Appleton Evening Cresent
September 13, 1905


A peculiar state of affairs exists in the agriculture districts of Menasha,
which leads us to the belief that Menasha is soon to be the scene of
perpetual summer. At the home of Wallace SAWYER, on Tayco Street, an apple
tree gives rise to this pleasant suspicion by sending forth an array of
blossoms as beautiful as any in the customary season of spring time.
The tree has already borne its usual crop of apples and is now heavily laden
with a second display of blossoms, It is not thought that the tree will bear
the second crop of fruit as cold weather is too near at hand. But there is
room for hope that the trees have discovered the coming of perpetual summer
to this section of the country far in advance of the weather man.--Menasha

Monroe-"The council has granted a saloon license to Mrs. Ella MAEDER, wife of
Fred MAEDER, whose license was revoked for selling liquor to a posted man
MAEDER claimed he had been victimized. He is a cripple and unable to do
manual labor."


Jacob PALM was found guilty of the charge of assault and battery in Justice
J. H. COOK's court yesterday afternoon and was sentenced to serve sixty days
in the county jail.
Jacob PALM is an old man but he is always in trouble of some kind and was
only recently released from the county jail where he served ninety days for
carrying concealed weapons.

...Since leaving the jail in June, Mr. PALM has been making his home with
relatives in the Fourth ward and it was during a quarrel with them that he is
said to have made the assault....."


Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred KRANHOLD on Carver Street, a daughter.

A daughter was born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. Nick SCHOMMER on State Street.

Appleton Evening Crescent, Appleton, WI, September 27, 1905

Madison-As a result of a newspaper story, Cora AVERSON, who claims she was
deserted by her foster parents in Madison, Friday, has again joined her
mother, Mrs. Bert SHAW of Roscoe, Illinois who has searched for twelve years
for her daughter over four states and spent thousands of dollars.
When her mother was ill the father placed Cora and two other children in a
home finding school at Chicago.
In an effort to find Cora, Mrs. SHAW was divorced from her first husband.
The other two children were found years ago.


Appleton Evening Crescent, Appleton, WI, September 28, 1905

He Gave His Life for His Country
John GRASSBERGER died yesterday of Disease Contracted in Philippines.

John P. GRASSBERGER died last night at the home of his father J. Paul
GRASSBERGER on College Avenue at the age of 25 years. Death was due to
Bright's disease, caused by malaria fever contracted while serving in the
army in the Philippines.

He is survived by a father, one brother and three sisters. The funeral will
be held Saturday morning at 0 o'clock from St. Joseph's church, under the
auspices of the Charles O. BAER Camp of the Spanish American Way Veterans.
Members of the camp will act as pallbearers.

John P. GRASSBERGER was born in this city. At the outbreak of the Spanish
War he enlisted in Company G, and served through the Porto Rican [sic] campaign.
After his discharge from Company G he enlisted in the Sixth United State
Infantry which went to the Philippines. He served in the islands over two
years, when he contracted malarial fever and was sent to a hospital in San
Francisco, where he remained until able to come home. The fever never left
his system, and finally developed into Bright's Disease, which caused his

Members of Charles O. BARE Camp are requested to meet at the new armory
Saturday morning at 8:30 o'clock."

"Cards are out announcing the wedding of Miss Martha VANNORTWICK to Frank E.
HOLBROOK. The marriage will be solemnized at Grace Church on Saturday,
October 14, at high noon. After the ceremony there will be a reception at
875 Prospect Street"