Kaukauna Times
September 1894

September 7, 1894

Mrs. Sarah CORCORAN, wife of J. H. CORCORAN, died at her home on the south
side last Monday afternoon, aged 32 years. The deceased has been a sufferer from Bright's disease for several years and had been very low for several months previous to her death. She leaves a husband and three small sons to mourn the loss of a loving wife and fond mother. The funeral was held from the Holy Cross church Wednesday morning, and was largely attended the concourse being the largest that has been seen in this city for a long time. Quite a number from Appleton and other surrounding places were present.
The following relatives from out of town were in attendance at the funeral: Mr. and Mrs. M. CORCORAN, Fond du Lac, WI; Mr. and Mrs. KICKHAFER, Milwaukee; Mrs.Herman HASS, Mr. and Mrs. Michael GAHAGAN and Michael HEEHAN, Fond du Lac.

W. ROLOFF, Adolph ELKEY and John DEFOY were arrested last Friday for robbing
the Setmour bank on August 18. ROLOFF and ELKEY pleaded guilty but DEFOY
denied all knowledge of it, but admits having some of the money. ROLOFF is a tinsmith, about twenty years old. He had several keys of his own make. He could not unlock four different stores, and he had ELKEY admitted several thefts that they had committed. They are now in jail. The bank vault was dug into from the outside and $50 in small change stolen.

Kaukauna Times, Kaukauna, WI, September 28, 1894

Phillip WELTER will dispose of his farming implements, etc., at public auction at his farm in the town of Kaukauna, on the 11th of October.

A new public convenience is the electric night bell just put in at the Corner Drug Store. You press the button at their front door, and they do the rest.

Dr. PLANTZ was inaugurated as President of Lawrence University at Appleton last Tuesday evening. The exercises were held at the Methodist Church.

Cranberries are very scarce this year. They are at present wholesaled at $9.00 per barrel, $2.50 more than they usually are at this season of the year.

Navigation on the Fox River is virtually closed on account of low water. A boat with any kind of a load on has hard work to get along without striking bottom in many places.

The fathers and mothers who mainly spend their evenings at home and introduce healthful amusement and instruction around the family fireside set the best example to their children.

The marriage of Christopher MUELLER, of this city, and Miss Annie MERBACH, of
the town of Harrison, occurred at the residence of the bride's parents, on Wednesday of this week. Quite a number from Kaukauna attended the festivities.

$20.50 is the amount Justice MULLOY taxed Tony BEAULIEU last Tuesday for having assaulted Frank OBASKEY. BEAULIEU upon being discharged, turned the tables on OBASKEY and he will settle his case October 2nd.

Wm. DEHARD, who has been selling and tuning pianos here for some time past, is missing, and also a horse and buggy of C. W. LARSON's which was hired by DEHARD Tuesday evening. A warrant is out for his arrest for horse stealing and the country will be searched for the missing man, and also the rig.

Martin WEYENBERG, chairman of the town of Kaukauna, transacted business at THE TIMES office Tuesday. Mr. WEYENBERG, who is quite a weather predictor by the way, says that the chilly weather of this week will be followed by four or six weeks of nice, balmy weather, one of the old fashioned Indian summers. May his prophecy come true.

A couple of the "soiled doves" from the vicinity of the lower sulphur spring, were pulled by Officer REARDON last Tuesday afternoon for drunk and disorderly conduct. They slept off their jags in the cooler and anted up $2 and costs before Squire CONLON Wednesday morning, and left to resume business at the old stand.