Kaukauna Times
March 1910

Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, March 4, 1910


R. H. McCARTY who was a candidate for city treasurer two years ago, has received so much encouragement from his former supporters and also from any who did not support him at the last election that he has decided to become a candidate this spring for the same office. He should make a good city official.

Otto BUSSE, Jr., had the thumb of his left hand badly crushed Thursday morning in a paper machine at the Thilmany mil.

Word has been received her of the arrival of a son at the home of Dr. and Mrs. G. D. CHAFFEE, Sturgeon Bay. Mrs. CHAFFE is better known here as Lettie MULHOLLAND.

Mrs. H. A. BROADBENT spent Wednesday in Milwaukee shopping.

Miss Lillian BELL attended the annual meeting of the Fox River Valley librarians at Menasha Thursday.

Joseph JOHNSON was in Green Bay Thursday on business.

Mrs. Edward RENNECKE left this morning for Madison where she will spend Sunday as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred WEIFENBACH.

Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, March 11, 1910

Mrs. Mary A. MURRAY of Appleton spent Sunday in the city.

Miss Josephine O'BOYLE returned Sunday from Milwaukee.

Attorney G. B. HUSTLING was in Appleton Monday on legal business.

Frank MASSONNETT of Appleton was in Kaukauna Tuesday on business.

Dr. E. H. BROOKS of Appleton was in the city Tuesday on a professional call.

Jerre COUGH of Gillett was in the city Sunday to visit his niece. Mrs. Nell BURKART.

For sale! Large size buffalo robe in first class condition. Inquire of Hugo WEIFENBACH.

Miss Lottie McCARTY was at Appleton Saturday to visit her cousin Miss Rose ADRIANS.

Mrs. C. W. STRIBLEY was the guest of her mother Mrs. L. LEHMAN at Appleton

A twelve pound bay boy arrived Wednesday morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William BROWN.

Mrs. Charles STRIBLEY, Miss Margaret McCARTY, and Mill Ethel TOWSLEY were
Appleton visitors Sunday.

Miss Martha BERENS and Miss Barbara KRAMER spent Sunday at Appleton guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry YOUNG.

Mrs. Asa PROSSER of Neenah was in the city and spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. LINDSTRUM.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank AUFREITER went to Sheboygan Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. AUFREITER's nephew, William MEISNER."

Miss Stella TANNER of Milwaukee is spending the week with Mrs. H. B. TANNER.

Miss Mayme BLOCK spent Sunday last with her sister, Mrs. J. J. HERB at Appleton.

Messers. John REGENFUSS and E. W. TAMM made a business trip to Milwaukee Tuesday.

Christ WALD of Ashland was a guest Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam DARROW.

Adolph STEFFIN spent Friday at the home of his sister, Mrs. Albert JANSCH of Forest Junction.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. PASHEN returned Wednesday evening from a visit with Milwaukee friends.

Mr. and Mrs. L. W. DONNER of Green Bay visited his brother H. W. DONNER and
wife Sunday.

Mrs. John HARDY of Greenville returned Monday after a three days visit with her son Maurice HARDY and wife. Mrs. Eugene TAYLOR of Appleton was a guest Friday at the home of her father John J. JANSEN, calling on friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin BECKER and son Carlyn of Fond du Lac were guests with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. DONNER Sunday.

Rev. J. F. KLEIN and daughter Miss Agatha of West Depere were guests Sunday at the home of C. F. W. FORESTER.

F. M. CHARLESWORTH went to Omro Monday, immediately after his return from
Mexico, to see his mother who has been indisposed.

Miss Madge DOOLEY spent three days in Oshkosh visiting Miss Nora KINGSTON of
the State Normal school and returned Monday.

John VANDERHEI of Green Bay has rented a house in the First ward and will occupy it in the near future with a bride he is about to bring to Kaukauna.

A. M. LANG, one of the recent graduates of the Actual Business College at Appleton has engaged as bookkeeper and stenographer with Stoelting Bros. of Kiel.

Miss Blanche St. ANDREWS left Monday to spend a day or two with her cousin Miss Grace GORDON of Escanaba, who is in Milwaukee buying millinery stock.