Kaukauna Times
March 1908

Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, March 6, 1908

Mrs. J. H. SIMON departed Monday for Sioux City, Iowa.

Mrs. J. J. McCARTY called on friends at Appleton.

Miss Lottie BELL of the Oshkosh Normal school spent Sunday at home.

Mrs. G. BURHANS left for Oshkosh Monday to spend a week with friends.

Miss Mattie DeVINNEY returned from a week's visit with friends at Depere.

Miss Agnes DEERING of the town of Kaukauna spent Monday with friends in the city.

Miss Margaret LAMBIE and Mrs. William FINDER visited friends at Appleton Friday.

The number of Indians on the streets at Depere Saturday outnumbered the whites two to one.

Theodore BARBIER returned Tuesday from a three weeks visit with his two sisters in Chicago.

William NELSON, foreman of the round house at Clintonville, spent Sunday with his family.

Mel BEACH of Wittenberg spent Saturday and Sunday in the city the guest of Robert STRATHEARN.

Mrs. George W. FARGO spent Sunday at Green Bay the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Charles SEIBERT.

Mrs. L. N. PERRY and Mrs. Mel BURKART were at Appleton Friday to attend a party given by the Royal Neighbors.

Mr. and Mrs. Orville DeVINNEY arrived Monday from Milwaukee to visit relatives.

The Rev. R. a. MOST of the Reformed church visited friends at Winnebago Monday.

Mrs. George GREEN left Thursday for Fond du Lac to visit Miss SIZER a relative who is sick.

The Messers. Charles PARENT and John PLANK spent Saturday evening with friends in Appleton.

Superintendent J. W. CARL of the Green Bay Traction company was in the city Wednesday on business.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank GOULD of Green Bay were among those attending the leap year party Tuesday evening.

Miss Frances JOHNSON of Milwaukee and Miss JAMESON of Appleton were in the city Wednesday calling on friends.

A. J. NOMMENSON will sell enameled dishpans tomorrow only at 35 cents. The pans ordinarily sell at from 50 to 60 cents.

The Misses Alice NOONEY and Eleanor GARDNER entertained about a dozen friends at Hotel LaSalle Tuesday evening.

James RUPERT of New London has been visiting Kaukauna friends this week, a guest of his brother Levi RUPERT.

Mrs. Frank LOETZ of Appleton was down Tuesday evening to attend the leap year party given at LINDAUER's hall.

Jack GILPIN, who was called home to Henry, Ill., by the critical illness of his father, returned to Kaukauna Tuesday night.

Theodore BEAR of Chicago was at LaSalle hotel over Sunday to visit his mother who returned with G. BEAR three weeks ago.

James McDANIELS, clerk of the town of Kaukauna was in the city Thursday to visit his brother, Henry McDANIELS of the southside.

Walter KLUMB, who was home to past few weeks on account of slight injuries, returned to Sheboygan Saturday where he is employed as a blacksmith's apprentice.