If you would like to post a Pierce County Obituary, please contact us.
Please include a reference to Pierce County in the subject line.
Foss - River Falls Journal
George Bradley Smith
B. Smith, the youngest son of Moses and Betsey (nee Magoon) Smith was
born June 19, 1855 at Malone, New York. In 1867 he moved to a
new homestead at Auroraville, Wisconsin with his parents. In
1877 he was united in marriage to Serepta Jane smith who passed away
December 16, 1915. Thirteen children were born to this union,
five preceding him in death. He and his family lived and farmed
at Auroraville, Irma, Trego and River Falls. He has made this
city his home for the past 27 years. After Serepta died he
remarried to Ella Annis who passed away in 1932. He then
remarried to Annie Schorn Lovely and they lived together until in 1945
illness overtook both of them, and they went to live with their
respective relatives. He left River Falls to live with his
grandson Harold Smith at Lampson, where he passed away on December 14,
1945, at the age of 90 years, 5 months and 26 days. He leaves to
mourn his passing eight children: Charles, Wallace, Clarence,
Clifford, Gertrude and Bessie of River Falls; Belle of Delphos, Kansas
and Ruth of Red Wing, Minnesota; also 40 grandchildren and 34
great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at the Finn
& Segerstrom Funeral home Monday, December 17 at 2 p.m.
Interment in Greenwood cemetery, Rev. Arthur S. Johnson officiating.
Foss - River Falls Journal
Serepta Jane
at home in River Falls, December 16, 1915 of apoplexy. She was
born in Morristown, New York January 28, 1861. In 1872 she came
to Wisconsin with her parents, John and Elizabeth (nee Martin) Smith,
and in 1878 she married George B. Smith, and to this union were born
13 children, 5 girls and 8 boys: Ezra, Charles Arthur, Wallace,
Ward, Clarence, Arlow and Clifford and Gertie, Belle, Bessie and Ruth
all of River Falls and vicinity. One daughter, Myrtle Irene died
in infancy. She leaves besides these to mourn her loss 4
brothers and one sister, Enos and Fred of Cumberland, and Herb and
Wallace and Mrs. E.E. Nash of River Falls. She was a loving wife
and mother and she bore her suffering through the 12 weeks of her
sickenss with the utmost patience. At her request her sons acted
as pallbearers. The funeral was held at her home at 12 o'clock
Dec. 18, 1915 on Sunday. Interment in Greenwood cemetery.
CARD OF THANKS-We wish to extend our sincere thanks to neighbors and
friends who assisted us through the sickness and death of our dear
wife and mother, and for flowers and singing and to Rev. Bird for the
comforting words spoken by him; and especially to the nurse, Mrs.
Pauline Strout, for her faithful service to our dear wife and mother
through her sickness and death. Geo. B. Smith and family.
Foss - River Falls Journal
George S. Nash
George S.
Nash passed away at his home Friday evening at the age of 78 years, 10
months and 7 days. He was born in Nobleboro, Maine, March 16,
1841. He was united in marriage to Barzana J. Eugley September
10, 1862. They moved to Diamond bluff, Wisconsin in 1866 and
lived there for 22 years. Since then they have lived in River
Falls. To this union five children were born, three of whom
survive. Miss Abby died in infancy; Mrs. Wilson C. Warren died
at the age of 27, 1893, leaving two sons, Charles and George who were
reared to manhood by their grandparents, and who are still at
home. The surviving children, who with their mother, are left to
mourn the loss of a kind and loving husband and father are:
Eldon Nash, Addie Nash and Mrs. W.A. (Nellie) Hawkins. The
feeling of loss is shared with them by Mrs. Nash's six grandchildren
and a host of other relatives and friends.
Foss - River Falls Journal
Elizabeth Miller 1887-1947
Mrs. Fay
Miller, aged 60, died very suddenly Saturday evening, October 25,
1947, at the home of her son Wilbur, on East Cascade Avenue, where she
was spending the evening. She was born on April 29, 1887 in
Auroraville, Wisconsin, the daughter of George B. and Serepta Jane
smith. She married Fayette Elery Miller on December 25, 1907 at
the home of her parents, then living t miles east of river Falls on
County line. They lived for a year in Oregon with Fay's brother,
Ed Miller, before moving back to River Falls. Except for a short
period of time living in Prescott, they have lived in River
Falls. Left to mourn her loss besides her husband, are a
daughter, Mrs. Norman Johnson, three sons, Elery of Prescott, Belmer
of Mauston and Wilbur of this city. Two sisters, Mrs. Vernon
Erickson of Red Win, Minn., and Mrs. Homer Annis of Delphos, Kansas;
three brothers, Clarence, Clifford and Wallace of River Falls; six
grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Two sister and
five brothers in addition to her parents preceded her in death.
Funeral services were held from the Finn & Segerstrom Funeral
Chapel and the Lutheran House of Worship. Rev. Arthur S. Johnson
officiating. Interment was in Greenwood cemetery.
Foss - River Falls Journal
Clarence Eldon Smith 1894-1957
Clarence Eldon Smith was born in
Wisconsin on July 16, 1894. He passed away Thursday morning,
March 14, at a Red Wing Hospital. he had been disabled for the
past year and a half by illness. Most of his adult life was spent in
River Falls and vicinity working as a farm hand and in later years at
the Smead Manufacturing Company until the time of his
disability. he is survived by two sisters, Ruth (Mrs. Vernon
Erickson) of Red Wing, Minn., Belle (Mrs. Homer Annis) of Delphos,
Kansas, and one brother, Clifford of River Falls. His passing is
also mourned by many relatives and friends. Preceding him in
death were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Smith of River Falls,
two sisters and six brothers. Interment was in Greenwood
Foss - River Falls Journal
Ezra George Smith
Ezra George Smith died at his home here,
Thursday, May 24 at the age of 49 years, 2 months and 7 days. He
was born at Auroraville, Wisconsin March 17, 1879. IN 1909 he
was united in marriage to May Belle Drew and of this union were born
eight children: one boy and seven girls, Ellis, Esther, Dorothy,
Amanda Mae, Clara Belle, Velma, Evelyn, and Vidella. He leaves
besides these to mourn his loss a wife, his father, George B. Smith,
four sisters and six brothers, Mrs. Fay Miller, Mrs. Arthur Foss,
Clarence, Clifford and Ward all of River Falls. Mrs. Homer Annis
of Delphos, Kansas, Mrs. Vernon Erickson of Red Wing, Minnesota, and
Arthur Smith of Minong, Wis., and a host of friends and
relatives. His brother and one sister preceded him. He
bore his suffering through the 9 weeks of his illness with the utmost
patience. The funeral services were held Saturday May 26th at
the First Baptist Church. Rev. O.A. Graham officiating.
Interment was made at Greenwood cemetery.
Foss - River Falls Journal
Eldon Eugley Nash 1865-1950
E.e. Nash, who made his home with the Arthur Foss
family died as the result of slipping on an icy sidewalk in front of
the consolidated Lumber Co. on Thursday past. He passed away in
the River Falls city hospital on Saturday, February 26, 1950.
Mr. Nash was born on January 3, 1865 in Nobleboro, Maine, to George
and Barzana (nee Eugley) Nash. In 1866 he moved with his parents
to Diamond Bluff, Wisconsin, where he grew to manhood. He
married Carrie Eveline Smith on July 4, 1892. They made their
home in River Falls. Eldon worked for the street department in
this city and served as Street Commissioner for several years.
His wife Carrie died on July 8, 1928. He then went to live with
the Arthur Foss family for the remainder of his life. He hired
out to do farm work, raised and sold garden produce and worked at
janitorial jobs for many years. He was an avid horse lover, and
was noted for his ability to train and work with horses. He was
preceded in death by his parents, three sisters, Addie of this city;
Nellie (Mrs. W.A. Hawkins) of Morris, Illinois; and Mrs. Wilson C.
Warren. He is survived by his adopted family, Arthur, Norman and
George C. Foss, all of River Falls, and a nephew, George Warren, also
of this city. After brief Methodist services held at the
Segerstrom Funeral home he was laid to rest beside his wife in
Greenwood cemetery.
Foss - River Falls Journal
Wallace Herbert Smith 1885-1955
Wallace Herbert Smith was born on May 9, 1855 at
Irma, Wisconsin. He was the third son of Serepta and George B.
Smith. He passed away at Finn's Haven Rest Home on Wednesday
July 27, 1955. Mrs. Smith had been in failing health for several
months and had spent the past seven months at the rest home. On
November 23,k 1910 he was united in marriage to Lura Aldrich of Little
Sauk, Minnesota. To them were born eight children all of whom
survive with the exception of Leora (Mrs. Edwin Mayer). Most of
Mr. Smith's life was spent in farming near river Falls. For a
few years he worked at the electric lant at Burhardt, Wis. In
addition to his wife he leaves five daughters: (Elwyn) Mrs. Lyle
Waxon, (Vycella) Mrs. Glen Waxon, (Olive) Mrs. Leo Crimmins all of
Hudson, Wis., (Alice) Mrs. Gordon Evenson of Escanaba, Mich., and
(Inez) Mrs. James Boney of Seattle, Wash. Two sons, Charles and
marlin, both in the service of their country in Japan. Two
sister, Mrs. Homer Annis of Delphos, Kansas and Mrs. Vernon Erickson
of Red Wing, Minn. Two brothers, Clarence and Clifford of River
Falls, 15 grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Two
sister and five brothers in addition to his parents preceded him in
death. Funeral services were held at the Methodist Church in
River Falls on Saturday, July 30, 1955. Interment was held at
Greenwood cemetery with Rev. Ralph Kofoed officiating.
Foss - River Falls Journal
Arlow Millard Smith 1897-1918
Died-Arlow M. Smith, son of George B. Smith was
born in Waushara County, Wis., April 7, 1897, one of a large
family. He took his place with the others in work on the
farm. Just previous to his enlistment he was helping his father
to prove up on a new homestead in Northern Wisconsin. From the
first he was anxious to respond to his country's call and would have
enlisted at once had not duty to his father kept him at home. On
June 1st, having made arrangements with a married brother to take his
place on the farm, he enlisted in C.C. 2nd Regiment stationed at Camp
Dewey, Ill. Great Lakes Training School. His letters home were
always cheerful, expressing his satisfaction with his surroundings and
showing his great desire to be "over there". Less than
two weeks ago he was home on a ten days furlough which he thoroughly
enjoyed but he was eager to be back on the job and ever his mind
turned to the one subject that filled his life. The last letter
told of expectation of an early transfer and then he was taken with
Spanish influenza from which he partially recovered when a relapse
caused his sudden death October 1, 1918. The services were
conducted by Rev. G.A. Brid, at the home of his brother, Ezra Smith,
Corner of Third and Spring Streets, Oct. 3, 1918 at two o'clock.
A male quartet composed of Messrs. Hanna, Norseng, P.W. Bird and G.A.
Bird rendered two appropriate selections. The local S.A.T.C.
under the command of Lieutenant Jaureguy attended in a body and the
pallbearers were chosen from this company. His remains were
interred in Greenwood cemetery.
Foss - River Falls Journal
Edna Fay Smith
Edna Fay Smith, the daughter of Charles Franklin
Wilcox and Mary Ada Lovell. Edna was born April 30, 1903 in
Clayton, Wisconsin. She graduated from the Clayton High School
and the River Falls Normal. She was united in marriage to Henry
Harrison Smith, April 12, 1926. They spent most of their entire
lives in the River Falls area. She was preceded in death by her
husband, July 6, 1957. Mrs. Smith is survived by a niece, Mrs.
Leonard Wilson of Turtle Lake, Wis., one nephew, Richard Wilcox of St.
Cloud, Minn.; a brother-in-law, Robert Smith of River Falls and a
sister-in-law, Mrs. Nina Deiss of Detroit, Mich., and Mrs. Lottie
Wilcox, Turtle Lake. Visitation was held at the
Cashman-Segerstrom Mortuary on Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1970. Funeral
Services were held at the United Methodist Church of River Falls on
Thursday, Oct. 29, at 1:30 o'clock. Rev. Dreistadt
officiating. Interment was in the Greenwood cemetery in River
Foss - River Falls Journal
Enos F. Smith, 62
Enos F. Smith of Bayport, MN., died March 7,
1988. He is survived by his wife Dorothy, one son, Jerry and his
wife Kathleen of Stillwater, MN; one daughter, Patricia (Mrs. Roger)
Waterman, Amery; four grandchildren-Lauren and Tim Waterman, and Betsy
and Andrew Smith; He is also survived by his mother, Blanch
White of River Falls; two sisters: Jean Earlywine of Freeport,
Ill., and Ardith Christenson of Ellsworth; one brother John Smith of
River Falls. He was preceded in death by his father and three
brothers: Robert, Richard and Guy. Services were held
March 10 at St. Charles Catholic Church in Bayport, MN.
Interment was at St. Michael's cemetery, Bayport.
Foss - River Falls Journal
Patricia Ann Smith
Patricia Ann, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford J. smith was born Jun 7, 1936 at River Falls and passed away
at the home of her parents in Kinnickinnic on July 12, 1936. She
lived a short life at her home and was a sweet inspiration to all
about her. Those left to mourn are: her parents, Mrs. and
Mrs. Clifford J. Smith, her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Smith
and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barker, a great grandmother, Mrs. Anna
Christofferson of New Richmond and many other relatives.
Interment was in the Greenwood cemetery.
Foss - River Falls Journal
Belmer Miller, 80
Belmer Miller died Feb. 2, 1994 at the Kinnic
Long Term Care Center in River Falls. The son of Fay and
Gertrude (Smith) Miller, he was born March 9, 1913 in River
Falls. Mr. Miller was a longtime member of Moose Lodge
#594. He married Lora Matzek on July 4, 1936. To this
union a daughter was born. Mr. Miller was preceded in death by
his parents, an infant sister and one brother. Survivors include
his wife, Lora, daughter and son-in-law Ila and Michael Kelley and
grandson Sean; a brother Wilbur of Amery and a sister and
brother-in-law, Jean and Norman Johnson of River Falls; several
cousins and nieces and nephews. Memorial services were held
Saturday at Cashman Mortuary. Interment was in the Mann Valley
Foss - River Falls Journal
Richard C. Smith
Richard Claire Smith, Rt. 1, Baldwin, died
suddenly at his home on August 23. He was the son of Roy and
Blanche Westgate Smith born Jun 23, 1917 in Cumberland, Wis. In
1935 he moved with his family to New Richmond. He joined the
army in May 1941, serving overseas in the North African and Italy
invasion, spending one winter in dugouts on the beach at
Salerno. He returned from the service in August, 1945.
Mrs. Smith was united in marriage with Gladys Danielson, Feb. 28,
1947. Through the years they opened their home to a number of
foster children. He is survived by his wife Gladys; his mother,
Mrs. Blanche White of River Falls; three brothers-Enos of Bayport,
Minn.; John and Guy of River Falls; two sisters - Jean (Mrs. Judd
Earlywine), Freeport, Ill.; and Ardith (Mrs. Levern Christenson) of
Ellsworth. He was preceded in death by his father and one
brother, Robert of New Richmond. Mr. Smith famred the Baldwin
area for 25 years. Family services were held at the Cashman
Mortuary on Monday, Aug. 27 at 11 a.m. with Rev. Dennis J. Haines
officiating. Funeral services were held at the Pece Lutheran
church of Baldwin at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. Milton Aarsvold
officiating. Interment was in Greenwood cemetery, River
Falls. Pallbearers were: Olov Hawkiness, Milton Lane,
Richard Walton, Ralph Freeze, Orin Ylvsaker and Walter Schlammpp.
Foss - River Falls Journal
Ellis Myron Smith
Ellis Myron Smith died at St. Joseph Hospital in
River Falls, Sunday, Dec. 10, 1967. He had been hospitalized for
five weeks. He was born to Ezra and Mabel Smith Dec. 22, 1911 in
River Falls and lived there all his life. He was married to
Elsie Eckstrom Sept. 3, 1938. He was employed at the River Falls
Laundry for 34 years as a dry cleaner. The past two years he was
employed at Nor-Lake, Inc., in Hudson, Wis. He leaves to mourn,
his wife, Elsie, one daughter, Delores (Mrs. Kenneth Kakac) of
Prescott; five siters: Mrs. Esther Zarbock, Downey, Calif.; Mrs.
Velma Groover and Mrs. Wayne (Evelyn) McCoy both of Lantana, Florida;
Mrs. Charle Helmick (Dorothy) of Yakima, Wash.; Mrs. Arnold Dahn
(Amanda Mae) of LeSueur, Minn.; and one aunt, Mrs. Vernon (Ruth)
Erickson of Red Win, Minn.; one uncle, Clifford Smith of New Richmond,
Wis. His mother and father and two sisters preceded him in
death. Visitation was held at the Cashman-Segerstrom Mortuary on
Tuesday, with funeral services on Wednesday, Dec. 13, at the Apostolic
Church in Greenwood cemetery.
Foss - River Falls Journal
Vernon R. Peck, 68
Vernon Ray Peck, Sr., rural
Springbrook, died
February 28, 1979 at the Community Memoial Hospital in Spooner,
Wis. He was born August 15, 1911 at Auroraville, Wis. He
was married Jun 3, 1936 to Ruth Wilhelm at River Falls. He was
employed as a carpenter at River Falls for many years. In May,
1967 the family moved to Springbrook. Besides his wife, he is
survived by seven sons, Gerald, South Braintree, Mass.; Raymond,
Westland, Mich.; Wade of River Falls; Duane, Hudson; Jerome, Superior;
Vernon, Jr. and Jeffrey, Springbrook. Two daughters, Jeanette
Blodgett, Maiden Rock; and Janice Gardner, Frederick; 20 grandchildren
and 2 step-grandchildren, his mother and step-father, Mr. and Mrs.
Jake Riemenschneider of River Falls; a brother Lyle of Bottineau,
N.D.; a sister, Hazel Swenon fo River Falls; a half-brother Lawrence
Peck of Janesville; a half-sister Norma Metear, Janesville.
Three step-brothers, Harold Riemenschnieder, Lake Elmo, MN.; Conrad
Reimenschneider, River Falls, Milton Riemdenschnider, Brighton, Mich.;
and two step-sisters, Dorothy Lauckner, Kramer, N.D. and Lucille
Minder, River Falls. The funeral was at 2 p.m. Saturday, March
3, at the Dahl Funeral Home in Spooner, Rev. Veryl Schubert officiated
with burial at the Car Cemetery, Earl, Wis.
Foss - River Falls Journal
Hazel Swenson, 85
Hazel L. Swenson died Oct. 10, 1992 at the
Lutheran Home in River Falls. She was born July 14, 1907.
She married Raymond L. Swenson on Aug. 13, 1927 and he died Sept. 8,
1977. Mrs. Swenson is survived by her children and their
spouses: Richard and Carol of Wilson; Gene and Pat of St. Paul;
Helen Swenson of Florence, Ore.; and Alan and Marlene of White Bear
Lake, Minn.; 14 grandchildren; a half-sister, Norma Meton of
Janesville; a half-brother, Lawrence Peck of Janesville; two
step-sisters, Lucille Anderson of Hudson and Dorthy Nicholson of North
Dakota; gthree step-brothers: Conrad Riemenschneider of Clear
Lake, Harold Riemenschneider of Perham, Minn., and Milton
Riemenschneider of Hager City; four sisters-in-law: Louise Peck
of North Dakota, Dora Mammenga of St. Paul, Effie Thurber of St. Paul
and Anna Swenson of Chanhassen, Minn. The funeral was held at 11
a.m. Oct. 14 at Ezekial Lutheran Church with Pastor William Montgomery
officiating. Interment was at the Beldenville Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Souren and Raffi Tashjian and Ber, Ed, Don, Scott and
Doug Swenson. Memorials are preferred to Ezekial Lutheran Church.
Foss - River Falls Journal
Levern E. Christenson, 78
Levern E.
Christenson, 78 of Ellsworth died
Tuesday, April 15, 1997. He was born July 31, 1918 in River
Falls, the son of Otto and Gladys (Olson). He attended River
Falls High School, graduating in 1937. He married Ardith Smith
on Dec. 28, 1944 at the Hudson Methodist Church. He was a
farmer, buttermaker, salesman, and was employed at the Rural Electric
Association. He also served in the U.S. Air Force. He was
a member of Fletcher-Pechacek American Legion Post #204, and the
Pierce County 40 et 8. He was also a member of the Ellsworth
United Methodist Church. He was preceded in death by his parents,
Otto and Gladys; and two brothers. He is survived by his wife,
Ardith; two sons: Dennis and Linda of Bemidji, Minn., and James
and Susan of Spring Valley; one daughter, Nancy and David Phernetton
of Appleton; a sister, Shirley, of Ellsworth. Seven nieces and
seven grandchildren. Visitation was Thursday, April 17, at
Cashman Mortuary in River Falls. Funeral was Friday, April 18,
at United Methodist Church in Ellsworth with Rev. Janis Best
officiating. Interment was in the Maple Grove cemetery in
Foss - River Falls Journal
Blanche A. White
Blanche A. White, 95, a resident of the Lutheran
Home, died Oct. 1, 1992. The daughter of John B. and Nancy J.
(Wood) Westgate, she was born April 3, 1897 in Clear Lake, WI.
She attended rural schools and River Falls Normal School before
teaching in country schools in Wisconsin. She married Roy F.
Smith on July 19, 1916. He died May 2, 1952. She married
Albert G. White in November of 1957. He died in April of
1981. Mrs. White is survived by two daughters and
sons-in-law: Jean and Judd Earlywine of Freeport, Ill., and
Ardith and Levern Christenson of Ellsworth; a son and
daughter-in-law: John and Joanne Smith of River Falls; 16
grandchildren; 25 great-grandchildren and numerous nieces and
nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, four sons,
one grandson, and infant granddaughter, her parents, three sisters and
two brothers. Services were held Oct. 3, at First Baptist Church
of River Falls with Rev. Michael Kleeberger officiating.
Interment was at Greenwood cemetery.
Foss - River Falls Journal
Wilbur Vernon Miller, 84
Wilbur "Webb" V. Miller, 84, died
Friday, April 16, 1999, at Regions Hospital in St. Paul. He was
born in River Falls on May 1, 1914, the son of Fay and Gertrude
Miller. He lived most of his life in River Falls. He was a
World War II veteran, serving in Europe. IN River Falls, he
operated Miller Trucking until retirement, when he spent many happy
years in Amery. He will be sadly missed by his wife and best
friend of 54 years, Marge. He was preceded in death by his
parents, Fay and Gertrude; his brothers: Belmer and Elery; his infant
sister; and his son, Jim, who passed away on August 13, 1995. He
is survived by his wife, Marge; his daughter: Jan and Earl Ducket;
grandchildren: Sara and Darin; daughter-in-law, Roxanne; sister Jean
and Norman Johnson; sister-in-law, Lora Miller; many other family
members and friends. Funeral was Tuesday, April 20, at Cashman
Mortuary, with Rev. Larry McCann officiating. Interment was in
Greenwood Cemetery. Pallbearers were: Steve Elam, John
Foss, Nadine Johnson, Carl Elam, Kevin Schmitt and Marlene Brunckhorst.
Cashman Mortuary handled the arrangements.
Foss - River Falls Journal
Joanne K. Smith, 58
Joanne K. Smith, 58, of River Falls died Monday,
Nov. 17, 1997 at the River Falls Area Hospital. She was born on
July 19, 1939 in River Falls, the daughter of Henry Reis and Dorothy
(Tyler)_ Reis. She graduated from River Falls High School in
1957. She married John R. Smith on July 11, 1959 in River
Falls. She was employed at the River Falls Medical Clinic for
over 30 years. She was a lifelong member of the St. Bridget
Catholic Church. She was also a member of the River Falls
hospital Auxiliary and the River Falls Golf Club. She was
preceded in death by her parents, Henry and Dorothy Reis.
Survivors include: her husband, John of River Falls; two
sons: Gregory J. Smith and Siri Hanson of River Falls; and
Michael J. and Kirsten Smith of Louisville, Colo.; four
brothers: Ronald and Dorothy Reis of Prescott, Michael and Nancy
Reis of Spooner, Daniel and Karen Reis and David and Julie Reis of
River Falls; two sisters: Doris and Wayne Deiss of River Falls, and
Kathleen and Les Kay; many nieces and nephews. Funeral was at 1
p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 19, at St. Bridget Catholic Church, with Rev.
Gerald Harris officiating. Cashman Mortuary is handling
Boyd-Acronico - Unknown
The following obituary is for Tamar A. Houck-Putnam who was the mother of Emma F.
Putnam-Munger, wife of Dr. Deo Clifton Munger of Ellsworth, WI.
1924 Obituary from the Winona County "Old Settler's Scrapbook," taken from a Winona newspaper, but not certain of which paper:
"Mrs. S. D. Putnam, aged 97, one of the colony which came from Chautauqua county, N.Y. to settle at Minnesota City in 1852, aunt of Mrs. A. F. Swindler of this city, died Saturday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. C.
[Deo Clifton, M. D.] Munger, at Ellsworth, Wisconsin.
Burial was made at Ellsworth this afternoon. Soon after the colony came to Minnesota City, Mr. and Mrs. Putnam settled on a farm about a mile north of Stockton where the family made their home for many years. Later she and her husband moved to St. Charles where they resided for a time before removing to Ellsworth, Wis. Mr. Putnam died there about five years ago, more than 90 years of age. Mrs. Putnam is survived by three daughters, Mrs. D. C. Munger
[Deo Clifton Munger, M.D.] of Ellsworth, Wis., Mrs. C. A. Boyd, [Charles Albert Boyd, M.D.] residing in California, and Mrs. A. W. Mowbray [Albert W.
Mowbray] of Brainerd, Minn." [EAB 8/22/97]
Boyd-Acronico -
Pierce County Herald 1949
Emma F. Putnam-Munger
Funeral services for
Mrs. Emma Munger, widely known Ellsworth resident who died October 12,
were conducted Saturday afternoon from the Malliday-Corman funeral
home with Rev. Edw. Thomas, pastor of the Methodist Church
officiating. The burial service of the Order of the Eastern Star
was given by sisters of the deceased, a charter member of the
Ellsworth Chapter. The Masonic Quartet sang "Fairest Lord
Jesus" and "Now the Day is Over".
Interment was at Maple
Grove Cemetery. Pallbearers were Otto Christenson, K.H. Larson,
John Hagestad, I.R. Cadwell, M.J. Quinn and Wm A. Moyer.
Mrs. Munger, an
Ellsworth resident for more than half a century, was born on a farm
near Stockton, Minn. July 7, 1868. Her maiden name was Emma
Pugnam. She spent her girlhood on the farm and received her
education in the Winona, Minn. schools. On August 29, 1888 she
was married to Dr. D.C. Munger of Frontenac, Minn. They resided
at Maiden Rock for some years and then moved to Lewiston, Minn.
In 1909 they came to Ellsworth where Dr. Munger practiced medicine
until his death October, 1942. Since that time Mrs. Munger has
continued to make this village her home.
Possessed of good
health she was active about her home and neighborhood until only a few
days before her passing. Death was due to a heart ailment.
Surviving are two children, Rai P. Munger of Neillsville and Mrs.
Alvin Arnold of Brainard, Minn.; four grandchildren and five great
Mrs. Munger was a
friendly lady, a charming hostess and a person of great
personality. She was extremely interested in anything beneficial
to her home town. We of her neighborhood, who probably knew her
best, will remember Mrs. Munger as the ideal and always welcome
Boyd-Acronico -
Pierce County Herald
Dr. Deo Clifton
County Herald October 29, 1942
D.C. Munger
was born at Florence, Minn., Jan. 15, 1863. He attended the
common schools, graduating in 1883. He married Emma Putnam at
Stockton, Minn. They went to Maiden Rock, Wis. where Dr. Munger
practiced medicine until moving to Ellsworth ot engage in his
profession in 1897. They have made Ellsworth their home ever
since. Dr. Munger was a member of the Maiden Rock Masonic lodge
and of the Ellsworth Lodge of Odd Fellows. He took a great
interest in lodge work. Surviving besides his wife are two
children, Rai P. Munger of Neillsville and Mrs. A.A. Arnold of
Brainerd, Minn; four grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Jennie Lovgren,
Red Wing, Minn. Funeral services took place at 2:30 Tuesday
afternoon from the Presbyterian church with Rev. A.A. Ross
officiating. The son service was by V.R. Nelson, Chester
Spangler and Theo A. Waller. Mrs. Nelson was at the piano.
At the request of the Maiden Rock lodge, the Masonic lodge of
Ellsworth conducted Masonic services for their brother. The
usual grave service was given by T.A. Waller. Pallbearers were
A.B. Lord, Herbert Shanks, H.G. Seyforth, Dr. A.R. Aanes, M.J. Quinn,
and Kermit Larson. Interment was at Maple Grove Cemetery.
Trembley - Detroit Record (MN)
The Detroit Record (Minn) 31
Jan 1902 obituary for Lars Olson
Upper Red Eye: The
funeral of Lars Olson, whose death was announced in last week's
Record, was held at the home of Seth Hanson and was very largely
attended. An able sermon was delivered by Rev. Jensen. Teh
family and connections are well known and highly respected and the
community at large sympathize with them in their loss. mr. Olson
was born at Julsud, Paris of Eidsvold, Norway, March 7, 1818. he
emigrated to America in the fall of 1868, settling at Belvidere,
Goodhue Co., Minn., where he lived till the spring of '72, when he
moved with his family to Hartland, Pierce County, Wis. There he
opened up a farm on which he lived until he moved to Spruce Grove,
Becker County, Minn., in 1896. He had been sick for two years
and nearly helpleess most of the time with paralysis, but bore all
patiently and welcomed the call to go home and be at rest. He
was a member of the Methodist church from youth and an exemplary
christian. he left us January 18, the end being a peaceful one.
His age was 83 years, 10 mos., and 11 days. He leaves an aged
wife of 78 years, three sons and four daughters 0 one son being dead 0
32 grand children, 22 great grand children and one adopted son, many
of whom fathered around his cofin. Had he lived till January 25,
1902 he would have celebrated the 60th anniversary of their wedding,
as he was married Jan. 25. 1842. His remains were taken to
hartland, Wis., for burial accompanied by his wife and son, H.L.
Larson, after which the widow will go to Aspland, Minn., to spend the
rest of her days with her daughter, Mrs. Bohnus.