Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, Jan 4, 1910
If there is such a thing as an American school of art, Frederick REMINGTON,
whose death occurred the other day, was certainly its preeminent master.
REMINGTON's art was virile, masterful, manly. He depicted rugged scenes, rugged
men and rugged horses, as few other men ever have. He once said that he would
like engraved on his tombstone as an epitaph these words: "He knew the horse."
And he did. REMINGTON's horses if all else be forgotten, will keep his memory
The funeral services of Mrs. Katherine RIORDAN, who passed away at the home of
her son, Daniel, Tobacnoir street, early Sunday morning, were held this morning
form holy Cross church at 9 o'clock. Mrs. RIORDAN was born in Ireland,
eight-four years ago, She has been a resident of Kaukauna for the past twenty
years and was well known in the city. She is survived by two sons, Daniel, of
this city, and Thomas, of Doylestown.
Miss Katherine CORCORAN of Beloit, who has been spending the holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barney CORCORAN, returned Monday to her duties as operator
of the Postal Telegraph company.
Miss Anna BERENS returned Monday from New London where she was been the guest
of friends several days.
Itzyl SOLAR has returned to the Stout Training school at Menomonie.
Miss Ruth WATSON and guest Miss Mildred KALLIMEYER of Milwaukee, returned to
Milwaukee-Downer Monday.
Oswald PLETZKA, of Appleton was the guest of Mrs. Margaret BERENS and family
Miss Marie FECHTER left Monday for Dubuque, Ia., where she will be the guest of
friends two weeks.
Will TAUGHER returned to Valparaiso, Ind., after spending the holidays with his
Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, Jan. 7, 1910
Charles ROSENTHAL was a New Year's caller n friends in the city.
Miss Julia M. MacNeill returned to Wheaton, Ill., on Monday to resume her
college work.
Miss Grace GORDON of Marinette is spending the week with her friend Miss Blanche
Contractor M. C. CONNORS returned to Chicago Tuesday morning to resume work for
the new year.
Miss Sadie LUPPLA of Fond du Lac was a New Year's guest with Miss Eva NELSON
and returned Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward OSTERMEIER of New London were New Year's guests with his
brother Frank OSTERMEIER and wife, returning home Sunday evening.
LOST IN BLIZZARD --The TIMES goes to its readers today in abbreviated condition
as the other half of the paper has been list somewhere on the road between here
and Chicago as a result of the demoralized condition of railroad traffic. All
local readers realize the conditions that have prevailed for the past week and
hence we trust will pardon this week's shortage, which, however, in no way
effects the unusual good grist of local news.
John McMORROW was at Oshkosh on business Thursday afternoon.
Mr. ROTHE of Manitowoc is a guest at the home of William LOSTIN.
Antone BURKART lies dangerously ill at his HOME on Tobacnoir street.
Mrs. R. G. REINECK of Milwaukee is THE guest of her sister, Mrs. A. R. COATES.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben BELL went to Saukville Tuesday for a visit with relatives.
Miss Annabel CHILDS departed Monday to spend the winter with friends at Colby.
Miss Minnie WAHLERS of Janesville was a Saturday guest of Mrs. Mary WAHLERS.
Miss Eunice THOMPSON of Milwaukee arrived today to visit Mr. and Mrs. Dan CROWE.
Mrs. Al. SCHUBRING and son Arthur returned Friday from a holiday visit to
Miss Kittie CONLON of Appleton who spent New Year's with her parents returned
Mrs. F. W. REETHS of Marshfield was down to Kaukauna last week for a visit with
John JULEY of Colby who spent New Years at the home of Charles RISTAU returned
A. C. BOSSARD of Grand Rapids, Minn., has been in the city in business
several days this week.
Miss Marie HASS and Miss Emma LOSTIN spent Saturday and Sunday in Oshkosh the
guests of friends.
Mrs. Joseph McCARTY was at Appleton Sunday and Monday the guest of her sister
Mrs. Robert SCHOLL.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. BUSSE and daughter of Manitowoc were New Years' guests of
Mrs. Mary WAHLERS.
Miss Lottie SIEKER of Manitowoc was a guest New Years at the home of Mr. and
The Misses Mae and Nora CONLON of the Green Bay Traction dept. were at Green
Bay Monday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman ZELK and daughter Miss Rose spent Saturday and Sunday with
relatives at Menasha.
Miss Sadie BELL and Miss Lillian BELL attended divine service at the Methodist
church at Appleton Sunday.
Mr. E. KLINE of Milwaukee spent a few days in Kaukauna last week, the guest of
M. C. CONNERS and family.
Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, January 14, 1910
Frank SMITH of Green Bay was in the city Thursday.
R. A. WOLF left for Fond du Lac Tuesday on business.
W. KASSON of Morrison was in the city Saturday on business.
Rev. August DUSOLD of Glenmore called on Kaukauna friends Saturday.
Roy KUEHN is absent on a several weeks business trip to Twin Falls Idaho.
Mrs. H. L. SCHOLL and son Lloyd visited friends at Wrightstown Wednesday.
Miss Signe PETERSON has accepted a clerkship at the store of the Pembleton Drug
Miss Mary WEISS who was home to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt WEISS at
Dundas, has returned.
James and Daniel BRENNAN of Wayside left here Monday for a trip into northern
Wisconsin on business.
Miss Lind HEMPEL of Manitowoc is spending a month in Kaukauna, the guest of her
sister, Mrs. Otto SCHEFFLEGER.
Mrs. William HAIGHT and daughter Grace of Green Bay, spent Tuesday in Kaukauna
the guests of her daughter, Mrs. R. A. WOLF.
Nicholas KEHOE and Mich. O'BOYLE of Janesville were in Kaukauna Monday and
Tuesday and visited with contractor George W. MULHOLLAND.
The W.C.T.U. will give a social next Friday afternoon, January 21, at the home
of Mrs. James LAMBIE on Desnoyer street, from 3 to 6 o'clock. A program will be
rendered and a silver collection taken.
Contractor Gus FLECK of West Depere, a former Kaukauna resident was in the city
Saturday to pay his taxes. Mr. FLECK says that although taxes are high in
Kaukauna they are considerable higher in Depere and still higher in Green Bay.
Mrs. John WITTMAN departed for Milwaukee Thursday to spend a week with her
Justice H. J. MULHOLLAND has been confined to his home this week with an attack
of neuralgia.
Mrs. Henry HAHNER of Oshkosh is in the city a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Tille STEFAN of Five Corners was the guest of Mrs. Anton NABBERFIELD
Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Will FUELLER and children of Antigo visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. George VIELE.
Joseph JOHNSON, proprietor of the People's Meat Market, was at Green Bay
Thursday on business.
Miss Martha SEIBERLICH went to Saukville Wednesday to spend the balance of the
week with relatives.
Miss Ethel MEGGARS of Clintonville was a guest of the Misses GANTTER and Mrs.
George VIELE a few days this week.
Mrs. Thos. GRAY departed Saturday for a several weeks sojourn with her son,
Thos. GRAY and wife at St. Louis.
Mrs. Gilbert MATSON of New Holstein is in the city this week the guest of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nic. BLAU.
Mrs. Victor HOBART, nee Frances DUTCHER, of Minneapolis, was a guest Saturday
and Sunday with Mrs. Julius J. MARTENS and Mrs. H. J. MULHOLLAND.
W. J. MICKIE of Roscoe, S. D. who has been visiting friends here returned
Thursday night. Mr. MICKIE has been prosperous in the west and now owns 117
acres most of which is in Roscoe and is platted into city lots.
Herman WOLF who recently sold his farm near Oshkosh and came to Kaukauna last
summer to reside has just purchased the small farm of Antone NABBERFIELD,
formerly owned by Charles McCARTY on the Wrightstown road.
Herman STRECK, the south side baker, was quite seriously injured Monday morning
in s runaway. His delivery sleigh was overturned and he was caught beneath the
outfit, breaking several ribs. He was unconscious for a shirt time following the
Miss Kate McCARTY offers for sale her dress-making parlor on Wisconsin avenue,
as the condition of her health necessitates giving up the business. For
particulars call at her home on Taylor street.