Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, October 13, 1905
August BOZER, a resident of the south side, had a narrow escape from losing his
life last Sunday morning while hunting in the woods several miles northeast of
the city in the town of Buchanan. Having crawled through a wire fence, he pulled
his gun through after him, muzzle first-the same old story; the trigger caught a
wire barb, snapped, and the full charge of the gun passed through the bicep of
his left arm. just below the shoulder, tearing a big hole through the flesh and
shattering the top portion of the bone. BOZER called to his companion, Fred
GRIMMER, who was several hundred feet distant, who hurried to his aid. There
being no rig in sight the wounded man was hurried as fast as possible to a farm
house almost a mile distant, where a horse and buggy was secured and a hurried
trip made to the city for surgical aid. BOZER was quite weak from loss of blood
and the sever pain when he reached town, having held up remarkably well. Drs.
TANNER and DONALDSON dressed the wound and although the arm was badly torn and
the bone
splintered, he will not lose the member unless blood poisoning sets in, and of
that there is but little danger at the present writing. He is getting along
nicely although it will be some time before he will be able to use the arm. A
few inches to the right and the full charge would have entered his heart. A few
inches higher and the shoulder joint would have been shot off, necessitating
amputation. Although badly wounded the unfortunate man may
consider himself lucky that it was not of a more serious nature.
While attempting to board a moving car Sunday afternoon on the Interurban line,
Joseph MORAN was thrown therefrom and had his face badly lacerated on the
madadamized road. Owing to the crowd that had gathered on Wisconsin Avenue to
take the electric cars for the ball game at Menasha MORAN had walked down to the
corner of Taylor and Lawe Streets intending to take the car and avoid the rush.
Two cars were being run and the first on did not slow up at MORAN's crossing,
going right through to the avenue. He attempted to board the car as it passed
but missed his grip and was tossed off into the
crushed stone along the track. He was picked up in a semiconscious condition and
carried to Dr. LORD's office to receive medical attention. His tongue was badly
split, top of his nose cut off and face so badly gashed that it took sixteen
stitches to close the lacerations. At this writing the unfortunate young man is
progressing as well as could be expected.
Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, October 20, 1905
Holland and Dundas
* Farmers in this section are getting ready to harvest their crop of sugar
beets, which in most instances bids fair to be a good yeild. Among those who
have the largest fields of promising beets are Ed. BALGIE with 8 1/2 acres, John
SMITH 1 1/2 acres, and Gus KREUGER, 2 acres. They will ship thei crop from
Dundas to the sugar factory at Menominee, Mich.
* Joseph BROWN made a business trip to Brillion Monday.
* Mr. and Mrs. William TOBIN were callers at Kaukauna and Wrightstown.
* John VANDENBERG visited at Depere this week.
* William DUFFY who is attending the Oshkosh Normal was home to spend Sunday.
* Anton NIEHAUS was a caller at Kaukauna one day recently.
* Peter VANDERHEIDEN spent the Sabbath at Wrightstown.
* Miss Nellie CURTIN who is teaching school at Harrison visited here Sunday the
guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. CURTIN.
* Joseph ROLF transacted business at Hilbert Monday.
* Henry VANDENBERG employed with the Chicago and northwestern Railroad Co was
home for a few days.
* Will COENEN has removed his family to Depere where he will move onto his
father's farm.
* Albert VAN VREEDE was a brief caller at Depere Tuesday.
* Cards are out announcing the marriage of Henry VERHAGEN of Freedom to Miss
Minnie WEYERS.
* Anton MOODY of Clintonville spent a few days here the guest of his sister,
Mrs. William BIESE.
* Miss Bertha WALSH of Stockbridge was a pleasant visitor at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Andrew FLATLEY.
* Mrs. H. VAN VREEDE was called to Freedom Monday on account of the serious
illness of her mother Mrs. john ARTS.
* Mrs. Anton KUNTJES of Catawba returned to her home Tuesday after a two weeks
sojourn here with relatives.
* Mr. and Mrs. GERHARD of Appleton are visiting with John VAN LEISHOUT and
* Miss Anna KETTENHOFEN of Wrightstown was a Sunday visitor at the home of her
sister Mrs. Will VAN LEISHOUT.
* Monday evening at 5 o'clock occurred the death of Mrs. John ARTS at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Peter VAN DENENG of Freedom. The body arrived here early
Wednesday morning and was taken to the home of her son, Cornelius ARTS, where
her remains laid until Thursday when the funeral was held at half past nine
o'clock from St. Francis church of which she was a member. Deceased was born in
Zeeland, Holland, September 7, 1818, and was consequently 87 years old at the
time of her demise. At the age of 30 years she was married to John ARTS which
union was blessed wtih eight children. A few years after her marriage together
with husband and two children and a party of other colonists they came over from
Europe and migrated to Wisconsin settling at
what was then known as Franciscus Bosch, now Hollandtown. June 8, 1848. In
December 1964 [sic - I think they mean 1864 <g>], her husband died leaving six
small children to the sole and tender care of a kind and loving mother. About
two years after she was again married to George PEERENBOOM with whom she made
her home at Little Chute and shortly after at Appleton. In May 1872, Mr.
PEERENBOOM died, again leaving her a widow. Shortly after she removed to Holland
where she had lived up to about three years ago when she went to live with her
daughter at Freedom. She is survived by one son and five daughters namely:
(Cornelia) Mrs. Peter DIETZLER, at Cadott; (Hattie) Mrs. Peter VAN DENENG at
Freedom; (Hannah) Mrs. John DEBRUIN, (Nellie) Mrs. John L. DEBRUIN; (Mary) Mrs.
Henry VAN VREEDE and Cornelius ARTS at Holland. We have lost our darling mother,
She has bid us all adieu; She has gone to live in Heaven, And heer person is
lost to view. Oh, that dear one, how we loved her! Oh, how hard to give her up!
But an angel coma down for her And removed her from our flock.
In the presence of great-grandchildren of each of the contracting parties, Henry
HEIMAN, 74 a wealthy farmer, and Mrs. Catherine JAEKELS, 67, a widow, were
married at Appleton Wednesday. A son of the groom is the husband of a daughter
of the bride.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward DAHLIEN of the south side have the heartfelt sympathy of
their may friends in the loss of their little son, Francis, who departed this
life last Saturday at the age of one year, of acute indigestion. The funeral was
held from St. Mary's church Monday.
Miss Martha WENZEL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August WENZEL of the north side,
was united in marriage to Mr. Frederic GAST of Wabeno, Wednesday afternoon,
October 12 at two o'clock. The ceremony took place at the Ev. Lutheran church
and was performed by the Rev. William HINNENTHAL. The bridesmaids and groomsmen
were Miss Olga GAST, a sister of the groom, Miss Lena BECKER, Miss Ida BUSSE,
Mr. Albert GAST, a brother of the groom, Mr. Otto WENZEL, a brother of the
bride, and Mr. Paul CHRISTIAN. The afternoon and evening were spent in merry
making at the home of the bride's parents where a wedding supper was served. Mr.
and Mrs. GAST will reside at Wabeno.
Miss Martha VAN NORTWICK, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. VAN NORTWICK of
Appleton and Frank E. HOLBROOK of Millinocket, Me., were married at noon
Saturday at Grace church, Appleton. The ceremony was performed by Bishop GRAFTON
who was assisted by the Rev. Father S. P. DELANEY. The ceremony was
followed by a reception at the home of the bride's parents.
At St. Paul's church in Wrightstown occurred a very pretty wedding Wednesday
morning at 8 o'clock. The church was filled with relatives and friends of the
contracting parties both of whom were well known. Miss Anna KETTENHOFEN and Mr.
Frank A. FLYNN were married by the Rev. Father DeWITT. Attending them were Miss
Helen KETTENHOFEN and Miss Anna FLYNN, sisters of both the bride and groom, and
Mr. Jacob KETTENHOFEN, a brother of the bride, and Mr. John DAVIS. They will
reside at Baraboo where Mr. FLYNN is proprietor of a creamery.
Rev. George DILLON is having extensive repairs made to the parsonage and the
Announcement is made of the approaching marriage of Miss CLANCY and James
FINERTY at St. Patrick's church, October 24.
Anthony FINNERTY of this place and Miss May MOONEY of Chilton were married at
Salt Lake City, Utah, the past week while on a visit.
P. J. FOX of this place and Miss Bessie MALONEY of Depere were united in
marriage at St. Mary's church Wednesday morning.
James SUMMERS, a well known resident of this place, died suddenly Wednesday at
Tacoma, Washington. Mr. SUMMERS was forty years old and unmarried and had been a
very industrious and upright citizen. He leaves his aged parents here, several
brothers and sisters, one of whom is Mrs. Leo HUSTING, formerly of Kaukauna now
of Sheboygan, to mourn his sudden death among strangers.
Darboy Paragraphs.
Miss Katie RENN has returned from a visit with her cousin, Mrs. Jos. BERENDSON
at Green Bay.
Oscar HARTZHEIM purchased a new harp this week.
Peter HOPFENSBERGER will give a social dance at his hall, October 24. Everybody
is invited to attend.
Charley DAVIS of Waupaca was in our burg Thursday.
Miss Florence VAN ABEL of Kaukauna spent a few days here visiting friends.
The Misses SIMON of Colby are here the guests of their uncle john SIMON.
Misses Annie VAN GROLL and Anna DIETZLER, John and Henry VAN GROLL spent Sunday
at Menasha with Miss Jennie ELLINGER.
Mrs. Aug. WUNDROW is entertaining relatives from Marshfield this week at her
A beautiful wedding was that of Miss Anna KAMKAS to John BERNARDE which was
celebrated Tuesday at the Holy Angels church at 9 o'clock. Rev. C. KREUGER
performed the ceremony and sister M. AEGIDIA played the wedding march. The bride
was gowned in white silk trimmed elaborately with lace, wore a long veil and
carried a large bouquet of bride's roses. The bride was attended by her sister
Miss Magelin KAMKAS and cousin Miss Minnie KAMAS; they wore beautiful dresses of
white ordandie [organdy ?] and carried carnations. The groom's attendants were
Fred MILLER and Frank KAMKAS. After the ceremony a reception was given to
relatives and friends at the home of the bride's parents where the afternoon and
evening were enjoyed in dancing. About 200 attended. Mr. and Mrs. BERNARDE will
go to housekeeping at once. Congratulations.
Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, October 27, 1905
Thos. R. EARLES and family took their departure Thursday for their new home at
Bellingham, Washington, where Mr. EARLES expects to establish himself in the
contracting business. Tom's familiar countenance will be missed in Kaukauna. He
has made this city his home for many years and has always been conspicuous in
local political and business circles. he served for a number of years as a
member of the local police force and later as manager of the Kaukauna Electric
Light company. although he had his ups and downs, ins and outs with the
residents of the burg in the and political business arena, for such is life, as
we cannot all see things alike, all will agree that Tom was a jolly good fellow
just the same and none there are who will not join The Times in wishing him and
his estimable family the best of luck in their new western home.
W. H. HAWORTH, the new Wisconsin avenue plumber, has an advertisement in today's
TIMES calling attention to the fact that he is now ready to do all kinds of work
in his line. Mr. HAWORTH is a practical plumber of years experience and is
prepared to give prompt attention to all work contracted for. He is ready to put
in steam or hot water heating plants, make repairs thereon, tap city water
mains, sewers, etc. and says no job is too small to be given special attention.
A very complete line of material is carried in stock in the small building
adjoining BAYORGEON's meat market.
The last tree in the famous avenue of pines at Little Chute was cut down this
week. These trees were planted by the hand of Father T. J. VANDENBROEK in 1834
and led from the old Indian trail, the only road at that time through there,
back to the site of the pioneer priest's combined church and house, a structure
of poles and bark, the first Catholic church in Wisconsin. Vandal hands have
destroyed these sacred landmarks.
John Adrian WILLIAMS, aged 36 years and 6 months, departed this life at 6:30
Monday evening, October 23, of the dread malady consumption.
Deceased was born at Deer River, Minnesota, and when a small boy moved with his
parents to the town of Buchanan where they settled upon a hometead and where the
family have since resided. For the last thirteen yers deceased had been employed
in the finishing room of the Combined Locks Paper company, conclusively showing
that he was a steady and trustworthy employee. He was married in November, 1889,
to Cora CUTLER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles CUTLER, who with one little
girl, aged three years, survive. He is also survived by his father and mother,
five sisters and two brothers, Miss Anna WILLIAMS, Appleton; Mrs. Henry ENGELS,
Green Bay; Mrs. John STIEVENBERG, Kimberley; Mrs. John SIMON. Kaukauna, Miss
Hattie and Messrs. John and Martin WILLIAMS, at home.
The funeral was held at St. Mary's church Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. The
pall bearers were as follows: Nick HAUPT, Jos. JERIKOWIC, Jos ZINK, Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Fred PASCHEN, Sr., are visiting relatives at Hartford.
Mrs. O. W. HANSON of Winchester is spending the week with Mrs. J. H. WARD.
Mrs. J. H. WARD and her guest, Mrs. O. W. HANSON spent Wednesday at Green Bay.
Thomas SHILLCOX returned Saturday from Eden Valley, Minn., where he has been the
past four months.
Engineer Dan HENNESSEY who is employed at Deer Brook, Minnesota, is home for
a visit with his family.
Mrs. J. H. Chamberlain read a paper on the Indian Mounds of Wisconsin at the
last meeting of the woman's club Tuesday afternoon which the club ordered sent
to the State Historical Society at madison for publication.
Nic GEREND has removed his flour and feed store to the James DEVINE building on
the opposite side of the street from his former stnd.
Tim MCCARTY of Utah and Charles MCCARTY of Mankato, Kansas have arrived in
the city to assist in unraveling the mystery attached to the sudden
disappearance of their brother, Michael MCCARTY. Tim claims to have been warned
of trouble some time ago by a western fortune teller.
Mrs. F. LINDSTRUM who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. V. AXEN, returned
Tuesday morning to her home in Chicago, Mrs. AXEN went with her for a couple of
days sojourn in the metropolis, returning Thursday evening.
Kaukauna Times, Kaukaun, WI. October 31, 1905
Charles CLEVELAND, a fireman employed in the Combined Locks paper mill, had one
of his ankles badly burned by steam.
William GATZ, son of Frank GATZ suffered a compound fracture of his left forearm
by falling from a wagon.
Mr. & Mrs. M. E. MAIN of Fond du Lac having decided to make their future home
and with their son-in-law, Dr. F. E. DONALDSON, have leased the SCHUBERT
residence on Sarah Street and will occupy the same within the next few days.
Engineer Frank FOSHA has purchased a fine large touring car which arrived here
this week, the first high grade automobile to be owned by a Kaukaunaite. Between
managing a steam horse on the Ashland division and a gasoline broncho on
Kaukauna hills and vales Frank will hearafter find his spare moments pretty well
David HURKMAN who was lock-tender at the government lock at Little Chute has
government lock at Little Chute has been appointed to take charge of the Cedars
lock in place of John KILLAWEE, and will at once move to the Cedars with his
family. John LOM has been appointed lock master at the Little Chute lock but has
not accepted the appointment.
Miss Amelia ALBERTY of Appleton and Nicholas EWENS of Milwaukee were married
at St. Joseph's church, Appleton, Wednesday morning. Miss Jennie ALBERTY was
maid of honor and Miss Mayme ALBERTY was bridesmaid. The best men were Robert
RIPPLE and Oscar P. DUNKER of Milwaukee. Edward NAGAN of this city was one of
the ushers.
The railroad crossing on the MCCARTY farm which is located near where the owner
is supposed to have been murdered, has the name of being the most fatal one in
this part of the state. Less than ten years ago a man by the name of John
YANGERS met his death there and a few years later an Indian from the Oneida
reservation was killed while on his way home. The next victim was a tramp. The
last person run down was Henry HAAS of this city who lost his life less than
four months ago. The recent tragedy enacted near there has made the crossing
more prominent than ever. [Michael McCARTHY was murdered on his farm at McCarty
Miss Emma HANSON and Mr. Wm. WHITE of Kaukauna, were united in marriage at the
home of the bride's parents in the town of Grover. The ceremony was performed by
the Rev. W. W. SOULE of Peshtigo and was a very pretty affair. Mr. WHITE is a
well known railway conductor on the C. & N. W. R'y at Kaukauna and the bride is
well known among many of the young people of this city and Marinette--Marinette
Eagle Star.
Conductor WHITE, the groom, is one of the popular railroad boys on the Ashland
division, and his many friends extend their hearty congratulations. His charming
bride is a young lady who has visited here occasionally and is therefore no
stranger among the people with whom she will make her home. Mr. and Mrs. WHITE
have taken up their residence on the south side and as soon as a suitable
residence can be secured will go to house-keeping.