Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, Jan 20,
Dan DONOVAN is selling off his furniture at private sale. Call at
residence on Canal Street.
Andrew CARNEGIE has endowed Lawrence University with $50,000 with which
to build a library.
The new Catholic parsonage at Little Chute is now finished. It is one of
the finest in the state costing in all about $12,000.
Jos. MCCARTY has been engaged this week in harvesting the annual ice
crop for the Chicago and Northwestern Railway company.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert HAMILTON have issued cards announcing the marriage
of their daughter, Miss Bertha, next Wednesday, to Mr. Geo. WINNINGHOFF.
Fire! Fire! Fire! There wasn't much of it, but just enough to smoke
things up and damage the goods at FECHTER's. Patrons are now getting the
benefit in cut prices.
The Relief Society will met with Mrs. Fred OTT next Thursday afternoon.
A sleighload of young folks from this city spent Sunday evening with the
family of Henry HUPFAUF at Darboy.
The sixth, seventh, and eighth grade pupils of Nicollet School and their
teachers, the Misses Minnie MANION and Carrie NELSON, went on a sleigh
ride party to Appleton Thursday afternoon.
Ed. POLLOCK of Collins, Manitowoc County, has purchased the August FUNK
residence on Sixth Street, consideration $850, and will remove to this
city as soon as Mr. FUNK can find another residence and give possession.
Peter FELLER has purchased the Dr. TITUS residence on Taylor Street,
First Ward, consideration $1,850 This is one of the new and modern
residences of the city, fully equipped with all improvements, and
certainly went at a low figure. Mr. FELLER will lease the place.
Operator Frank SCHATZKE at the north side depot for the Chicago and
Northwestern Railroad Company, received a telegram Wednesday announcing
the death of John YOUNG at Little Rapids. He was formerly night operator
with Mr. SCHATZKE and resigned two months ago on account of poor health.
The Woman's Relief Corps held installation of officers last Friday
evening the ceremony being conducted by Mrs. Sophia STRATHEARN, past
president of the local corps. Paul H. BEAULIEU Post No 247, G.A.R. also
held their installation immediately afterwards, Capt. BROWER conducting
the same.
A much needed improvement is just being put in at the Wisconsin division
depot of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad Company. Workmen commenced
Thursday morning tearing out the old floor which has done yeoman service
to the past twenty years and are laying down a new one of Georgia pine.
Shoes that formerly sold anywhere from $2.50 to $4.50 are going this
week for $1.00 per pair at FECHTER's Fire and Clearing sale. And you get
your pick from over two hundred pair at that.