1. Flattum, Andrew | 2. Forseth, Edwin O. | 3. Forseth, Victor E. |
4. Forsythe, John Frederick | 5. Fosmo, Ferdinand W. | 6. Fosmo, John |
7. Fosmo, Olaf G. | 8. Qualle, Newell E. | 9. Stark, Harvey |
10. Thompson, Randolph M. | 11. Bechel, Anton | 12. Bechel, George |
13. Bechel, Mattie | 14. Bergman, Arthur | 15. Bergman, Emil |
16. Bien, George F. | 17. Bloomstrom, Roy | 18. Brown, C.J. |
19. Cotter, John M. | 20. Darcy, Gerald C. | 21. Engberg, Hardie C. |
22. Folsom, Richard | 23. Fox, Hubert B. | 24. Hei, Joseph John |
25. Hight, Allen |
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