Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, Feb. 1, 1910
Miss Cora LAMPSON is in Chicago, where she will visit a few weeks with
Bruce LARKIN of Milwaukee is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Miss Cora JOHNSON who visited with Miss Ina VanVUREN last week, has returned
to her home at Scandinavia.
Harry TUBBS, who has been visiting Seymour relatives and friends, has
returned to Milwaukee where he is employed.
Elmer BLACK visited with Seymour friends last week.
W. D. BOYDEN who has been at Chicago last week to purchase new goods, has
returned home.
William MUEHL, son of Mr. and Mrs. William MUEHL, was married to Miss Helen
HERMAN in Chicago on Saturday. The bride's home is in Tomahawk, Wis.
Mrs. John MELTER, Jr., is visiting with relatives and friends at Milwaukee
and Waukesha.
George FALCK was in Milwaukee last week to visit with his son Ray.
J. WERBELOWSKY, and Mrs. KRONE and daughter of Milwaukee, Mr. and Mrs. K.
FELD and Mr. and Mrs. B. FELD of Plymouth were here to celebrate the 15th
anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. WERBELOWSKY's wedding which occurred Thursday
27th. A good time was had by all.
Mrs. M. FELTON was at Green Bay a few days last week to visit with her
sister-in-law Mrs. William MILLER, who is very ill at a Green Bay hospital.
Henry NICKEL of Tebo Kansas, and Miss Katheryn BALLHEIM were married Thursday
evening, Jan 20, by Rev. C. STARKWEATHER. They will be at home in Seymour
after Feb 3rd.
Frank SCHWEGER, who has been visiting with his mother, Mrs. Rob SCHWEGER has
returned to Minneapolis.
Miss Hulda BARTLER is seriously ill.
Ernest KRUEGER was in town last week on business.
Fred and Charles PAULEY are at Leona on business.
Kaukauna Assembly No. 11, Equitable Fraternal Union, will give their annual
hard times dance at LINDAUER's hall Wednesday evening February 2. Prizes will
be offered to the two couples appearing in costumes most befitting poverty and
hard times. Fines will be imposed for wearing cuffs, collars, jewelry,
polished shoes, etc. The Olympic orchestra will furnish the music. tickets 49
per couple, 23 cents for extra ladies.
Several changes were made on Wisconsin avenue Monday. Charles J. JANSKY moved
his undertaking parlors form the DEVINE building into the SCHUBER building on
the corner of Lawe and Wisconsin Avenue. Edward KREBSER, who occupied J. d.
LAWE's building has moved his jewelry stock into the HAMEL building on the
avenue which was recently occupied by Miss McCARTY's dressmaking parlors.
Miss Henrietta BRIGHAM, of Lawrence college, Appleton, spent Monday with H.
S. COOKE and family.
Miss Edna HARWOOD and Miss Sadie KINCH of Appleton were the guests of Miss
Margaret McCARTY Sunday.
John BANKER returned Saturday from a two weeks' visit with relatives at
Berlin and Glen Flora.
Mrs. Luther LINDAUER called on friends at Appleton Monday.
Charles TOWSLEY spent Sunday with Appleton friends.
Mrs. Frank MAYBERRY, of Milwaukee is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. A. PARTON.
Miss Charlotte McCARTY was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nic ADRIANS at
Appleton Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. M. CARL, of Wausau, is in the city spending two weeks with her sister,
Mrs. Louis BRANDT.
The Ladies Society of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran church will met at the
home of Mrs. William SMITH Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Silas BUCK and daughter, Miss Dora BUCK, who have been visiting Mrs.
BUCK's sister, Miss Helen BUTLER and brothers Frank and George, left Monday
for Portland, Oregon where they will make their future home. Mr. BUCK and
sons went west several months ago and are delighted with the west.
Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, Feb 5, 1910
Mrs. Jane LOCKERY is recovering from a severe Illness.
Edward REITZNER is able to be out after a several days' illness.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard LEMKE, Franklin street, yesterday.
Sheriff A. G. KOCH and son were is Manitowoc today visiting Mr. KOCH's mother.
Miss Emma OPPERMAN, of McMillan, visited friends in this city a few days this
Mr. and Mrs. Anton HECKEL were surprised by a party of neighbors Friday
night. Cards were the feature of the evening.
The Dale Recorder says that David BALLIET, of that place, is recovering from
a severe attack of sickness.
The first special train of SUNKIST [newspaper's capitalization] Oranges is on
its way from Sunny California and will reach this market in time for the
special sale which takes place next week. Nearly two and one half million
Oranges will be distributed in this territory and it is expected they will all
be disposed of within the next week.
Dennis McCARTY died Friday morning at 2 o'clock, at the age of ninety years,
general debility causing the end. He has been confined to his home on Taylor
street since Monday. Mr. McCARTY was born at Cork, Ireland, and has resided in
Kaukauna forty-seven years. Daughter, Mrs. Anna GLENN of North Port
Washington, Mrs. Ellen BALDWIN of Florida, Mrs. Lottie FLANAGAN of Tomahawk.
Margaret CORCORAN and Misses Mayme and Katharine of Kaukauna, and three sons,
and Florence of Minnesota, and Richard of Kaukauna. One brother, Charles,
father of Michael McCARTY who was murdered by Wenzel KABAT, resides at Mankato,
Kansas. Mr. McCARTY has forty grandchildren and five great grandchildren.
The funeral services will be held Monday morning at nine o'clock from Holy
Cross church. Rev. Father LOCHMAN officiating. The pallbearers will be his six
grandchildren, Joseph and Raymond McCARTY, Michael and Gilbert CORCORAN, and
William and Daniel McCARTY.
Harry SCHOLL has purchased of Mrs. Max MEYER of Green Bay the vacant lot on
the northwest corner of Doty and Kaukauna streets.
Miss Sallie BELL visited Appleton friends Friday.
Mrs. J. A. STRATHEARN, Mrs. C. W. STRIBLEY and Mrs. A. CARNEY were at Oshkosh
Thursday and Friday attending the annual meeting of the Consumers' League.
Mrs. Michael KEELAN is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Jos. CLARK
of Depere.
Thomas MALONE of Roscoe, South Dakota, formerly of Kaukauna, is in the city
greeting old friends.
Miss Bardine VANDENBERG has gone to New Orleans where she will be the guest
of her aunt, Mrs. LaMERE for six weeks.
Mrs. CARSON of Appleton is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Will LEE.
Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, Feb 8, 1910
Mr. and Mrs. John FARWELL entertained about thirty of their friends Sunday
evening at their home on Sarah street in honor of their guests, Miss Florence
FLYNN of Waterloo.
A sleigh ride party of twenty married people spent Sunday afternoon and
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike WEISS at Hollandtown. Everyone enjoyed
ride and the visit and supper which took place with their host and hostess.
A party of fifteen young people went on a sleigh ride party Sunday to Neenah,
where they were entertained in a royal fashion at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John KEELAN, formerly of Kaukauna.
Mrs. EHERT and daughters of Appleton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
KORTZ Sunday.
John NEISEN, Jr., of Laport, Ind., is in the city spending a few days with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John NEISEN.
Mrs. Henry TUTTLE is seriously ill with an attack of erysipelas.
Max SCHOETZ of Menasha, was in Kaukauna on business Monday.
Mrs. Max LEMKE and daughters, Misses Alma and viola visited Appleton friends
Frank METCALF and daughter Eleanor of Berlin were the guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. O'BRIEN Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Alice McCARTY, who was called home by the death of her grandfather,
returned to St. Mary Springs academy at Fond du Lac Monday.
Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, Feb 11, 1910
At the meeting of the council last night the salaries for the officials were
fixed for the coming year. The mayor is to get $150, the city clerk was raised
from $75 to $85 a month, $600 will be divided among the ten aldermen, while
the marshal will receive the same pay as the past year.
Engineer W. E. SPURR met with an accident Wednesday which might have proved
serious. As he was climbing into his cab he slipped on the icy steps, striking
his head and cutting a deep gash in it.
The Rio Tamasopo Sugar Company which has had its main office in Milwaukee,
has moved its headquarters to Kaukauna as all the officers reside here and will
occupy rooms in the Wendt block. The officers are President, Dr. H. B. TANNER;
vice president, F. M. CHARLESWORTH; secretary, John a. WATSON and treasurer
Dr. C. D. BOYD.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon SHIRLEY, formerly of Hilbert, are the guests of Mrs.
SHIRLEY's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. GLASS. Mr. SHIRLEY has until recently been
editor of the Hilbert Favorite, but has sold out and expects to establish a job
office in Appleton.
Mrs. B. FINNEGAN of Pelican Lake, is in the city visiting her daughter, Mrs.
R. B. POWERS. Florence McCARTY has returned to St. Paul after attending the
funeral of his father, Dennis McCARTY.
Miss Grace HAIGHT of Green Bay is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Roland WOLF
for a few days.
Mrs. Matt HELF who was here to attend the funeral of her brother, Attorney
Joseph CHOPIN returned to her home at Millinocket, Maine, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank HOBERG left Wednesday for Fond du Lac where they will
spend several days visiting relatives.
Miss Emily MONTGOMERY of Appleton is the guest of her brother, W. B.
Mrs. John FLANAGAN, who was called home by the death of her father, Dennis
McCARTY returned Wednesday to Tomahawk.
Charles O'BOYLE has gone to Antigo on business.
Hugo WEIFENBACH was summoned to Madison Monday by a message announcing the
serious illness of his mother.
Mrs. Henry SCHUBERT left Monday for Menasha to visit her sisters, Mrs. Robert
William CHOPIN was at St. VINCENT's hospital in Green Gay Sunday to visit his
nephew, Olma HOULE, who was shot accidentally and was there for an operation.
Miss Elizabeth STARKE was a Sunday visitor with Kaukauna friends.
Ed. CARLSON spent Sunday with friends and relatives in Milwaukee.
Miss Martha KOWALKE spent Saturday and Sunday with friends at Manitowoc.
Mrs. Arthur LEMKE who was at Wayside last week visiting friends has returned.
Alfred WAGNITZ is at Crivitz spending a week with John PARENT, formerly of
Miss Bessie BOYD of Chicago is in the city visiting her brother Dr. C. D.
BOYD and wife.
Mrs. and Mrs. C. W. STRIBLEY spent Wednesday and Thursday with friends in
Joseph McCARTY has been in Chicago this week attending the annual Cement
Mr. and Mrs. Robert ZILSKE, of Appleton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
William KILGAS.
Misses Minnie and Paula CARNOT and Martha KOWALKE spent Sunday last with
friends at Manitowoc.
Mrs. Henry KIRCHER of Antigo has been a guest this week of her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. TOWSLEY.
F. A. KRUEGER of Mason City, Iowa, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
William KILGAS Tuesday.
Mrs. John WITTMAN went to Seymour Tuesday for a visit with relatives before
departing for Milwaukee.
Miss Mabel FARREL returned Thursday from a several weeks visit with relatives
and friends at Maribel.
Mrs. Arthur BIGFORD spent several days last week with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. LEWIS at Hortonville.
F. J. SOLAR took a run down to Mayville Saturday morning to look after some
land interests for a couple of days.
Miss Mollie GAFFNEY of Escanaba, Mich., is spending a couple of weeks at the
home of her uncle W. D. GAFFNEY and wife.
Miss Mayme CONLIN called on Green Bay friends Wednesday.
Mrs. Fred NICHOLAS was at Appleton Wednesday to visit her sister Mrs. Elmer
Mrs. George RHODES and children of Oconto is here visiting her mother, Mrs.
Eliza GRIEM.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar VIELE who were at Wausau visiting friends the past week,
returned Monday.
Mrs. A. A. BABCOCK of Appleton spent Tuesday afternoon and night with her son
Dr. F. C. BABCOCK and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred WERNER were at Oshkosh Sunday and spent the day with their
daughter, Mrs. Pauline MOYER.
Mrs. Anton FRANK and children will spend Sunday with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry WOELZ, Green Bay.
Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, Feb 19, 1910
John and Barney CORCORAN were called to Fond du Lac Friday by the death of
their mother which occured at the hospital early Friday morning. Death being due
to pneumonia. A strange coincidence is that only a week ago Mrs. Barney
CORCORAN buried her father, Dennis McCARTY, and two years ago this month within
week of each other, Mrs. COROCRAN buried her brother, Joseph McCARTY and Mr.
CORCORAN his brother, Michael.
Mrs. F. C. BABCOCK was hostess to the Lady Elks at the Elks club rooms Friday