1885 State Census Index G-N - Pierce County, Wisconsin *************************************************************************** NOTE: This index was created from census images donated by Nick Schommer which are online at http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/wi/pierce/census/1885/0000read.htm As with all old documents, some pages are faded, handwriting can be hard to read. If you have any corrections please contact me, Debbie Barrett at mrsgrinnin@attbi.com *************************************************************************** This web site and its contents in the format presented, except where otherwise noted on the page, are copyrighted by Debbie Barrett and may not be copied, altered, converted nor uploaded to any electronic system or BBS, nor linked from any "pay-for-view" site, linked in such a manner as to appear to be part of another site including "frame" capturing, nor included in any software collection or print collection of any type without the express written permission of the author of this site, namely, Debbie Barrett. Please report any such violations to Debbie Barrett, mrsgrinnin@attbi.com. If you are caught in someone else's frame, please go to http://www.rootsweb.com/~wipierce and click on the link provided to free you. *************************************************************************** Surname Name Township Image # G**art James Maiden Rock 054 G**rsten Ernest Oak Grove 067 G*dline E. Hartland 040 G*hngnsca Joe River Falls 080 G*iger Jake Ellsworth 019 G*orock Joe River Falls 079 Gaarden H.H. Spring Lake 111 Gaarder Sarah Martell 061 Gaarder Sarah Martell 062 Gaase*nd Anders Anderson Martell 058 Gabrilson Louis Ellsworth 019 Galagher Edward Oak Grove 067 Galstrom Emanuel Trenton 118 Gambier Samuel Spring Lake 109 Gammelgard C.J. Hartland 042 Gardner C. Ellsworth 012 Gardner F.E. River Falls 082 Gardner G. River Falls 095 Gardner J.B. Ellsworth 012 Gardner J.R. Prescott 075 Gardner W. River Falls 095 Garlie N.A. Gilman 034 Garren Calvin A. River Falls 086 Garrett William R. Rock Elm 100 Garthie Christ Trenton 115 Garthie Christ Trenton 116 Gartland Salomon Martell 057 Gasman Henry Martell 061 Gasman Henry Martell 062 Gasman Peder Martell 060 Gawesky ****** Oak Grove 064 Gawesky ****** Oak Grove 065 Geer William E. Maiden Rock 055 Geibler George Oak Grove 068 Geiger John Union 131 Geiser Lewis Martell 061 Geiser Lewis Martell 062 Geiser Math Martell 062 Geiser Math Martell 061 Geisler John Oak Grove 066 Gepvert John Ellsworth 022 Gerber Fred Ellsworth 013 Gerhard John Prescott 075 Gerrish S. Union 133 Gessing Edward Spring Lake 110 Getchell J.R. River Falls 077 Getchell J.R. River Falls 078 Gi*pord Casper Ellsworth 019 Gibb*tson P. River Falls 094 Gibbons Mrs. Ellsworth 018 Gibbs Dennis River Falls 092 Gibbs Mrs. River Falls 086 Gibbs Nelson River Falls 093 Gibbs Porter Trimbelle 126 Gibson J.W. River Falls 088 Gibson J.W. River Falls 092 Gifford Julius Ellsworth 011 Gifford Timothy Maiden Rock 052 Gilbert J.A. Martell 056 Gilbert J.A. Martell 057 Gilbert G.H. Gilman 035 Gilbertson Br*j Ellsworth 016 Gilbertson E. Hartland 039 Gilbertson Fred Ellsworth 019 Gilbertson Grist Esdaile 038 Gilbertson J.C. Hartland 044 Gilbertson Magnus Ellsworth 019 Gilbertson Ole Gilman 031 Gilbertson Ole River Falls 090 Gilbertson Rasmus Gilman 032 Giles Mrs. C. Martell 059 Gilles George Union 133 Gilles Joe Union 133 Gilles John Union 133 Gilles Matt Union 132 Gilles Paul Union 131 Gillespie A. River Falls 094 Gillespie Joseph Hartland 038 Gillig John Oak Grove 067 Gilman B.H. Gilman 034 Gilman Henry Trenton 118 Gilmore F.M. Ellsworth 016 Gilmore F.S. Hartland 041 Gilmore James Maiden Rock 054 Gilmore John S. Ellsworth 013 Gilson W.C. River Falls 081 Ginsbach Peter Rock Elm 099 Gipford Charles Ellsworth 016 Gipford Wm Ellsworth 016 Glass James F. Rock Elm 097 Glass T.T. River Falls 079 Glem Caroline Maiden Rock 052 Glendenning George Oak Grove 069 Glendenning W.H. Prescott 075 Glendenning Jr.James Oak Grove 069 Glendenning Sr.James Oak Grove 069 Go*sley James Trenton 118 Godfrey Geo River Falls 089 Godfrey W.K. River Falls 090 Goff Frank Salem 103 Goff Frank Salem 104 Goff L.D. Maiden Rock 055 Goggin Catherine Trenton 120 Goggin John Diamond Bluff 007 Goggin Mary Diamond Bluff 009 Goggins John Prescott 072 Gohine Thimothy Gilman 032 Golden Michael Gilman 033 Golden Sam Prescott 075 Goldsmith Spencer L. Trimbelle 127 Goldsmith Walter H. Trimbelle 126 Gooding John Trimbelle 127 Goodman Joseph River Falls 085 Goodwin Uriah Clifton 004 Gord**r H.C. Ellsworth 019 Gordon Dan Spring Lake 108 Gordon Dan Spring Lake 109 Gordon H.A. River Falls 081 Gordon J.H. River Falls 080 Gordon John Trimbelle 124 Gordon Thomas Trimbelle 123 Gore A. Trimbelle 125 Gore Jacob Rock Elm 099 Gorman C.D. Gilman 032 Gorman John Gilman 034 Gorman Levi Spring Lake 111 Gorman O.H. Gilman 034 Gossett Abr. Spring Lake 110 Gotzman David Ellsworth 019 Gould Dr. C.M. River Falls 085 Gould Geo Ellsworth 012 Gould Louisiana Ellsworth 012 Gould Mrs. Prescott 072 Gould Mrs. L. River Falls 088 Grabb Edelrich Maiden Rock 052 Grady James Trimbelle 128 Graff Joseph Ellsworth 013 Graham Chester River Falls 078 Graham Harry River Falls 090 Graham J.M. Spring Lake 111 Graham Kimball Spring Lake 110 Granbois James F. Oak Grove 068 Granbois Nathan Oak Grove 068 Grant C.H. Diamond Bluff 009 Grant Jos Prescott 072 Grant Laughlin N. Rock Elm 097 Grape Henry Gilman 031 Gratz Frank Trimbelle 124 Gray Abraham Oak Grove 065 Gray L.E. Prescott 073 Gray S.H. River Falls 094 Gray William Oak Grove 067 Greeley Albert Trimbelle 125 Greeley Charles Trimbelle 127 Greeley Julius Trimbelle 127 Green Allen Spring Lake 111 Green Clara River Falls 088 Green David Martell 060 Green Edwin River Falls 080 Green Fred Trimbelle 124 Green Hilton El Paso 023 Green Hilton El Paso 024 Green James N. Salem 106 Green Kaleb Salem 106 Green L.E. River Falls 080 Green Reuben A. Salem 106 Green W.M. River Falls 081 Green William Gilman 032 Greene Laf. Salem 106 Greer Robert Spring Lake 110 Greer Stephen Rock Elm 097 Gregerson Hans P. Martell 059 Gregor Wenzel Trimbelle 128 Gregorson Chas River Falls 088 Gregorson Fred River Falls 088 Griffin *. River Falls 087 Griffin G.R. River Falls 088 Griffin Thos Prescott 072 Griggs Jos Ellsworth 013 Grimm Chas River Falls 091 Grindall Otto Ellsworth 022 Grinde M.O. Gilman 034 Grisom J.M. River Falls 085 Griss**** John River Falls 089 Gron*r B. Prescott 075 Groot Robert S. Rock Elm 096 Groot Robert S. Rock Elm 097 Groot Sim** C. Rock Elm 096 Groot Sim** C. Rock Elm 097 Gros** Carl Ellsworth 013 Grossen G. Ellsworth 022 Grossert Ernst River Falls 085 Gu*nther Henry Oak Grove 068 Guderland Erick Maiden Rock 052 Gudmandson Berth* Martell 058 Guiltean J.A. Maiden Rock 054 Guiltean W.P. Maiden Rock 054 Gulickson Nels Gilman 035 Gunderson Gunhild Martell 061 Gunderson Gunhild Martell 062 Gunderson H.G. El Paso 025 Gunderson Mrs. I. Martell 059 Gunderson O. Hartland 039 Gunderson Peder Martell 058 Gunderson Sivert Gilman 033 Gurst Melt* C. Rock Elm 098 Gusfper Alois Union 134 Gustafson John Trenton 118 Gustafson Peter Union 133 Gustoferson O. River Falls 094 Gustofson Charles Maiden Rock 052 Gustofson Gust Hartland 042 Gyr *** (Widow) Union 132 H**st Lewis River Falls 092 H**sto* A.A. River Falls 089 H*ld Swan Ellsworth 017 H*ll J.B. Maiden Rock 055 Ha**t Fred Martell 060 Ha*esly Geo Hartland 041 Haagenson Anna Spring Lake 113 Haagenson Haagen Spring Lake 110 Haagenson Jacob Spring Lake 113 Haakenson C. Hartland 042 Haave Ole H. Martell 060 Haberstick John River Falls 080 Hach** John Prescott 074 Hadeen John Maiden Rock 048 Hadeen John Maiden Rock 049 Hafer John Clifton 004 Hafford Truman River Falls 087 Haffron James Isabelle 047 Hagenson T.H. Ellsworth 021 Hager M.C. Hartland 044 Hager Ole Maiden Rock 054 Hagestad Mrs. Ida Martell 056 Hagestad Mrs. Ida Martell 057 Hagman John Isabelle 047 Haight Abner Ellsworth 019 Haight M.B. Ellsworth 018 Hait Henry Maiden Rock 051 Hakel Paul Ellsworth 017 Halberg John Maiden Rock 048 Halberg John Maiden Rock 049 Haldorson Ingrid Spring Lake 111 Hale James River Falls 085 Halgerson hans Ellsworth 017 Halgerson Louis Ellsworth 021 Hall C.A. Hartland 038 Hall Charles Oak Grove 068 Hall David River Falls 079 Hall F.J. Trimbelle 125 Hall George Maiden Rock 054 Hall Hosea Hartland 038 Hall J.A. River Falls 081 Hall Jerry Ellsworth 015 Hall L.C. Oak Grove 067 Hall M.C. Union 132 Hall S.P. River Falls 081 Hall S.S. Hartland 036 Hall S.S. Hartland 037 Hall W.W. Oak Grove 064 Hall W.W. Oak Grove 065 Hall William Maiden Rock 054 Halls Ole River Falls 089 Halls Oluff River Falls 089 Halsomb Albert Rock Elm 098 Halstead John Maiden Rock 051 Halstead William Maiden Rock 051 Halvarson Torbjorn Martell 060 Halverson Gunder River Falls 081 Halverson John Maiden Rock 050 Halvo Swinning River Falls 081 Halvorson H.C. El Paso 028 Halvorson Halvor Gilman 033 Halvorson Halvor Martell 061 Halvorson Halvor Martell 062 Halvorson Isaac El Paso 028 Halvorson Kittel Gilman 030 Halvorson Kittel Gilman 031 Halvorson Nils Martell 058 Halvorson Ole Gilman 033 Halvorson Peder Gilman 033 Halvorson Soren Martell 058 Halvorson Torgus Gilman 033 Hamilton George Rock Elm 098 Hamilton J.W. River Falls 092 Hamilton Jasper Ellsworth 019 Hamilton John Ellsworth 018 Hamilton John Rock Elm 096 Hamilton John Rock Elm 097 Hamilton Robert River Falls 079 Hamilton Samuel L. Ellsworth 018 Hamilton Thomas Rock Elm 098 Hamilton William Oak Grove 064 Hamilton William Oak Grove 065 Hamilton Wm Ellsworth 020 Hamilton Wm Spring Lake 110 Hammer Martin J. Gilman 031 Hammer Ole A. Gilman 033 Hammon Jr. Fred Oak Grove 066 Hammon Sr. Fred Oak Grove 066 Hammond Asa Ellsworth 014 Hammond E. Clifton 002 Hammond E.P. River Falls 093 Hammond Henry Clifton 002 Hammond Lee Rock Elm 098 Hammond T.W. River Falls 087 Hammonson Albert Oak Grove 064 Hammonson Albert Oak Grove 065 Hampton G.R. Oak Grove 068 Hampton M.J. Gilman 030 Hampton M.J. Gilman 031 Hanacke A.F. Spring Lake 112 Hancock Eugene Ellsworth 011 Hancock J.W. Ellsworth 013 Hang Hans J. Gilman 033 Hang John Martell 059 Hang Mrs. F. River Falls 089 Hang N.J. Gilman 033 Hangen Ole J. Hartland 040 Hangfor Nils A. Gilman 035 Hanna Samuel Oak Grove 069 Hans*rs John Oak Grove 066 Hanson *else Oak Grove 068 Hanson Andrew Hartland 038 Hanson Andrew Prescott 076 Hanson Chris Ellsworth 017 Hanson Clas E. River Falls 088 Hanson D.L. Trimbelle 125 Hanson Elef Gilman 033 Hanson Frank Martell 058 Hanson Fred River Falls 090 Hanson Geo River Falls 089 Hanson H.O. Gilman 035 Hanson H.P. Gilman 034 Hanson H.P. Spring Lake 110 Hanson Hans Gilman 033 Hanson Herman Gilman 033 Hanson Holver Hartland 042 Hanson Jacob Martell 059 Hanson Jens Hartland 038 Hanson Jno P. Spring Lake 113 Hanson John Hartland 044 Hanson John Trimbelle 126 Hanson John O. Trenton 118 Hanson lars Ellsworth 019 Hanson Lars Hartland 037 Hanson Lars Gilman 035 Hanson Louis Spring Lake 111 Hanson Martin Ellsworth 020 Hanson Mary Ellsworth 018 Hanson Michael Ellsworth 017 Hanson Mrs. River Falls 090 Hanson Ole Gilman 031 Hanson Ole Hartland 044 Hanson Ole Spring Lake 110 Hanson Peter Diamond Bluff 008 Hanson Peter Hartland 039 Hanson Peter Prescott 074 Hanson Rasmus Ellsworth 018 Hanson S.P. Diamond Bluff 008 Hanson T.H. River Falls 077 Hanson T.H. River Falls 078 Hanvelt John Rock Elm 099 Hanvelt Mar*** Rock Elm 099 Harding Fred Oak Grove 068 Harding W.S. Hartland 039 Hardy D.F. River Falls 086 Hardy John Clifton 003 Hardy S.B. Diamond Bluff 008 Harkinson Mrs. Clifton 003 Harkinson Olof Diamond Bluff 007 Harnsberger E. Clifton 003 Harnsberger L.M. Oak Grove 068 Harpster W.C. Trenton 119 Harrington Pat El Paso 027 Harrington T** El Paso 026 Harrington W.J. Prescott 073 Harrington Wm Prescott 073 Harrington Jr. Patrick El Paso 027 Harris * Clifton 003 Harris Clarence River Falls 081 Harris Gilbert Martell 060 Harris H.O. River Falls 094 Harris Henry Prescott 075 Harris James Trimbelle 125 Harris John Trimbelle 125 Harris Johnson Gilman 032 Harris Lute Ellsworth 010 Harris Lute Ellsworth 011 Harris Michael Trimbelle 125 Harris Peter Prescott 076 Harris Sylvester Ellsworth 012 Harrison Clarence River Falls 086 Harrison J.S. Union 131 Harrison Joseph Diamond Bluff 008 Harshman John El Paso 025 Harshman L. El Paso 025 Harst Robert Union 132 Hartenson Sr. Charles Oak Grove 067 Hartenstein Henry Trimbelle 127 Harvey E.D. Hartland 038 Harwell John Prescott 070 Harwell John Prescott 071 Has*rauft Daniel Maiden Rock 051 Hase Aug El Paso 026 Hase Christ El Paso 026 Hase Fred El Paso 026 Haskill James M. Rock Elm 101 Hasler Even A. Gilman 034 Hassel Fred Maiden Rock 048 Hassel Fred Maiden Rock 049 Haster Peter El Paso 024 Hastetler Jos P. Spring Lake 112 Hastrom Benj. River Falls 088 Hathaway Alexander Spring Lake 112 Hathaway C.M. River Falls 094 Hathaway E. River Falls 091 Hathaway Melvin River Falls 091 Hathway J.B. Trimbelle 124 Hatman C. River Falls 090 Haugen N.P. River Falls 093 Haugen Peder N. Martell 061 Haugen Peder N. Martell 062 Have A.P. Hartland 042 Haven H.G. River Falls 089 Havens J.K. Prescott 074 Havens J.L. River Falls 094 Haverlandt F.W. Trimbelle 123 Haviland E.W. Prescott 076 Hawley C.A. River Falls 081 Hawn Charles A. Rock Elm 101 Hayden James Martell 061 Hayden James Martell 062 Hayden Nichols Martell 060 Hayer John F. Maiden Rock 053 Hayne William Salem 106 Hays August Hartland 038 Hays T. River Falls 095 Hazan Jas El Paso 027 Hea*k E. Spring Lake 112 Heacox B.T. River Falls 081 Headberg Erick Maiden Rock 049 Headberg Ole Maiden Rock 048 Headberg Ole Maiden Rock 049 Headberg Peter Maiden Rock 052 Healey Tur**ly River Falls 093 Healy Lyman River Falls 080 Heath George Maiden Rock 054 Hechel Ernest Oak Grove 066 Heckel Fred Oak Grove 068 Heckel John Oak Grove 068 Hei Matt Union 133 Hei Nick Union 134 Hei Sr. Jacob Union 133 Heibut J** Prescott 072 Heim John Union 133 Heins F.W. El Paso 027 Heins Henry Union 131 Heinzer Baltz Union 134 Heinzer Karl Union 132 Helberg Nels River Falls 080 Helgerson Henry River Falls 081 Helgeson Charley Gilman 034 Helgeson Svend Martell 058 Hellmuller Anton Union 134 Hellmuller Jacob Union 133 Helmer Alva Trimbelle 127 Hemquist August Maiden Rock 052 Henchjen John Martell 056 Henchjen John Martell 057 Hendrickson Chas River Falls 085 Hendrickson Nels Maiden Rock 054 Hendrickson Paul Gilman 033 Hendricson Louis Trimbelle 125 Hendrikson Claus Martell 059 Hennson*** Chas El Paso 025 Henry J.H. Clifton 004 Henry John River Falls 087 Herbert Andrew Salem 105 Herbert Michael Trimbelle 126 Herbert Tom Prescott 075 Herbison John Union 133 Herbison Thomas Union 133 Herbison William Salem 104 Herlin Mrs. River Falls 080 Herold Henry Maiden Rock 051 Herrick A.*. River Falls 088 Hertz Frederick Rock Elm 098 Heslin George T. Maiden Rock 054 Hess L.A. Spring Lake 112 Hessenger W. Prescott 075 Hessinger Jos Prescott 072 Heving August Oak Grove 068 Heyerdahl Chr. G.N. Martell 061 Heyerdahl Chr. G.N. Martell 062 Hi*gel Jacob Union 133 Hiatt D.B. River Falls 083 Hiatt D.B. River Falls 084 Hibbinson Thomas Trimbelle 125 Hickerson S.B. River Falls 081 Hickey John Trimbelle 125 Hickock W.H. Clifton 004 Hicks A.M. Maiden Rock 054 Hicks F.A. River Falls 091 Hicks O.C. River Falls 093 Higg James River Falls 085 Higgins C.S. Hartland 040 Higgins Frank Hartland 040 Higgins J.F. Maiden Rock 053 High Charles Maiden Rock 050 Hildabosch Soli River Falls 078 Hildebrant Gust Trenton 119 Hilden L.J. Diamond Bluff 007 Hill Andrew Ellsworth 020 Hill Charles W. Rock Elm 101 Hill Emery W. Maiden Rock 055 Hill Hiram Diamond Bluff 008 Hill Joshua Hartland 040 Hill Ransom Rock Elm 101 Hill S.J. Spring Lake 113 Hillbery John P. Hartland 041 Hiller Orton El Paso 023 Hiller Orton El Paso 024 Hills A.R. Ellsworth 013 Hines Charles Trimbelle 128 Hines Frank El Paso 027 Hines Joseph El Paso 025 Hines Jr. Frank El Paso 027 Ho*sthottle W.E. Ellsworth 014 Hoag Wm Prescott 072 Hoem Anna Trenton 115 Hoem Anna Trenton 116 Hoffman Albert Ellsworth 012 Hoffman Andrew Maiden Rock 052 Hoffman John Ellsworth 012 Hoffman Nicholas Maiden Rock 052 Hoffman Wm Trimbelle 127 Hofmeister Jacob Union 132 Hofmeister Jr. Jacob Union 132 Hogan Alice El Paso 026 Hogan H.V. Trenton 119 Hoganson Chas Spring Lake 110 Hogenson Hogen O. Gilman 035 Hoglen John Ellsworth 021 Hogren M.J. Gilman 033 Hoherstable Joe River Falls 078 Holbrook C.J. Maiden Rock 055 Holbrook W.A. Ellsworth 013 Holcomb A.L. Spring Lake 112 Holdahl Ole El Paso 027 Holdahl Soren Gilman 034 Holden O.J. Gilman 031 Holdruud Ole Ellsworth 016 Holgreen Chas River Falls 091 Hollenbeck Wm River Falls 094 Hollinger Daniel Trimbelle 124 Hollister Geo S. Prescott 075 Hollister O.C. Prescott 075 Holm Nels River Falls 081 Holman H.N. Prescott 070 Holman H.N. Prescott 071 Holman Henry Ellsworth 019 Holman J.H. Ellsworth 016 Holmstead John Union 134 Holstrom S.J. Maiden Rock 053 Holt C.C. Union 133 Holt Edward Rock Elm 098 Holt H. River Falls 092 Holt Jno F. Spring Lake 110 Holt L.S. Union 131 Holt William Rock Elm 098 Holtsapple M.J. Ellsworth 013 Holtsapple Milton Ellsworth 011 Holtz Fred Ellsworth 013 Holverson Andrew Salem 103 Holverson Andrew Salem 104 Holverson Ever Salem 103 Holverson Ever Salem 104 Holverson Ole A. Gilman 034 Holverson S. Hartland 042 Hone P. Salem 106 Hoode Christian Gilman 033 Hooker J. Wm Spring Lake 110 Hoopert William Oak Grove 068 Hoover E.C. Hartland 040 Hope A.B. Diamond Bluff 007 Hope H.M. Diamond Bluff 006 Hope J.F. Diamond Bluff 009 Hope T.W. Diamond Bluff 007 Horning Henry Trenton 117 Hostert John Trimbelle 125 Hotchkiss A.C. River Falls 080 Hough William Oak Grove 069 Houston J.H. Prescott 076 Houston Wm Prescott 074 Hovde Nils Gilman 033 Hovig Hans O. Martell 059 Howard Alvin H. Rock Elm 099 Howard Wm Trimbelle 126 Howard Wm M. Spring Lake 110 Howe Cyrus Trimbelle 125 Howes Mrs. Prescott 075 Hoydahl John River Falls 079 Hoyt Wilbur Rock Elm 098 Hubbard H.L. Maiden Rock 053 Huber Adam Ellsworth 016 Huber Adam Ellsworth 016 Huber Chas Ellsworth 013 Huber Fred Ellsworth 013 Huber Henry R. Ellsworth 014 Huber John Ellsworth 020 Huber Louis Ellsworth 013 Huber Willis Ellsworth 020 Huber Jr. Philip Ellsworth 018 Huber No 1 Philip Ellsworth 018 Huber No 2 Philip Ellsworth 018 Huddleson John Clifton 001 Huddleson John Clifton 002 Huddleston **** Martell 060 Huddleston David Martell 060 Huddleston Jr. A. Ellsworth 014 Hudland C. Isabelle 047 Hudson Mary Hartland 036 Hudson Mary Hartland 037 Hudson Wm El Paso 023 Hudson Wm El Paso 024 Huffy Henry River Falls 085 Hulbert Ward Prescott 070 Hulbert Ward Prescott 071 Huling J.B. Diamond Bluff 008 Hull H. Ellsworth 022 Hull Mrs. Prescott 072 Hullander C.A. Trenton 117 Hullander Frank Trenton 117 Huller Geo Spring Lake 112 Hultz Julia A. River Falls 091 Hunn George Maiden Rock 051 Hunn S.W. Union 130 Hunt C.P. River Falls 091 Hunt Chas P. River Falls 087 Hunt James Maiden Rock 054 Hunter J.D. Diamond Bluff 007 Hunter John Trimbelle 127 Hunter Samuel Oak Grove 069 Hunter Wm Trimbelle 125 Huphan Fred Union 131 Huphan Melchior Union 131 Hupper Jr. Alick Trimbelle 128 Huppert Alic Trimbelle 127 Huppert John Trimbelle 127 Huppert Mathias Trimbelle 126 Huppert Michael Trimbelle 127 Huppert Peter Trimbelle 127 Hurley Thos El Paso 025 Hurst J.T. Prescott 073 Hurst Thompson River Falls 080 Hurstrom Ole River Falls 081 Hurtgen Albert Gilman 032 Hurtgen John Gilman 031 Huskey Joe River Falls 079 Hussirman J.J. Hartland 039 Hustead Peter River Falls 089 Husting N.P. Prescott 071 Hustt Wm Prescott 076 Hutchings Herman River Falls 085 Hutchins Elias Diamond Bluff 008 Hutchins Geo Clifton 003 Hutchins Geo Prescott 075 Hutchinson Chas River Falls 080 Hutchinson O.S. Prescott 073 Hutchison William Salem 105 Hutchson William Diamond Bluff 008 Illegible Illegible Maiden Rock 051 Imberg Peter Union 132 Inabnet Mike Union 132 Ingalls James Rock Elm 100 Ingli **nad Union 132 Ingli *. Union 131 Ingli Badi*t Union 129 Ingli Badi*t Union 130 Ingli Chas Union 133 Ingli Frank Union 134 Irish H.B. Spring Lake 111 Irleman J.G. Ellsworth 018 Irri*e S.T. Trenton 118 Irvine S. Trenton 118 Irwin J.L. Spring Lake 113 Isaacson Gunder Martell 060 Isaacson Halvor El Paso 028 Isaacson Jens Martell 059 Isaacson Mrs. A.M. El Paso 028 Isaacson Thomas Martell 059 Isackson Ole Gilman 031 Iverson Erick Ellsworth 016 Iverson Hans J. Martell 061 Iverson Hans J. Martell 062 Iverson Iver Ellsworth 016 Iverson Iver Gilman 034 Iverson Iver B. Martell 056 Iverson Iver B. Martell 057 Ives B. Trenton 119 Ives E.H. Prescott 072 J***gren J.N.L. Trenton 118 J**kman C.R. Ellsworth 019 J*y H.A. Prescott 075 Jackson Chas Hartland 040 Jackson D. Prescott 073 Jackson Frank Hartland 041 Jackson Jacob Spring Lake 110 Jackson John Hartland 040 Jackson Julia River Falls 088 Jackson Peter Hartland 041 Jackson Peter Martell 058 Jacobs John Trimbelle 125 Jacobson Andrew Gilman 034 Jacobson Elias Martell 057 Jacobson H.P. Gilman 035 Jacobson Hans Martell 058 Jacobson Jacob Martell 058 Jacobson Jena Trenton 117 Jacobson Jerry Gilman 034 Jacobson Joseph Maiden Rock 048 Jacobson Joseph Maiden Rock 049 Jacobson Lars Martell 058 Jacobson Lars Spring Lake 111 Jacobson Ole Spring Lake 112 Janish Chas El Paso 024 Jarbock Godlieb Ellsworth 017 Jay G.H. Prescott 073 Jeffers James Hartland 037 Jellings J. River Falls 085 Jennin John Prescott 070 Jennings George Union 132 Jennings James Union 134 Jennings Mrs. Miles Martell 061 Jennings Mrs. Miles Martell 062 Jenson A. Hartland 040 Jenson B. Gilman 033 Jenson Chas Hartland 037 Jenson E.B. Gilman 033 Jenson Erick El Paso 027 Jenson Hans O. Diamond Bluff 005 Jenson Hans O. Diamond Bluff 006 Jenson Hans Peder Spring Lake 113 Jenson J.B. Ellsworth 012 Jenson Jens Trenton 117 Jenson John Hartland 042 Jenson Jorgen Gilman 033 Jenson Ole Ellsworth 018 Jenson R.N. River Falls 085 Jenson Severn Maiden Rock 053 Jentyes Minnie Gilman 035 Jerenson John Maiden Rock 052 Jergenson Hans Oak Grove 069 Jernberg John Maiden Rock 051 Jesse August Rock Elm 098 Jinson Isaac Ellsworth 017 Johanson J.E. Maiden Rock 051 Johanson O.F. Maiden Rock 051 John Andrew Johnson Gilman 033 Johnson *.O. Prescott 072 Johnson A.B. Gilman 034 Johnson A.F. Union 133 Johnson A.M. Hartland 040 Johnson A.p. Hartland 041 Johnson A.P. Maiden Rock 052 Johnson Adoph F. Maiden Rock 053 Johnson Albert Trenton 117 Johnson Albert O. Trenton 117 Johnson Andreas Diamond Bluff 005 Johnson Andreas Diamond Bluff 006 Johnson Andrew Hartland 041 Johnson Andrew Maiden Rock 050 Johnson Andrew Prescott 074 Johnson Andrew Spring Lake 110 Johnson Andrew Trimbelle 126 Johnson Andrew J. Ellsworth 017 Johnson Andrw Martell 060 Johnson Aug. Ellsworth 017 Johnson Aug. Ellsworth 021 Johnson August Hartland 037 Johnson August Isabelle 045 Johnson August Union 132 Johnson B. El Paso 025 Johnson B.H. Diamond Bluff 008 Johnson B.P. Trenton 118 Johnson Benton Prescott 073 Johnson Berg Gilman 033 Johnson Billie Ellsworth 010 Johnson Billie Ellsworth 011 Johnson C**ce Maiden Rock 054 Johnson C.A. Ellsworth 021 Johnson C.J. Ellsworth 015 Johnson C.J. Ellsworth 018 Johnson C.J. Trimbelle 126 Johnson C.M. Spring Lake 111 Johnson Carl M. Maiden Rock 053 Johnson Caroline (Widow) Union 132 Johnson Casper River Falls 078 Johnson Charles Maiden Rock 050 Johnson Charles Salem 104 Johnson Charles Trimbelle 128 Johnson Chas Ellsworth 017 Johnson Chas Ellsworth 021 Johnson Chas Isabelle 045 Johnson Chas Isabelle 046 Johnson Chas Maiden Rock 050 Johnson Chas River Falls 092 Johnson Chris Spring Lake 110 Johnson Clark Clifton 003 Johnson Curtis River Falls 089 Johnson Elan Trimbelle 123 Johnson Engbrigt Martell 058 Johnson Erick Maiden Rock 052 Johnson Frank River Falls 079 Johnson Frank Trimbelle 128 Johnson Fred Ellsworth 021 Johnson Fred Hartland 041 Johnson Gilbert Hartland 040 Johnson Gilbert River Falls 087 Johnson Gustof Hartland 040 Johnson Gustuf Ellsworth 017 Johnson Haaken Hartland 042 Johnson Hans Salem 103 Johnson Hans Salem 104 Johnson Hans Spring Lake 112 Johnson Harry River Falls 092 Johnson Henry Gilman 035 Johnson Henry Isabelle 045 Johnson Henry Isabelle 046 Johnson Herman Ellsworth 022 Johnson Hjlmer Ellsworth 021 Johnson Iver Gilman 033 Johnson J.B. Ellsworth 017 Johnson J.E. River Falls 089 Johnson J.F. River Falls 094 Johnson J.H. Ellsworth 021 Johnson J.M. El Paso 028 Johnson Jacob Maiden Rock 052 Johnson Jacob River Falls 080 Johnson Jacob River Falls 089 Johnson Jeppe Prescott 076 Johnson Jesper Martell 061 Johnson Jesper Martell 062 Johnson Joe River Falls 080 Johnson Joe River Falls 080 Johnson John Hartland 041 Johnson John Maiden Rock 051 Johnson John Maiden Rock 052 Johnson John Martell 059 Johnson John River Falls 079 Johnson John River Falls 081 Johnson John Trenton 115 Johnson John Trenton 116 Johnson John Trimbelle 124 Johnson John Trimbelle 126 Johnson John Union 132 Johnson John Union 134 Johnson John B. Hartland 042 Johnson John E. Trenton 115 Johnson John E. Trenton 116 Johnson John J. Hartland 038 Johnson John M. Martell 059 Johnson John N. Trenton 117 Johnson John O. Hartland 040 Johnson John P. Maiden Rock 050 Johnson John P. Trimbelle 127 Johnson Kittil Martell 056 Johnson Kittil Martell 057 Johnson L.J. Maiden Rock 052 Johnson Lars A. Maiden Rock 051 Johnson Lem River Falls 077 Johnson Lem River Falls 078 Johnson Louis Trimbelle 125 Johnson M.C. River Falls 089 Johnson Martin Isabelle 046 Johnson Martin Martell 058 Johnson Martin Trenton 118 Johnson Martin Isabelle 045 Johnson Mary Trenton 117 Johnson Mrs. S.A. Prescott 075 Johnson Nels Clifton 004 Johnson Nels Gilman 031 Johnson Nels Hartland 044 Johnson Nels P. Trimbelle 124 Johnson Nelts Maiden Rock 053 Johnson Nicholas Maiden Rock 050 Johnson Nils Union 132 Johnson O.F. Trenton 117 Johnson Ole Martell 061 Johnson Ole Martell 062 Johnson Olf Ellsworth 022 Johnson Oscar Ellsworth 018 Johnson P.L. Ellsworth 021 Johnson P.N. Trenton 119 Johnson Paul Oak Grove 064 Johnson Paul Oak Grove 065 Johnson Peder K. Martell 059 Johnson Per Trenton 117 Johnson Peter Maiden Rock 049 Johnson Peter River Falls 079 Johnson Peter River Falls 080 Johnson Peter Trenton 120 Johnson Peter Spring Lake 111 Johnson Peter J. Hartland 041 Johnson S.A. Ellsworth 022 Johnson S.B. Hartland 044 Johnson Sam River Falls 080 Johnson Soren Hartland 036 Johnson Soren Hartland 037 Johnson Susan Maiden Rock 053 Johnson Swan Prescott 074 Johnson Swan No 2 Prescott 074 Johnson Tharald Martell 061 Johnson Tharald Martell 062 Johnson Toliff Spring Lake 111 Johnson Tollef Gilman 034 Johnson Tosten Gilman 030 Johnson Tosten Gilman 031 Johnson Vane River Falls 080 Johnson Albert Hartland 038 Johnson Wi** Andrew Gilman 033 Johnson Wi** Halvor Gilman 033 Johnson's WidowAne Ellsworth 017 Johnston E.D. Spring Lake 112 Johnston Frank Clifton 002 Johnston H.L. Spring Lake 113 Johnston J.S. Clifton 004 Johnston L.S. River Falls 094 Johnston R.M. Diamond Bluff 008 Johnston W.M. Diamond Bluff 008 Johson Erick Maiden Rock 052 Jonas Andrew Oak Grove 067 Jones Charles Oak Grove 069 Jones Miss E. River Falls 088 Jones William Salem 105 Joppie Fred River Falls 087 Jorgenson Hans Trenton 117 Jorgenson Hans Diamond Bluff 009 Jorgenson Ole B. Martell 059 Joyce Jno P. Spring Lake 112 Judd W.B. Clifton 002 Juell D.N. River Falls 092 Julian L.E. Maiden Rock 053 Julson J.*. Gilman 032 Julson Ole Gilman 035 Jurgens Louis Prescott 072 Jurnson Christ Gilman 034 Jurnson Hans Gilman 033 Jurnson John Gilman 034 K****nk Thos River Falls 089 K*mer S.F. Diamond Bluff 008 Kaason Ole Spring Lake 111 Kabuly Joseph El Paso 025 Kaler A.W. River Falls 089 Kammesrude C. Hartland 044 Kane James Salem 105 Kane James Trimbelle 125 Kaniger Frank El Paso 024 Kapumick Fred Spring Lake 113 Karnes Jeremiah Spring Lake 109 Karnes Wm M. Spring Lake 109 Kars***sem K. Hartland 042 Kask John Trenton 117 Katzenberger B. Prescott 075 Kaye Henry Maiden Rock 055 Kaye Henry Maiden Rock 055 Kaye Mrs. Jans Martell 059 Kayer Rudolf Union 129 Kayer Rudolf Union 130 Kayser Mrs. (Widow) Union 131 Ke*el Francis Maiden Rock 050 Keh**an H. Diamond Bluff 007 Keller Herman Oak Grove 065 Keller Theodore Trimbelle 124 Kelley J.P. Union 133 Kelley James Rock Elm 098 Kelley Jas El Paso 026 Kelley Maria Spring Lake 111 Kelley Philo Rock Elm 097 Kelley T.P. Spring Lake 110 Kellog Louis Salem 105 Kellog W.F. River Falls 093 Kellogg L. Prescott 074 Kelly Frank River Falls 094 Kelly Fred River Falls 094 Kelly J.H. River Falls 090 Kelly John River Falls 092 Kelly John River Falls 094 Kelstrom John Ellsworth 022 Kemers John Diamond Bluff 007 Kemp Dr. Prescott 075 Kendall Lester Rock Elm 098 Kendall Ransom W. Rock Elm 098 Kenegendorf Ch. Spring Lake 109 Kennel George Union 129 Kennel George Union 130 Kenter R. Clifton 003 Kern Jacob Salem 106 Kessel F.E. Trimbelle 126 Keys Geo River Falls 086 Keys Prof. Chas River Falls 086 Keyser Charles E. Rock Elm 100 Keyser William W. Rock Elm 100 Kezer Van Trimbelle 125 Ki*** Morris Ellsworth 013 Kiefer Joseph Trimbelle 127 Kilgore Jno Spring Lake 112 Kilgore Schuyler Spring Lake 112 Killian Adam Trimbelle 125 Killian Andrew Trimbelle 125 Killian Gran River Falls 079 Kimball G.W. Ellsworth 014 Kimball M.B. Ellsworth 014 King C. River Falls 093 King C. Prescott 074 King Chas El Paso 025 King Prof. F.H. River Falls 093 King William C. Rock Elm 099 Kingsbury W.H. Spring Lake 112 Kingsley H.P. River Falls 080 Kinnamon Ben Trimbelle 126 Kinne* Nelson Ellsworth 014 Kinner D.W. Ellsworth 011 Kinnett Louis Spring Lake 112 Kinnie L.J. River Falls 079 Kinnie Wm C. Ellsworth 013 Kirster *.F. Maiden Rock 052 Kirth J.G. Ellsworth 013 Kisby N.N. El Paso 025 Kittilson Harald Gilman 032 Kj*lson Hans Ellsworth 016 Kjalsted Inglebrecht Trimbelle 123 Kjeldson Peter Martell 061 Kjeldson Peter Martell 062 Kjelmore Edwart Gilman 035 Klecker Barnard Diamond Bluff 008 Klein Joe Union 133 Kleker Barney Trimbelle 126 Klemetson Ole Martell 061 Klemetson Ole Martell 062 Kline Antone Prescott 073 Kline Frank Salem 106 Kline N.N. El Paso 026 Kline S.S. Trenton 117 Klingingsmith D.A.L. Ellsworth 019 Klingingsmith SD. Ellsworth 016 Klopf Casper Maiden Rock 051 Klopf John Maiden Rock 052 Knapp N** River Falls 088 Knappe S.F. Hartland 042 Knight Judson Clifton 001 Knight Judson Clifton 002 Knippenberg John Prescott 071 Knippenberg L. Prescott 075 Knippenberg Johbn Prescott 070 Knippenberger Ludwig Oak Grove 067 Knorr Peter Prescott 076 Knorth Jacob Ellsworth 018 Knorth John Ellsworth 020 Knoulton D.C. Ellsworth 015 Knowles C.G. River Falls 085 Knowles P. River Falls 088 Knowles W.P. River Falls 084 Knowlton J. River Falls 093 Knudson O.C. Diamond Bluff 006 Knudson Peder Martell 059 Knutson J. Trenton 120 Koffel Henry Union 132 Kohl Nichols Martell 057 Kohl William Rock Elm 097 Kohl William H. Rock Elm 096 Kommins**cle Henry Salem 106 Kr*isel Julius El Paso 026 Kram*s Joseph Spring Lake 112 Kranth Carl River Falls 086 Kranth Chas River Falls 086 Kranth Coley River Falls 086 Kranth Eugene River Falls 086 Kranth Geo River Falls 086 Krauss Geo Ellsworth 020 Krauss Henry Ellsworth 020 Krawes Frank Salem 105 Kreiger Frank Salem 103 Kreiger Frank Salem 104 Kribs D. River Falls 091 Krighler Jr. William Oak Grove 066 Krighler Sr. William Oak Grove 066 Krings Peter Union 133 Krise C.G. Isabelle 047 Krispp Charles Ellsworth 016 Krognes Ole Trenton 118 Krogstead Andrew Hartland 040 Krudry Gill M. Maiden Rock 053 Krummell Philip Ellsworth 017 Krumsick Fred Oak Grove 067 Krumsick Wil**mina Oak Grove 066 Kuhn Theodore Spring Lake 112 Kullman Chris Trimbelle 127 Kus*el Joseph Oak Grove 066 Kushlick Ignatz Oak Grove 066 Kuss Herman Oak Grove 067 Kyle George Union 133 L**den Ole Trimbelle 126 L**n Jorand Gilman 032 La**ille Mike River Falls 086 Ladin John Prescott 075 Lafferty Edwin Salem 105 Lagler Rudolph River Falls 090 Lakeberg Gustoff Maiden Rock 051 Lakke Anders Olson Gilman 035 Lammars Dirk Rock Elm 099 Lammars Henry G. Rock Elm 099 Lamon Chas Spring Lake 110 Lampert Fred Trimbelle 125 Lampman Stephen Salem 106 Lamport J.F. Spring Lake 112 Lams A.W. Trimbelle 125 Lander Thos River Falls 081 Lane Sanford Gilman 032 Langbein Fred Ellsworth 016 Langbein Michael Ellsworth 016 Langdon J.H. Prescott 072 Langdon J.H. River Falls 090 Langer Antone El Paso 025 Langer J.C. El Paso 028 Langer Joseph El Paso 025 Langer W.N. Diamond Bluff 008 Langer Wenzel Oak Grove 068 Langerwahl A.F. River Falls 094 Langland R. River Falls 078 Langlois H. Clifton 003 Lanka John Ellsworth 011 Lansbier A.R. River Falls 090 Lansing Henry Union 133 Lansing John Rock Elm 099 Lantz Christ Ellsworth 017 Lantz E. Union 134 Lantz Geo Ellsworth 017 Lapland Ole Gilman 035 Larsen Adam River Falls 090 Larson Andrew Hartland 040 Larson Borgine Gilman 035 Larson Charles Maiden Rock 049 Larson Chr. Hartland 040 Larson Chris Spring Lake 111 Larson Christ Salem 106 Larson Daniel Gilman 034 Larson Ellen Salem 106 Larson Erick Spring Lake 111 Larson Esten Spring Lake 111 Larson Gustav Martell 058 Larson H.L. Salem 106 Larson Isaac Ellsworth 019 Larson Iver Gilman 033 Larson J.A. Salem 106 Larson J.B. Hartland 036 Larson J.B. Hartland 037 Larson J.M. Ellsworth 020 Larson J.O. Diamond Bluff 006 Larson J.W. Diamond Bluff 005 Larson J.W. Diamond Bluff 006 Larson John Diamond Bluff 007 Larson John Ellsworth 017 Larson John Maiden Rock 054 Larson John Prescott 073 Larson Jorgen Martell 058 Larson L.J. Hartland 038 Larson Lars Hartland 036 Larson Lars Hartland 037 Larson Lars S. Hartland 037 Larson Lars S. Martell 058 Larson Lewis Gilman 032 Larson Lewis Maiden Rock 053 Larson Mads Diamond Bluff 008 Larson Martin Ellsworth 018 Larson Nels Ellsworth 016 Larson Nick Hartland 038 Larson Ole Ellsworth 016 Larson Ole Hartland 044 Larson Ole S. Salem 103 Larson Ole S. Salem 104 Larson P. Prescott 074 Larson Sven Martell 058 Larson Torkel Gilman 035 Larson Hans Trimbelle 127 Larson John Trenton 119 Larson Lars Trimbelle 123 Lawrence B.N. River Falls 091 Lawrence C.M. Union 133 Lawrence G.A. Spring Lake 111 Lawrence H.B. Hartland 042 Lawrence John River Falls 080 Lawson Frank Hartland 036 Lawson Frank Hartland 037 Lawson John Prescott 076 Le**rs Henry Oak Grove 067 Leach Benjamin Trimbelle 125 Leach Edgar C. Trimbelle 123 Leach Wm Trimbelle 125 Lear Ole T. Isabelle 047 Leavitt Chas Prescott 073 Lebnom Aug. Ellsworth 018 Lechler George Rock Elm 099 Lechler Joseph Rock Elm 099 Lee Moses Salem 106 Leevis A.K. El Paso 027 Lehman Frederick Rock Elm 099 Leighton L.T. Diamond Bluff 007 Lein K.L. River Falls 087 Leischer Emile F. Rock Elm 098 Leister Peter Union 134 Leitch A.M. Maiden Rock 052 Leitch John Maiden Rock 052 Lelilbey A.P. Isabelle 046 Lemon Isaac Spring Lake 112 Lems Joseph F. El Paso 023 Leonard Abram Ellsworth 018 Leonard David Ellsworth 020 Leonard James Trimbelle 126 Leonard Miles Ellsworth 017 Lester E. River Falls 087 Letson Roland Trimbelle 128 Levings D.H. River Falls 084 Levings E.E. River Falls 094 Levit Werner Maiden Rock 055 Lewis A.D. Hartland 040 Lewis John Rock Elm 100 Lewis Joseph F. El Paso 024 Lewis K.W. Hartland 040 Lewis L.S. Ellsworth 014 Lewis Peter Maiden Rock 048 Lewis Peter Maiden Rock 049 Lewis W. Hartland 042 Lewis W.O. El Paso 023 Lewis W.O. El Paso 024 Lewis S. Prescott 074 Libel John El Paso 027 Lien Anne Martell 060 Lightner Mike River Falls 080 Lillygaard Nels Trimbelle 127 Linblad G.P. Prescott 072 Lindall C.J. Trenton 115 Lindall C.J. Trenton 116 Lindenberger Martin Oak Grove 068 Linder C. Union 134 Linder John Ellsworth 021 Linder Mike Union 132 Linderman Frank Trimbelle 126 Lindgren John Trenton 115 Lindgren John Trenton 116 Lindsay Mrs. L. River Falls 086 Lindstad Andrew Martell 061 Lindstad Andrew Martell 062 Linehan Mike River Falls 079 Lingerman Frank Ellsworth 017 Lingreen Chas Ellsworth 017 Link C.L. Spring Lake 113 Linne Aron Maiden Rock 048 Linne Aron Maiden Rock 049 Linniger Geo Clifton 003 Linquist Cornelius Hartland 041 Linscow Adam Maiden Rock 049 Little Frank River Falls 085 Little H.M. River Falls 093 Livingston J.C. Martell 060 Logan Jos Prescott 075 Logee J.D. Hartland 042 Lohrie Fred W. Rock Elm 099 Lomax C. River Falls 095 Lomsberger Mrs. River Falls 086 Longcor Mrs. Isabelle 047 Loomis C.W. River Falls 087 Loomis H.H. River Falls 094 Lord A.H. River Falls 088 Lord F.H. River Falls 080 Lord Frank D. River Falls 091 Lord Fred River Falls 088 Lord H.F. River Falls 089 Lord J.H. River Falls 089 Lord Orrin River Falls 088 Lord Si Prescott 075 Lord Tobias River Falls 077 Lord Tobias River Falls 078 Loub Joseph Trimbelle 125 Loucks George C. Maiden Rock 055 Loucks J.E. River Falls 094 Loucks Peter Union 131 Loughlan Patrick Trenton 120 Lout William A. Rock Elm 099 Lovell P.F. River Falls 080 Lovell W.H. River Falls 081 Low Albert Ellsworth 010 Low Albert Ellsworth 011 Lowe Daniel Oak Grove 068 Lowe John Oak Grove 067 Lozier Henry Spring Lake 111 Lu*thner Michael Trimbelle 127 Lucas B.S. River Falls 094 Lucas H. River Falls 085 Ludwig Peter Maiden Rock 048 Ludwig Peter Maiden Rock 049 Ludy John Maiden Rock 050 Lund A.O. Hartland 039 Lund Charley Hartland 041 Lund Halver Ellsworth 016 Lund John Martell 056 Lund John Martell 057 Lund Lars O. Hartland 040 Lund Jorgen Diamond Bluff 006 Lundberg Jorgen Diamond Bluff 005 Lundberg Ole Clifton 004 Lundquist John River Falls 085 Lundquist Joseph River Falls 085 Lunn C.J. Trenton 117 Lunquist N. Ellsworth 020 Lunsberg Abraham A. Gilman 034 Luseman Wm Prescott 075 Lusk C.H. Hartland 038 Lusk David River Falls 079 Lusk J.B. Hartland 044 Lynch Benedict Oak Grove 069 Lynch Daniel Oak Grove 068 Lynch Geo Spring Lake 112 Lyons Alpion D. Trenton 119 Lyons Harriet Trenton 119 Lyons Seth S. Trenton 119 M**iron Arthur River Falls 084 M*hulern James Gilman 032 M*ry Ole Ellsworth 018 Ma*ton Harvey Trimbelle 127 Madson Berthe Martell 061 Madson Berthe Martell 062 Madson Christian Gilman 032 Madson Jens Diamond Bluff 007 Madson Mads Ellsworth 016 Madson Rasmus Martell 059 Mager A.C. Martell 061 Mager A.C. Martell 062 Mageris Peter Trenton 118 Magnuson A.P. Hartland 041 Magnuson Andrew Hartland 044 Magnuson Andrew Union 132 Magnuson Sven Hartland 041 Magny Jonas Trenton 117 Maher D.S. Diamond Bluff 008 Maikly Dennis River Falls 092 Malbee Alf Ellsworth 020 Malgreen John Ellsworth 020 Malleng Charles Oak Grove 068 Malling Herman Oak Grove 066 Malng Michael Oak Grove 066 Malone Martin Oak Grove 068 Maloy John Maiden Rock 054 Maloy Robert Maiden Rock 054 Malune Chas Ellsworth 021 Maluson Albert Ellsworth 010 Maluson Albert Ellsworth 011 Man***** Frank Oak Grove 068 Manfred A. Isabelle 046 Mangan John Prescott 073 Manigan P. Hartland 042 Manion James Oak Grove 068 Manion Thomas Oak Grove 069 Manley Pete Ellsworth 022 Mann Richard Trimbelle 125 Manning Daniel El Paso 026 Mansel Bruno Oak Grove 067 Manser Chris Ellsworth 014 Marash Vincent Trimbelle 126 Marden Richard S. Trimbelle 126 Marick Vincent Oak Grove 066 Mark Joseph El Paso 025 Marker Ole H. Martell 058 Marks Henry Oak Grove 067 Marshall H.C. Clifton 001 Marshall H.C. Clifton 002 Marson Nicholas Rock Elm 098 Martin Alois Union 132 Martin Andrew Union 131 Martin Carl F. Rock Elm 097 Martin Chas River Falls 093 Martin Christian Maiden Rock 050 Martin Elijah Union 132 Martin Henry River Falls 093 Martin John Union 131 Martin Mary J. Oak Grove 067 Martin Mrs. River Falls 093 Martin R.L. Prescott 076 Martin Thos River Falls 080 Martin Thos River Falls 093 Martin Uri Union 131 Martin Albert Gilman 034 Martin J.A. Spring Lake 112 Martin Mike El Paso 028 Martinson Martin Spring Lake 112 Martinson Martins Ellsworth 021 Mason Dallas Ellsworth 011 Mason James Ellsworth 018 Masurine F. Prescott 074 Match** R.D. River Falls 089 Matherson Winchester Gilman 032 Mathews Frederick Isabelle 045 Mathews Frederick Isabelle 046 Mathison Andreas Gilman 033 Mathison Ole Gilman 033 Mathison Peter Gilman 033 Mathson Andrew Maiden Rock 053 Mato James Union 134 Matson A.L. Prescott 073 Matson Andrew Maiden Rock 050 Matson Chas Maiden Rock 050 Matson Henry Maiden Rock 052 Matson L.J. Maiden Rock 050 Matson Lewis Maiden Rock 050 Matson Lewis Maiden Rock 052 Matson Martin Gilman 035 Mattison Alva Spring Lake 112 Mattison John Union 132 Mattison Nels Gilman 034 Matzek Vincery Diamond Bluff 008 Maurer Chas Prescott 073 Maurer Mrs. Prescott 073 Maxgood J.B. Gilman 035 Maxwell Martin W. Rock Elm 099 Mayberry Wm El Paso 026 Mayer John Prescott 073 Maynard B.D. Ellsworth 019 Maynard Chas Hartland 040 Maynard James Ellsworth 019 Maynard J.B. Ellsworth 019 Maynard Jr. J.B. Ellsworth 013 Mazzy Ed. River Falls 089 Mc**ase Frank N. Maiden Rock 054 Mc*ai*slin J. Prescott 074 McAndrew Chas Ellsworth 013 McAndrew Thos Ellsworth 020 McArdle Pat Spring Lake 111 McCabe Owen Rock Elm 100 McCann Ed El Paso 026 McCann John El Paso 026 McCann John El Paso 026 McCann Peter El Paso 026 McCarrol John Gilman 032 McCarroll Michael Spring Lake 111 McCarroll Pat Spring Lake 111 McCary John River Falls 085 McCharey John Maiden Rock 053 McClea*ey John Ellsworth 016 McCleary Mrs. Elizabeth Union 132 McCleary Mrs. S.T. Union 132 McCleary Thos Ellsworth 019 McClurman J. River Falls 094 McCollum J.B. Hartland 036 McCollum J.B. Hartland 037 McCollum Nancy Trimbelle 127 McCollum R.J. Hartland 037 McConaughey John Maiden Rock 052 McCord Geo Trimbelle 127 McCoy Wm Spring Lake 113 McCray C. Prescott 074 McCue M.A. Diamond Bluff 008 McCusker E.H. Diamond Bluff 007 McCusker Thos Diamond Bluff 008 McCutcheon D. Ellsworth 016 McCutcheon Geo Ellsworth 019 McCutcheon Jr. David Ellsworth 019 McDermott Richard Rock Elm 099 McDonald Hugh El Paso 028 McDonald John Prescott 070 McDonald John Prescott 071 McDonald John Rock Elm 098 McDonald Patrick Trenton 120 McDonald S.E. Hartland 038 McDonald Jr. Wm Hartland 039 McDonald Sr. Wm Hartland 039 McDSmith Mrs. Prescott 074 McElroy J. River Falls 085 McElroy Will River Falls 085 McEven William Trimbelle 122 McG**** Bernard El Paso 025 McGill N.D. Prescott 073 McGinley Andrew Martell 061 McGinley Andrew Martell 062 McGray Otis Clifton 003 McGray W.F. Prescott 075 McGregor Norval River Falls 090 McGregor R** River Falls 087 McHugh J.J. River Falls 094 McIlroy David Clifton 003 McIlroy Edwin Clifton 001 McIlroy Edwin Clifton 002 McInerny Michael W. Rock Elm 097 McIntire C.C. Gilman 032 McIntire James Isabelle 047 McIntyre L.C. River Falls 080 McIntyre M.D. El Paso 028 McK*** J.B. Oak Grove 064 McK*** J.B. Oak Grove 065 McKay A.J. River Falls 089 McKay Freeborn River Falls 085 McKay Liberty River Falls 085 McKay Randolph River Falls 085 McKay W.F. River Falls 089 McKay Wm River Falls 083 McKay Wm River Falls 084 McKe*** Edward Rock Elm 096 McKe*** Edward Rock Elm 097 McKeen C. River Falls 095 McKeen J.S. Diamond Bluff 008 McKeen M.A. Diamond Bluff 008 McKeen Mrs. Prescott 073 McKeever John Trimbelle 125 McKennon Charles Rock Elm 098 McKernon Frank Rock Elm 099 McKohen Geo River Falls 086 McLane Alexander Oak Grove 067 McLaughlin David Trimbelle 125 McLaughlin Geo Trimbelle 124 McLaughlin John B. Trimbelle 124 McLaughlin John H. Trimbelle 123 McLaughlin William Trimbelle 125 McLowd D. Prescott 074 McMahon Daniel Rock Elm 099 McMahon Henry River Falls 079 McMahon James Trenton 118 McMahon Martin River Falls 083 McMahon Martin River Falls 084 McMahon Pat River Falls 079 McMahon William Rock Elm 099 McMannus J.H. Ellsworth 012 McMillan Thos River Falls 079 McMillen Robert Trimbelle 125 McMurphy G.W. Clifton 001 McMurphy G.W. Clifton 002 McNass*h Peter Prescott 072 McNassah Jas Prescott 073 McNoah David Prescott 074 McParland P. Spring Lake 110 McShane Lucy Hartland 041 McTavish Ed. River Falls 088 Meacham C.E. Prescott 073 Meacham Charles Trimbelle 123 Meacham Eddie Prescott 070 Meacham Eddie Prescott 071 Meacham George Trimbelle 124 Meacham John Trimbelle 123 Meacham Johnnie Prescott 070 Meacham Johnnie Prescott 071 Meacham Sylvester Trimbelle 123 Meade Wm Clifton 004 Mealey Wm Union 133 Meara Jas O. Spring Lake 112 Mecklenburg William Rock Elm 098 Mehlies Henry Hartland 044 Meinckie Fred Prescott 072 Meir Don*t Trimbelle 125 Melander P. Clifton 004 Melby Andrew Larson Martell 060 Melcher George Trenton 117 Melcher Julius Rock Elm 101 Melian J.B. Gilman 032 Melkerson Andrew Union 132 Mercer Charles Rock Elm 096 Mercer Charles Rock Elm 097 Mercer Elevin J. Rock Elm 099 Mercer James Rock Elm 099 Mercer William Rock Elm 099 Mercord Sr. Fred Oak Grove 067 Mero A.C. Diamond Bluff 009 Mero A.R. Diamond Bluff 008 Mero Austin Diamond Bluff 007 Mero F.J. Diamond Bluff 007 Mero R.L. Diamond Bluff 007 Merrick G.F. Spring Lake 111 Merrick G.P. River Falls 093 Merril Chas Trimbelle 123 Merrill A.P. Maiden Rock 055 Merrill Charles W. Rock Elm 101 Merriman Frank Martell 058 Merriman N. Martell 058 Mesloc Anton Gilman 035 Messersmith C. Hartland 041 Messersmith Geo Hartland 041 Messersmith Jacob Ellsworth 016 Messersmith V. Ellsworth 017 Metcher Lewis Hartland 040 Metzgar Mrs. Prescott 073 Mewhorter A.H. Hartland 039 Mewhorter John Hartland 040 Mewhorter Wm Hartland 042 Meyer August Oak Grove 069 Meyer Catherine Oak Grove 066 Meyer Mathis Gilman 035 Meyer Frank Rock Elm 099 Meyer Jr. Fred Oak Grove 066 Meyer Jr. Fred Oak Grove 068 Meyers B. River Falls 094 Meyers Jas Spring Lake 110 Meyers Mrs. M. River Falls 090 Michael A.E. River Falls 086 Michaelson Knute Ellsworth 016 Michaelson Ole El Paso 027 Michelson Iver Gilman 034 Milelr Ebijah Prescott 072 Miles George Diamond Bluff 008 Miles George T. Rock Elm 096 Miles George T. Rock Elm 097 Miles S.W. Hartland 042 Miles William H. Rock Elm 096 Miles William H. Rock Elm 097 Miley Patrick Oak Grove 068 Millard E.D. Spring Lake 111 Miller A.M. Ellsworth 013 Miller Aaron Prescott 074 Miller Alonzo Prescott 073 Miller C.F. Clifton 003 Miller Charles Trimbelle 124 Miller Chas El Paso 026 Miller E.E. Clifton 003 Miller Frederick Rock Elm 098 Miller G.R. Prescott 075 Miller H.S. Prescott 071 Miller J.P. Diamond Bluff 008 Miller Jasper Trimbelle 126 Miller John Prescott 074 Miller Peter Hartland 036 Miller Peter Hartland 037 Miller W.R. River Falls 081 Miller William Rock Elm 098 Miller Wm Prescott 072 Miller Wm I. Trenton 119 Millet Wm Spring Lake 108 Millet Wm Spring Lake 109 Mills M.B. Trimbelle 124 Mills W.F. Prescott 071 Mincher Kinder Maiden Rock 055 Minder Ben Maiden Rock 051 Minder Henry Maiden Rock 051 Minkie Henry Union 131 Minor Wm Hartland 042 Moberg Andrew Trenton 116 Moberg C. Trenton 117 Mochers Frederick Spring Lake 109 Moe George Union 129 Moe George Union 130 Moe Ingvar S. Trenton 115 Moe Ingvar S. Trenton 116 Moe Monte River Falls 077 Moe Monte River Falls 078 Moen L.L. El Paso 027 Moen Ole K. Martell 061 Moen Ole K. Martell 062 Moen Ole O. Martell 056 Moen Ole O. Martell 057 Moline August Hartland 044 Moline C.J. Hartland 044 Moline Erick Union 134 Moline Gust Salem 103 Moline Gust Salem 104 Moline Le** Hartland 044 Molonson A. Diamond Bluff 008 Monro Wm Hartland 042 Moody J.L. Ellsworth 013 Moody L.J. Prescott 070 Moody L.J. Prescott 071 Moon Frank River Falls 081 Moon John El Paso 023 Moon John El Paso 024 Moore Andrew J. Trimbelle 124 Moore Geo K. Trimbelle 128 Moore J.B. Ellsworth 013 Moore J.B. Ellsworth 013 Moore Lucy P. Trimbelle 127 Moore M.E. River Falls 081 Moore Micah Trimbelle 126 Moore W.J. Ellsworth 013 Moos Peter Union 129 Moos Peter Union 130 Moran Ed El Paso 028 Moran James Oak Grove 066 Morgan Isaac River Falls 082 Morgan John Oak Grove 064 Morgan John Oak Grove 065 Morgan L.D. Diamond Bluff 008 Morgan Thomas Salem 106 Moriarty Daniel El Paso 026 Moritz Wm Spring Lake 109 Morris G.H. Trenton 118 Morrison William Maiden Rock 054 Morrow Hugh River Falls 084 Morrow Mrs. Rose River Falls 084 Morrow Peter River Falls 079 Morrow Robert River Falls 094 Morrow Thomas J. Trimbelle 124 Morrow Thos River Falls 079 Morrow W.J. River Falls 079 Morse Albert A. Rock Elm 099 Morse C.R. River Falls 092 Morse Morse Ellsworth 020 Morse Mrs. A. River Falls 091 Morse William Rock Elm 100 Mortenson Christopher Gilman 034 Mortenson H.N. Diamond Bluff 008 Mortenson J. Diamond Bluff 006 Mortimer J. Union 133 Morton Andrew Ellsworth 020 Morton Ed Martell 058 Morton W.C. Martell 060 Morven Lars A. Gilman 034 Moscrip Laura Maiden Rock 055 Moser Caspar Union 129 Moser Caspar Union 130 Moser John Union 131 Moser Mary (Widow) Union 131 Moser Wendelin Union 130 Moser Windelin Union 129 Moser Sr. B*ltz Union 131 Mossing Martin Ellsworth 016 Most Andrew Maiden Rock 050 Most Charles Maiden Rock 050 Most Christian Oak Grove 067 Most John Maiden Rock 050 Most John Oak Grove 068 Most Michael Oak Grove 067 Most Nicholas Maiden Rock 050 Mountain Jerry El Paso 026 Mountain Wm El Paso 026 Mountin David El Paso 027 Moyer C. Clifton 004 Moynihan Humphrey River Falls 080 Moynihan John River Falls 079 Moynihan Patrick River Falls 079 Mriskie Henry Hartland 039 Muckenhausen Fred River Falls 090 Mulenlene Bartley Gilman 032 Muller John Rock Elm 101 Muller Joseph Union 132 Muller Karl Union 132 Muller Sr. Joseph Union 132 Mumford Alex Ellsworth 020 Mumford Geo River Falls 090 Mumford Jackson Ellsworth 020 Munson Nels Ellsworth 014 Murphy **** Oak Grove 066 Murphy Dennis River Falls 081 Murphy John Ellsworth 020 Murphy John El Paso 026 Murphy John Oak Grove 068 Murphy John J. Gilman 032 Murphy Martin Oak Grove 069 Murphy Michael El Paso 026 Murphy Michael Oak Grove 069 Murphy P.A. El Paso 026 Murphy Peter Ellsworth 016 Murphy Thos El Paso 024 Murphy Tim Prescott 073 Murphy Wm Trimbelle 126 Murphy Jr. Martin Oak Grove 069 Murray Emer* Rock Elm 099 Murray James Rock Elm 098 Murray John Prescott 073 Murray L.E. Spring Lake 111 N*dane Pete Ellsworth 022 Nadean Z. Ellsworth 016 Nagle James Ellsworth 018 Nana John Martell 056 Nana John Martell 057 Narum John C. Martell 059 Narveson Christopher Gilman 035 Nash Elonzo Trenton 116 Nash G.S. Diamond Bluff 005 Nash G.S. Diamond Bluff 006 Nash Jacob Diamond Bluff 007 Nash U.R. Diamond Bluff 007 Nasset John B. Martell 060 Nasset Ole Johnson Martell 058 Natoff Jacob Maiden Rock 051 Ne*strom Charles P. Maiden Rock 052 Nebel Chris River Falls 087 Needler Frank Prescott 070 Needler Frank Prescott 071 Neeley Geo W. Trimbelle 124 Neil David Clifton 004 Nelson A.G. Hartland 041 Nelson A.G. Maiden Rock 050 Nelson Aaron Ellsworth 017 Nelson Alfred River Falls 085 Nelson Amun Hartland 039 Nelson Andrew Hartland 041 Nelson Burt River Falls 087 Nelson C. Hartland 042 Nelson Carl Gilman 032 Nelson Charles Hartland 041 Nelson Charles Maiden Rock 052 Nelson Charles Maiden Rock 052 Nelson Chas Union 131 Nelson Elef Gilman 032 Nelson Geo River Falls 085 Nelson George Prescott 072 Nelson Gust Maiden Rock 053 Nelson Gutor*se Gilman 034 Nelson H.B. Spring Lake 113 Nelson Hans Hartland 041 Nelson Hans Trenton 117 Nelson Hans J. Prescott 074 Nelson Hans O. Diamond Bluff 008 Nelson Harald Gilman 034 Nelson Iver Diamond Bluff 008 Nelson J.A. Spring Lake 111 Nelson J.J. El Paso 027 Nelson J.L. Spring Lake 110 Nelson J.L. Spring Lake 112 Nelson Jacob Gilman 035 Nelson Jacob Hartland 041 Nelson Jno Spring Lake 110 Nelson Johannes Maiden Rock 051 Nelson John Clifton 003 Nelson John Diamond Bluff 008 Nelson John Ellsworth 022 Nelson John Ellsworth 022 Nelson John Gilman 032 Nelson John Oak Grove 065 Nelson John River Falls 079 Nelson John Spring Lake 112 Nelson John Trenton 118 Nelson John Trimbelle 126 Nelson John Union 133 Nelson John W. Maiden Rock 053 Nelson Julius Ellsworth 021 Nelson Knudt Gilman 035 Nelson Louse River Falls 086 Nelson Ludwig Ellsworth 022 Nelson Martin Gilman 033 Nelson N.A. El Paso 027 Nelson N.C. River Falls 087 Nelson Nels Prescott 076 Nelson Nels River Falls 080 Nelson Nels Trenton 117 Nelson Nels Trimbelle 126 Nelson Nels Trimbelle 127 Nelson Nels A. Gilman 034 Nelson Nels M. Trimbelle 124 Nelson Nicholas Salem 106 Nelson Nick Hartland 039 Nelson Ole Ellsworth 020 Nelson Ole Gilman 030 Nelson Ole Gilman 031 Nelson Ole Gilman 034 Nelson Otto Ellsworth 017 Nelson Paul Clifton 004 Nelson Peter Hartland 040 Nelson S. River Falls 085 Nelson T.L. Ellsworth 014 Nelson Victor Maiden Rock 048 Nelson Victor Maiden Rock 049 Nelson Wm Ellsworth 021 Nelvin Martin J. Hartland 040 Nesitt Nelson Trimbelle 127 Ness B.J. Gilman 035 Ness Rise C. Gilman 030 Ness Rise C. Gilman 031 Ness S.C. Gilman 030 Ness S.C. Gilman 031 Nessitt John Trimbelle 127 Newell L.D. Prescott 074 Newman H. Prescott 075 Neystrom Andrew Maiden Rock 053 Nichasel Mike River Falls 080 Nicholas Perry B. Rock Elm 099 Nichols **** W. River Falls 089 Nichols Geo E. River Falls 094 Nicklason N.G. Clifton 004 Nicklason Nels Clifton 004 Nickols W.H. River Falls 094 Niles Edwin Diamond Bluff 008 Nilson Abel Trenton 117 Nilson Andrew Martell 059 Nilson Jens Trenton 118 Nilson Marit Martell 061 Nilson Marit Martell 062 Nilson Ole Martell 058 Nilson Ole M. Martell 060 Nilson Thorsten Martell 061 Nilson Thorsten Martell 062 Nilson W.D. Trenton 116 Ninestead John Prescott 075 Ninire John Diamond Bluff 005 Ninire John Diamond Bluff 006 Nitson Julius Trenton 115 Nitson Julius Trenton 116 Noble Fred Spring Lake 110 Noble H.W. Spring Lake 110 Noerlin Hans Union 132 Noll John Hartland 042 Nolsey Miss River Falls 088 Nopp Nick Clifton 004 Nord Martin Trenton 119 Nord G. Salem 103 Nord G. Salem 104 Norderhang Hans Martell 059 Nordgrurd I.A. Salem 103 Nordgrurd I.A. Salem 104 Nordstrom John E. Maiden Rock 052 Norl Peter Hartland 042 Norman John Trimbelle 126 Norman O.M. Clifton 004 North Gunner Martell 060 Northup Horace Ellsworth 012 Northup P.G. Ellsworth 016 Norton George River Falls 092 Nugent Michael Trimbelle 127 Nutter Frank River Falls 092 Nygard Bernt Hartland 041 Nygard Ole Hartland 041 Nyhagen Gulbrand W. Gilman 035 Nyhagen Nels G. Gilman 035 Nyhagen Tofuf G. Gilman 035