
Beloit, Rock County, Wisconsin

[A-C] [D-G] [H-L] [M-Q] [R-Z]

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Hall, E.
----- ? - 1873 - ? fancy & staple dry goods, millinery, etc.
Hall, R.
Bridge Abt. 1869 - 1873 - ? shop & factory
Halls, J. P.
421 School ? - 1890 - ? grocer
Hamelin, George
at Hobart Bros. Bookstore ? - 1872 - ? watchmaker & jeweler
Hamlin & Race
323 Bridge ? - 1890 - ? books & stationery; jeweler
Hamlin, William
in Brittan's Book Store ? - 1872 - ? jeweler
Hank's Texaco
Roosevelt ? - 1952 - ? gas & service station [ad from Beloit Historical Society* (under Gas Stations)]
Hansel, John
863 Third ? - 1890 - ? dairyman
Hansen (C.) & Sons
----- ? - 1873 - 1890 - ? Norway plows
Hart's Grocery
1503 St. Lawrence ? - 1931 - ? grocer
Hatch, B.
"west side" ? - 1873 - ? grocers
Hauser Grocery
State St. ? - 1851 - 1934 grocer
Haybinch, J.
220 State ? - 1890 - ? drayman
Haynes Sisters
224 State ? - 1890 - ? dressmakers
Heiney, R. E.
220 Bridge ? - 1890 - ? clothing & gents furnishings
Heinze's Grocery
815 St. Lawrence ? - 1931 - ? grocer
Henry & Holohan
----- ? - 1913 - ? mens & boys clothing [ad from Beloit Historical Society* (under The Senior Increscent)]
Hill & Fuller
348 Bridge ? - 1873 - 1890 - ? clothing & gents furnishings
Hobart Bros' Book Store
next to post office ? - 1872 - ? books, stationery, sewing machines, sporting goods, desks, fancy goods, etc.
Hobart, Henry F.
----- ? - 1873 - ? publishing house & writer
Hodge & Bros.
----- ? - 1873 - ? grocers
Hodge, C. A. "Chet"
----- ? - 1873 - ? fancy & staple dry goods, hats, caps, etc.
Holcomb's Grocery
202 Eighth ? - 1931 - ? grocer
Holcombe Bros. Co.
142 State ? - 1890 - ? plumbers
Holloway, E. W.
218 State ? - 1890 - ? general merchandise
Home Book Shop, The
735 College ? - 1929 - ? books [article from the Beloit Historical Society*]
Houliston, W.
----- ? - 1873 - ? merchant
House, S.
748 Parker ? - 1890 - ? dairyman
Houston Milling Co.
----- ? - 1890 - ? flour
Houston, J. E.
300 State ? - 1890 - ? furniture & undertaker
Howard, A. L.
316 State ? - 1886 - 1890 - ? jeweler & optician [ad from Beloit Historical Society* (under Various, Beloit Free Press)]
Howe, Frank
323 Bridge ? - 1890 - ? tonsorial parlor [barber]
Ingersoll, Cham.
346 Bridge ? - 1890 - ? daily & weekly Free Press
International Grocery
206 State ? - 1931 - ? grocer
Janvrin Bros.
924 Fourth ? - 1890 - ? ice dealers
Joe's Groceretta
201 State ? - 1931 - ? grocer
Johnson, O. J.
635 Race ? - 1890 - ? carriages, wagons & farm mach.
Johnson, P.
359 Bridge ? - 1890 - ? insurance & real estate
Johnson, Smith & Co.
412 State ? - 1890 - ? painter, paperhanger, etc.
Jones & Perrigo Pharmacy
Goodwin Block (State St. & East Grand Ave.) ? - 1904 - ? drug store [ad from Beloit Historical Society*]
Kapitanoff Bros.
919 Harrison ? - 1931 - ? grocer
Kaufman's Grocery
1145 W. Grand ? - 1931 - ? grocer
Kellogg, W. D.
355 Bridge ? - 1890 - ? attorney
Kendall, Chas.
305 Bridge ? - 1890 - ? insurance & real estate
Kendall & Purvis
"opposite post office" ? - 1872 - 1873 - ? confectioners; cigars & tobacco
Kenney, J. S.
425 School ? - 1890 - ? contractors & builders
Kenzie, W. D.
"near C.&N.W. passenger depot" ? - 1886 - ? sash, doors, blinds, mouldings, windows [ad from Beloit Historical Society* (under Various, Beloit Free Press)]
Kerwin's Grocery*
west side Abt. 1885 grocery; Tom Kerwin & mother, props.
Kerwin's Real Estate Agency*
623 Bluff 1950 - present real estate
Key, W. H.
313 State ? - 1873 - 1890 - ? tobacconist; cigar mfr.; hardware
Kinsley, E.
416 State ? - 1890 - ? carriages, wagons & farm mach.
Kline, Jas.
803 Fifth ? - 1890 - ? soda water
Klingberg, A.
428 State ? - 1890 - ? blacksmith
Knapp's Bazaar
315 Bridge ? - 1890 - ? crockery, glassware, etc.
Krause, K. H.
322 Bridge ? - 1890 - ? music teacher
Langwill, James S.
316 State ? - 1913 - ? jeweler [ad from Beloit Historical Society* (under The Senior Increscent)]
Larramy, T. W.
"west side" ? - 1873 - ? grocer
Lee, Helen (Mrs.)
730 Parker Ave. ? - 1890 - ? music teacher
Leona's Beauty Shop
129 West Grand ? - 1946 - ? beauty salon [ad from Beloit Historical Society*]
Leonard, H. J.
"west side" ? - 1890 - ? glove & mitten factory
Leonard, H. K. & Sons
? - 1873 - ?
Lewis, E. B.
44 State ? - 1873 - ? groceries, crockery, glass, wooden & willow ware
Libby, Chapman & Co.
State Abt. 1869 - 1873 - ? shoe factory
Libby, Foster & Co.
----- ? - `1872 - ? shoe factory
Lidster & Barr
103 Bridge ? - 1890 - ? carriages, wagons & farm mach.
Linary's Grocery
600 Ingersoll ? - 1931 - ? grocer
Lipman, E.
302 Bridge ? - 1890 - ? dry goods
Livingston's Grocery
716 Central ? - 1931 - ? grocer
Loomis the Clothier
356 Bridge ? - 1890 - ? clothing & gents furnishings
Luxury Garment Shop
----- ? - 1929 - ? clothing
Lydia's Beauty Studio
Suite 214, Public Service Bldg., 419 Pleasant ? - 1946 - ? beauty salon [ad from Beloit Historical Society*]
Lyman, L. W.
428 School ? - 1890 - ? millinery & notions

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