Kaukauna Times
May 1905

Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, May 5, 1905

Miss Elsie QUADE of Green Bay spent Sunday with Kaukauna friends.

Mrs. Martha SMITH is spending a few weeks with friends at Ripon.

The Misses TONNAR and Stella JARVAIS spent Sunday last in Milwaukee.

Mrs. Chas. CLARK is spending the week with her parents in Milwaukee.

Engineer and Mrs. L. KITTELL spent Monday with relatives at Green Bay.

Town Clerk A. GREIPENTROG of Morrison was in the city Tuesday on business.

H. D. WING spent Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. Milo KUTCHIN at Welcome.

Mrs. Frank l. GOULD is spending the week with her parents at Winneconne.

Louis BROIULLARD, millwright of Niagara, is home this week to visit he family.

Mrs. J. E. SPLON and son David of Antigo spent Thursday with Kaukauna friends,

Mrs. A. J. HEILMAN and children of Fond du Lac are in the city visiting  relatives.

Miss Katie KULNIC of Manitowoc visited with south side friends Monday and  Tuesday.

Mrs. Milo KUTCHIN arrived this morning to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. 

Mrs. Jos. RUTTERER and Mrs. Wm. MCPHERSON spent Thursday with Milwaukee friends.

Conductor F. B. LYONS and wife spent last week with relatives and friends at Antigo.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'BRIEN were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. 
MOCKLEY at Menasha.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. EIMMERMAN are enjoying a week's visit with friends and 
relatives at Duluth, Minn.

Miss Luceta MANDERSCHEID of Fond du Lac spent a part of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank HOBERG.

Mrs. E. B. MCPHERSON and Mrs. H. A. TOWSLEY went to Chicago Tuesday for a week's visit with relatives.

Frank CORCORAN was home from Fond du Lac this week to visit his parents, Mr. 
and Mrs. John CORCORAN.

Miss Margaret HORNER of Appleton is day clerk and bookkeeper at hotel 
Brothers. She commenced her duties Monday.

Miss Annie DOHERTY of this city who was at Glenmore visiting the Misses Clara 
and Annie KILEY returned Tuesday.

Martin O'BRIEN, foreman of the Reiss coal docks ant Escanaba, spent Monday 
and Tuesday with his brother, Chas. O'BRIEN

Mrs. Julia EGAN and her daughter Mrs. G. BURHANS spent Saturday and Sunday at Green Bay visiting Mrs. EGAN's daughter, Mrs. DICKSON.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry RISTAU, Mr. and Mrs. Will MUELLER, and Miss Mollie KROMER attended the STEINACKER-HAFENBACKER wedding at Appleton Wednesday.

Charles SCHMIDT of Wrightstown was in Kaukauna on business Saturday. Mr. 
SCHMIDT is about to commence the construction of a brick house to cost  $4,000.

Harvey BILLS has sold his trotting horse Floyd to H. BLUE of Neenah, who is 
now in possession.

City Assessor Nic FAUST started on Monday, May 1 to make the annual 
assessment of city property.

Wanted! Competent girl to do general housework. Good wages. Apply Mrs. 
WERTHEIMER, north side.

To rent! Eight room house on Fourth street. Rent reasonable to right parties. 
inquire of Mrs. Joseph RUTTERER.

The Woman's Foreign Missionary society will meet at the EPWORTH home next 
Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock.

O. H. RUNTE commenced Thursday the work of laying a cement walk in front of 
his store and across the alley entrance.

Mrs. J. T. FLEISCHER has for sale a fine cooking range, also a laundry stove. 
Call at house on Sarah street before May 20.

Bert DELBRIDGE of the Thilmany mill offices, ran a nail into his foot Friday 
and is now making his trips to and fro via bus line.

Mrs. C. L. DIRRIN, who has been seriously ill for the past two weeks with 
inflammation of the lungs is reported convalescent.

The many friends of Mrs. L. E. SARGENT will be pleased to learn that she is 
now steadily improving from her long and serious illness with pneumonia.

Contractor John BENOTCH has put up and enclosed the frame of Emil BAYORGEON's house on Taylor street this week and having six carpenters on the job, the work is being prosecuted with a rush.

James BLACK, contractor, took a job this week of excavating stone from the 
tail race of the new pulp mill to be built this summer by the Grand Rapids 
Pulp and Paper company at Biron, four miles above Grand Rapids, Wisconsin. 
Mr. BLACK has a subcontract from UHL Bros. building contractors.

Mrs. C. M. HUGO of Chilton was in the city Saturday to call on friends.

George MENTING was at West Depere Sunday the guest of his parents.

M. C. CONNERS and daughter Miss Leone were Milwaukee visitors Saturday.

Misses Mayme MCCARTY and Margaret O'CONNELL spent Thursday in Depere.

Mrs. Edward SMITH returned Sunday from a visit to her sister in Milwaukee.

Miss Margaret and Paul BAUER spent Sunday with their relatives at Darboy.

Mrs. Christ HANSON of the town of Preble spent Sunday with Kaukauna friends.

Miss Rose JULEY of Green Bay visited relatives in the city Monday and Tuesday.

Joseph KASTER of Green Bay spent Sunday with his cousins the Messrs. HURKMAN.

Miss Myrtle Phelps of Depere was in the city Sunday visiting her sister, Mrs. 

Misses Elsie SWENSON and Ella MAHN visited friends and relatives at Oshkosh 

John KERRY and Miss Blanch PRAGE received their first cal at Holy Cross 
Church last Sunday.

Miss Katherine SIGL returned form Seymour Wednesday, where she had been to 
visit her mother.

Ford RALPH and Miss Eva LEMAIRE of Depere attended the Trainmen's ball at the 
opera house Monday night.

Miss Mayme GUILFOYLE of Antigo was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 
James GUILFOYLE this week.

Mrs. Otto ENGELMANN returned Tuesday from a visit to her parents, Mr. and 
Mrs. D. GREVE of Potter.

Thomas MALONE is absent this week at Stevens Point and vicinity transacting 
business in the real estate line.

Mrs. Frank KRAHN and Mrs. G. H. DAWSON were Milwaukee visitors Friday and 
Saturday, guests of Mrs. C. E. ROBLEY.

Herman KUNTZ of Milwaukee arrived here Saturday from Green Bay to spend a few 
days with his brother Albert KUNTZ.

Mich. HOOLIHAN returned Tuesday from Oconto where he was called to attend the 
funeral of his monther-in-law, Mrs. John BAUERS.

Mrs. Julius KONRAD who has been here the past two weeks visiting her 
relatives returned Tuesday to her home at Minneapolis, Minn.