A - E   F - K   L - P  Q - Z


Compiled and edited by


September 5, 1996

Researched and indexed


Cecilia Bork

Charles and Isabelle Law

Florence McIlheran

Alice Rosenberger

Almira and Joe Wanat

Elaine Zarnstorff

William Zusan

John and Dorothy Zwiebel

Special thanks to:

Mr. Ken Pihringer

St. Charles Cemetery Association

All precautions have been taken to prevent

mistakes in the editing of these cemetery records.



Catholic tradition and law demands that churches be erected and dedicated to the exclusive service of God for the living. The law of the church also legislates that parishes provide a final resting place for the dead. A committee was appointed to select and purchase, when opportunity permitted, a plot of ground for a burial park suitable as to dignity, beauty and convenience. After due consideration St. Charles’ congregation purchased on February 25, 1929, twenty-five acres, formerly part of the Cook farm on the Burlington-Lake Geneva road at a cost of $ 5,000. A committee of five consisting of John Degen, Lawrence Mangold, Frank Christian, Louis Brehm and William Wagner, was appointed to obtain information regarding by-laws and modern plans for design.

The rolling tract of ground had admirably lent itself to classic plans of landscaping and plotting as the accompanying picture and reproduction of the blueprint portray. The pastor and congregation are grateful to the Degen Engineering company of Burlington, designers and surveyors of the new cemetery, who have so liberally and kindly donated their talent, time and labor to this project for the St. Charles’ cemetery.

The ground, a nearly square tract, is broken irregularly into four main sections, two large circular plots occupying the central ground from east to west and two rectangular sections to the north and south sides.

Two concentric roads give access to the circular plots. Lateral driveways north and south on either side give entrance to the outer grounds and join the circular streets near the entrances on the east and west sides. The cemetery contains 324 plots, each divided into four sections.

St. Ann street and St. Charles street are the names given to the circular streets of the south plot. The north circle roads have been called St. Agnes and St. Aloysius streets. The lateral roads are named Mt. Olivet street and Calvary street.

There lies only in the future the fulfillment of plans and design for an artistic and fitting entrance of wrought-iron work and stone, a crucifixion group in the center of the circle and proper shrubs for landscaping to beautify St. Charles’ cemetery and make it a fitting resting place, according to Canon law, for those bodies who shared in the great struggles of their souls in life—bodies that were sanctified and made the temples of the Holy Ghost through the various sacraments which led them to the threshold of eternity.


Image of Reproduction of Blue Print Plan of St. Charles’ Cemetery (151,852 Bytes)