Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, Nov 6, 1908
Alton GOODELL of Depere spent Sunday with Kaukauna friends.
Mrs. George VIELE visited with friends at Appleton Saturday.
Emmet HAYES has returned from a several months absence in Nebraska.
Raymond LANDGRAF of Menasha spent Sunday with Kaukauna friends.
The Relief society will meet with Mrs. M. C. CONNORS next Thursday afternoon.
Miss Rena LANDGRAF who attends the Oshkosh Normal school spent Sunday at home.
Miss Selma and Frieda STALEY of Appleton were guests Sunday at the home of Mrs.
R. JONES of Chippewa Falls claims he has discovered a method to temper copper
after twelve years' work.
Robert McGARY, who had been visiting relatives here for several days, returned
to Milwaukee Tuesday.
Prof. CARBOY, instructor of mathematics at Marquette university, called on
Robert FECHTER Tuesday.
Chester HICKIE of St. Louis has accepted a position in the office of the
Thilmany Pulp and Paper company.
Al. SCHUBERING who is employed by the George L. SMITH Co. at Galesville, was
home Sunday to visit his family.
W. H. WANDELL departed for Ironwood, Mich., Monday, where he will be employed
for some time in the ore business.
John RALPH spent Sunday with Milwaukee friends.
Miss Mabel ADAMS spent Sunday with relatives at Oconto.
J. G. FECHTER has just received a new line of tennis shoes.
Arthur ROUNSDELL of Oshkosh called on friends here Monday.
C. H. HARTLEY of Oshkosh was a Kaukauna visitor Monday.
Ed. LINDBERG attended a Hallowe'en party at Appleton Saturday evening.
Miss Kittie MANNING and sister Miss Josie will spend the winter at St. Paul.
Miss Anne McLEAN has returned home after a few days' visit at Fond du Lac.
Miss Margaret CORCORAN and Henry MINKEBIGE were "called" at Holy Cross church
Dr. A. M. FISCHER returned Tuesday from a several days' visit at his home at
Owing to the recent forest fires it is claimed that Christmas trees will be very
scarce this season.
Mrs. H. S. COOKE entertained her Sunday School class at a Hallowe'en party
Saturday evening.
Miss Genevieve MULCAHEY of Brokaw is visiting friends and relatives in this city
and at Kimberly.
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. ENGHOLDT are visiting Mrs. ENGHOLDT's sister, Mrs. David
KIRKWOOD, at Wausau.
Mrs. Roland WOLF spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
William HAIGHT at Green Bay.
Miss Emma SCHWENDEMANN is again on duty at the Kaukauna Tea and Coffee Co's
store after a two weeks' vacation.
Three additional shower baths are being installed in the Thompson club house in
order to accommodate the new members.
Very little property was destroyed Hallowe'en night. Windows claimed more
attention than anything else and some of them were literally covered with soap.
Quite a number of men from the surrounding country have left for the lumbering
districts, where they will be employed until spring.
The Combined Locks Paper company has been compelled to shut down its pup mill on
account of low water.
Mrs. HOBART of Minneapolis, nee Miss Frances DUTCHER, a former teacher at
Nicolet school, who has been critically ill for the past two weeks, is
Eric LINDBERG attended the football game at Oshkosh Saturday.
O. H. RUNTE is selling a carload of choice New York apples at $8.00 per barrel.
As the result of the death of Mrs. Amelia BIRD of Fond du Lac, ten children have
lost their mother, forty-eight are mourning the death of their grandmother and
forty children the loss of their great-grandmother.
The auditing committee of the county board met at the court house this week to
examine and audit the books of County Treasurer, F. M. CHARLESWORTH.
Messrs. Arthur SCHULER and Will MACK of Brillion returned Monday after spending
a few days with their cousin, John PLANK.
Mrs. E. BAILEY of Milwaukee is spending two months in the city the guest of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. August OHLMAN.
Charles KRAUSE of Marengo, Ill., who spent two weeks here at the home of his
sister, Mrs. Fred HASS, returned to his home Saturday.
Miss Marie KOUTNICK returned Monday from Crandon, where she has been employed in
a millinery department store for the past two months.
Miss Margaret CORCORAN who is to be married on Nov. 16 to Henry MINKEBIGE,
was given a miscellaneous shower at the Forester hall Thursday evening.
Dr. and Mrs. G. D. CHAFFEE were guests of Mrs. CHAFFEE's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. J. MULHOLLAND, Sunday and Monday, while on their way from Shelbyville, Ill.,
to their home at Sturgeon Bay.
The Leander Choate failed to make the guard lock above Lawe street bridge
Tuesday morning on its way down the river and became stranded for an hour or
Secretary D. Q. RAYBURN attended the Y.M.C.A. banquet at Antigo last week and
after a brief talk favored the members with a reading, "The Lightning Rod
For Rent!! Hall in Connors' block on Third street, recently vacated by the B. of
L. E. Good location and all modern conveniences. Rent reasonable. Inquire of M.
Mr. and Mrs. Will DONOHUE have arrived from Antigo and will make their home
here, Mr. DONOHUE having been promoted to he position of cashier at the Ashland
division freight depot.
Mrs. Ferdinand KOWALKE returned Sunday night from a several weeks' visit with
friends at Hampton, Iowa. She was met at Chicago by Mr. KOWALKE, who went down
the preceding day.
The axle of a wagon belonging to the HELF Brewing company gave away near the
Ashland division freight depot Monday beneath the weight of a load of coal,
putting the driver to considerable extra trouble.
Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, November 13, 1908
John RALPH was a Green Bay visitor Sunday.
Miss Rena LANDGRAF was home from the Oshkosh normal over Sunday.
County Clerk A. A. RAISLER has issued 1,155 hunters licenses this season.
Miss May COVEY of Oshkosh was a guest of Miss Mathilda SCHREINER Wednesday.
Mrs. J. L. MAYER has gone to Milwaukee for a two weeks' visit with relatives.
Miss Amanda ZERBE of Marquette is a guest at the home of Mrs. George HOWK.
Louis WOLF, Jr., of Marion is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis WOLF.
Miss Laura MILL left yesterday for a two weeks' visit with her sister in
W. M. HOYT returned Monday from a several days' duck hunting trip to Lake
A marriage license was issued this week to Henry M. MINKEBIGE and Miss Margaret
Mrs. J. LUMMERDING spent Saturday with Mesdames HOBERG and FREIMUTH at Green
Mrs. Robert HAMILTON is at Sparta visiting her son, Robert HAMILTON, Jr., who is
teaching school.
James LAMBIE has purchased J. R. MONTAGUE's residence on Desnoyer street and
expects soon to occupy it.
Miss Emma WENDT, who has been critically ill with typhoid fever, is now able to
be up and about the house.
Henry BLOCK, for many years connected with the Chicago & Northwestern police
department of Baraboo, is dead.
The Rev. KORNBURST was an Antigo visitor this week.
Miss Grace NAGAN visited Appleton friends Sunday.
Amos MUNGER of Waupaca was a Kaukauna visitor Saturday.
Will LaLOINE of Depere spent Sunday with Kaukauna friends.
Will TAUGHER was home from the Oshkosh normal over Sunday.
Miss Mabel WANDELL was the guest of friends at Manitowoc Friday.
George MULHOLLAND was at Depere Monday to bid on a new sewer.
Miss Genevieve GRIFFITH was a guest of Oshkosh friends over Sunday.
Miss Gertrude SMITH of Marshfield is spending the week in Kaukauna.
Henry SCHUBERT spent a portion of the week with friends at Sheboygan.
Mr. and Mrs. Will DONOHUE spent Sunday with relatives at Manitowoc.
Miss Marie HOLLENBACH of Appleton spent Sunday with Miss Marie GARVEY.
Ed GRAY of Portage and Walter GRAY of Chicago were home over Sunday.
Herman BUCHEINE of Sheboygan was a recent guest of Alderman Frank KERN.
Mrs. A. A. BABCOCK of Appleton visited here son, Dr. F. C. BABCOCK, this week.
Will CORNELL and Miss ROSE MANNING were "called" at Holy Cross church Sunday.
John N. WANDELL visited his brother Lewis at Milwaukee Saturday and Sunday.
Henry S. HOLBROOK of Appleton visited his daughter, Mrs. F. C. BABCOCK,
Mr. and Mrs. William GAFFNEY have returned form a visit with Escabana friends.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. MULHOLLAND visited Mr. and Mrs. John O'KEEFE at Appleton.
A little daughter of Henry VanABLE had her arm badly bitten by a neighbor's dog.
Matt ALLENHOFEN of Marquette university was a guest Sunday of his nephew, A.
Ed REUTER of Iron Mountain spent the early part of the week with Kaukauna
Mrs. Ed. NEFF and daughter Hazel of Green Bay were guests of Mrs. W. H. HASLEY
last week.
Dr. P. O. SCHALLERT of Wrightstown and Dr. C. F. HESS of Johnson Creek exchanged
locations last week.
The Misses Tillie SPEERING and Lydia SNYDER of New London were guest of Miss
Martha KOWALKE over Sunday.
Edward WELCH of Appleton was in the city Monday.
Fur lined dress gloves from $1.25 to $4 at FECHTER's.
Frank RYFF of Milwaukee visited J. G. FECHTER Wednesday.
Miss Clara REGOLIN was the guest of Kaukauna friends Sunday.
Misses Millie and Martha TREPTOW spent Wednesday at Appleton.
Misses Mayme BURNS and Ada PLANK spent Wednesday at Appleton.
Miss Helen GRAHAM of Lakeside sanitarium, Oshkosh spent Sunday at home.
Harry BARTELS of Depere was here Tuesday and left for Greenville on business.
Mrs. M. H. NIESEN spent several days this week with her parents at Chilton,
returning today.
Dr. Robert M. HETTINGER, a well known dentist of Appleton died suddenly of heart
failure yesterday.
Joseph SCHOENER has returned from a several weeks absence at Neopit where he has
been assisting in the building of a hotel.
Justice N. D. SCHWIN, Martin VanROY, August LUCK and Peter VanROY leave tomorrow
for Long Lake on a hunting expedition.
Miss Elsie DUTTON of Green Bay, who is well known in Kaukauna, was killed
Wednesday in a collision with a street car while riding in an automobile.
Mr. and Mrs. F. F. BECKER were members of a party of stockholders that made a
recent trip over the Wisconsin & Northern road in two special coaches.
Herbert WUNDERLICH, the eight-year-old son of Christian WUNDERLICH of Ellington,
died at St. Elizabeth's hospital yesterday as the result of an operation for
Thomas P. GRAY, who has been in the employ of Swift & Co. for a number of years,
has just been promoted form traveling auditor to manager of a branch house in
St. Louis.
Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, Nov. 20, 1908
On returning from Milwaukee Sunday where he spent the day with his mother, Dr.
F. E. DONALDSON brought home with him some hardtack carefully wrapped up that
his father took from his knapsack upon reaching home at the close of the civil
war. It is in good state of preservation notwithstanding that it is over forty
years old.
An event of more than usual interest took place Monday morning at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Barney CORCORAN, corner of Lawe and John streets, it being the
marriage of their daughter Margaret to Henry MINKEBIGE, the nuptuials being
celebrated on the 27th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. CORCORAN's marriage. The
ceremony was performed at Holy Cross church at 9 am by the Rev Father KORNBURST.
Miss Rose CORCORAN of Marinette, a sister of the bride was bridesmaid, and Frank
MINKEBIGE, the groom's brother, was best man. The bride carried an elegant
prayer book; the gift of the sisters of Holy Cross school. Her wedding gown was
a green traveling suit with picture hat to match in beaver and chinchilla. Mr.
and Mrs. MINKEBIGE were the recipients of many beautiful and useful presents in
cut glass, silverware, china, paintings, bric-a-brac, etc. a beautiful oil
painting by Mrs. Charles F. MCCARTHY of Eldred, Florida, of the Madonna and
child, framed in gold, was among the gifts. The ceremony was followed by a
reception and wedding repast at the
CORCORAN home covers being laid for seventy-five. The rooms were decorated with
orange leaves and Spanish moss and the tables with ferns and white
chrysanthemums. The number and value of the wedding gifts and the great interest
shown in the event by the presence of so many at the ceremony was convincing
evidence of the esteem in which the young people are held in this community.
Both are popular members in the social life of Kaukauna, having been born and
raised here, and they start out on life's journey with bright hopes and the best
wishes of their numerous friends. They left on a late afternoon train on a brief
trip to Milwaukee and Fort Atkinson. At the latter city they will be guests of
the groom's sister, Mrs. Geo. H. DREWSON. Returning they will be at home in the
D. J. BROTHER's residence on Lawe street after December 15. At the depot when
they left a crowd of friends baptized them with more than the usual amount of
rice and saw that their baggage was appropriately decorated. The wedding was
attended by the following relatives from abroad: Miss Rose CORCORAN, Marinette;
Miss K. CORCORAN, Logansport; Mr. and Mrs. Christ CORCORAN, Reedsburg; Mr. and
Mrs. Frank CORCORAN, and Mrs. and Mrs. William Kennedy, Milwaukee; Mrs. Mary
KEENAN, Fond du Lac; Mrs. Mich. MONAHAN, Chicago, the Rev. Father DUSOLD of
Among the deer hunters who have returned form the northern part of the state are
W. C. WENDT, P. J. HAYES and martin VanROY. Each brought a deer home with him.
They report the hunters numerous but the deer not as plentiful as other years.