Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, November 3, 1905
The Roller Rink in the Opera House opened for the season Tuesday night and will
be open Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sunday evenings and on Saturday
afternoon and Sunday afternoon. The Imperial brass band furnished the music for
a large crowd of skaters. a number of Appleton people were present. Manager LAWE
has made numerous improvements which will be welcomed by those who patronize the
rink. A. B. SHARP, of Appleton, has been engaged to assist Mr. LAWE in the
management of the rink.
Contractor McCARTY finished the concrete and brick platform for the Chicago &
Northwestern railroad company at the south side depot Tuesday. Today a large
crew will be put to work at the Appleton Junction platform, which he expects to
finish before cold weather sets in.
Rev. E. H. HINNENTHAL and sister, Miss Martha HINNENTHAL left for Kolberg
Tuesday after spending Sunday with their parents, Rev. and Mrs. William
Mrs. GRIEVE returned Monday from California, where she has been spending the
last seven months with her daughter, Mrs. Gustave LINDAUER.
Julius CLINK of Milwaukee, is spending a few days with George HAWK.
Mrs. Edward O'BRIEN returned home Tuesday from Berlin, where she has been
Mrs. E. BIERMANN left Tuesday for Ordway, Col. where she will spend the winter
with her sister, Mrs. John HELMS.
Rev. Theodore BRENNER and family of New London are in the city visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Karl BRENNER.
Mrs. M. H. NIESEN returned Tuesday from a short visit with Milwaukee friends.
Charles SCHUBRING and wife are in Oshkosh visiting relatives.
Mrs. P. H. RYAN entertained the West End Reading club today.
Mrs. J. Wells SMITH has returned form a visit in the east.
W. E. BUSHOP of Hilbert, is the guest of his cousin, J. R. GIBSON.