Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, Jan 1, 1909
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph KILGAS and little son of Fond du Lac came up Saturday
to spend a few days with relatives.
Mr. & Mrs. John EGILDSON have returned form a week's visit with Mr.
EGILDSON's parents at Marquette, Mich.
If you forgot to remember any of your friends with a Christmas gift,
send it for New Years. It will be just as acceptable.
Mrs. Jos. DERFUS left for Milwaukee Monday to enjoy a several days'
visit with her daughter, Mrs. Edward LaCASS.
Mauk (?) HAYES is home from the Madison university to spend his holiday
vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. HAYES.
Geo. KRAHN, who is attending Medical College at Ann Arbor, Michigan, is
among the Kaukauna boys who are home for holiday vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'BOYLE of Milwaukee were Christmas guests of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. O'BOYLE and Mr. and Mrs. Otto RUNTE.
Oscar THOMPSON, who is attending the Madison university, is home
spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. THOMPSON.
Mrs. Wm. J. DOHERTY of Sturgis, South Dakota, is enjoying a visit with
Kaukauna friends, a guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard SCHURR.
A letter from Eldred S. GLASS announces his return from the canal zone,
where he has been employed on the Panama canal for about a year, to his
home at Fort Wayne, Indiana.
The fire department was called out last Thursday evening on account of a
small blaze at the McCarty home on Reaume avenue. The damage did not
amount to much the blaze being extinguished before the arrival of the
Charles O'BOYLE who has been in he employ of Supt. J. p. CANTILLION at
Casper, Wyoming, for some time, is home for a visit with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Mich. O'BOYLE. The western clime seems to have agreed with
him as he returns greatly improved in health.
Messers. Ed. and Walter GRAY have returned to Chicago to resume their
duties after a Christmas visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Mr. and Mrs. George MITCHELL spent Sunday with Mr. MITCHELL's mother,
Mrs. Robert MITCHELL, of the town of Kaukauna, who is recovering from a
serious illness.
Mrs. J. A. STRATHEARN, district installing officer of the Woman's Relief
Corps, begins the work of the new year at Green Bay by installing the
officers of the T. O. HOWE Woman's Relief Corps.
John HETTINGER, referee in the Kimberly incorporation procedure, has set
the date for the hearing, Jan 2. The attorneys and witnesses will appear
before him at the court house, where the testimony will be taken.
While working with a steam engine at the LOOKER farm near New London,
Will ROBINSON was drawn into the machinery by his clothing catching on a
set screw. His clothing was torn off, leg broken and arm and head
Charles BLAIR is home from Denver, Colorado, for a visit with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William BLAIR. He is carrying on arm in a sling
having had it injured a few days before his departure from the west by
being thrown from a horse.
It is wonderful how the small boys escape death or serious injuries in
their efforts to catch rides on bob sleighs. Nearly every bob sleigh has
from six to a dozen youngsters hanging on or trying to flip the bob. The
practice is dangerous and parents should warn the children against it.
Messers. Roland OZBURN, Henry SMITH, Peter HOOLIHAN, Al. SCHUBRING, Fred
WAGNITZ and son Henry, who have been employed for some time on the high
school building which is being erected by the Geo. L. SMITH company at
Galesville, were home to spend the Christmas holiday with their
A settlement has been reached between representatives of the Standard
Accident Insurance company of Detroit and H. E. DUTTON of Green Bay,
whereby the latter receives $2,500 for the death of his daughter, Miss
Elsie DUTTON, who was recently killed in a collision between the
automobile in which she was riding and a street car.
The KOWALKE family have enjoyed a reunion this week all of the children
being home for Christmas, Emil KOWALKE of Detroit, Prof Otto KOWALKE,
one of the instructors at the Madison university, Miss Erna KOWALKE,
nurse at the Passavant hospital, Milwaukee, and E. E. KOWALKE, who is
attending the seminary at Wauwatoss, besides those at home.
The Consumer's League held their annual election of officers Tuesday
afternoon at the public library. The resignation of Mrs. O. M. FARWELL
as secretary and treasurer was accepted. Mrs. Charles W. STRIBLEY was
elected president and Mrs. E. B. McPHERSON secretary and treasurer.
Frank KERN has just received the material for a new gasoline launch
which he intends to build during his leisure moments between now and the
opening of navigation next spring. The craft will be twenty-two feet in
length and will be equipped with a six horse power engine.
Mr. and Mrs. H. KAHNERT of Reedsville, formerly of Kaukauna, were given
a delightful surprise Friday evening by about sixty friends in honor of
their wooden wedding anniversary. The guests came well provided with
provision and they also brought with them numerous gifts, among them a
beautiful buffet, half a dozen dining chairs and a well filled purse
which they presented to their host and hostess. The Rev. KOCH made the
presentation speech which was responded to by Mr. KAHNERT.
Superintendent Robert MOSER, with a crew of men, is here to take the
soundings in the channel of the Fox river. It is necessary to take the
soundings in fox river here every winter as sand accumulates and fills
in and the channel is considerably changed after each season of
navigation. Superintendent MOSER computes his records of the channel
soundings and forwards them to the war department office at Detroit,
when maps are issued of the exact condition of the channel---Depere News
J. J. FAUST, the well driller has purchased a new Frost King gasoline
engine manufactured by the John LOUSON manufacturing company of New
Holstein which he will use for well drilling.
Phil. GAUDETTE who had his legs terribly burned on Thanksgiving day by
being pinned beneath a switch engine that left the rails, is improving
gradually and is now able to sit up in bed. The burned flesh is healing
nicely, skin grafting having been resorted to last week, Julius
SEIBERLICH coming to his aid.
The spectacle presented by Eugene DeBRUIN of Thorp after he had been
dragged through the slush and filth which coated the streets Tuesday was
the most striking feature of a runaway on Lawe street. While driving
down that street with a horse and cutter the runner caught in the curve
of the Green Bay Traction company's track at the corner of Taylor
street, tipping over the rig and throwing Mr. DeBRUIN out. Mr. DeBRUIN
pluckily clung tot he reins until they broke, after being dragged some
distance. The frightened animal ran the whole length of Lawe street, out
past the Rademacher crossing into the country where, still running it
disappeared. It narrowly escaped colliding with C. L. DIRRIN's team and
several others which were on their way to town.
At the last regular meeting of St. Ann's Court No 226, W. C. O. F. Jan
the following officers were installed by Mrs. KRAMER:
Chief Ranger - Barbara KRAMER
Vice Chief Ranger - Anna McCARTY
Rec. Secretary - Anna HOOLIHAN
Fin Secretary - Catherine FECHTER
Treasurer - Margaret BERENS
Chaplain - Rev. P. J. LOCHMAN
Medical Ex. - Dr. A. M. FISCHER
Sr. Conductor - Anna REARDON
Jr. Conductor - Catherine BERGMAN
Outside Sentinel - Caroline STEMPER
Inside Sentinel - Elizabeth MINKEBIDGE
Trustees - Minnie FINUCANE, Mary REGENFUSS, Amelia FAUST
When he returned to the LaSalle hotel Wednesday, Barney CORCORAN found
his watch missing and began "kicking himself" as the phrase goes as his
chain had been in badly worn condition for some time and he thought he
might lose his timepiece by a link breaking which was the case. Very
uncertain where to look for it, he stepped into the hotel and telephoned
Operator STARK at the north side depot to go out and pick up his watch
which he would find near his bus stand. He was not a little surprised a
few minutes later to learn that the operator found the timepiece where
he was told to look for it.
Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, Jan 22, 1909
A "shanty" near William KLUMB's wagon shop belonging to several boys
caught fire Tuesday and was badly damaged before the department arrived.
Arthur ULRICH and Mrs. Michael CHOPIN who have been married ever since
January 6th, have been congratulating themselves that they have been
able to keep it out of the newspapers so long, but the secret has
finally become known. Justice SCHWIN tied the nuptial knot. Both parties
have been well known residents here for several years.
Miss Mary McDANIELS is spending the week in Freedom a guest of Katherine
Many in our town are suffering from severe colds and grip occasioned by
the sudden change of weather.
Mrs. Geo. GARRITY has returned from a sojourn at Fond du Lac. She was
accompanied home by her daughter, Mrs. Peter BIESE and her
granddaughter, Miss Mary MORRIS.
Miss Alice McCARTY visited relatives at Appleton this week.
Charles SCHRAEDER of Wrightstown was in Kaukauna on business Wednesday.
William DeSTEESE of Fond du Lac transacted business in Kaukauna
Robert HAMILTON has received the appointment of deputy sheriff for
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. O'BRIEN and children spent Sunday with friends at
Oscar BYRNES and Frank HOBERG attended the poultry show at Oshkosh
Attorney G. B. HUSTING was at Sheboygan Wednesday trying a criminal
Charles BUELOW of Milwaukee has been visiting Kaukauna friends for the
past few days.
Mrs. W. W. WIETING has returned home to Kiel after a week's visit with
Kaukauna friends.
Miss May FEATHERSTONE of Appleton attended the Knights of Columbus ball
Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur PFEIFFER of Oconto, spent Wednesday with Mr. and
Mrs. Jos. WITTMAN.
The RALPH Brothers have installed a new gasoline lighting plant in their
store on the north side.
St. Mary's church raised $55.54 for the earthquake sufferers Sunday and
Holy Cross church, $39.82.
Louis KNUTH of Wrightstown was in the city Wednesday to pay the taxes on
his Kaukauna property.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted HEINTZKILL of Kansas City, Mo., are guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Jos. WITTMAN this week.
Will KONRAD of Appleton visited Kaukauna friends Friday, remaining to
the Knights of Columbus ball in the evening.
Miss Millie EGILDSON leaves for Marquette tomorrow morning, having been
called home by the illness of her mother.
Mrs. William HESS and Mrs. William NEEQUIT of Manitowoc have been guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo WEIFENBACH this week.
Mrs. A. J. RYAN and children and Miss Anna WITTIG of Appleton visited
from Friday to Sunday with Mrs. John KAVANAUGH and others.
F. M. CHARLESWORTH and W. C. WENDT were at Appleton today to attend a
meeting of the Outagamie county Druggists association.
Grant WHITMAN, an employee of one of the local mills, had the tip of a
finger taken of yesterday by getting it caught in the machinery.
Miss Mayme VanGROLL was at Kaukauna a few days this week visiting her
sister, Mrs. Nic. LICHT.
Born - To Mr. and Mrs. Fred HARP, a son, Saturday.
Mike KORTENHOF had a stone bee last Tuesday.
Mrs. Mike SNEIDER and Mrs. Susan SPEEL spent Monday and Tuesday at
Hollandtown, guests of Mrs. Peter HAGENS.