, Frank PETERSON, the occasion being her ninth birthday anniversary. A luncheon, which included a birthday cake, was served and a pleasant time was enjoyed.

A party of friends gave Jacob KOUTNICK a surprise Friday evening in honor of his birthday aniversary. Cards and refreshments rounded out a most pleasant evening. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank SCHREINER, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. NAGAN, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob RUPERT, Mr. and Mrs. WIlliam KLUMB, Mr. and Mrs. LUMMERDING, Mr. and Mrs. LICHT and Mr. and Mrs. Frank FOSTER.

[LOL] At this time of the year when every community in the state is threatened with an outbreak of smallpox, a number of medical journals are advising all persons to eat, once or twice a week, of good lettuce, which they say had sufficient medicinal properties to ward off an attack of the dangerous disease. Since an ounce of precaution is worth a pound of cure, would it not be wise to become a lover and user of lettuce?

Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, Feb 16, 1906

Miss Allie FARGO spent Sunday with friends at Appleton.

Frank SCHMITT called on Wrightstown friends Sunday.

Mrs. F. F. BECKER called on friends in Appleton Saturday.

Rev. and Mrs. A. J. BUXTON visited Appleton friends Monday.

Miss Stella TANNER of Appleton visited Kaukauna relatives Monday.

Master Milbert LANGLOIS of Oconto spent Sunday with south side relatives.

John SUMMERS of Forest Junction was a guest Friday at the home of P. FOX.

Mr. and Mrs. L. J. MEYERS spent Sunday with Mr. MEYERS' parents at Appleton.

George PRESGRAVES of Gillette was the guest of Kaukauna relatives over Sunday.

B. L. ROLFE of Broadhead was in the city last week to visit his sister Mrs. S. TAYLOR.

James NEARY of Oshkosh was in the city Friday to visit his brother J. T. NEARY and family.

Manager George FARGO of the Kaukauna Fiber company was at Neenah Monday on business.

Mrs. Rosa KAFER of Green Bay who was here visiting her brother Michael ABB, returned Monday.

Mrs. Mary WATSON is teaching this week in place of Miss Elizabeth SMITH who is absent from school.

Manager W. M. HOYT of the Union Bag and Paper company was at Appleton Monday on business.

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas FAUST spent Sunday at Green Bay with their daughter Mrs. Joseph BERENDSEN.

Appleton Post: Miss Amanda MCNAUGHTON was in the city Monday afternoon calling on friends.

Mrs. Robert SCHOLL of Appleton spent Monday afternoon with her sister Miss Margaret NEWHOUSE. [anyone connected to this family - please contact me off list - thanks Flag14 @aol.com]

Dr. S. A. BRADY and wife of Chicago were guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry SAUBERT.

Miss Mamie GOHEEN of Maple Grove arrived last Friday for a several days visit with her friend, Miss Lizzie FOX.

F. J. SOLAR is an Oshkosh visitor today.

Simon BACH has gone to Milwaukee for a weeks' vacation.

Mrs. Charles SCOTT departed for New London Wednesday to visit relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. ROLFS of Depere spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. TAYLOR.

George WATSON of Fond du Lac was in Kaukauna Thursday visiting relatives.

Mrs. John KAVANAUGH returned Saturday from a visit with relatives at Antigo.

Frank GARLICH moved into the John REUTER house on Depot street Wednesday.

Edward NAGAN of Milwaukee spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. NAGAN.

Joseph MCCARTY, Jr. spent Sunday at Appleton at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert SCHOLL. [anyone connected to these families-please contact me off list]

Mrs. Spencer HAWKINS was called to Waupaca Saturday by the illness of Mrs. OZIER, a relative.

William TOBAS and wife of Iola were in the city this week guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam DARROW.

Green Bay Gazette: George PORTMAN of Kaukauna is in the city to enlist in the United Sates army.

FECHTER's big clearing sale is on and will continue for three weeks. A word to the wise is sufficient.

Miss Grace CUTLER entertained a company f friends Saturday in honor of her sixteenth birthday anniversary.

Mrs. B. A. MORGAN of Milwaukee, who spent the past week the guest of Mrs. A. R. COATES left Thursday for Fond du Lac.

Mrs. J. A. STRATHEARN was one of the prize winners at a valentine party given by Mrs. J. M. BAER at Appleton Wednesday afternoon.

A boathouse belonging to Dr. J. S. REEVE of Appleton broke away from its moorings and narrowly escaped going over the Kimberly dam.

Louis PATNAUDE of Manitowoc, well known in Kaukauna has removed to Plattville, where he assumed the management of the Columia hotel.

Henry FAUST of Appleton was in kaukauna Wednesday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nic FAUST, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles FAUST and wife.

Mrs. Elizabeth DAYTON and brother Richard DAWSON returned this morning from Rome where they went to attend the funeral of a cousin Tuesday.

Ed. BEYER lerft fo Los Angeles, Cal., Thursday, having secured a position with Joseph BAILEY, formerly of Kaukauna in the plumbing business.

Mrs. A. A. RORK was down from Appleton Sunday to attend the memorial services at the methodist church and to visit her daughter, mrs. H. S. COOKE.

Mr. and Mrs. James H. DELBRIDGE of Oconto Falls spent Sunday in Kaukauna, guests with J. B. Delbridge returned Monday and Mrs. DELBRIDGE Wednesday.

Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, Feb 23, 1906

Mr. and Mrs. BEADELL of Chicago will open the Transient house about March 1.

The annual meting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union will be held at the home of Mrs. MILLER next Friday afternoon.

Mrs. H. A. EMERY enjoyed the pleasure of an impromptu visit Tuesday afternoon from a number of ladies, the occasion being her birthday.

For sale at a bargain! A six room dwelling on sixth street. Good well. Water connections to curb and sewer drainage. Inquire of Ferdinand WIGGERS for terms.

Pillsbury's Best, Washburn's Best and Fine Work Flour, $4.80 per barrel, or $4.50 in two barrel lots, at H. SCHOLL's local distributor. Pillsbury's Magnet $4.60 per barrel. Telephone No. 180.

A. S. VOSE of the town of Kaukauna received orders Monday from Washington to appear Wednesday before the Pension Examining Board for the purpose of examination for increase of pension.

Henry VERHAGEN who is engaged in building a cheese factory in the town of Freedom hauled his lumber Tuesday from the Kaukauna Lumber and Manufacturing company's yard. The size of the building will be 24 x 36 feet.

Miss Margaret CORCORAN sent roses home to her parents Wednesday from Ft. PIERCE, Florida, just gathered fresh out of doors, and told of being out in the garden picking ripe tomatoes. She is at the sea coast and enjoying the pleasure of cruising in a steam yacht up and down the east Florida coast, and also the pleasure of ocean bathing and fishing.

Gus JOHNSON was at Oshkosh Tuesday on business.

L. SCHREINER spent Sunday with friends at Appleton.

Mr. and Mrs. A. WERTHEIMER left Wednesday for a trip to Chicago.

Miss Laura HAYES of Appleton was a recent guest of Kaukauna friends.

Mrs. Oscar Frank of Oshkosh was a guest of Mrs. H. J. DARTON this week.

Mrs. H. BROADBENT went to Manitowoc Thursday to spend a few days with

Miss Bessie TAYLOR of Menominee, Mich., is a guest in the family of F. SCHREINER

Oscar SCHMALL of Collins spent Monday in Kaukauna, a guest of Wm. KLUMB and family.

Mrs. W. S. MULFORD departed for Milwaukee Tuesday to visit her sister, Mrs. HAMLIN.

Mrs. S. MCADAMS of Clintonville was in Kaukauna Wednesday calling on old friends.

F. G. MERTON, north side liveryman who was at Fond du Lac on business, returned Saturday.

Mrs. Milo KUTCHIN of Welcome arrived Tuesday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. WING.

Miss Verna PEQUIN of the Oshkosh normal spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore PEQUIN.

Miss Blanche ST. ANDREWS who spent a week at Gladstone the guest of her cousin, returned Wednesday.

John FRANK departed Saturday for Fond du Lac to visit his daughter Mrs. Jos. DIEDERICH for a week.

Antigo News Item: The Rev. ROBB of Kaukauna is spending the week with the family of his daughter, Mrs. H. L. WIRTZ.

Miss Leona KRAHN of the Sate Normal school at Oshkosh was hoe Wednesday evening to attend the Senior Prom.

The Misses Maud DELANEY and Nona DEVINE of Appleton attended the Fox club dance at Heindel's hall Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred MOORE of Menasha were in the city Sunday to spend the day with their daughter, Mrs. Jos. DRIESSEN.

Dr. C. D. BOYD, pension examining physician was at Appleton Wednesday to attend the regular monthly session of the board.

Mrs. W. M. DAVEY has been dangerously ill the past week with an attack of pneumonia but at present is thought to be on the way to recovery.

Fred KLUMB who has been attending Lawrence university, left last week for Madison to continue his studies in engineering at the Wisconsin university.